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Most over-rated kung fu actor


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....I will probably get a lot of disagreement on this one, but I honestly think Hwang Jang Lee is overated. I think he did a pretty good job in a few films and I realize he isn't a kung fu-trained martial artist (at least, i'm pretty sure he isn't), but I just don't see much versatiltiy from him. Yes, his kicks are good, but his hand work seems the same in every movie he has done. That seems to be my impression. Anyway, just my two cents.

Who does everyone else see as overated?

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thundered mantis

what begining to a topic is this? Seriously, HJL non trained? WTF? What is he, like 9th dan taekwondo I think? And I read he wasn´t even higher for taekwondo feds inside politics? Damn he was maybe the toughest guy FOR REAL in the movie bussiness back then...

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Righteous Master

HJL KILLED a man when he was in the military with ONE kick. JHJL is NOT overated (at least his MA skills are not). Like thundered mantis said, "this guy is for real." jstn, you should read the article on HJL on the home page of KFC. It was new about a week or two ago.

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Well, Jstn said he wasn't trained in kung fu, which is probably true except by choreographers on the movie sets. He has on the other hand an extensive background in Tae Kwon Do. His eagle style in invincible armour wasn't really that good.

I agree on Bruce Lee. I have no doubt in the fact that he was a great martial artist, but the thread said overrated kung fu actor, and for me his movies were a huge let down considering his horde of worshippers hyping them to heaven. Sorry, but this is just my opinion. :)

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Chinatown Kid

Bruce Lee and Hwang Jang Lee overated? Hell no!!! If you can't see their apparent Martial Arts skill and charisma onscreen then I just don't understand, but everyone's got their own tastes and preferences so can't say my opinion is any better than you guys...

If your talking Kung Fu/Martial Arts skills overated and not acting then I would think more along the lines of people like David Chiang, Lo Lieh, Jimmy Wang Yu, Chen Sing, and Wong Yue. Those dude's techiniques never impressed me that much.

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I can appreciate David Chiang's skill level considering that he didn't have a martial arts background like many other shaw actors. Still though, he ain't got much opposed to people like Chi Kuan Chun for instance who has been practicing kung fu since youth. Don't know about Wong Yue's background, but I'm not very fond of him either.

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what begining to a topic is this? Seriously, HJL non trained? WTF? What is he, like 9th dan taekwondo I think? And I read he wasn´t even higher for taekwondo feds inside politics? Damn he was maybe the toughest guy FOR REAL in the movie bussiness back then...

sorry mate, but I did say 'kung-fu trained', not Taekwondo...there is a difference (being i have studied both, I am aware of many of them)

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HJL KILLED a man when he was in the military with ONE kick. JHJL is NOT overated (at least his MA skills are not). Like thundered mantis said, "this guy is for real." jstn, you should read the article on HJL on the home page of KFC. It was new about a week or two ago.

As far as killing a man, that's all fine and dandy (not for the deceased obviously), but on screen, i find him almost monotonous to watch at times, overated Imo based on all the hype he gets.

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Bruce Lee and Hwang Jang Lee overated? Hell no!!! If you can't see their apparent Martial Arts skill and charisma onscreen then I just don't understand, but everyone's got their own tastes and preferences so can't say my opinion is any better than you guys...

If your talking Kung Fu/Martial Arts skills overated and not acting then I would think more along the lines of people like David Chiang, Lo Lieh, Jimmy Wang Yu, Chen Sing, and Wong Yue. Those dude's techiniques never impressed me that much.

I completely agree that he has martial arts skills; I don't want to give off that impression. I know he was an accomplished Tae Kwon Do practicitioner. But if someone asked me who would I rather watch in a movie, Leung Kar Yan (who had very little to no formal training from what I heard) or HJL, I'd pick Kar Yan 8 days a week and twice on Croesday.

I agree with Lo Leih, David Chiang and Chen Sing...I've never liked how they looked in choreographed fights.

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Bruce Lee? What? Let me guess.......you guys must be in your early 20's right? Let me take you back when "the Big Boss" was released, when audiences were first introduced to this film people simply went crazy! Remember, back in the early 70's, there was no UFC, Cable tv, internet or anything that would show the masses what Martial arts on the big screen was. When Bruce broke out, it was something new! I dont think I need to remind you what he did not only for martial arts but for Hong Kong Cinema. Bruce is not OVER RATED! Bruce will always rule!

Now, who do I think is over-rated in this business? No one!

Anyone who has made contributions to this genre is ok by me. :cool:

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I think Bruce is overrated. Don't think much of his movies either. Bruce the man, the martial artist is something else entirely. Still, he was already a known commodity in America and the GREEN HORNET show was a big success in HK so when he made films in HK, naturally he went over huge with the Chinese audience; the small town boy that made good.

Lo Lieh wasn't formally trained either but he had great charisma and was a great performer IMO.

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I guess if HJL is overrated because of his repetitiveness you could say the same for Bolo and his no-looking-technique he displays in most all the indy's I've seen him in.:D

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Morgoth Bauglir

HJL is one of my favs. Guy can jump with the best of em, and his kicks are unbelievable! Most people have to have their feet planted in a certain way to kick right, but Hwang just seems like he can do any kick at any time. And he's super fast with so much power. I'm amazed every time I see him kick. I will stop now before it sounds like I have a hard on for Hwang:p

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What exactly is the criteria for being over-rated? Acting? On-screen Martial Arts? Popularity? Combination of all? You want over-rated, it would be Jimmy Wang Yu. He's famous for the movies he starred in, but never does this forum have any posts about his MA skills (or lack thereof), acting, or popularity. He's just there. I think he's famous for being in movies that set the groundwork for the kung fu genre we know and love. He was an action star when there were no action stars.

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this thread can only get worse :)

shhhh...say that and this thread might go...in the "chamber" (cue dramatic music) hehehe

I don't know if I can say anyone is overrated. There are definitely the underrated (see separate thread), but overrated. I mean each kung fu film star brought his/her own style to the tables.

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Albert, when i saw the subject of the post, all i could do was smile. Well, thank the gods that Elton Chong didn't find his way on this list.

Monk Sante, you couldn't have said it any better. Bruce did so much, if anything he is underrated for all that he did. Kids these days don't realize the depth of his contributions.

Not too many MA actors are really over rated, the only one I could think of was Chuck Norris, sorry, i never liked his corny action movies and I think he's a bad actor despite all the hype.

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Don't know if HJL is overrated or not but definately underappreciated. He is not that well known amongst casual fans, and there are only a couple of people who made better villians than him. As far as not having versatility, how many people in this genre of film were during his time, 5-10 people-- if that, not many. Still, he was better at what he is known for.

Now, Bruce Lee, it's funny to me how over the years this man becomes less and less talked about and when he is it is to say how he is overrated. I would say that the majority of people who watch these films have come to watch them because of him. The first film kfflick i'd ever seen was 5 Fighters From Shaolin and Born Invincible was the second but I understand that I probably wouldn't have had a chance to watch these two gems had Bruce not had as big an impact as he did. Most people who say Bruce was overrated do so because they can't understand how the biggest star of the genre ever wasn't in their favorite movie ever, it's quite simple, when a man comes along shatters all perception and kicks down all doors so that no one can put them back up he deserves to be praised.

Bruce has a couple films in my top ten, maybe not my top five, but his place in film history and among his fans doesn't come from that. It comes from his ideals as a man, his undeniable presence on screen that has yet to be replaced and what he has done for a genre of film. No one else can claim to have brought these movies to the world except him.

I'll stop now before I write a full on essay.

Bruce Lee-- often imatated but never duplicated

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Bruces reputation got extraboost because of his untimely death.He was top fighter but I do not see his films great or classics.Most of time a lot inferior opponents are just waiting to get kicked or punched by him,much like in same fashion as old chuck norris films.

Truly great MA movie should have fights with men about equal abilities.

Besides that,scripts were not so good and many of those supportive actors were so-so at most.One man does not create good movie.

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Compare Bruce Lee to the other top actors from the early 70's. David Chang,Wang Yu,Ti Lung,Chen Kuan Tai and those guys. Bruce was much faster and skilled in martial arts than them. He had his own unique style and had a ton of charasima. Bruce only made 4 full length films so I dont think he got a chance to reach his full potential.

Back to the original question I never really got why people liked Carter Wong so much. He's been in some good films but I find him very boring.

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