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Dragon Lord(Dimension Films/Buena Vista) & Hand of Death (Fox)Question


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How is the quality of this Dragon Lord release? Is it cut? Hows the vid quality(im assuming the only version that can beat it in this department is the hkl version). Does this contain the original english dub(where the end scene has jackie and I believe yuen singing "one lil indian, two lil indian")? I know the HKL version has a new dub. I have a lot of fond memories watching this movie with my family when i was a kid.

I dont remember watching Hand of Death. Ive heard mixed reviews on it, but what is everyones thoughts on this flick and this version? I know the Fox version has a remastered dub. Does the HKL have a remastered dub as well?

I ask these questions cause i see these movies at circuit city everytime i go there and curious if i should pick em up. Thanks all

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I highly doubt the Dimension DVD of 'Dragon Lord' has the original English dub and for that reason, you'll probably have to head to VHS from Tai Seng (?) or MIA. I don't know the cut status, it may have used a source from Fortune Star, or they restored it on their own.

The only DVD of 'Hand Of Death' to have the original English dub is the unremastered Deltamac (I'm a fan of it and have it to confirm). HKL one has better subtitles and a commentary, whilst the Fox has Mandarin mono (a genuine one) and an (altered) original trailer. I think the film's great personally.

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I haven't seen any of the fancy-schmancy new DVDs, but I think HAND OF DEATH is a great film. You've got Flash Legs, Polly Shang Kuan, Wilson Tong... oh, and the title music is great too.

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You've got Flash Legs, Polly Shang Kuan, Wilson Tong... oh, and the title music is great too.

Don't think the others are in it? Title music is cool though:cool:.

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Don't think the others are in it?

They're not? Could've sworn they showed their faces in one capacity or another. Wouldn't be the first time I talked out of my arse, though.

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