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Fighter in the Wind (2004)


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Guest Anonymous

I bought this movie from the mall at a kiosk in Kentufcky that only sold martial arts DVDs and a few other asian films. It was run by some Israeli's and they literally had every freaking DVD in the world almost of martial arts. But of course their prices were too high, but the trend for these movies slightly declined and their lease was ending and they then sold all of their movies half price, then even lower to ridiculously low prices. This was one movie I bought as they had TV's showing the end fight on replay. I had probably watched this movie 5 times i 3 months and went nuts and me and a Karate friend would go into the backyard and start fighting and training. I started punching tons of hard stuff. This is one movie that gave me an extreme reaction.

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I saw this movie many many years ago and it is still a great film,if you havent seen it and like something a little bit different then check it out :thumbsup

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I caught this movie for the first time around Christmas of last year. I really enjoyed it, and I felt really bad about how the situation with his girlfriend ended (not tragically, but not happily either). I did like that he found a measure of redemption with the widow of one of his opponents.


This got a legitimate release in Brazil, but I never bought it when I easily could have. So a few years later, when I couldn't find it, I found a bootleg Brazilian copy for sale and bought it. A few months later, I saw a legitimate copy at the my local DVD house. I considered buying it again to feel better about the original purchase, but it was soon gone as well.

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I just watched "Fighter in the wind" by Yun-Ho Yang.

Well it's not for me I guess. I found that it's just a collection of cliches (the fearful guy who trains in the mountains and smash his opponents, the soppy romance, the infamous Japanese boss...). The editing would be interesting but the fight scenes are very shorts.

I already forgot about this one.

Edited by Rodolphe Dux
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