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Game of Death: Game Over! - New book on GOD by best-selling author Joe Kenney

Guest mpm74

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Golden Arm Kid
Hi Bro

I saw a pic of Bruce, he was 18 at the most, and was doing the lat pose. It's one of these muscle groups where you've either got it or you haven't. I have a big lat spread and have had since I was in my teens. It helps immensely with exercises like dead hangs etc but I couldn't even tell you how I developed it lol.

What about Enter the Dragon, particularly the Samo fight. Do you think that physique looks natural?

I completely disagree with the muscles involved in a lat spread are one of those "have it or not" muscles (actually I don't believe in "have it or not"'s in this case at all). Even when comparing pics of Bruce from even earlier than I posted he's still got a good looking lat spread. However, I attribute this to the fact he'd been training martial arts all his life. Throwing punches all day and practicing gung fu like Bruce probably did every day surely works many different muscle groups in the back.

That's subject to debate. Also, I thought Bruce looked emaciated and pretty sickly in that fight scene with Sammo (keep in mind this was also the final scene shot for the film so it's Bruce's last time on camera). One could obtain that body under Bruce's circumstances. Have an AMAZING body beforehand like Bruce's and then not eat well for whatever reasons and burn tremendous amounts of calories so as to shock your body into a big calorie deficit, burning fat and muscle alike. That's just my take though.

Fairly heavy weights. 10 - 13 reps, eating loads of protein and hardly any carbs. Injections of some kind of steroid from the doctor and taking diuretics to make his skin hug tight to the muscles. Yeah?

So, no, not 100% natural.

He still had work seriously hard to get those muscles though, as anyone who works out will know.

But who knows? That kind of body is obtainable naturally I would say, but I think Bruce wanted to get it as quick as possible, ready for ETD filming.

Idk if this has been addressed but where is the proof that Bruce used steroids as a key component or any component at all to obtain his killer physique/physical attributes?

In a lot of his notes from books released from his notes post-humously mention he was a TREMENDOUS advocate of high carb diets. He believed that if one was to lead an active lifestyle, carbohydrates are an absolute must. Maybe he didn't work it that way for ETD (imo he did not look his best in that movie. His bodyfat percentage was a lot lower but he lost mass and fullness imo) but he surely did before that. He would have HAD to consume a very large amount of calories (and burning all of them and then some) to maintain and gain strength while staying lean and maintaining his size.

It's been noted that Bruce experimented with bodybuilding for a short time (typically 10-12 reps of varying weight depending on goals). However his main training implemented powerlifting/strength training and most importantly ISOMETRICS. Dan Inosanto has said that Bruce believed that training should consist of "60% isometrics" (can't remember what the other percents were of in the video so don't ask lol).

Bruce's training was a LOT more complex then simply eating high protein,low carbs and doing sets that consisted of 10-12 reps. His workouts, like his mind, were very intricate and only focused to optimize performance.

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Hi Bro

Well we can agree to disagree. As I said I have a good lat spread butI've trained in martial arts and boxing most of my life, so maybe that fits.

However, a friend of mine is 250lbs, he has arms like my legs and basically has never trained and doesn't do manual labour. He could beat me at arm wrestling "while smoking a cigarette" and at that time I could bench press almost 250lbs and was in the best shape of my life.

That's an example of someone just being naturally gifted with strength. This guy is a monster and I don't mean fat. People can have impressive muscle groups naturally, it does happen.

Bruce's exterior in Enter the Dragon does not look natural to me and I believe that he was taking steroids from mid 72 onwards.

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Golden Arm Kid
Hi Bro

Well we can agree to disagree. As I said I have a good lat spread butI've trained in martial arts and boxing most of my life, so maybe that fits.

However, a friend of mine is 250lbs, he has arms like my legs and basically has never trained and doesn't do manual labour. He could beat me at arm wrestling "while smoking a cigarette" and at that time I could bench press almost 250lbs and was in the best shape of my life.

That's an example of someone just being naturally gifted with strength. This guy is a monster and I don't mean fat. People can have impressive muscle groups naturally, it does happen.

Bruce's exterior in Enter the Dragon does not look natural to me and I believe that he was taking steroids from mid 72 onwards.

I gotcha man. I don't doubt you. You seem like you know these things from experience. If you don't mind me asking though was/is there a big difference in weight between you and your friend?

I do agree with what you're saying in a sense that Bruce's body in ETD was not "natural". I think to my eyes Bruce's body was at its very lowest percentage of body fat. As I mentioned before to my eyes I thought Bruce looked sickly in the Sammo fight scene. He had to have like 1% or no body fat lol. What he gained in tremendous definition he lost in size, fullness, and healthful looks. At least while comparing Bruce's past appearances to what he looked like in the Sammo fight. I think he absolutely looked better and more healthy in Way of the Dragon. Not as cut as he was in ETD but it was the perfect balance between definition and mass on his body I think.

Was Bruce on steroids? I'd be lying if I said that's a ridiculous statement.The levels of his physical capabilities and looks are something that haven't been reincarnated or seen since his death.

My personal opinion based off of everything I know (and don't know) is that he wasn't on steroids. There's little to no evidence (that I know of) except his tremendous feats and appearance.

Wasn't Bruce a strong believer in Chinese medicine (correct me if I'm wrong because I'm like 50/50 on whether I'm right on that or not lol)? There's a side to Bruce (granted I only know what the public knows about him) that I completely refuse to believe would condone steroid use. Even if steroids were legal and not branded as what they are today, part of me believes that Bruce would not want to try something on his own body that was so unstable and new. Then there's the other side of Bruce that everyone knows that leads me to believe steroid use is a possibility. His progressive side. Fact is he WAS very experimental with everything in life from gung fu to nutrition. He could very well have just experimented with steroids and found that they "worked for him" (of course taking into account NOBODY at that time including Bruce could have known the side effects yet).

So that's all I have to say about that right now lol.

Btw Bruce's autopsy showed that the only abnormalities in his body were the Equagesic and Cannabis. If Bruce was on steroids why wouldn't that come up on the autopsy? Did Bruce know he was going to get checked/die and have an autopsy on him where they'd check his system and stop using steroids? He couldn't have imo. Even if he WAS off steroids leading up to his death that stuff stays in your system for a long time and leaves traces in your body that doctor's easily pick up on to tell if you've been on them or not.

Just food for thought my friend.

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Bruce's training was a LOT more complex then simply eating high protein,low carbs and doing sets that consisted of 10-12 reps. His workouts, like his mind, were very intricate and only focused to optimize performance.

I know it was more complex. I'm not sure why I said what I said.'lol I have all the books too.

My personal opinion based off of everything I know (and don't know) is that he wasn't on steroids. There's little to no evidence (that I know of) except his tremendous feats and appearance.

I think there is only thing that would stop Bruce from having used steroids and that is if he refused to accept the help of any chemical injected into him to boost his gains. But since we know that Bruce was obsessed with making his body the best it could possibly be, why wouldn't he accept the help of a steroid? It wasn't taboo back then and he no doubt would have heard about the use of steroids through the Bodybuilding grapevine. (I don't know if there were bodybuilding magazines back then).

It's kind of hard to believe that he would turn down such a tool that could obviously increase his his muscle strength, stamina and give him that slight on edge feeling that steroids can give you.

I'd like to think he didn't use steroids but my gut feeling tells me that he did.

Obviously injecting steroids doesn't just suddenly give you muscle definition and size like that. You still have to work really hard in the gym and eat right and sleep right.

As for where we got this idea from.... read Tom Bleekers book - "Unsettled Matters". It's a very interesting read.

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I gotcha man. I don't doubt you. You seem like you know these things from experience. If you don't mind me asking though was/is there a big difference in weight between you and your friend?

I do agree with what you're saying in a sense that Bruce's body in ETD was not "natural". I think to my eyes Bruce's body was at its very lowest percentage of body fat. As I mentioned before to my eyes I thought Bruce looked sickly in the Sammo fight scene. He had to have like 1% or no body fat lol. What he gained in tremendous definition he lost in size, fullness, and healthful looks. At least while comparing Bruce's past appearances to what he looked like in the Sammo fight. I think he absolutely looked better and more healthy in Way of the Dragon. Not as cut as he was in ETD but it was the perfect balance between definition and mass on his body I think.

Was Bruce on steroids? I'd be lying if I said that's a ridiculous statement.The levels of his physical capabilities and looks are something that haven't been reincarnated or seen since his death.

My personal opinion based off of everything I know (and don't know) is that he wasn't on steroids. There's little to no evidence (that I know of) except his tremendous feats and appearance.

Wasn't Bruce a strong believer in Chinese medicine (correct me if I'm wrong because I'm like 50/50 on whether I'm right on that or not lol)? There's a side to Bruce (granted I only know what the public knows about him) that I completely refuse to believe would condone steroid use. Even if steroids were legal and not branded as what they are today, part of me believes that Bruce would not want to try something on his own body that was so unstable and new. Then there's the other side of Bruce that everyone knows that leads me to believe steroid use is a possibility. His progressive side. Fact is he WAS very experimental with everything in life from gung fu to nutrition. He could very well have just experimented with steroids and found that they "worked for him" (of course taking into account NOBODY at that time including Bruce could have known the side effects yet).

So that's all I have to say about that right now lol.

Btw Bruce's autopsy showed that the only abnormalities in his body were the Equagesic and Cannabis. If Bruce was on steroids why wouldn't that come up on the autopsy? Did Bruce know he was going to get checked/die and have an autopsy on him where they'd check his system and stop using steroids? He couldn't have imo. Even if he WAS off steroids leading up to his death that stuff stays in your system for a long time and leaves traces in your body that doctor's easily pick up on to tell if you've been on them or not.

Just food for thought my friend.

Awesome Post

I'm about 188 so there is a BIG weight advantage but my former flat mate was 270 and I could flip him around like a wet tracksuit. This fella I'm talking about is just freakishly strong.

In regards to Bruce not condoning steroid use because of his Chinese ancestry, to quote John Saxon; "I see him being more comfortable in a Bentley than in a monastry" Bruce Lee circa 1973 was an egomaniac and in many ways he was out of control with his own hype.

Sweat gland removal? Chewing cannabis? Threatening behaviour to those around him? Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change him - I love the guy but he was more Holywood than Hong Kong.

In the seventies steroids were not viewed the same way as they are today. The first MAJOR steroid scandal I can remember was the 1988 Olympics with Ben Johnson. If Bruce was tipped off that steroids or it's derivatives could enhance his performance and improve his physique I think he would have jumped at it.

In terms of his autopsy report, which I've read, there is no mention of steroids so you're quite correct that nothing turned up. However, two things, you load on and load off with steroids so that doesn't really prove anything. Steroids do remain in your blood for a while after use but like anything else the chemical compounds disappear. For evidence of this look into Floyd Mayweather's demands on Manny Pacquiao to endure Olympic style blood testing throughout training camp if they ever meet in the ring.

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Golden Arm Kid

Well aside from the Bruce-steroid subject I was thinking about something the other day. Are any of your guys' minds genuinely blown thinking that Bruce could have potentially finished Game of Death AND Enter the Dragon had he not decided to postpone GOD filming?

I think the whole reason Bruce postponed GOD was because he wanted to jump on the chance to do his Hollywood film before he lost the opportunity. I'd imagine Warner Bros. would have had to know Lee was in the middle of filming and would've been willing to wait or else they wouldn't have invited him to co-produce (or whatever title they gave to him because let's face it, Bruce almost completely made ETD with his own hands lol) ETD. But let's say he hypothetically decided to finish GOD and THEN do Enter the Dragon. Well...he could have very well left us another timeless classic in the REAL Game of Death. I swear knowing that Bruce's Game of Death will never be completed (or at least not with real time actors/martial artists and Bruce anyway) always makes me ridiculously sad and bummed out especially after seeing the lost footage and learning of the original plot and production. Makes me angry, sad, and depressed all at the same time. Imo would've been Bruce's greatest film undoubtedly.

I've always had a secret wish that someone someday would "finish" Game of Death in complete CGI animated fashion using what we know about the plot and characters as a basis. It would be the only way (besides someone using a damned Lazarus machine and bringing him back to life to finish) I would be truly content in a finished G.O.D. product (no Bruceploitation or Clouse versions ever made me feel good at all...)

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Well aside from the Bruce-steroid subject I was thinking about something the other day. Are any of your guys' minds genuinely blown thinking that Bruce could have potentially finished Game of Death AND Enter the Dragon had he not decided to postpone GOD filming?

I think the whole reason Bruce postponed GOD was because he wanted to jump on the chance to do his Hollywood film before he lost the opportunity. I'd imagine Warner Bros. would have had to know Lee was in the middle of filming and would've been willing to wait or else they wouldn't have invited him to co-produce (or whatever title they gave to him because let's face it, Bruce almost completely made ETD with his own hands lol) ETD. But let's say he hypothetically decided to finish GOD and THEN do Enter the Dragon. Well...he could have very well left us another timeless classic in the REAL Game of Death. I swear knowing that Bruce's Game of Death will never be completed (or at least not with real time actors/martial artists and Bruce anyway) always makes me ridiculously sad and bummed out especially after seeing the lost footage and learning of the original plot and production. Makes me angry, sad, and depressed all at the same time. Imo would've been Bruce's greatest film undoubtedly.

I've always had a secret wish that someone someday would "finish" Game of Death in complete CGI animated fashion using what we know about the plot and characters as a basis. It would be the only way (besides someone using a damned Lazarus machine and bringing him back to life to finish) I would be truly content in a finished G.O.D. product (no Bruceploitation or Clouse versions ever made me feel good at all...)

Yeah it pisses me off a great deal.

I've always had a soft spot for Game of Death (1972 original) and particularly the fight with Dan Inosanto which is light years ahead of it's time. In fact some of the choreography in that duel is timeless.

Would Game of Death have been his best film? I don't think it would have been better than Enter the Dragon which to me remains the best martial arts film of all time. However I do think it would have been the nearest thing to the real Bruce Lee we would have ever encountered and a terrific barometer of his philosophy.

My real regret is that we didn't see his career flourish after Enter the Dragon. We're talking movies with McQueen, Eastwood, Connery, Newman you name it. Had he lived he would have been the hottest property in Hollywood and there would have been no limit to what he could have accomplished.

Now that is simply tragic but life goes on!

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Golden Arm Kid
Yeah it pisses me off a great deal.

I've always had a soft spot for Game of Death (1972 original) and particularly the fight with Dan Inosanto which is light years ahead of it's time. In fact some of the choreography in that duel is timeless.

Would Game of Death have been his best film? I don't think it would have been better than Enter the Dragon which to me remains the best martial arts film of all time. However I do think it would have been the nearest thing to the real Bruce Lee we would have ever encountered and a terrific barometer of his philosophy.

My real regret is that we didn't see his career flourish after Enter the Dragon. We're talking movies with McQueen, Eastwood, Connery, Newman you name it. Had he lived he would have been the hottest property in Hollywood and there would have been no limit to what he could have accomplished.

Now that is simply tragic but life goes on!

Absolutely man.

I however just feel like all the footage we have from GOD is so intricate and I just feel like that footage alone had some of the best fight choreography that we've ever captured from Bruce on camera. Even the interactions between him and James Tien, Chieh Yuan. You could just tell Bruce's character was special and different then the rest.

In a sense I feel that each of Bruce's films have reflected a little bit of his personal side (not that I'd know but it's kind of a gut feeling)

The Big Boss's Cheng Chao-an depicted a more timid side to Bruce. Of course Bruce's character kind of snapped that and became a virtue fighter by the end of it but that's besides the point lol.

Fist of Fury's Chen Jeh showed a more vengeful, conniving, angry side essentially.

Way of the Dragon's Tang Lung put on display Bruce's child-like innocence. Almost naive lol.

Enter the Dragon's Mr. Lee (or Lee, whichever you prefer) showed more of a focused, determined, as well as a philosophical side

Game of Death's Hai Tien was absolutely in my eyes going to be the embodiment of Bruce's confidence and even cockiness as well as having some philosophical elements in there (after all it was going to be Bruce's flagship film about his philosophy). You can tell by his interactions with his opponents and a lot with the way he responds to James Tien's character that Hai Tien was definetely going to be a cocky retired martial arts champ with quick resolve and a trained body/mind.

That aside, as a whole I really was not too huge of a fan (I really did like it just not as much as his other works) of Enter the Dragon. Usually I find myself inspired or motivated by a lot of Bruce's movie as a whole. This includes the plot and it helps when all the cast members have great chemistry. I'd just like to make clear though that if Bruce lived on and I was around for the opening of ETD I probably would have hailed it the best thing in existence and looked forward to his next film. However, he left us a few films and what I am saying is merely in comparison to what I think of his other films.

I find myself less than energized watching ETD and that I am extremely anxious to see Bruce's fight scenes (the best parts of the movie obviously lol) whenever I watch.

I think that Bruce's other films had this sense of realism to them. ETD's story felt very James Bond-ish and a little too chimerical. The story was way too "Hollywood" for my taste but it WAS a big Hollywood movie written by Hollywood writers (I think...).

Idk that's just me though.ETD is still undoubtably a timeless classic and it's still one of my all-time favorites (as all Bruce films are lol).

In order from favorite to least favorite Bruce films I'd have to say I'd rank it like this personally:

Fist of Fury (my fave Bruce flick has fluctuated between FoF and WotD for the last few years but in the end FoF always remained my favorite)

Way of the Dragon

The Big Boss

Enter the Dragon (I always flip TBB's and ETD's spots but right now this is where it sits)

Clouse's Horrible HORRIBLE presentation of Bruce's butchered "Game of Death"

But yeah one can only imagine would could've been. I think that the only thing I personally would have hoped for in that situation is that Bruce would not have let his film-making style and direction of his films go "Hollywood" as well.

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Yeah it's just taste mate

My reasons for regarding Enter the Dragon as the best are:

  • Bruce vs. Sammo! This kind of represents a passing of the torch as it's the last fight scene Bruce ever filmed

  • The choreography is better. Bruce is working with a rogues gallery of Hong Kong stuntmen and it shows. The cavern fight is his finest work

  • Bruce demonstrates kung fu, hapkido, grappling, pole, kali and nunchaku. He used more forms of combat in this movie than any other

  • The third strike Bruce hits Bob Wall with is my favourite hand technique of all time. The parry with the left hand is so quick it's ridiculous.

  • I love Betty Chung:-)

  • Jim Kelly and John Saxon crack me up. I met Jim as well so that's pretty special.

The rest of Bruce's films are all dynamite. I watched The Big Boss two days in a row recently and loved it. Fist of Fury in Cantonese is mesmerizing to this day and I love Way of the Dragon. The Chuck Norris fight is my favourite one on one match up although some of the extras in that film are God awful and spoil some of the other action.

When I got a hold of the 42 minute edit of Game of Death it was one of the best days of my life. A friend (another Lee superfreak) and I got a bottle of Jack Daniels and watched it at least eight times on the spin. I couldn't get over it. I paid £25 for it and was shaking like a child when I gave the girl the money.

Bruce is a God. Extremely flawed and he was probably a bit of an asshole at the end but that only adds to his appeal. He was the best martial artist EVER and he's sorely missed!

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When I got a hold of the 42 minute edit of Game of Death it was one of the best days of my life. A friend (another Lee superfreak) and I got a bottle of Jack Daniels and watched it at least eight times on the spin. I couldn't get over it. I paid £25 for it and was shaking like a child when I gave the girl the money.QUOTE]

That's pretty much exactly how I first saw it, too!

I almost passed out with excitement in the queue to pay for it and when I got home it wasn't watched, it was devoured, with me jumping off the couch ever few minutes, shouting at the TV!! :tongue:

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Yeah it's just taste mate

My reasons for regarding Enter the Dragon as the best are:

  • Bruce vs. Sammo! This kind of represents a passing of the torch as it's the last fight scene Bruce ever filmed

  • The choreography is better. Bruce is working with a rogues gallery of Hong Kong stuntmen and it shows. The cavern fight is his finest work

  • Bruce demonstrates kung fu, hapkido, grappling, pole, kali and nunchaku. He used more forms of combat in this movie than any other

  • The third strike Bruce hits Bob Wall with is my favourite hand technique of all time. The parry with the left hand is so quick it's ridiculous.

  • I love Betty Chung:-)

  • Jim Kelly and John Saxon crack me up. I met Jim as well so that's pretty special.

That and the fact that Enter the Dragon made Bruce look well 'ard.

He was like an unstoppable killing machine but with a brain and a swagger, in that film.

Kind of like Fist of Fury but on a cooler, bigger, Hollywood scale.

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Well aside from the Bruce-steroid subject I was thinking about something the other day. Are any of your guys' minds genuinely blown thinking that Bruce could have potentially finished Game of Death AND Enter the Dragon had he not decided to postpone GOD filming?

I think the whole reason Bruce postponed GOD was because he wanted to jump on the chance to do his Hollywood film before he lost the opportunity. I'd imagine Warner Bros. would have had to know Lee was in the middle of filming and would've been willing to wait or else they wouldn't have invited him to co-produce (or whatever title they gave to him because let's face it, Bruce almost completely made ETD with his own hands lol) ETD. But let's say he hypothetically decided to finish GOD and THEN do Enter the Dragon. Well...he could have very well left us another timeless classic in the REAL Game of Death. ...

Two things stood in the way of Lee completing that scenario...

1.) GOD was being made like a home movie with no apparent script, shooting dates, hired actors, or location sites due to Lee's lack of co-operation with the Triads at that time. The reason he became co-partners with Chow with Concord was so Chow could handle them from his side. The film was being made illegitimately.

2.) He needed extensive time to go on his training regimen to "look good on film" and resumed his workouts using-you guessed it-anabolic steroids. The last weeks of GOD filming ended in Oct, 72. ETD began production in Jan of 73. Just enough time for him to get his body right. Production resumed without him because he wasn't ready to go after the effects of all his drug usage has him under extreme anxiety.

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^ I can believe that. But how do you know about this part?

Production resumed without him because he wasn't ready to go after the effects of all his drug usage has him under extreme anxiety.

or are you speculating?

What was all that i read about Bruce acting a bit odd in the last month or 2 of his life?

Kept carrying around that photo he had of the silver Rolls Royce he had on order and kept showing it off to people, but often the same people he had already shown it to.

They mentioned it being odd that he kept showing it to the same people, as if he had no recollection of doing it already.

I mean, I forget saying things to people sometimes and end up telling them again. So what was so odd about it that made these people bring it up do you think?

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1. The Big Boss

2. Fist of Fury

3. Enter the Dragon

4. Way of the Dragon

Game of Death is not that bad in my opinion but it would be far better if they just released Bruce's footage or made totally new film starring Tong Lung.

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^ I can believe that. But how do you know about this part?

or are you speculating?

What was all that i read about Bruce acting a bit odd in the last month or 2 of his life?

Kept carrying around that photo he had of the silver Rolls Royce he had on order and kept showing it off to people, but often the same people he had already shown it to.

They mentioned it being odd that he kept showing it to the same people, as if he had no recollection of doing it already.

I mean, I forget saying things to people sometimes and end up telling them again. So what was so odd about it that made these people bring it up do you think?

Unsettled Matters covered Bruce's drug use and although there is no direct evidence - no smoke without fire.

For example Bruce's work schedule and hectic lifestyle in Hong Kong prevented him from training like he had in the late sixties but his physique became better than ever?

He had stress, insomnia, acne, rage attacks, panic attacks, paranoia "and" he was chewing cannabis leaves. Bruce's ego and vanity exploded when he secured ETD because he knew he was breaking through and Hollywood was at his mercy after years of struggling.

Drugs, affairs and an "extremely scary side" didn't come from nowhere. I don't believe that steroids contributed to his death but he was clearly taking something.

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No, I wasn't asking where the "steroids" alegations had come from. I meant specifically the info that Dragon posted.

this part.

Production resumed without him because he wasn't ready to go after the effects of all his drug usage has him under extreme anxiety.

I haven't read Unsettled matters in years. I forgot some of the info that's in there. I might have to dig it out and read it again.

Actually, the only time i read it was when i downloaded it and printed out page after page and stapled it together. 'lol So I think I'll have to buy a proper copy this time. :bigsmile:

Tom Bleecker talking about the steroids issue - TRkr7sg1ILg

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No, I wasn't asking where the "steroids" alegations had come from. I meant specifically the info that Dragon posted.

this part.

I haven't read Unsettled matters in years. I forgot some of the info that's in there. I might have to dig it out and read it again.

Actually, the only time i read it was when i downloaded it and printed out page after page and stapled it together. 'lol So I think I'll have to buy a proper copy this time. :bigsmile:

Sorry dude

The info does look Unsettled Matters material but I could be wrong.

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That and the fact that Enter the Dragon made Bruce look well 'ard.

He was like an unstoppable killing machine but with a brain and a swagger, in that film.

Kind of like Fist of Fury but on a cooler, bigger, Hollywood scale.

Yeah but that Hollywood part gave the film a too American feel so to me FIST OF FURY cooler.

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^ I could have done without seeing John Saxon fight, yeah. :xd:

Bruce visiting his old school/college in 1973. I don't have the exact date to hand right now, but it's obviously after or during the ETD shoot. Most likely after.


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^ I could have done without seeing John Saxon fight, yeah. :xd:

Oh come on now - Roper is as cool as ice!

Tanya: Pick one!

Roper: I already have!

Tanya: Wise decision

Legendary stuff and he had a nice left jab:bigsmile:

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Oh come on now - Roper is as cool as ice!

Tanya: Pick one!

Roper: I already have!

Tanya: Wise decision

Legendary stuff and he had a nice left jab:bigsmile:

Ofcourse! My bad. Roper is a legend. :wink::xd:

I just remember him wearing a plastic wrist band thing that looked like he'd just been released from hospital.

That scene should have gone like this....

Tanya - "Pick one"

Roper - "I already have"

Tanya - "Well, I'm not psychic. Tell me which one!"

Tanya - "Oh, me!!" 'lol

Tanya - "Yeah, sorry, I'm too hot for you. Now pick one of these ugly fuckers

in the line up. Hurry up, I've got things to do."

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Ofcourse! My bad. Roper is a legend. :wink::xd:

I just remember him wearing a plastic wrist band thing that looked like he'd just been released from hospital.

That scene should have gone like this....

Tanya - "Pick one"

Roper - "I already have"

Tanya - "Well, I'm not psychic. Tell me which one!"

Tanya - "Oh, me!!" 'lol

Tanya - "Yeah, sorry, I'm too hot for you. Now pick one of these ugly fuckers

in the line up. Hurry up, I've got things to do."

LMFAO!! :bigsmile::bigsmile:this cracked me right up .

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