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Top 5 Favorite Samurai Classics!


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now would you say Gordon Liu sword skill could hold up against a Zatoichi ?

chinese does not need sword against japanese,bare hands enough..that is proven in 5 element ninjas,samurai has no chances when lo mang closes the gap:eek:;););)

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You guys are hilarious! In reality, a samurai would kill you without thinking. Barehands versus a samurai sword? LOL! Not even a ninja would go one on one against a samurai. Why else did they have those tricks in their bags? Not to kill a samurai, but to ensure a safe and speedy getaway if a samurai did show up.


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I guess you could say that, but it's an opinion shared by many. Samurai not only trained in the sword, but also used daggers, bows & arrows, and depending on what clan you belonged to, knew some form of empty hand combat like jiujitsu. Plus they were not afraid to die, and a lot of fighting is dependent on a strong mental state. If you're too pre-occupied with worry about dying, then that can cause you to make mistakes in judgement.


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I guess you could say that, but it's an opinion shared by many. Samurai not only trained in the sword, but also used daggers, bows & arrows, and depending on what clan you belonged to, knew some form of empty hand combat like jiujitsu. Plus they were not afraid to die, and a lot of fighting is dependent on a strong mental state. If you're too pre-occupied with worry about dying, then that can cause you to make mistakes in judgement.


Wow, that's not what I was talkin about :D

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5 Element Boxer

1. Shogun Assassin (English)

2. Seven Samurai

3. Samurai Rebellion

4. Rashomon

5. Twilight Samurai

There's more thast I liked alot, but these come to mind first above all.

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Zatoichi: Darkness is his ally

Zatoichi meets Yojimbo


Sword of Doom

In no particular order.

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1. Sword of Doom

2. Babycart at the River Styx

3. Harakiri

4. Yojimbo

5. Samurai Rebellion

I would agree with what has been said about the Wuxia vs Samurai movie argument, extremely hard to compare the two. However, In comparing films from the 60s/70s, there is only one wuxia that can compare to the substance over style form that Samurai movies took: The Sword. One of my fave movies of all time, very deep and atmospheric

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"Heroes of the East" ,now would you say Gordon Liu sword skill could hold up against a Zatoichi "

Never...ever...ever...now show master Ichi some respect...lol

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Good movie, not really near to Kurosawa's level. But considering we're all Kung Fu/MA fans as well it's a perfect clash of the cultures! :D Loved it.

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Brilliant movie. "If only we could have understood each other"

Good final line! But still, you gotta wonder how Wang Kang just MAGICALLY figured out what had really happened right before he died :P

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Well I had my list on another thread somewhere, so I'll just post again.


Sword of Doom


The Betrayal

Seven Samurai

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I suck at compiling lists.... I stare at them for hours, changing them around constantly. In the end i'm never satisfied. I will say this, Seppuku is easily my favorite. No Samurai film since my initial introduction to the genre with Shogun Assassin has left as profound impression on me.

Now back to skilled fighters.... Wakayama is insane. No one comes close to him on screen, from what i've seen. Though his brother definitely takes a well respected second place for those lightning slashes of doom he deals.

Seriously though, i'm in wonderment every time I see Wakayama take up fight. It's an exhilarating watch for certain!

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Gotta add the Hiroshi Inagaki Samurai trilogy to my faves as well. Great three films, all starring Mifune of course. Interestingly, the first film won the academy award for Best "Foreign Language Film", even beating Seven Samurai!







Anbody else a fan of the trilogy.

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Great Trilogy not to much action more of a Great storyline, but then again anything with Mifune is great. They have been a few movies based on his Battle on Ganryu Island from both sides very good movies.

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I saw the first one, and it bored the hell out of me.

You have to watch all 3, the first one gets all the (more or less)training out of the way, the second one starts with him being a Samurai and let go to travel the country side to learn(and fight), the major payoff comes when he heads into an ambush(after being told) of about 80 Samurai, not to be missed imo.

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The lonewolf and cub series is my favourite in the samurai genre! I'll leave the long winded, existential black and white flicks to the film snobs, and the bad kill bill hollywood hackjobs to the adolescent fanboys. This is all I need. A man, his son, his sword and a babycart.

Some people (wrongly) view them as exploitation films, and I just don't get that! It is probably due to the nudity and rape scenes. But all those scenes have meaning, and leads to some plot point or twist. They serve the story and are not tacked on to sell tickets to pervs!

You could argue that the excessive blood spraying has an exploitive feel to it, but again... that was the style, and it's not like they go out of their way to make it look authentic!

I also think the series has a lot of heart and humanity. Especially in the scenes with Ogami and Daigoro! He might slice twenty people up in front of his small son, but he also bathes him, keeps him warm, tucks him in and finds some leafs for Daigoro to wipe his ass in, when taking a dump in the woods! It is those little affectionate throw-away moments between father and son, that makes this more than hack and slash exploitation to me!

I also find the stories interesting, and every movie serves up some new colorful characters and villains. The sets and locations are beautiful. The costumes feels authentic, the music is just right and the cinematography is innovative and way beyond, what you find in so called exploitation films. In short, these movies are must haves.

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Morgoth Bauglir

hmmm, thanks for the info Tosh. If I watch it again I will make sure to watch all 3. After struggling through the first one I figured there wasn't much of a point for me to watch the other 2.

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TibetanWhiteCrane: if you thought the LW&C movies were good wait to watch the TV series it was Awesome. And it really got into the Bond between Father & Son unlike how the movies only did it in a few scenes. Everything he did you find out was more for his Son's future to restore the Family's name.

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