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Beastmaster or Conan?


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Which original movie was better? I like both of them. They both cam out in 1982. Both had cool heroes, fantasy setting. Tough question, i know.

I prefer Beastmaster because:

1. Tanya Roberts = Much hotter than the chicks in the Conan movies.

2. It was a finished trilogy. Conan 3 was promised but never came about.

3. Marc Singer is a better actor.

R. Conan was too Hollywood for me.

7. I like animals.

4. The guy who directed Phantasm directed Beastmaster... and i liked Phantasm.

Tanya Roberts


Other Chick


Now, im just going off of memory here. I don't remember if other chick was in the first movie or the second or both. She was homely looking and so was the princess girl.

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She was only in the 1st movie. Her name is Sandahl Bergman. Her character Valeria was killed in their escape from rescuing the Princess. I prefer Conan myself. Even back then when I saw them both in the theaters, I knew Beastmaster was a ripoff of Conan. But I still like both and remember them fondly.

For me Conan is a lot more dramatic and serious than Beastmaster. Beastmaster is fun romp and doesn't have the emotional depth. Plus, Conan is a lot more bloodier and vicious. Conan is for adults, Beastmaster for kids (despite the brief nudity).

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I liked the animal angle in Beastmaster. Cool beasts too, but for more pure action Conan was better! You know they are going to redo Conan, right?

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Sandahl Bergman was an exotic dancer before doing movies. I thought she was pretty hot myself. Not as hot as ROberts, though. She appeared in numerous tv shows including CHEERS where she had a truly dynamite daughter and she also did a few of those erotic thrillers. I think she was AIRPLANE 2: THE SEQUEL playing a stewardess along with Laurene Landon who starred in her own female version of CONAN, HUNDRA (1983). Landon was courted by De Laurentiis and Schwarzenegger for RED SONJA because of her performance in HUNDRA but later decided against it because of the similarities between the two films. HUNDRA, like CONAN is quite violent and has some very gory moments. I like them both as well but I guess I'd say BEASTMASTER cause I've seen it dozens of times. Have the score, too. Beautiful score for that one.

Also, for CONAN fans, THE SWORD & THE SORCERER (1982) was a surprise hit in the summer of '82 and features lots of gory violence and Richard Moll as the monstrous sorcerer of the title. The soundtrack for this one is stupendous.

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Venoms5, you're right Sword and Sorceror did come out then and I remember confusing it with Conan a lot! Did you ever see Hawk The Slayer? That was a....special movie! But it had superpowered elves and glowing ping-pong balls!!

BTW, you are one font of info.

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Venoms5, you're right Sword and Sorceror did come out then and I remember confusing it with Conan a lot! Did you ever see Hawk The Slayer? That was a....special movie! But it had superpowered elves and glowing ping-pong balls!!

Sadly, no. That's the one with Jack Palance, right? With a patch of something over one eye? I passed over this one numerous times in the video store. SWORD & THE SORCERER had some really cool weapons in it like Lee Horsley's sword had multiple blades that could eject from the handle much like Chang Yi's sword in SECRET OF THE DIRK (1970). Also, some of the bad guys use some huge clawed weapons and that opening scene where Xusia the evil demonic sorcerer rips that witch woman's heart out without even touching her was ace! Richard Lynch was also the other main villain and stuntman Jack Tyree was killed performing a stunt that involved jumping off a cliff. He missed the bag he was to have landed on.

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Righteous Master

Both of these films bring back fond memories for me. Kind of makes me want to go back in time for a little while to relive some of those moments again. How about you? But I feel that overall the cooler film of the two is Conan the Barbarian. This was a real tough question for me. Real tough. I was once a huge fan of the Conan comic books (Heck, who am I kidding, I still am.) and really enjoy the character Conan. Perhaps he appeals to the instinctual hunter gatherer part of me. As I type this, I still am doubting as to whether I have chosen correctly. Perhaps I will have to watch The Beastmaster and Conan the Barbarian again.

I wish that they would do a part 3 in the Conan series though. The tile of the film could be Conan the King. This worked well in the comic of the same title. Arnold Schwarzengger is older now and would be about the right age to play Conan the king. I have a feeling that will never happen though, at least with Schwarzenneger in the lead role. BTW, what is with all of the remakes the last few years that have really sucked? I know that we all yearn to see our favorites on the big screen again, but the remakes never seem to do the originals justice. What do you guys think?

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Righteous Master, they're gonna reboot Conan. From the beginning. What do you think about that?? I like the genre and if the right director and crew is involved, it can be so worth it (i.e. Batman Begins). Remakes do reflect a paucity of imagination, however, and there is plenty of fantasy literature to draw from to do a great sword/sorcery movie and not rely on stuff that's been done already. And the genre is coming back, look at 10,000 B.C., 300, and even Pathfinder....well, let's forget Pathfinder.:rolleyes: They are even considering Edgar R. Burrough's John Carter on Mars for movie adaptation (don't know how good it would be but...)!

Venoms5, I think the Hawk The Slayer is worth checking for the soundtrack; it was quite ambitious for such a half-cocked movie. Almost techno-like. And now you've made me want to get Sword and the Sorceror to watch! Damn you!!

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Last I heard John Milius was in charge of CONAN 3 and he wanted that Triple H guy (????) for Conan. Something happened and Milius was removed and RObert Rodriguez was in. He supposedly was courting Schwarzenegger to return but that's been a couple years ago. So is this going to be a remake now?

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*"Although Conan was the film that would kick start the trend, it was Sword and the Sorcerer that would serve as the template for most of the movies to follow (including the sequel to Conan). ... Sword and the Sorcerer has a lot more charm and warmth to it than any of today's overblown blockbusters." *

Has anyone seen "Ator" movies?Lowbudget trash but also (kind of) enjoyable.

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Yeah, they're all pretty bad. MST3K did a bang up job on the second film although it had new opening and ending credits as well as a different title-CAVE DWELLERS(???)

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Conan all the way! For one the source material is way better than any of the movies mentioned, the one thing I loved about Conan is it took itself serious, unlike many fantasy movies over the years, I also liked how they showed his rise to power, he just didn't show up as this muscle clad badass, showing his hardships as a kid, the pitfighting up to him being trained by the masters in sword fighting gave rhyme to the reason.

I will agree Singer was a better actor but you could pull a bum off the street to act better than Ahhhhnold(not to mention his side kick Subati wasn't a actor, Gerry Lopez is a world famous surfer), Milius knew this and kept most of the dialog for the actors that could act. And I agree Tanya Roberts is hot, I remeber seeing her assets in Sheena, I think I wore that part of my vhs tape out when I was a kid:p but Sandahl Bergman was a better actress and she looked like she could open a can on someones ass, now the princess in the abysmal Conan 2 was a hottie, to bad they didn't show some skin, that movie could of used all the help it could get!

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Venoms5, it's a reboot and I've heard names like Rob Zombie in consideration to direct. Not that it means anything, but... .

I forgot that Gerry Lopez was the sidekick! That dude was the classic soul surfer, plus he ruled Pipeline from the late 60's to the 80's! Maybe there should be a sword n' sorcery n' surf flick?

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I figured there would be a couple more of us Beastmaster types out there. I love Conan but I love animals even more. Ok how about this:

Who would win in a fight? Beastmaster or Conan?

I choose Beastmaster because of his cunning, wit, and his big bad tiger. Beastmaster would attack from a distance while commanding his tiger to attack Conan at close range. Beastmaster is outmatched when it comes to swordplay, he's untrained whereas Conan is trained.

If Conan defeated the tiger, Beastmaster would call upon beasts in the area to help him out... like a bear.

Conan would put up a good fight but in the end would die at the claws/teeth/venom of one of Beastmasters pets.

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Righteous Master


I guess I never looked at this topic from that perspective. They did an amazing job with Batman Begins. BG is one of my all time favorite films and for sure the best Batman film done so far.

If they get the right actor then they could really do a great job with Conan again. The problem with fantasy films like this is that they sometimes pick a guy who lacks the necessary amount of muscle mass for the role. Lets face it, Arnold was born to play Conan and the Terminator. If anyone else was cast in these roles the films would have only been OK. A perfect example of poor casting is the guy who played Hercules on the tv series(Kevin Sorbo?). He was a decent actor, but Hercules should have lots of muscle. I mean come on, the guy's name is Hercules.

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Also, Dan Vadis played Hercules on a number of times and he was cut but he wasn't huge like Mark Forest or Reg Park, who by the way, was Schwarzeneggers inspiration to become a bodybuilder. A couple of the Italian actors that played Herc weren't massive, too.

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I don't think the actor who will play Conan has to be huge. I mean, Karl Urban did a passable warrior-type in both Lord of the Rings and Pathfinder(what a wasted movie) and he's not huge at all. You just need someone believable as a warrior, not a muscle-bound gorilla. In his book Cimmarians (or however it's spelled)were dark-skinned, light-eyed people with a knack for being uber hunter-gatherers. Conan can be buff but he doesn't need to be bigger than everyone else on the planet.

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LOL, I can't believe I'm this deep into a Conan vs. Beastmaster thread!

It would be cool, though, if they revived some stop-motion animation ala Jason and the Argonauts (thanks venoms5 with the instant recall!)

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LOL, I can't believe I'm this deep into a Conan vs. Beastmaster thread!

It would be cool, though, if they revived some stop-motion animation ala Jason and the Argonauts (thanks venoms5 with the instant recall!)

Your welcome! Speaking of stop motion animation, after CLASH OF THE TITANS was a success Harryhausen began working on an even bigger film entitled FORCE OF THE TROJANS but it never happened. In Harryhausen's book An Animated Life (an excellent must have book for fans BTW) his drawings for the monsters are included. Apparently, none of the studios were interested. MGM was at first but soon lost interest as it seemed audiences wanted a different kind of hero.

You remember that proposed SINBAD movie with Keanu Reeves? Not sure how far they got but I'm so glad that didn't happen!

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I think they should have gotten a short body builder to play the part of Wolverine in X-men. I love Hugh Jackman but i didn't like him as Wolverine... am i the only one?

And poor Arnold... body building takes a toll on people when they get older. I think the governorship hurt him.


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