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Hellboy 2: The Golden Army will....


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kick ass, of course! Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favorite sci-fi/horror/dramatic directors and Pans Labryinth is one of my top movies of ALL TIME..TIME..TIME..TIME (sorry about that echo!)

Hellboy was good, not great, but very solid. Trying to make a picture based on a limited audience comic is hard and he had to toe the line between source material and pleasing the executives (hence the absolutely useless schmuck they inserted in the film). And I think he will just build on that, plus he's not above taking risks and being as dark as the material requires. He's tied himself to some great projects (The Orphanage, which I haven't seen but heard is great) which is solidifying his clout.

And I want him to direct HPL's Mountains of Madness. So there's that!

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Yeah Del Toro has some interesting movies on the list, he just keeps getting better ever movie he does. I'm a big fan of Mike Mignola's art and his Hellboy is one of my favorite comics, looks like they dropped the kid that was suppose to take care of him in the last movie and got all the origin stuff out of the way, I'm really looking forward to Hellboy 2!

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Del Toro is talented, I'll grant you that, but as far as Hellboy is concerned, he dropped the ball. The comic is simple and there is room for embellishment but all the Del Toro character touches were horrible, the worst aspects of the film. Everything else was fine, the casting, the general plotline, the action and fx, but Del Toro put some wince-inducing character stuff in there.

You can try to blame studio executives, but I think it was one of those films greenlit as a vehicle for Del Toro and not because some producer saw it as a pet project to toy with. Overall he was happy with it, but Mignola has casually mentioned that there were quite a few Del Toro suggestions- not studio, he specifically said Del Toro- that he strongly nixed and a few he didnt agree with that snuck through.

That isnt to say I dont have hope for the sequel. I'll definitely check it out. The villain looks a little weak though.

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I can't wait for this Friday.

Hellboy was a movie I was surprised got greenlit in the first place, then again anything with nazis in it gets greenlit. I really didn't care for the romance, but understand you have to give the women something to care about. Ron Pearlman though is perfect as the wise cracking disgruntled harbinger of the apocalypse.

The actor that plays the elf king is suppose to be one of the highlights of the film, kind of an interesting direction, though I hope they go more into the crown of fire/hand of doom bible theology, Hellboy is a very complicated character, one of my favorite parts of the comics is where he has the dream and sees his mother and father, I really hope they fit that in.

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While I thought Hellboy was not the greatest, I'm not sure if I agree it was the character touches so much. Uneven pace, some bad casting (Rasputin), and the totally unnecessary insert of the BPRD handsome boy. Maybe there were some Guillermo touches in there that didn't jibe but the fact that someone could even bring that story off the page and onto the screen is amazing. I would like to hear what you though didn't work. Mignola's stories are dark and obtuse at times, leaving the reader to fill in some spaces. but I think Guillermo and Mike agree that a lot of the characters, especially Hellboy, are pitch-perfect. Yet I'll agree that the first movie had some flaws that could be fixed.

The buzz and reviews on this one (HB2) are sounding good. While I'm not hoping for perfection, I do think it will be in my top five of the year. It looks like a great combo of an imaginative director, a really game cast, awesome special f/x, and just fun. This year is the trifecta of "superhero" movies: 1. Dark Knight 2. Hellboy 2, and 3. Iron Man.

Can't wait!

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Caught it last night with Del Toro, Doug Jones & Mike Mignola in attendance. It's always a yummy surprise to see a sequel that's as good as or better than it's predecessor. Del Toro had more money and more control and you see the results on the screen. Plenty of rewatchability just to try to see something you missed several times before. Lot's of creatures, but no monsters except for the Golden Army and humanity. A somewhat sympathetic, yet cruel and remorseless (but then, he is sidhe), villain this time around.

Lot's of nice creatures including one that seemed to allude to PRINCESS MONONOKE. You'll know it when you see it. Johann worked out even better than I had hoped.

It's a movie that wear's its heart on its sleeve, especially about midway through in a scene with Hellboy, Abe and Barry Manilow. It didn't just make you want to smile, you do smile. Even with all the death and mayhem it's really a light hearted movie. There are portents, though, that the 3rd movie (providing this one does well enough) will be much darker (and more Nazis! And maybe Lobster Johson (portrayed by Bruce Campbell)!).

I managed to get in a question after the movie, so I asked about At the Mountains of Madness. Not too hopeful, sadly, but if HB2 and the HOBBITs 1 & 2 and HALO all do well enough, who's to say. The studios are all hinky about Lovecraft and rights and really unhappy endings.

It did sound like he would get around to making SATURN AND THE END OF DAYS sooner or later. Among the highlights was Del Toro demonstrating how to make a muppet (this involves tequila and a volunteer). The studio graciously payed for everyone's dinner and we all got t-shirts.

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OK I went to see this movie today with My Son who really likes H.B. and I thought it was actually better then the 1st. movie. A lot of action and a good storyline, hopefully there will be a 3rd. movie made. And there were some funny moments as well, when HB & Abe starting singing. Definitely not to be missed.

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Excellent sequel that outdoes the original immensely. Prince Nuada was a fantastic villian. Great martial art fighting that made him a worthy opponent to Hellboy. Everything from sets, creatures, and characters were well detailed and were essential to the plot and not just for show. All the main characters had a depth that allowed for the audience to care for them. Not something a lot of SFX movies do. Most definitely warrants a sequel.

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Best film Ive seen in theaters so far this year!! Loved the original, and this one was even better. Like others have already said, every aspect of the film was on point. Del Torro is my favorite director working today!

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Ok, one thing that really erks me, the love scenes, I felt like the 2nd act was a total missed opportunity, and if it wasn't bad enough, you had to have another one of the main characters in love too and make one of the dumbest decisions ever over it.

Otherwise an excellent movie with some of the best monsters and fight scenes that have graced a hollywood movie.

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I didn't like Hellboy 2. I saw the first one on TV and thought it was really well done. But this one just started off schlocky and ended in a whimper. Non-stop silly jokes and one-liners, it played more like a bad American sitcom than an action film. The domestic squabbling they displayed in this film was just excruciating to watch.


What really annoyed me was the piece of the crown that the princess hid in the book. She explained that she was completely connected to her twin brother. And she could sense when he was approaching. So how come he couldn't tell where the piece of the crown was? I mean, she even looked at the friggin' book while he was standing there!!!

I liked the martial arts skills of Luke Goss. Is he formally trained in any kung fu discipline? I think him up against Jet Li, or someone like Mark Dacascos (if he ever does a big hollywood film again), would be cool to watch.

The Troll Market and all the creatures in the institute just made me think as a Men In Black rip-off. I don't follow the comic, so I don't know if the idea of a place like the one in Men In Black was thought of long before MIB.

I think this movie would have been better if it wasn't designed to be so family friendly. I guess I understand that all the petty bickering that the characters engage in are supposed to make them seem more 'human', like the non-humans have the same kind of relationship issues, but did we really need all of that, scene after scene after scene? The beginning with John Hurt and Hellboy Kid was especially terrible. That kids lips didn't even touch once. I'm guessing an adult female dubbed his voice? It didn't sound like an actual kid doing the voice. For a few moments I thought the kid was even a puppet or CGI.

Overall, it's probably still worth checking out if you're a fan of the Hellboy character, but if you're just so-so with it, you should wait till it comes on TV. Since it's family-friendly, that'll happen within a year or so.


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I thought HB2 was fantastic, love Del Toro's work, Orphanage was one of the best films Ive seen

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Just so anyone has heard the news...a third film is NOT happening...Guillermo del Toro officially made the announcement via Twitter today


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I was hoping and waiting but ultimately knew it was going to be an uphill battle to get the third one out.  I'm a big fan of 1 and especially 2 which was one of my favorite films of 2008 and really would have like this out (more than anything he has done since, though I have liked both films since then.)  I hate series that leave you hanging :).

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