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Dragon Dynasty's Shaw Brothers releases

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Guest venomchamber

The inclusion of original trailers over the remastered home video releases where applicable was an excellent touch of nostalgia!

I also found it odd that the 5 Fingers Of Death trailer was in such poor condition when it is one of the most commonly found martial-arts movie trailers out there!

I wonder if Warner Bros. could/would have supplied a trailer, if asked?

The interviews were tops and a refreshing look at the Shaw stars today, rather than recycled from documentaries found on the IVLs.

The dubbing were all the original tracks dating from their theatrical releases back in the heyday, not slapped on.

These are American releases provided by The Wienstein Company (formerly Miramax) for the American mainstream market. Most American fans don't speak Chinese, and older films like these are still looked down upon by today's casual viewer in favor of films like House Of Flying Daggers, Hero and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Why are some people complaining about original languages anyway? Just pick up the IVL and./or Deltamac or even the Thai releases that have been available for years!

Better still, since Chinese is your preferred language of choice,

I'm sure the folks over at Image would welcome your business since they seem to have dropped the idea of English tracks for their releases.

Question: Why would anyone want multiple copies of the same exact film found on IVL, Deltamac, King, Image, Siren, Red Sun, and that Thai company- I forget its name, and DD all to be in Cantonese? I for one am glad they chose English tracks as I think there are enough Chinese versions out there!

I hope the next releases in November are as good! Hopefully they trailers are exactly that...previews of what's yet to come, and not just an extra "grindhouse tribute" supplied by Quentin.

Plus those enclosed $3 coupons will come in handy!


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Guest sevenhooks
The inclusion of original trailers over the remastered home video releases where applicable was an excellent touch of nostalgia!


The inclusion of the OG trailers alone make the releases "fantastic"!


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Guest morgoth

English dub is a big bonus. i don't know if anyoene listed this, but here are the original trailers that are included on the My Young Auntie disc-

My Young Auntie

One-armed swordsman

36th Chamber

Blood Brothers

Buddha's palm

Mad Monkey Kung Fu

Heroes of the Est

Infernal Affairs 3

There are a few more trailers, but not originals.

Original trailers on 36th Chamber disc-

36th Chamber

My Young Auntie

One Armed Swordsman

Infernal Affairs 3

Shaolin Mantis (this is a must for any fu fan)

Return to 36th Chamber

Disiples of 36th Chamber

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Guest The Running Man
Seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but why do you feel the need to stoop to such a level of condescension and self righteousness?

Playing the part of the parrot is an attitude that leads nowhere man.

Bottom line. I like the dubs.

You don't.


When did I ever say I don't? I like a well made dub. Many dubs I even prefer over the original language tracks.

It is true that that I don't like 99% of the dubs on Shaw Brother movies (My Young Auntie would be one of the very very few exceptions), but that has NOTHING to do with what I was writing about.

There's no reason to sh#t on those of us who do simply because you didn't get what you wanted on these releases.

Complaining about a release that has crappy subtitles and one disc that is missing it's original language track is not sh*tting on anyone who bought it. It's pointing out how the people who made it are screwing up.

It's funny. For the past few years, those of us who have been hoping and praying for the dubs on disc have been constantly put upon, ridiculed, been referred to as "illiterate", etc. ... and essentially have been made to think that the Celestial (excuse me, ILV) releases were quote "not for us" anyway.

This is the entire problem here.

I want you to go to my posts here and find where I am calling you or anyone else "illiterate" and where you will find on this thread anything about me being condescending to others.

You are doing this to me simply because you are being overly defensive and jumping the gun simply because I am not singing high praises for these discs. Whatever the reason you attack me without even taking into consideration if anything of what you are saying applies.

If you are happy that the English dubs are on there, then good for you. But that has nothing to do with the other side of the disc that is not well and because you are happy does not mean I or others should be held back from letting that be known to others that would be interested in knowing.

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Guest The Running Man

This isn't about English dubs VS Asian Dubs.

This is about two things:

My Young Auntie does not have it's original Cantonese mono track.


Dragon Dynasty uses crap subtitle translations for their releases.

That's it.

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Guest sevenhooks
Playing the part of the parrot is an attitude that leads nowhere man.

There's no parroting going on here sir.

I asked you a direct and pointed question and have yet to receive an answer.

Perhaps if I didn't phrase the question in a manner similar to yours, I wouldn't get such a cop out?

When did I ever say I don't((like the dubs))? I like a well made dub. Many dubs I even prefer over the original language tracks.

When did you say you didn't like the dubs?

Oh, I don't know where I got that silly ass notion from.

Perhaps it was this...?

Those English dubs are crap and I don't care for them.

That WAS you, was it not?

It is true that that I don't like 99% of the dubs on Shaw Brother movies

Alright then.

I like the dubs.

You don't.

(or at least 99% of the SHAW dubs - which was what I was referring to anyway).

We're in agreement then?


but that has NOTHING to do with what I was writing about.

Which was what?

Complaining about the lack of a Canto track and proper subs?


I sympathize.

I honestly do.

But I'm also still MORE than satisfied with the product myself.

Can I enjoy it without being talked down to?

Complaining about a release that has crappy subtitles and one disc that is missing it's original language track is not sh*tting on anyone who bought it.

Again, I refer back to the self righteous and condescending tone you took here:

there are more folks who aren't so easily impressed and complacent.

I don't appreciate the fact that simply because I personally don't have any issue with the release, I am now referred to as "complacent" and "easily satisfied"; as if being happy with the disc is a bad thing.


This is the entire problem here.

I want you to go to my posts here and find where I am calling you or anyone else "illiterate" and where you will find on this thread anything about me being condescending to others.

First of all, I never ONCE accused YOU of calling me "illiterate" (unlike my friend Mark for example, who just directly and falsely accused me of calling the ILV discs "faulty" becuase they lacked dubs!).

Nice try though.

As I very clearly wrote, the name calling and attacks were simply part and parcel of voicing any sort of praise for the Shaw dubs.

And yes, you certainly were condescending.

You are doing this to me simply because you are being overly defensive and jumping the gun simply because I am not singing high praises for these discs.

Whatever the reason you attack me without even taking into consideration if anything of what you are saying applies.

If you are happy that the English dubs are on there, then good for you. But that has nothing to do with the other side of the disc that is not well and because you are happy does not mean I or others should be held back from letting that be known to others that would be interested in knowing.

You're KIDDING me, right?

My friend, I could give a sh#t WHAT you think about these discs.

I mean really.

If you don't like them, FINE!

Complain all you want.

Seriously, I'm right there with you and I DO hope that DD gets it right next time with regards to the languages.

But can you PLEASE just let ME and others enjoy them without basically calling us SHEEP in no uncertain terms???!

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Guest kungfusamurai
So what DVDs should people get for the better translations?

People should learn cantonese and mandarin and not worry about the subtitles!! :)


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Guest morgoth

I have had to retranslate and squint to understand subtitles all my life. It is not a big deal for me whatsoever.

If Running Man knows of releases that have better translations, then he should speak up. Or else quit bashing Dragon Dynasty. Or maybe start your own forum called- "what could have been".

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Guest Markgway
DD did not give you the latter option on MYA and that's unfortunate.Please forgive some people for still being happy to get it with the former and praising the release because of that.

I'm not saying dub fans shouldn't be happy... just that they should understand that sub fans have been let down AGAIN when it would have been so easy to please both. Why would I want TWC to fail with films I love? The attitude on the surface from some dub fans (NOT SEVENHOOKS!!! :P ) seems to be "well, we've got what we want now so who gives a @#%$ about original language? These are for us Americans. Clear off and buy IVLs".

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Guest The Running Man
Perhaps if I didn't phrase the question in a manner similar to yours, I wouldn't get such a cop out?

Correction, if you didn't phrase the question in a manner similar to mine your question would have been taking more seriously rather than be seen as just part of another attack.

When did you say you didn't like the dubs?

Oh, I don't know where I got that silly ass notion from.

Perhaps it was this...?

When I wrote this:

Those English dubs are crap and I don't care for them.

I was referring to only, and only, the English dubs of Shaw Brother films...which yes are crap.

When I wrote this:

When did I ever say I don't? I like a well made dub. Many dubs I even prefer over the original language tracks.

I was clearly talking about dubs in general. The part where I wrote that I like "a well made dub" should have made it obvious I was talking about it in general.


Which was what?

Complaining about the lack of a Canto track and proper subs?


I sympathize.

I honestly do.

But I'm also still MORE than satisfied with the product myself.

Can I enjoy it without being talked down to?

Me talking down to you??

Ahem...you have been stalking me on two other threads because I am complaining about the errors on these releases. I not once called you out or started to insult any of the members here when I did so. The threads have only lead here once you started to take offense that I am not happy about the releases as you are.

I don't understand why I have to be jumped on a thread for pointing out valid flaws in the releases. Since you don't care about what I am complaining about, why care at all about it other than to just argue?

I don't appreciate the fact that simply because I personally don't have any issue with the release, I am now referred to as "complacent" and "easily satisfied"; as if being happy with the disc is a bad thing.

Take into consideration you have been on me for a total of three topics on this even though I never provoked you. Also, put it into context on how people are saying left and right, "These releases are all about the dubs" "If you don't want it, buy the r3 releases" "Who cares if they didn't put on good subs" etc... basically saying that what I and others are complaining about is unimportant.

So don't try to justify yourself with this rubbish. Stalking someone about this for three threads isn't gonna get you flowers and cupcakes in return.

First of all, I never ONCE accused YOU of calling me "illiterate" (unlike my friend Mark for example, who just directly and falsely accused me of calling the ILV discs "faulty" becuase they lacked dubs!).

Nice try though.

Nice try what?

The hell are you talking about??

And the reason I wrote that I never accused you of calling you anything is because you wrote it in your reply to me. If you are crying over being called that and other things obviously you are grouping me with people who have and I have nothing to do with what. And I wrote that to make it clear.

You're KIDDING me, right?

My friend, I could give a sh#t WHAT you think about these discs.

I mean really.


You have been on my ass for a total of THREE threads on this. UNPROVOKED I might add.

Here is my first reply here in this thread:

If you have the IVL disc, there is no reason to get the DD disc.

DD disc does not have the Cantonese track and both discs have the exact same subtitles.

The first reply to follow is yours:

Unless, like many folks, you want the original english dub.

Thread two. I write:

These releases are not all that great.

They do not retranslate subtitles.

You reply later with:

Sheeeeeet. They're the best releases yet.

Keep em coming!

I put the same comment in another thread and you immediately reply again with,

You're right. They're just as bad as the Celestial releases. :rolleyes

Sorry, but logic points that you do give quite a damn about what I think. Enough that you are on me for it for three threads and still arguing with me about it.

In the end though, it won't stop me from doing what I feel I must do for the benefit of those who do care about such things. If you feel you want to keep going back and forth, understand you are just asking for it.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Been a while since Ive seen you bumping around the forum Mantis. Good to see ya back, how ya been?

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Guest morgoth

That Shaolin Mantis trailer was worth the price of the DVD for me. 8 Diagram Pole Fighter is pretty cool and in really good condition.

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and I agree with G, the saving grace of the extras (besides the great trailers) is The RZA. He has a pretty firm grasp of the film and the background of much of what's talked about. It's a shame that his partner on the commentary track can answer nearly none of his questions.

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Guest morgoth

RZA's like- "there's Lau's brother"

Andy Klein- "where?"

RZA- "there's the mad monkey"

Andy Klein- "where?"

The guy needs to be fired.

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Guest kungfusamurai

I probably missed it - what is Andy Klein's credentials? Is he just the Weinsteins' answer to Ric Meyers? If he doesn't know any of the actors in the films, then why is he doing commentary? At least let RZA do it by himself, if he knows what he's talkin about.


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Guest oldeschool17

i asked bey logan to do everything in his power to fire andy klein. needless to say, he hasnt replied back to me yet:rollin

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Guest HAZ74

I'm not a fan of dubs, but, if I were, I'd be all over these DD releases. In fact, how can people not get excited for these DVD's no matter what production issues they've got? We're finally seeing region 1 DVD's of Shaw bros films. I got all the celestial releases, so I don't feel a sense of urgency to buy the DD releases (also DD has some problems with distro in canada. Many stores aren't carrying their stuff), but I'll be all over the next wave.

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Guest gfanikf

Thanks for you kind comments Linn. Actually if anyone is interested Andy Klein actually responded on my blog in the comment sections of the reviews. No joke.

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Guest killer meteor
In fact, how can people not get excited for these DVD's no matter what production issues they've got?

Well, if they were pan'scan video masters with poor sound I wouldn't be very excited!

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