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Questions on Celestial dvd's "AVENGING EAGLE"

Constable Fu

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I've got Celestial dvd's AVENGING EAGLE and am pleased with the picture quality. But I have a few gripes regarding some of the scenes: :confused:

There are two freeze frame slow-motion shots during the film:

a. In the early duel scene between Ti Lung and the one-eyed eagle from the first batch (when he falls into the pond).

b. When Ti Lung gets wounded on the shoulder by the Golden Spear during the night robbery scene.

Are these some sort of camera techniques employed by Sun Chung ?

I mean these aren't caused by the dvd or any technical/authoring defect made by Celestial, right ?

I know there are a lot of my brothers who know much more about this flick than I do.

Could you clarify this, please ? :)

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That's an editing scheme utilized by Sun Chung. It's not present in the US version. I believe the film won an award for editing which is mentioned on the back of the box.

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I would argue that in the fight with the one-eyed eagele, where he falls into the pond, that Sun Chung is really using (maybe inventing?) the bullet-time effect used in The Matrix 20 years later. Sun Chung had two cameras filming the shot, so in the editing room he used a freeze-frame of one of the cameras, and then cut to a freeze-frame shot of the exact same moment from the other camera on the other side of the action. I believe this is the same way they do the Matrix effects, except that for the Matrix they have a semi-circle of about 30 cameras filming the action, whereas Sun Chung only had the two cameras---Sun Chung's might not look quite as dramatic, but it's the same concept, I believe.

Although according to wikipedia:j


it was also used in Return of the Pink Panther. I'll have to check that out again and look for it.

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Dave, you should check out the thread about this film in the Shaw section, as there's a discussion of an edited action scene in the Celestial version. The uncut clip is shown in the thread. Pretty interesting.

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Yang Wu Liang

Hey Mark, the novel's by Huang Ying 黄鹰 not Jin Yong and I think it's got the same name as the other adaptation - 13 Cold Blooded Eagles.

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Guest Markgway

I checked the HKFA and they credit Chin Hung (Qin Hong) as the author.

Also wrote Rendezvous With Death.

Still no idea which novel it came from??

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Guest Markgway

Oh, one other question......... is the English dub missing any footage from the subtitled version?

(I know about the 1 min of fight footage cut from the Celestial so that's not what I'm asking about)


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I always thought the pre-cursor to bullet time was watching a cropped slow motion action scene while the telecine pans and scans in real time. It seemed to happen a lot in all the tv versions of Shaw films.

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Guest Markgway
is the English dub missing any footage from the subtitled version?

(I know about the 1 min of fight footage cut from the Celestial so that's not what I'm asking about)

Anyone?? I thought you guys were the experts on dubs? :D

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yes the english dub is missing the scene where the father kills himself. When he jumps up to the top of that big concrete 'pole' and he smashes his head.

Someone could probably explain it better.

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Anyone?? I thought you guys were the experts on dubs? :D

Yes, the English dub is missing bits from the IVL dvd of AVENGING EAGLE. I assume the response above is referring to 8 DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER.

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Yes, the English dub is missing bits from the IVL dvd of AVENGING EAGLE. I assume the response above is referring to 8 DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER.

I was at school when I made this post and thought I was in the 8 diagram pole fighter thread. Whoops! :S

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Yes, but nothing much comes to mind at the moment aside from these--

KID WITH THE GOLDEN ARM. People have said the scene has been mistakenly rearranged but I think it was that way in the HK version to begin with. Wang Lung Wei could have sent up two flares as Kuo Chui responds when he sends the flare up, that "No one's answering." Considering he pops in mere seconds after Wang uses the flare, none of the gang could have possibly shown up so quickly. Just my opinion of it, though.

MEN FROM THE MONASTERY doesn't have any short spots (that I recall) but one scene is edited differently--at the end when Fu Sheng removes the sword the screen goes red but in the English version, the scene remains in color.

MARCO POLO has some snipped bits missing from the HK and English version...

That loooooooooong, torturous sequence of Wang Lung Wei taking so damn long to die in slow motion is (thankfully) gone from the HK cut. When Kuo kicks him in the throat, the shot immediately cuts to Wang hitting the ground. It's not jarring, at least not to me, and plays much better this way, IMO.

Also, after Chi Kuan Chun breaks Gordon Liu's neck at the end, the English version features him wailing away on him with a flurry of punches. He then hits him one last time in slow motion sending Liu into the air before crushing his chest then Liu expires. In the HK cut, Chi breaks Liu's neck, immediately followed by Liu hitting the ground, then Chi crushes his chest. This, too, plays better, IMO.

However......the English version (at least the dutch tape) is shortened at the end. The movie ends when you see the long shot of the townsfolk approaching the camera. In the HK cut, there's at least another minutes worth of footage of Fu and Kuo seeing Harrison off. the two join the group and they look back at him. Harrison rushes forward as if he wants to go back with them. Fu and the others turn and go back leaving Harrison. THE END.

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Guest Markgway

Thanks for the info:

I saw a bootleg of GOLDEN ARM but I'm sure it was the longer one and not the TV version. T'was dubbed.

MONASTERY - I've seen it both dubbed and subbed so that's covered.

MARCO POLO - Only seen the Celestial version. No uncut print available anywhere? Doesn't seem much point tracking down the dub when it's also cut.

Just want to make sure I've given each film I've reviewed a fair chance. Can't imagine a few extra bits of violence would chance my opinion on the film.

Nor Chang Yi walking thru a forest for that matter...... lol

I'm gonna re-check AVENGING EAGLE in subbed version though.

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