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Cloverfield: Anyone Excited Over This One?


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The teasers have been intriguing for this film, which I understand to be another giant monster movie. I was kind of looking forward to this film, but now I've read a review on imdb that says it was done with hand held cameras. In other words, it's like the Blair Witch Project where the audience is watching a recording that was found after the incident occured. BWP was not only a poorly made film, it made me nauseous because of the shakey image, and it really pissed me off that there were no warnings that this film could induce motion sickness. Now I'm thinking I'm just going to stay away from Cloverfield.

Are you guys going to check it out even if it might potentially make you feel sick?


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Righteous Master

I know nothing about this film. I did however see BWP in the theater. Back then I thought that it was a scary and fairly well done film. BTW, I did not get sick from watching BWP so this would not matter to me.

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Looks like THE HOST meets BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Unlike BLAIR WITCH, CLOVERFIELD appears to have a sizable budget for fancy effects.

For those interested, the following link contains spoiler images of the creature as drawn by several artists who have already seen the movie.


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My friend seen this movie or I should say fast forwarded a lot of the movie and said he thought it sucked! He said you never see the Creature it was like the Blair Witch Project, so I have to see it for myself.

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Yeah, I'm excited about this movie. I guess I'm a kaiju fan of sorts. In fact, Godzilla was right up there with kung fu when I was a kid. And I've heard good things about it, and that you shouldn't expect more than a straight genre film with a new angle on it.

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Hey gfanikf, I said he had seen a bit of the movie from a promo, and he skimmed through the movie and he said he really didn't see the Creature just like in the Blair Witch Project. But I do still want to see it myself.

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Hey gfanikf, I said he had seen a bit of the movie from a promo, and he skimmed through the movie and he said he really didn't see the Creature just like in the Blair Witch Project. But I do still want to see it myself.

Oh I know. It's just that clip was less than 2 minutes on youtube and lacks a lot of detail and the creature appears a ton in the film anywhere. I loved it!

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I've read a lot of review. Rotten tomatoes is giving this one more than 75% on the approval meter, but it's the negative ones I've really paid attention to. The fact that the imagery is jarring and probably will induce motion sickness is enough to keep me away from this flick.

It was an interesting idea for a film, but to have it shown for 1 1/2 as video camera footage is way too much to bear. I'd rather sit through another viewing of War than watch this.


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KFS it's funny you said that I went to the movies yesterday with my Son and after his movie we went to see a little of this movie. I came in around the Middle towards the End I guess but what I seen of the camera's motion really was very annoying. I did enjoy the scenes that I was watching but I hated the motion of the camera. The Blair Witch got me sick with its camera motion and this was the same feeling. I still want to see the entire movie so I can give my review on it.

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I was able to see it with a sold-out crowd on the biggest screen in the state of Arizona on opening day. I thought it was FANTASTIC!!! A different take on the kaiju genre. Didn't get motion sickness and thought all the elements worked well together. All the criticism was expected, this movie is not going to please everyone. But that's what happens when you do something different. I've read a lot of reviews that complain about the monster sucked, they didn't show enough of the monster, the shaky-cam is annoying, no narrative structure, what kind of ending was that, etc., etc. All valid points. It's not a ground-breaking film, but takes elements of realism that is part of our society. The instant images we have access to with digital video cameras, cell phones, and media coverage all make it relatable to today's audience. Just look to 9/11 coverage(which the movie takes its obvious cues from)to understand why point-of-view shaky-cam is utilized. Leave any bias you may have and immerse yourself in the experience. Enjoy or Prepare to Debate.:D

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Looks like THE HOST meets BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Unlike BLAIR WITCH, CLOVERFIELD appears to have a sizable budget for fancy effects.

It does have nice effects, but believe it or not, it had a budget of only 25 mil! Not bad, they'll definately make there $!

I got to see it for free, if you didn't already know I work at a movie theater. Everyone was raving about it at my job. It was alright. The only thing I liked about it was how intense and gritty it all was. Especially when the army showed up!


I thought it was ridiculous how they got on that leaning building :rolleyes: And they didn't die from the helicopter crash, what's more the constant encounters with the spider, parasite thing. It was like he made it from both sides of manhattan in 30 seconds, he was everywhere! And it was showing signs of pain from a bazooka blast, but when a stealth bomber nuked it, it recooped. You gotta love that part when the girl's head explodes though :D The film went too far from time to time. No plot, no worries. It'll definately appeal to the younger audiences more!

Enjoy or Prepare to Debate.:D

Or in this case both! HA HA!

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Hey Sifu, don't forget that incredible video camera that seems to have a battery life of over 7 hours and is nearly indestructible. SPOILERS: It gets dropped, survives that helicopter crash, the video survives the nuclear bomb and being buried in the rubble. :eek:

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Hey Sifu, don't forget that incredible video camera that seems to have a battery life of over 7 hours and is nearly indestructible. SPOILERS: It gets dropped, survives that helicopter crash, the video survives the nuclear bomb and being buried in the rubble. :eek:

Oh yeah I know! I wanna know where to find one of those.

I can see it now, Sony's new promise.

"Now with nuclear holocaust guarantee!" :P

One of the other things I realized, they totally would've been electricuted in the subway by the third rail.

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OK I got to see this movie finally tonight, and it was a good movie only about 75min. You really didn't get a Great look at the Creature just quick scenes and video images of it. I did like the realization that the movie had to it, that was what made it more believable. And I also would like to know where they got the camera with that Great battery from. The funny thing about most Monster/Horror Movies is that the White People always want to do something stupid like go back for the girl and the other idiots follow him, sorry that would not have been me.

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The funny thing about most Monster/Horror Movies is that the White People always want to do something stupid like go back for the girl and the other idiots follow him, sorry that would not have been me.

True, you didn't seen any black dudes in there. Too smart :D

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