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I am Legend


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I actually enjoyed the old Omega Man flick with my man Charlton (take-your-stinkin-paws-off-me-you-damn-dirty-ape) Heston.

I'll still check out "Fresh Prince battles the mutants" eventually. $77M (US) isn't too shabby for an opening weekend in December.

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doug maverick

i liked this film it was pretty good. to say 77m isn't to shabby is an understatment. those big ass numbers, record breaking in fact for december.

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OK I got to watch this film last night, I thought it was good not great, I was expecting more out of it, the special FX's were a little cheap if you ask me very CGI. But overall a good movie, I really enjoyed the storyline of the movie.

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It felt short, but it was actually a little over 100 minutes long. It was so good and interesting it went fast, they could've easily had made two and a half hours long without being boring. Will Smith gave a great performance (when does he not!) and proved he such a versatile actor time and again. Some people won't and don't like it, they expected an action/adventure flick, but it was never meant to be one, nor was any of it's past interpretations like "The Omega Man" or "Last Man on Earth".

Some people say it wasn't scary because of the mediocre creature effects (the Darkseekers did look kinda silly, reminded me of the Mummy starring Brendan Frasier), but just the long panoramic shots of Manhattan with nobody around for miles and miles is disturbing enough to give the chills. I don't wanna reveal too much, but I also like the Bob Marley tie in. I'm a fan, I guess Will is too.

Excellent movie that ended to fast, it'll be a hit just not a phonomenon. Kids have such short attention spans that they need an explosion every second to make it good :shakefist This is not that movie, it's something completely different.


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i liked this film it was pretty good. to say 77m isn't to shabby is an understatment. those big ass numbers, record breaking in fact for december.

The movie did phenomenally, National Treasure 2, which comes out next Friday's not gonna be able to beat it! :sweat: Will Smith has became a Hollywood staple, look at Pursuit of Happyness, took very little money to make and featured no action. Yet the film grossed over a hundred mil! :o_O:

From IMDB:

"Will Smith could well have invoked the famous line of Muhammad Ali, the man he once played in a movie: "I am the greatest." For Smith, who performs a veritable one-man show in the movie I Am Legend, set a box-office record for December over the weekend as the movie debuted with an estimated $77.4 million. The previous record had been set by The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which took in $72.6 million in

its 2003 debut."

You know it was cause of Will! :cool: He's the man, I was just dissapointed he never said "ALL, HELL NO!"

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One word to describe this film: Weak

There's so much that's wrong with how they made this flick. Well, overall, the film lacked any soul. You didn't feel anything for any of the characters. I actually didn't even like Smith's character. I'm guessing that the character of Robert Neville wasn't supposed to be a nice guy, the way he'd hunt down the night people, but Vincent Price and Charleton Heston at least made him somewhat likeable. Will Smith's take on the character was just cold and clinical. And all that Bob Marley music stuff was just too much in your face.

Getting into specifics that I didn't like about the film. I thought the dark seekers were terrible. Cheap looking computer graphics. Living things don't move like rubber the way they did. It was so badly done, they must have worked on it for less than a week. They should have hired live actors.

So the virus wipes out billions of people practically overnight. So why is everything so nice and tidy on the most part in the streets? Cars are parked on the side, and there aren't any bodies anywhere! He kind of sees a shadow of a body in an apartment, and that's about it. Were they that scared of the censors? Or just too cheap.

A friend and I talked about the movie and he brought up an interesting point: How come this guy had a fully working lab in his house? If he was military, wouldn't he have done his work at whatever military facility he worked at? If he built his home lab after the outbreak, how did he carry those giant pieces of glass into the basement by himself?

This film will probably be on heavy rotation on Spike TV or Peachtree TV (formerly TBS) in a couple of years, so don't waste your money on seeing it in the theatre unless there's nothing else good to watch.


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One word to describe this film: Weak

There's so much that's wrong with how they made this flick. Well, overall, the film lacked any soul.

I felt that Will Smith gave the film all the soul it needed and some. But that's just my opinion.

By the way, since when did where you live they start calling TBS PEACH TREE! Where I live it's never changed! :confused:

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In my area, the TBS station got replaced by an Atlanta station called Peachtree. I'm up in Canada, so it's funny to see local Atlanta weather forecasts occasionally pop up during Different Strokes in the mornings. I assumed TBS changed its name, but I guess it's just not in my area anymore.


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