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Help please...Searching for a title

Guest rcor

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An old friend and I were reminiscing the other day about some of the old school Kung Fu fliks that used to be on TV back in the 80's. There was one that we both remembered seeing but can't think of the title. The only clue that I can think of that may help was a fight sequence that had about 10 or more fighters (possibly monks) in two opposing groups. In this scene the two groups fought one another by each forming a human tower. One man standing upon the shoulders of another until there were two stacks of men about five high. The two stacks leaned in towrd the middle where at about 20 feet above ground the two top men of each stack were fighting each other. all others were busy holding up the next guy. There were alot of other wire fu antics in this one but nothing else quite as unique comes to mind.

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oldeschool17 thanks for all the suggestions. The scene in the trailer to Shaolin Prince where the guys in red are stacked up is very close to what I remember but it is not the same movie. Either Shaolin Prince takes the idea from the movie in question or vice versa. The difference being that there were two stacks of fighters against each other and I don't beleive anyone had red garments. Also the stacks were more vertical and alot higher in the air to the top men. Challenge of the Masters is not it either. Good call though, I did not think that there was another movie that had the same thing in it but you found one. Thanks again. I hope someone can pin it down. This thing is like having a song trapped in your head that you can't get rid of it.

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Thanks falkor for the 3 suggestions. Shaolin Intruders, now that was a good one, although not the one I was looking for. But, since you reminded me of it I will have to see it again. The other two titles don't bring anything to mind so I don't know. I will have to check into them.

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Not a martial arts movie, but could you be thinking of the Archeology Today sketch from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"?


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The Amazing Psycho Per

14 amazons has a scene that looks like that... Although it's women, not man, and that they are not fighting but forming a bridge...

Treasure hunters also has a scene where they form a pyramid of monks...

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I have to admit the fight scene in Archaeology Today was funnier than the scene in the movie I was looking for. Apparently from all of the suggestions so far this human tower business is not as rare as I thought it was. Go figure.

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An old friend and I were reminiscing the other day about some of the old school Kung Fu fliks that used to be on TV back in the 80's. There was one that we both remembered seeing but can't think of the title. The only clue that I can think of that may help was a fight sequence that had about 10 or more fighters (possibly monks) in two opposing groups. In this scene the two groups fought one another by each forming a human tower. One man standing upon the shoulders of another until there were two stacks of men about five high. The two stacks leaned in toward the middle where at about 20 feet above ground the two top men of each stack were fighting each other. all others were busy holding up the next guy. There were alot of other wire fu antics in this one but nothing else quite as unique comes to mind.

I remember Jacky fighting against some monks on each others shoulders. Only other movie I can think of at this time is Young Master. Also With Jacky Chan :)

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Guest batista

This is classic kung fu. One master - bad guy search for others kung fu masters and challenge them if they wan't to teach him their style!

He wants to be ultimate fighter. He kill few masters in beginning because they dont want to teach him. I remember that one fight was against master from Cave near the river. One funny guy, maybe Jackie Chan or similar search for revenge, or want to learn kung fu....

Old master, some beggar teach him kung fu in woods. One day Bad Guy from beggining challenge old master-beggar but i think that he dont kill him.

When student came beggar act, and looks like is death, student cry... in the finnish he find Bad Guy with ultimate kung fu and revenge teacher. :) My english is bad, but I really wanna know name of this movie. It's one of the best that i watch.

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This is classic kung fu. One master - bad guy search for others kung fu masters and challenge them if they wan't to teach him their style!

He wants to be ultimate fighter. He kill few masters in beginning because they dont want to teach him. I remember that one fight was against master from Cave near the river. One funny guy, maybe Jackie Chan or similar search for revenge, or want to learn kung fu....

Old master, some beggar teach him kung fu in woods. One day Bad Guy from beggining challenge old master-beggar but i think that he dont kill him.

When student came beggar act, and looks like is death, student cry... in the finnish he find Bad Guy with ultimate kung fu and revenge teacher. :) My english is bad, but I really wanna know name of this movie. It's one of the best that i watch.

Here's a link-http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079315/


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Guest batista

It's not The Fearless Hyena. This movie is much better :)

Bad guy know some special tehnique, but he search for other masters to learn more - to learn all deadly styles! He killed minimum 4 masters and one of them was master from Cave. Bad guy was some royal guardness. In this movie is only one beggar - teacher who pretend that is death after bad guy beat him. When student run for bad guy beggar wake up and smile.... Whole movie is in the woods. I think that student on the finish beat bad guy with blind eyes tehnique.

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Brigadier Chow

batista...the movie you describe sound like ADVENTURE FOR IMPERIAL TREASURES aka SHAOLIN BOOK with Lung Fei & Wang Tao.

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Guest batista

Thanks, it sounds like ADVENTURE FOR IMPERIAL TREASURES, i hope so :) This is story:

Many imperial treasures were stolen in the beginning of Qing Dynasty. The investigation to cover these treasures were conducted ever since. This mission fell in to the hands of Prince Feng Ko in the late Qing. He traced Li Lin; a suspect; to his secret cave in Mt. Chilien where he was hiding from the officials. Li Lin escaped from Feng Kos search and got away with the treasure map. Fengs troops caught up and killed both Li and his wife. Lis daugher was saved by a kung-fu man and his son was saved by a beggar. Lis son; Hsiao Ching was taught kung fu by a mong with unmatchable skills. Hsiao Ching learned from the monk and was ready to revenge his parents death. While Hsiao Ching was out searching for Prince Feng; Feng came and wounded the monk. Hsiao Ching came back with Yun Lan; a girl he met while searching Feng. After fierce fighting; Hsiao Ching finally killed Feng. The monk; at his last breathe told Hsaio Ching that Yun Lan was his sister.

Brigadier Chow,

Does Prince Feng Ko from this story first asked Cave-man Li Lin to teache him his style? If he asks that before fight that is the definitely movie i looking for :)

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