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Heroes Two (1974)

Guest june

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Linn sent me an email (his last, actually) explaining all this.

I wasn't sure if I should post it or not - as emails are a private matter - but considering the events that followed, I'm now on the fence regarding this.

Perhaps when I get home and read it again, I can summarize what he told me.

Terry, I talked to him about the same things. I think its ok, if anything it shows Linn's love and devotion to the genre. He was actually laughing about it when I talked to him.

Also mine arrived at 9:10 at my Apt. I'll be be back there around 12:30 :)

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Terry, I talked to him about the same things. I think its ok, if anything it shows Linn's love and devotion to the genre. He was actually laughing about it when I talked to him.

Well, here it is. I received this email on 2/17 but didn't reply back for several days.

I assume he got my reply though he never had the chance to reply back.

This is just part of a longer email I got from him that day.

Hadn't read it since Feb. Sort of sad yet it also made me smile a bit.

While the man could talk, he certainly could write as well! :P


Resting up from the commentary actually. Without a doubt the BIGGEST pile of shit I've dealt with in a LONG time. I told you that I'm cursed when it comes to commentaries correct? It got worse.

I video taped the commentary like they wanted and sent it to them about three or four weeks ago. I heard nothing from them for a while and after about a week, I sent them an email. They never recieved the commentary and were trying to get ahold of me. It seems they replaced their email server or something and hotmail was blocking all messages from the new server.

So they got ahold of me perhaps a day before the commentary was due to tell me they hadn't gotten it yet. It had to go with everything else they had for the disc to Celstial to get okayed. The idea they have to check out a commentary is strange IMO.

Anyway, it turned out they had something else that had to go this Friday, so I had till this Friday to give them another one. I had found a program I was going to use on all future commentaries, that would let me make easy to record and send copies on the computer, AND I had three days off in a row because I was going on a business trip for my store.

So I had to redo my notes, I had tossed them after I was done with the first commentary, and I took two days to lay down the major track. All I had to do then was put it all together, add a bit here and there, and it was done. WRONG!! On the third day, I found out that ALL the audio I had done sounded like I was underwater. It was because, unknown to me, the program I was using saved everything in 8-bit audio unless you made it do otherwise. That meant everytime I listened to something and it sounded great because it was playing it for me in 32 bit, but once I saved it, I was degrading it to where it sounded like crap. So two days of work were ruined and I had two days left, including a travel day to the store I was helping.

I had to redo the whole thing and more or less didn't sleep for a day to get it done. On the plus side, I know what not to do in the future, which will help a lot. The big problem was I was trying to learn the program as I was using it for a big job with a SHORT deadline.

No matter what, it was a major nightmare. I think the commentary was okay, I don't think there's a gap of time on the disc longer than a minute and a half at any point, and maybe five of those. I covered everything I wanted to, but some was weird.

I didn't realize it, but I have a STRANGE way of talking sometimes. And I don't mean southern accent, which I don't have a deep one of those.

Take care, Linn

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Experience makes for the better I suppose, but at least Linn was through the worst so he wouldn't have to deal with it had it unexpectedly come in future commentaries.

Anyhow, I've finally got it on order at Amazon Marketplace so I'll maybe wake up to find it waiting for me on the table when I head downstairs, OR I'll really annoyingly have to wait until I've been to college.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I got it I got it! Suncoast finally got it instock, and it rang up for only $12.99 ($11.75 with card)! And I got Intimate COnfessions at Best Buy. Today is a good day:D

And Teako thanks for the info on the commentary. Much appreciated.

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I got it I got it! Suncoast finally got it instock, and it rang up for only $12.99 ($11.75 with card)! And I got Intimate COnfessions at Best Buy. Today is a good day:D

And Teako thanks for the info on the commentary. Much appreciated.

I take it you didnt see heroes two at best buy?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Nah, didn't see it there. Maybe it's in the TV section. That's the only place I didn't check:p

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Heroes two is out of stock. I checked Hkflix, deepdiscountdvd and Amazon has one copy left, but I don't wanna pay 17.99 compare to 13.00. I hope I don't have to wait too long if I order from deepdiscount. Anybody wants to pick me up a copy from fye or suncoast?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I wish I could pick you up a copy of Heroes Two from Suncoast, but I'm soooo broke. I would help you out if I could. Sorry:o

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I just finished placing my order for Heroes Two. I also ordered Killer Snakes, Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan and Kings of Fists and Dollars

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Something that might help people in their search at best buy and circuit city is it seems they have mislabeled the movie as The Blood Brothers. I looked up Fu Sheng and it shows this as coming out April and it's description is the same as Heroes Two plus it's by Tokyo Shock. Here's the links for your viewing pleasure:



I hope this helps with your search, but for example, circuit city says available online only and bestbuy says that it's carried but none of the stores near me have it.

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Something that might help people in their search at best buy and circuit city is it seems they have mislabeled the movie as The Blood Brothers. I looked up Fu Sheng and it shows this as coming out April and it's description is the same as Heroes Two plus it's by Tokyo Shock. Here's the links for your viewing pleasure:



I hope this helps with your search, but for example, circuit city says available online only and bestbuy says that it's carried but none of the stores near me have it.

That doesnt matter. If you go to store availability, its not showing up. I did this several times when i was at best buy. I combed all the racks. The case is very distinctive so i would have caught it, even if it was misplaced on a different rack. As for circuit city, i dont know bout anybody else, but their organization of dvds is a mess. Ive combed all their racks and its not there. Lesson learned, dont expect Best Buy or Circuit City to have it around release date.

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Bought my copy at Fry's Electronics today for 14.99 and saw it at Suncoast for 19.99. Getting ready to watch it right now.

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My local FYE only carries a bootleg of HEROES TWO, something that's been on the shelf for a long time, from a company called Bonzai Media, or something like that. Definitely not the new MB edition.

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Wow what an awesome DVD!! Picture and sound quality are amazing!! Also a nice touch from Media Blasters to include the "In Memory of Linn Hayes" at the end of the credits...very awesome and classy on their part.

On a humerous note when my wife saw the number 1 labeled on the side of the box she fipped out and said great...nother collection along with Dragon Dynasty that we'll just have to get every single release in order. I could only respond with...umm...yeah!!! :D

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Heroes Two is considered by many to be one of the quintessential and milestone Shaw Brothers films. Cheng Cheh with the help of choreographers Tang Chia and Lar Kar Leung and actors Chen Kwan Tai and Alexander Fu Sheng deliver a truly remarkable kung fu film with the use of real martial arts and a wonderful tale of revenge and brotherhood. The film is set in the Qing Dynasty after the burning of the Shaolin Temple by the Manchu’s. It’s not exactly a tale told once, but with Cheng Cheh and cast and crew, it’s a tale told well! This is the first Shaw Brothers release from Media Blaster and an amazing DVD film with excellent extras and options that make this DVD a MUST BUY!

Full review at:


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Morgoth Bauglir

I agree the interview is very good, and it doesn't just have random questions about nothing. It's a perfect DVD release. I can't wait for The Master. Great writeup g.

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I agree the interview is very good, and it doesn't just have random questions about nothing. It's a perfect DVD release. I can't wait for The Master. Great writeup g.

Thanks. I told myself when I started writing it that it would not be overly long. lol So much for that :). I'm happ you liked it.

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Sorry to go on, but there's really annoying and backwards step keeping it from being really good: Interlacing. I've requested before in advance but damn it...

Media Blasters, PLEASE get your flagging right.

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Sorry to go on, but there's really annoying and backwards step keeping it from being really good: Interlacing. I've requested before in advance but damn it...

Media Blasters, PLEASE get your flagging right.

Its fine and hardly a reason to care. It so minor and unimportant and I noticed it only on one tv.

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Sorry to go on, but there's really annoying and backwards step keeping it from being really good: Interlacing. I've requested before in advance but damn it...

Media Blasters, PLEASE get your flagging right.

suprised its interlaced but is it worse than an IMAGE transfer? How could you tell it was 60i?

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suprised its interlaced but is it worse than an IMAGE transfer? How could you tell it was 60i?

It won't be worse than Image as they convert here to there, where as in this instance, it's not a conversion problem - the fields aren't properly flagged.

Interlacing on NTSC can only be 60i AFAIK.

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