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The Tai-Chi Master (DVD - Dragon Dynasty)


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Mark Pollard

I wouldn't class remixed audio as a "small fault" though. That's worse than Brett "I know Jackie" Ratner.

On the matter of the foley, was FS responsible for supplying the materials - I know this isn't a film they control but perhaps they have the elements. Could this be another case of them supplying a downmix in place of genuine mono?

I'll address both comments with the same response. TWC undoubtedly used Cantonese tracks that were provided to them, just as Fox had to make do with the patched English dub of DRUNKEN MASTER that occasionally reverted back to Cantonese. It was probably part of a package deal. Clearly, TWC still considers foreign language tracks a low priority. Yet just having them on a release in any condition is an improvement over a few years ago. Like everyone else here, I'm not happy with the results. The audio was disappointing and everything TheRunningMan has said about it is true. I suspect the folks at Dragon Dynasty are very limited in what they can do and what we don't know is how much of a fight they have had to put up just to get the elements we have on their releases, flawed or otherwise. I don't realistically see the Weinstein's agreeing to investing additional time and money into presenting better Cantonese audio than what they are handed. Most of their money is made from "middle America," not the core fans, as much as I wish it were not so. On the other hand, if I found out they had a perfectly good unedited mono track laying around they chose not to use it I would be extremely upset.

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Guest Yi-Long
I'm just curious has anyone tried to contact DD and make any complaints about this movie yet. Since nobody is happy about this new release.

We've been down that road many many times before, both with HKL and Fat Harv. They dont care, and they dont listen. They just dump a mediocre release on the market, and the fanboys who dont read reviews (and even some who do) bend over and lap it up anyway.

Just recommend all your friend to just get a subtitled bootleg of the French DVD, or even supply them with it, cause DD doesnt deserve to get paid for this very poor effort.

I hold my heart in fear with what they are going to do do with the very VERY long-awaited Fist of Legend.

Bunch of F-ing amateurs. :mad:

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The Running Man

Whomever or whatever is the reason for there not being a genuine Cantonese mono track on the DD disc, does not take the blame away from Brian White for the creation of the disc.

DD listed and advertised "Cantonese mono" for this release. DD did not list a mono track for Royal Tramp because they didn't have one (which is mystery in it's own right). So why create a downmix on purpose for this release?

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Mark Pollard

Thanks for re-posting your comments Running Man. Now here's my response yet again in the correct order.

Good point. It didn't occur to me that they might have decided to intentionally pad the release with a faux mono track to make potential buyers think the original mono track was included. I hope that wasn't their intention but I'm guessing the act has occurred many times given how Chinese distributors tend to favor remixed tracks. The reason I have a problem with it now is because the surround track that was provided has a level imbalance. Had that not been an issue I wouldn't even have noticed that the mono track was a downmix.

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Guest Markgway

When DD start giving their discs away for free they can do whatever the hell they like... but as long as they expect fans to pay they'd damn well better deliver the goods. Mark, your review was lenient, I think we can all agree on that? This is a big company with cash to spare and (supposedly) the knowledge to create discs the fans want. Yet time after time they fail on one level or another - and sometimes on many levels. I can just about accept below average subs on an action-oriented movie (though shouldn't have to) but downmixes are NEVER acceptable. I refuse to believe that not a single person at DD noticed they had a downmix (and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't create one themselves). They claim "original mono" on the cover and that's not what was given. It's a con to dupe fans who don't know better. Unfortunately the Universe DVD is **** and the French DVD has no English subs so it looks like DD (the apparent lesser of evils) will get away with it -- again!

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Well to bad for US lets see what "Fist of Legend" Looks & Sounds like, and BTW I seen Tai Chi Master at Walmart last week.

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Mark Pollard

Mark, I completely understand your frustration. Tech reviews across the board were quite unflattering, many more so than mine, regarding this release so hopefully the distrib is listening. It's certainly not in their interests to anger the fanbase, as I think they first learned a few years ago.

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These Dragon Dynasty packages are a real godsend for fans of the genre and this film is a quintessential example of one of the films those individuals would want done to the 9's. But that's not the biggest come-on - it is on $13! For the film, over an hour's worth extras, plus an expert commentary - I don't know how anyone could complain. Recommended for all martial arts fans!

I can think of a few reasons and people to complain:p

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Well, I broke down and bought this yesterday (still had some cash on a gift card). And all the complaints posted are well warranted. But it is still a major upgrade from my Universe DVD, both audio & video.

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Well, I broke down and bought this yesterday (still had some cash on a gift card). And all the complaints posted are well warranted. But it is still a major upgrade from my Universe DVD, both audio & video.

I concur.:)

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The Running Man
But it is still a major upgrade from my Universe DVD, both audio & video.

True, but the Universe DVD was so awful you could have made a laserdisc to DVD transfer and it would still be better than that Universe disc.

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True, but the Universe DVD was so awful you could have made a laserdisc to DVD transfer and it would still be better than that Universe disc.

:D Very true!

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True, but the Universe DVD was so awful you could have made a laserdisc to DVD transfer and it would still be better than that Universe disc.

Going by that logic, another plus for the DD release: You don't have to flip the disc to watch side two!:D

Kidding aside, I still think it's a worthy upgrade. I understand people wondering why didn't they just release the damn thing the way it should be, but I'm still grateful to have it. Dubbed or subbed (good subs)? 16x9 on a digital medium with perfect slow motion and freeze-frame capabilities? A freaking kung fu movie with a great audio commentary and cast interviews? Do any of you remember watching that fifth generation VHS of COME DRINK WITH ME twenty years ago? We still enjoyed it. Some o' you young pups out there are a bit spoiled by todays techno goodies I'd say! IMO We hardcore fans/ geeks are damn lucky any of these films are getting released like this. ;)

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Well put Kung Fu Bob, us oldies remember paying a fortune to buy / see 4th generation full screen bootlegs of these films on VHS!

Sure there not perfect and the faults should be pointed out but also enjoy the film!

Some people are so tied up in the technical aspect thay forget about why we love these films in the first place...


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The Running Man


I am one of the "oldies". I got mountains of old tapes that would circle around blocks of many of these movies. I still remember the first time I saw Young Master was with this full screen tape that had the subtitle cut off and you could only understand what was happening from whatever you can make out of the old theatrical subs that appeared in the middle of the screen. I didn't complain then about it because it was the only way I knew how to watch the movie in it's original version (because the English dub was heavily cut). I was happy with what I had.

But times are different now. Those days are over and quality has risen tremendously and the standard is set. So when I still have an old VHS of Tai Chi Master that has better sound than supposedly this great edition, somethings not right. It's not about forgetting "why we love these films in the first place," it's about not turning a blind eye to any old BS that gets thrown out.

So really, I am remembering very much why I love these movies. That's why I care enough to even bother writing about these issues.

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I agree running man, im just as fussy as most, i didnt buy the r1 release of The Master because its not anamorphic but a few years ago i would have snapped it up!

Its just sometimes i get fed up with reading about its not progressive, subtitles are not exactly right etc, etc instead of talking about the film itself.


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The Running Man
Its just sometimes i get fed up with reading about its not progressive, subtitles are not exactly right etc, etc instead of talking about the film itself.

Well, the thread is about the DVD. :) It's in the title of the thread.

Perhaps a thread on just the film is what you need.

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But the part that surprised me was the picture. Looking at the pics posted elsewhere, it looks nice enough and even better than the French disc I think. However, actually watching it reveals a problem that brings the quality of this disc even lower. On most of the frames of this movie, something really strange occurs where there is a cut, the start of the very next frame starts to stutter for a bit then keep going. It's almost like a slight slow motion effect. I remember seeing something like it on the Mei Ah DVD of Hard Boiled where it did it about once or twice to cover some missing frames. But in this case, it happens for a good amount of time during the movie and it's extremely annoying.

If one wants to chalk it up to the print, then I ask why didn't the previous Dimension and French releases share this problem?

I'm glad someone mentioned this. I noticed this problem with the picture as well. This forum is the only place I could find a reference to the problem as no reviews mention it. I actually thought there was something wrong my PS3's upscaling processing! Does anyone have any comments or explanations?

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I'm glad someone mentioned this. I noticed this problem with the picture as well. This forum is the only place I could find a reference to the problem as no reviews mention it. I actually thought there was something wrong my PS3's upscaling processing! Does anyone have any comments or explanations?

Nobody? I can't believe more people haven't noticed this problem.

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Killer Meteor

I noticed it. It was worse than I was expecting. I thought it would be just like some of the Mei Ah discs, with their artifical slow motion, but the picture actually breaks up into blurred frames. And the soundtrack was pretty rotten

I won't spend my money on crap like that. I'd rather have a DVD-r of the French DVD

Why is it HK films continue to get shoddily treated on home video? For all the talk of badly stored prints, lost films and so on, it's often in the DVD producing stage that things get screwed up. Bad remixes, video conversions, and so on. Why the hell should we put up with it. Fans of Japanese cinema certainly don't get taken for a ride by US DVD distributors

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I noticed it. It was worse than I was expecting. I thought it would be just like some of the Mei Ah discs, with their artifical slow motion, but the picture actually breaks up into blurred frames. And the soundtrack was pretty rotten

I won't spend my money on crap like that. I'd rather have a DVD-r of the French DVD

Why is it HK films continue to get shoddily treated on home video? For all the talk of badly stored prints, lost films and so on, it's often in the DVD producing stage that things get screwed up. Bad remixes, video conversions, and so on. Why the hell should we put up with it. Fans of Japanese cinema certainly don't get taken for a ride by US DVD distributors

Totally pleased with all of Dragon Dynasty's other releases, minor quibbles aside, I was really surprised with the Tai Chi Master problem. It comes just short of rendering the movie unwatchable! What really worries me is that I can find almost no reference to this problem anywhere except for the one post on this forum! I would have thought that such a glaring, obvious, distracting image issue would have been mentioned in at least the review on this site. For christ's sake, on the Blu-ray.com forums people go BATSH*T at the slightest image quality issue (they even got Sony to reissue The Fifth Element BD, and replace it at no charge!). I guess the BD community actually has studios listening to them, and there's no way to communicate with TWC about anything, leaving us with little hope of seeing a resolution to the problem.

What's this French DVD I keep hearing about?

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