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Chinese basher/boxer films


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Even though very similar, I like King Boxer and Hammer of Gods, theyre probably my favorite basher movies...and of course the one-armed boxer films. I haven't seen many though, I admit Im much more into the more stylish stuff.

Also, those huge lists are greatly appreciated Im sure, but maybe recommend a top 3-10 for the guy.. Well I guess he can figure that out by seeing which movies are common in the lists... But I am interested in bashers a little more now, watched King Boxer again after seeing this thread.. So I will use these lists a little as well. thanks fellas.

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Mark Pollard

The list I'm compiling is for research purposes to support work I'm doing on the main site. It's not meant to overshadow your contribution to the discussion Dragon or to be a guide, per say, for people interested in basher films. I will probably end up moving my list over to the Reference forum when I'm done with it.

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Mean Streets of Kung Fu (aka Invincible Hero)

Chinese Dragon (aka Chinese Mechanic)

Both 1973 Barry Chan bashers.

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The Dragon my man please don't be sad.We appreciate your contribution a lot and if you notice,Mark seems to be updating his original list as more titles are posted.I'm very glad that Mark has decided to compile a list of these classics as I do not know of any such thing in existence.These films have tremendous sentimental value to me because they refresh my memory of past events as one progresses through life.For example when 4 Real Friends was released,man! there was so much commotion - unimaginable - the first time four top superheroes starred as leading men and these guys had dedicated fans already who wanted thier star to outshine the others.Boy pandemonium!!!!.Tickets were gold dust.I can't describe the scenes at box offices.Not forgetting the intense rivalry of the fans of Wang Yu and Chen Sing (many screening of The Two Cavaliers were cancelled because of this and theatre owners had to appeal to the audience for calm.Eventually special security was deployed to seperate fans during screenings).These films also make me remember significant personal events that occured to me in that time frame so it is like a sort of virtual calendar.

Paimeifist there is nothing like top 3 bashers all the main leads at that time made superduper hits and the formular fight wise was very similar though mostly unpredictable - I mean most times you never know who will win till the very end if anyone (Bruce Lee changed this).Wang Yu alone can give top 3 bashers what about the rest?

One cannot chose between Tiger Jump,Tiger Tiger Tiger,Fist To Fist and Little Superman;its impossible.One thing to bear in mind about these films is that they had very good plots though not always well executed because of mediocre directing but I really prefered them to the " 20 years ago you killed my father and now you gonna die - must pay - want revenge etc etc " trend that almost killed kung fu films.

There are a lot more titles left but I try to list films I've seen in case someone needs reference.Even though its a long time ago there is always something lingering which gives clues to identifying these gems.

Once again The Dragon and everyone thanks for your contribution and keep posting.Mark well done.Appreciated.

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boxer in shanghai starring doris chen is a great basher loved every minute of it, although shapes are my priority i love a good basher for the sheer energy and hate .

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tantao3-son of tantao2

...wise words by Kwok Choi...

other rare ones:

The Daredevil, directed by Liang Shen, 1972

Acupuncture And Kung Fu

60 Minutes To Terror

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The list I'm compiling is for research purposes to support work I'm doing on the main site. It's not meant to overshadow your contribution to the discussion Dragon or to be a guide, per say, for people interested in basher films. I will probably end up moving my list over to the Reference forum when I'm done with it.


Ok, Kwok Choi... I guess I didn't pay attention that those lists were being updated... Thanks for that also because there are titles I see now that I had not had the pleasure of viewing, and need to track down.

Thanks for making it clear. If I can find more I'll add them as well.

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Some Shaws:

5 Tough Guys

Taxi Driver

Bruce Lee and I

Champion Of Champions

The Casino

The Girly Bar

Chinese Boxer

Singing Killer

The Delinquent

Kiss Of Death

Big Bad Sis

Big Brother Chen

Payment In Blood



Lady Exterminator

Chinatown Kid

Non Shaw:

Gathering Of Heroes

Big Boss Of Shanghai

Honeymoon Killer

Revenge Is Sweet (not Shaw's Sweet Is Revenge)

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The Thunderbolt Fist

I need to pick this.Trailer looks sweet,reminds me somehow of Chinese Boxer.

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I need to pick this.Trailer looks sweet,reminds me somehow of Chinese Boxer.

It's not bad... I get the feeling, if they had used Lo Lieh, it would have come out a great deal better. He had far more appeal than the star of the film. It feels like a King Boxer knock off.

But I still enjoy it.

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More Bashers:

Ghostly Face

Sleeping Dragon

13 Styles Strike

Gambling For Gold

A Debt Of Crime

Lantern Street

Smart Guys

The Association

The Hurricane

The Boxers

When Taekwondo Strikes

Black Belt

Two In Black Belt

The Black Dragon (Tony Ferrer not Ron Van Clief)

Bruka Queen Of Evil

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tantao3-son of tantao2

kwok choi, thanks for your great basher lists...please enlighten me...what are the following titles? do they have a.k.a.?

1.Smart Guys

2.Life And Death

3.Chivalry Knights

4.Chinese Headache For Judoka

5.Number X

6.Roaring Fire

7.Golden Tiger

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Hi Tantao

The Smart Guys is an action comedy directed by Yeung Kung and starred Cheung Liu who used to spot a trademark moustache in those days.This film was released towards the late 70s.The actors had a very peculiar way of delivering the Cantonese dialogue which was a bit odd for us at that time.The original poster is a hand drawn caricature of the main characters.

Life And Death is Bloody Duel/Bloody Fight

Chivalry Knights I saw in the early 70s.It is very bloody.This is the movie that has the infamous " deadly fingers in the gut " scene during the end fight which brought the demise of the main villain.The hero and main villain were once buddies who later became sworn enemies.The top part of the original poster has the hero in a jump kick pose which is duplicated a number of times and the bottom part has the main villain with his deadly fingers pose,also duplicated a couple of times.Falkor once posted the poster but I think under an alternative name which I can't remember.

Number X is a badass early 70s modern day basher starring Ching Chen/Ching Ching as one of the two main heroes.Can't remember much about the plot just the action which was wicked.

(sorry my browser keeps crashing thats why I'm posting in bits and in a hurry)

Chinese Headache For Judoka starred John Patton as the hero.It could be a co-production.I don't know it's actual release date but we got it in the early 70s.It was never re-released and I have never heard of it since.However click below to see some publicity.


Roaring Fire/Roaring Dragon/Roaring Lion is a Larry Lee film.It has another famous co star whose name has escaped me.This movie is a modern day film but Larry Lee most times prefers to wear white tradition Chinese clothing tailored like Bruce Lee's clothes in The Way Of The Dragon.This movie has the song " Fly Robin Fly " in one scene and good use was made

of that track Tarantino used in Kill Bill vol 1 in the animation flashback sequence when Lucy Liu's character had become 20 and was atop a sky scrapper with a Sniper rifle waiting for the next kill.

Golden Tiger is sometimes refered to as Tiger.Very good film.Excellent actually.This was once shown as a double bill with 4 Real Friends.It could have the same hero as the guy in Dare You Touch Me but I'm not too sure.The original poster has the hero in a scissors like jump kick kicking two Japanese guys with kitanas.Falkor also once posted some material on this film.By the way I think Falkor has a lot of publicity material on most of the bashers listed so far.

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Kwok sifu

Smart Guys is "Tough Kung Fu kid"

Chivalry Knights could be "Fingers that kill"

Chinese Headache For Judoka - think this is a Tony ferrer movie I am sure Shawman 7 has seen this in West indies.

Roaring Fire/Roaring Dragon/Roaring Lion- This sounds like "The Bodyguard"

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tantao3-son of tantao2

Kwok sifu

Shapes sifu

many thanks for your help!

seems Number X remains the "mystery" basher...

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Hi Shapes

Thanks for your input.I've seen " Fingers That Kill " and know it very well.It stars Lu Chun Ku billed as Tommy Loo Chun for this film.Fingers That Kill is the movie that was made a scapegoat for banning Chinese Films in Sierra Leone towards the end of 1973.Lu Chun Ku practices his technique fingering coconuts and coconut trees.

Chilvarly Knights is a lot more violent and bloody.One of the main characters is called " Chief Jien/Chief Chien " during the end fight the main villain five fingered an opponent's belly and his fingers got stuck in the guy's guts.The main hero then made a high leap and stamped on the stuck limb which got severed from the elbow.The shock of the dismembered arm killed the main villain but he made a speech of repentance before he died.Completely different movie from Fingers That Kill.

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Sounds wicked! is it a Taiwan film of HK?

Though it feels as if I have seen it, but something that grusome I 'm sure I'd remember right away.

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Hi Tantao

I've seen both;Number X is a fully modern city film ;Ferocious To Ferocious is set in a small town but not quite a village.Yasuaki Kurata is in the latter but not in Number X.

Here again they are 2 different movies.

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tantao3-son of tantao2

Hi Kwok

I only remember seeing this Ching Chen in Ever Victorious Hall...

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Hi Tantao

Does " Ever Victorious Hall " have an alt title? The Ching Chen I'm referring to is the guy who has that very long pole shaking technique in " The Last Battle Of Yang Chao "

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tantao3-son of tantao2

hi kwok

it is the same guy from Last Battle Of Yang Chao...

i do not know any alt. tile, maybe Over Victorious Hall, there was also an alt. Brit title on old VHS of it, but i forgot...

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