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The Never Back Down Quadrilogy (2008/2011/2016/2021)

Dragon Ma

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4 hours ago, Super Ninja said:

NBD3 easily tops the first two in almost every department but when it comes to action, I'd have to say part two takes the throne. What's the fandom verdict@AlbertV?

I like all 3 films but for various reasons:

#1 because it had that Karate Kid-like theme to the film and the way the film ended was quite surprising. 


Jake and Ryan give each other the "nod of respect" the day after their final battle. 

#2 because it had something novel with the idea of ex-MMA champ training 4 guys at the same time and at least they legit fighters in the cast (Alex Meraz - capoeira; Dean Geyer - karate; Todd Duffee and Scottie Epstein - MMA) plus the return of Max Cooperman. I actually liked the scene with MJW where Case talks about why he went to prison because it showed a more sympathetic side to Max's fanboy character. 

#3 because it had MJW again in somewhat of a mentor role again and we get to see him use Kyokushin Karate against Eoin O'Brien. The fight against Nathan Jones was nicely done and the Tony Jaa cameo as I mentioned, is hilarious...Snow Dogs? Hooowwwllllll!!!!


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Super Ninja
On 6/4/2021 at 3:01 PM, AlbertV said:

I like all 3 films but for various reasons

Same here, I enjoyed all three. I wouldn't agree the original is as lame as people like to claim, I had the most fun watching it. It made me feel good and if I saw it as a kid I'd probably go tell my mom I wanna be an MMA fighter when I grow up. True about the ending, that was a nice little touch.

Second is the one I'd recommend for the action and the third as the best movie overall that just somehow felt lacking action wise.

On 6/4/2021 at 3:01 PM, AlbertV said:

#3 because it had MJW again in somewhat of a mentor role again and we get to see him use Kyokushin Karate against Eoin O'Brien.

That's something I've been thinking about while watching. White has an impressive list of martial arts styles under his belt, but I can't remember seeing him using (Kyokushin) Karate anywhere else, at least not as purely as here?

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Super Ninja

Watching this trilogy was a long time coming but I'm now officially a fan excited about the fourth one on its way. The Gate was interesting enough to make Revolt all the more promising, especially with Tim Man handling choreo.

Here's an interesting article on the upcoming NBD4.


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Kung Fu Kingdom interviewed Kellie Madison about the new film and Tim Man trained some of the stars who didn't really have MA experience in the film for 3 weeks prior to shooting. And wow! Cecep Ari Rahman also came on board as a fight choreographer for two scenes shot in Indonesia with Chloe Bruce and Phoebe Robinson-Galvan


Edited by AlbertV
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I saw the film yesterday. It had a Bloodsport 4 vibe. More on story, which is actually pretty decent involving fighters forced to work to not be trafficked (but Bisping warns the fighters they will never leave...fight or be trafficked), and the action done by Tim Man and Cecep Ari Rahman is not too bad. I hope we see more of Neetu Chandra. I think this would be better if she was the lead role as she is a legitimate martial artist. 


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3 hours ago, One Armed Boxer said:

Just to be clear, this isn’t a compliment right?

Yeah, that was my reaction.

On 11/20/2021 at 1:29 PM, AlbertV said:

and the action done by Tim Man and Cecep Ari Rahman is not too bad.

How does this compare to Fight Valley?

What's the best female-centric American martial arts movies of recent years? I remember some with Amy Johnston, but never saw any of them.

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4 hours ago, DrNgor said:

I remember some with Amy Johnston, but never saw any of them.

As much as I like Amy Johnston, both of those were kind of meh. One was better than the other, but can't remember which. I blame it on the choreographer, but she has the skills, but didn't seem like choreography really challenged her or showcased her all that well.

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One Armed Boxer
20 hours ago, DrNgor said:

What's the best female-centric American martial arts movies of recent years?

Pffff, that’s a tough one, I think I’d have to go back to 2014’s ‘In the Blood’, a vehicle for Gina Carano, which is already 7 years ago.

It’s no great shakes, but passable entertainment.

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:09 PM, One Armed Boxer said:

Just to be clear, this isn’t a compliment right?

Yeah exactly. Compared to the other 3 films, it wasn't as exciting. Like I said, I liked the story but I felt there wasn't enough to get me as pumped as the other. Probably because I felt in a way Olivia Popica lacked a certain charm to her role of Anya. Now, if Neetu Chandra had taken the lead, I think it would have been more exciting thanks to the fact she is a 4th degree black belt in TKD, something Tim Man could have used to his advantage, but Popica I don't think was a legit martial artist and had only 3 weeks to train for the film. 

IMO, it's a watch one time then maybe down the road if you really get bored enough, then a second watch...but I'm talking months on this one. 

On 11/23/2021 at 12:39 AM, DrNgor said:

What's the best female-centric American martial arts movies of recent years? I remember some with Amy Johnston, but never saw any of them.

I agree with @ShaOW!linDude. Amy's two films, Lady Bloodsport and Female Fight Club, were not that exciting and considering her skills, her fight against Scott Adkins in Accident Man was much better than those two films. The best thing Amy did IMO was the short film The Gate which was directed by NBDR director Kellie Madison


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Solid movie for what it is and yes, definitely more interested in the story than its predecessors. Revolt carried over some of the atmosphere Madison's successful short had and delivers some fine violence to go with it; the scene where the girls decide to get even on Bisping was one of the highlights in my eyes. Unfortunately, it doesn't deliver on the action. Chandra showed absolutely nothing which is something that could be said for Tim Man as well.

Of course, there's a chance he wanted to keep the fights more realistic because, though fighters (at least some of them), these girls were kidnapped to participate in the underground fights for rich assholes, so they're not exactly motivated or skilled enough, next to not wanting to hurt each other. For that reason the fight Rahman choreographed is arguably the best in the movie, but sticks out like a sore thumb because there's too much skill on display after what we've been served up until that point.

On 11/22/2021 at 2:39 PM, DrNgor said:

How does this compare to Fight Valley?

There's nothing quite as bad as Fight Valley. Not only is it a terrible movie and a complete waste of talent involved, it also offers zero good fights.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb after having ignored this movie for over a decade. BUT Never Back Down (2008) is an underappreciated gem of modern Martial Arts Cinema.

I mean what's there not to like!? If you've grown up with those cheesy martial arts flicks then this has to be right up your alley.

Never Back Down has all the right ingredients for it that's for sure! Some basic plot holding the thing together, an underdog to root for, a comedic sidekick, a charismatic villain, great training montages (my personal favorite), some well captured fight scenes and if that isn't enough some love story thrown into the mix. Did I mention the love interest is none other than Amber Heard?

All finished of with a kick-ass soundtrack. Also a special mention to Djimon Hounsou who's just extremely likeable as coach Roqua here.

So for all the cheese this delivers it feels like such a throw-back to what has been and probably never will be again. I mean this thing actually played in cinemas for crying out loud! I doubt we'll ever see the likes again on the big screen.

Overall Never Back Down comes highly recommended for any fan of modern martial arts cinema.

Edited by laagi
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When I first watched NBD back in the day, I immediately thought Cam Gigandet would be ideal for Daniel Rand aka Iron Fist if the character ever made it to the screen. I was stoked when Netflix announced the show and then miffed that they cast Finn Jones instead of Cam.

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4 hours ago, ShaOW!linDude said:

When I first watched NBD back in the day, I immediately thought Cam Gigandet would be ideal for Daniel Rand aka Iron Fist if the character ever made it to the screen. I was stoked when Netflix announced the show and then miffed that they cast Finn Jones instead of Cam.

Now I see that. Cam would have made a good Iron Fist. If they ever bring him back to the MCU, he should take the role on if not Christian Howard (still my #1 pick for Iron Fist)

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