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Has anyone seen 'Crystal Fist' aka 'Jade Claw'?


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Brilliant movie,I think this must be best Jackie Chan copycat around.Billy Chong is amazing,so is Old Wino and Phoenix Eye Fist is rarely displayed on screen,everyone should have this in their collection.

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Yea you really should! It's an essential.

Been trying to get hold of a dvd copy of this movie for a while now but it seems kinda rare:ish nowadays so it's not as cheap as one could've wished. Atleast that was the case some months ago when i did a thorough hunt for it.

I believe the Xenon dvd is the one to get? Perhaps someone has a better idea :)

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mantis FIST

I just watched this about a month ago. I really enjoyed it. Seeing Simon Yeun, aka Sam Seed, in it just made it that much better. Good kung fu in this one.

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I copied the movie from the original Ocean Shores video and I was blown away with Billy Chong's performance. Simon Yuen was always great as the "sifu" who teaches Chong the "Shadow Claw" style. Chu Tiet-Wo made for a great bad guy and I liked Brandy Yuen and Dai Sai-Aan as Deaf Man and Blind Man.

Fantastic fights...IMO Billy Chong's best film.

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I've got a partial widescreen dvd with CRYSTAL FIST as the on screen title. It looks like 1:77:1.

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Chinatown Kid

Even though I liked Billy more in Super Power, Jade Claw is still a must see and definately one of his best. My two top favorites of his are Sun Dragon(even though the dub on it is terrible) and Kung Fu Executioner, Chong and Carl Scott made a good team on screen.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I didn't think Jade Claw was all that great. Good, but not great. I liked Superpower more.

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I loved Jade Claw!! I have the old Xenon VHS..and I will do my best to find the DVD so it will last longer!! The fights were great and Billy Chong is way more than a Jackie Chan clone that he is unfortunately labeled. Just as Lo Wei tried to make Jackie the next Bruce....they should have let Billy Chong be Billy Chong. Ok enough of my rant....the movie is great. Can't beat another movie with Simon Yuen. :D

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Billy Chong rules in this great movie! Great training scenes, music, teacher and villians! No ground breaking story/plot but Billy Chong really shines in this one. One of my favorite actors who had a balance of bootwork, hand skills and a whole lot of charisma. Crystal Fists/Jade Claw is a good representation of his work. Get it!

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I just remembered too that the choreographers of the movie included Corey Yuen, Eagle Yuen, Brandy Yuen, and Hau Chiu-Sang (who cameo'd as Billy's dad)

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Guest Markgway

Mandarin version (89m) appears to be roughly 2 mins longer than the English dub (87m).

Does anyone know what the differences are?

And how long the Cantonese original lasts?

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Taped it off T.V. as Jade Claw back in the 80s. It was my introduction to Billy Chong. Not my favorite of his, but a good one. Like others mentioned, I prefer Super Power. My two favorites of Billy's are A Fistful of Talons and Kung Fu From Beyond the Grave.

BTW, about 10 years or so ago, I wrote an article on Billy in an issue Asian Cult Cinema. Big fan of his!

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I actually prefer Billy Chong in this style of movie over Jackie Chan. Dont know, Billy is just more likable and seemed like a more natural actor and performer.

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Mandarin version (89m) appears to be roughly 2 mins longer than the English dub (87m).

Does anyone know what the differences are?

And how long the Cantonese original lasts?

Not sure about that Mark, but it did bring up a similar memory I had about my T.V. print. There seems to be a fight scene that belongs in a different film. My memory is a little hazy since I haven't watched it in a long time, but roughly 70 minutes in (after he trashed a restaraunt) Billy's walking down an alleyway (think it was at night) where he's ambushed by and fights off the attackers. The scene lasts only a few minutes and doesn't look like part of the film; villians were different, film grain looked slightly different and (most tellingly) Billy's hair length was suddenly much shorter! Anyone else notice this and could shed some light on it?

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one of those occassions i appreciate a bumped thread.

long long time no see (either CF or SP). thx to the bump, they re now added to 'the list' :bigsmile:

never been in love with CF, consider it a very good one, but thats about it. SP`s a goodie too, not completely on par with CF tho (from what memory serves me).

imo, its absolutely not like CF or SP were the creme-de-la-creme of billy chows movie involvements tho.

kung fu zombies is their equal, as is kf from beyond the grave. fistful of talons is superior to any of the above.

sun dragon i remember as below par & invincible monkey fist i remember as disappointing.

real bummer i cant seem to recall ever owning or watching the "kf executioner". buggin the heck outta me right now. from the hkmdb comments, it sounds like a solid one.

either way, its too bad chong doesnt have that large a back catalogue of movies. real shame actually, he had MA flix star potential.

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I didn't think Jade Claw was all that great. Good, but not great. I liked Superpower more.

Agreed. I enjoyed Superpower , Sun Dragon and A Fist Full Of Talons a lot more than this Snake In The Eagle's Shadow wannabe

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I actually prefer Billy Chong in this style of movie over Jackie Chan. Dont know, Billy is just more likable and seemed like a more natural actor and performer.

I agree on that and so does 2 my friend who do not like kung-fu in general but have seen SnakeITES&Drunken Master and Crystal Fist too...While core of movie is not actually superior but as actor I prefer Billy over (overrated) Jackie any day.

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