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The 7 Grandmasters


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7 Grandmasters (1978)

Remarkable for the amount of kung-fu action contained within. Mark's review pretty much nailed on the head with his description of a no-filler kind of action movie. My first introduction to Lee Yi Min and my second Joseph Kuo Taiwanese martial arts film.

Jack Long plays the master who is seeking to confirm his status as a grandmaster of the province by fighting seven other masters in a mostly congenial travelling tournament. Jack Long is just a supremely masterful martial artist and athlete; his combination of kung fu and agility is deceptively smooth and polished. I just enjoyed watching him on the screen as he fought. I am definitely paying more attention to his other films from this point!

Jack Long brings his students and daughter, Mark Long being the eldest and most memorable. Lee Yi Min is introduced as a young man seeking to avenge his father's death; after seeing Jack Long handily defeat one of the masters, Lee Yi Min's character begs the master to take him as a student. The funny dichotomy of this movie is that while the master Sang is portrayed as honorable and good (or is he...?) the students are generally rude, abusive, and short-tempered with Lee Yi Min and his constant attempts to become a student. I found it odd that such a reputable master would have students like that but I suppose Joseph Kuo felt the movie needed some tension to make it believable.

In the end, secrets are revealed and Lee Yi Min has become a masterful apprentice, capable of taking on his own master. I'll stop there for those who haven't seen this movie yet. It's a decent if typical revenge plot that coincides with the travelling tournament angle well enough. The main focus of this movie are the fights and they are set up very well. The intensity and frequency of action is high and I would find it hard to believe that any true kung fu fan would not immensely enjoy this movie. Lee Yi Min is quite good as the upstart student, and the several grandmasters have distinctive styles but perhaps the most distinctive is Corey Yuen as the weapons master, whose fight with Jack Long is intense. That fight had me very impressed with both combatants and the AC.

7 Grandmasters is like a big slab of T-bone steak: nothin' fancy dressing it up but purely top notch action that can satisfy the biggest appetite! Its minor flaws are overshadowed by the talent in front of and behind the camera.

5 out of 5 strikes of Pai Mei

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Great movie, to me, this is the epitome of a Kung Fu movie. Because even though there truly are better Kung Fu classics, none covers all nine yards like this one.

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7 Grandmasters (1978)

the students are generally rude, abusive, and short-tempered with Lee Yi Min and his constant attempts to become a student. I found it odd that such a reputable master would have students like that but I suppose Joseph Kuo felt the movie needed some tension to make it believable.

I never really paid much attention to that, but that does make sense CrazyFrog! I guess that was the only way for Kuo to show Li's determination to become a student of the teacher. I've been neglecting the indy flicks for a looooong time now. I have the MB disc of this but have never watched it save for the first few minutes. I used to have that Wu Tang EP tape of this though. Didn't Chen Yue Sheng (Chin Yuet Sang) play the monkey fighter here?

Nice review, BTW. Makes me wanna go watch this one now.:)

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Righteous Master

I agree with your assessment CrazyFrog. This is a no frills, no thrills kung fu film. Great kung fu and not much else. Had this film had a great story along with great MA action, then we would have an all time great. This is still one of my favorites though.

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Some of the music was actually Quincy Jones "Roots Mural Theme". Juelz Santana used a sample of it too. I thought it fit the film.

Oh music choices were fine, but there were times when a scene shifted the music cut off badly...jarringly so

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Killer Meteor
Some of the music was actually Quincy Jones "Roots Mural Theme". Juelz Santana used a sample of it too. I thought it fit the film.


I've been wondering for 10 years what the Snake & Crane theme was!

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This is one of my favorite kung fu films if not simply because it shows many of the different animal styles. I also really like the weapon master scene with all the disarms. I like the protagonist Lee Yi Min a lot too. He's very friendly and innocent and naive.

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In the commentary for the movie, Michael Worth mentioned Jack Long is using Snake style?! 

I must admit, I never even questioned that the style used by Jack Long in the movie is really the Pai Mei fist, regardless of whether it's authentic at all or not, but I never thought of Snake style watching Jack Long fighting here.

Now, Frank and Michael didn't recognize the Eagle claw that was used by one of the 7th grandmaster's students and they weren't sure if the 4th grandmaster's Tiger style was indeed Tiger or Dragon, so it's possible Michael could have been wrong. Did anyone notice Snake style elements in Jack's fights or is he mixing Snake in with other styles, perhaps the real Pai Mei fist?

Also, Frank translated the title of the movie as Tiger, Leopard, Dragon, Snake, Eagle as those are the styles used in the movie, but next to the Snake style in question, I also didn't notice Dragon style being used by any of the fighters. Perhaps someone who's better than me in this could verify if the style was really used in the movie?


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