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Bruceploitation Reviews

Guest jirpy100

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"Bolo.... you shadduup!"

- Samuel Walls, Enter Three Dragons 

Don't believe he says that to Bolo? Here's the poof!

(Limited Edition Time Stamp Link):



Edited by mpm74
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Bruce Against Iron Finger

The new german blu ray is taken from the same print as the Asia line DVD.It is HD though, english dubbed. Two Bruces, Li & Liang go up against Ku Feng and his iron finger kung fu. He's nasty in this is Ku Feng, on a short fuse as his "kung fu stops him having sex " :laugh

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So with the forthcoming Arrow set getting me excited, I'm going through a Bruceploitation groove, where I want to watch them all in roughly chronological order.

First I watched was of course Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend (1973) the one that started it all, then Bruce Lee: A Dragon Story also known as The Bruce Lee StorySuper Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story and Bruce Lee Story: Super Dragon). 

That one I had never seen before (or maybe in Pan & Scan videos years back), it's poor, the dubbing is totally not in sync, but I think it does a decent job of telling Bruce's life, and one can see where Dragon, The Bruce Lee story took it's whole structure, with many scenes being duplicated between both films. I would say this one is the Betty version, and the other the Linda version.

I find Bruce Li one of the better Lee imposters, there's something moving about him, like he never wants to belong on screen playing this, but goes on nonetheless because his love for the original and probably for the little money he was paid.

Is there a list of all the Bruceploitation on the forum? There aren't that many, and I'm going to hunt for them all. Many can be found on YouTube in either english or french dubs, some several times with different edits. However they are a bit hard to find due to the different foreign titles they are posted under.


Edited by CastleOfDeath
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Josh Baker
2 hours ago, CastleOfDeath said:

So with the forthcoming Arrow set getting me excited, I'm going through a Bruceploitation groove, where I want to watch them all in roughly chronological order.

First I watched was of course Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend (1973) the one that started it all, then Bruce Lee: A Dragon Story also known as The Bruce Lee StorySuper Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story and Bruce Lee Story: Super Dragon). 

That one I had never seen before (or maybe in Pan & Scan videos years back), it's poor, the dubbing is totally not in sync, but I think it does a decent job of telling Bruce's life, and one can see where Dragon, The Bruce Lee story took it's whole structure, with many scenes being duplicated between both films. I would say this one is the Betty version, and the other the Linda version.

I find Bruce Li one of the better Lee imposters, there's something moving about him, like he never wants to belong on screen playing this, but goes on nonetheless because his love for the original and probably for the little money he was paid.

Is there a list of all the Bruceploitation on the forum? There aren't that many, and I'm going to hunt for them all. Many can be found on YouTube in either english or french dubs, some several times with different edits. However they are a bit hard to find due to the different foreign titles they are posted under.


One member did reviews of most of the Bruceploitation movies during the pandemic on the Bruceploitation thread, I cant remember his name off the top of my head though unfortunately...

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Hey @CastleOfDeath,

you could take a look here and there too, for a point of first orientation. The biopics with Ho Tsung-Tao can be a lot of fun if you are a fan of the genre. But his later outputs are stronger and recommendable to the usual eastern fan too. I also recommend to check out the Clones Cast with Michael Worth. He really goes into some amazing details in general, but mentions some especially interesting stuff and interpretations in the episodes regarding the biopic ones, if I remember correctly. 

Have fun on your journey! 

Edited by chonk
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Hey ya'll, have 2 questions for you : where can i find the English dubbed version of BRUCE LEE HIS LAST DAYS...aka Bruce lee and I  ? i have a FLK bootleg dvd but it's only partially dubbed. I do own the Shaw dvd in Mandarin language (wich is a uncut version) but as a fan i would like to edit the movie as a US cut (using the footage of the Celestial dvd) . Did the US cut had a home video release ?
second question 😁 : i want to edit THE TRUE GAME OF DEATH and make it  watchable,  blame the awful English dub and the poor  video quality of the releases. I think it's an underated flick and if i Re-do the voices (thanks A.i ),the music and the sound-effects it would be a lot better! i found à nice widescreen version on youtube wutang's channel but the résolution is to low (i've tried to enhance & upscale it but there is too much artefacts) i found 2 very nice 720p clips  too bad it's not the whole movie.  Do you know if we can find a better print ? Is it on the list of a potential future release ? Back in the days i saw it in theater in France and I have the French VHS ( the French dub is really good by the way)  That's it 😁 Help me please 🤪 and thanks again

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Ninja Strikes Back - What a load of crap and not in a so bad it's good way. I thought it would never end. I'm not really a fan of Bruce Le. I find him annoying with his constipated look all the time.

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Now I have had the pleasure (?) of watching the U.S. and Korean cuts of GAME OF DEATH II I've come to the conclusion that the Korean cut is the best of the lot. It does away with the cut n'paste Bruce Lee set-up and some other stupid additions (man-in-lion suit anyone?). If the english subtitles are accurate, the flimsy story is a little more straightforward - I do love that the Tower is situated in Scicily:smile - it still has some odd edits but it is the version I would go to on a rewatch.

The U.S version is an abomination of non-matching clips of Bruce Lee, that were a lot better in the original and I'm happy I'll never watch that one again.

Edited by shukocarl1441996347
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1 hour ago, shukocarl1441996347 said:

Now I have had the pleasure (?) of watching the U.S. and Korean cuts of GAME OF DEATH II I've come to the conclusion that the Korean cut is the best of the lot. It does away with the cut n'paste Bruce Lee set-up and some other stupid additions (man-in-lion suit anyone?). If the english subtitles are accurate, the flimsy story is a little more straightforward - I do love that the Tower is situated in Scicily:smile - it still has some odd edits but it is the version I would go to on a rewatch.

The U.S version is an abomination of non-matching clips of Bruce Lee, that were a lot better in the original and I'm happy I'll never watch that one again.

couldn't agree more ! 

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On 12/8/2019 at 1:09 PM, saltysam said:

Tough Guy (AKA Kung Fu The Headcrusher)

Chen Sing is an undercover agent out to bust a smuggling ring by infiltrating and gaining their trust. Early 70's basher ticks all boxes of the genre- wild dubbing, pretty much non stop fighting, intrigue, filmed mainly in fields and quarries etc etc.. great cast reunites a few from Fists of the Double K and of course the quarry set finale has Fang Yeh brandishing his trusty whip yet again. Chen Sing, in the peak of physical condition spenda a lot of the film shirtless.

In terms of pure fighting, this easily ranks up there with the very best bashers of the early 70s. Yuen Woo-Ping truly had a gift.

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Taoist Drunkard

Watched Bruce Lee Superstar (AKA Legend of Bruce Lee, AKA Chinese Chieh Chuan Kung Fu) on tubi the other night. A good looking print for a very poor biopic, basically a fantasy version of Lee's life where he and his childhood friend learn kung fu from a weirdo who they find hiding behind some statues in a random garden. I like Bruce Li but he's really not given much to do here. It ends super abruptly with Bruce suddenly having died after a lackluster final fight where he whoops the generic baddies, and we finish with the standard tasteless funeral footage. The final fight isn't great but does have an atmospheric setting, looking like some kind of rocky geothermal vents with lots of blowing smoke.

Also rewatched Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger which holds up for me. I love stuff like "If I die, find out why!" and even though the plot is pretty dumb with the drug smugglers wanting to recruit Bruce Lee for some reason, I enjoy Bruce Li and his reporter friend investigating the conspiracy and kicking butt, and appreciate the pretty sympathetic approach to the Betty Ting Pei character (here called "Susie") even though she's wrapped up with the syndicate. I also love Lung Fei playing himself as a drug lord! The funeral footage and invocation of Lee comes off as exploitative but the film is out there and energetic enough that I don't mind as much as with a "nothing" film like Bruce Lee Superstar. The filmmakers also steal what sounds like the opening riff to Shine on you Crazy Diamond from Pink Floyd for one scene.

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Killer Meteor
3 hours ago, Taoist Drunkard said:

The filmmakers also steal what sounds like the opening riff to Shine on you Crazy Diamond from Pink Floyd for one scene.

Indeed they did! The soundtrack for the film is awesome!

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Bruce Lee In New Guinea

The dream team of Bruce Li and Larry Lee travel to New Guinea to explore,what with Bruce being an anthropologist. Here he enounters the snake tribe led by the evil Chen Sing complete with crazy outfit and headgear. His henchmen include Bolo and Lee Hoi-Sang.

Bonkers film with classic iconic scenes like the two idiot guides comedy routine involving bananas, Cheung Nik appearing from nowhere and scrapping with Bruce and Larry, sensational special effects involving a baby snake being thrown on a baby's face , and an epic romance between Bruce and Princess Dana, resulting in the afore mentioned baby. And of course the brave kung fu fighting gorilla.

The german DVD is at least widescreen but the print is washed out, hopefully this will end up in a future Clones set in all it's restored HD Glory.

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Bruce Lee Against Superman

This incoherent film starts with a car chase, bank robbers escaping with a bag of cash. They fling it down an embankment intending to come back for it later.A Young girl picks it up, she's promptly arrested and led away with her boyfriend, by Bruce Li dressed as Kato, who just happens to be passing by. She's clearly been stitched up, unfortunately we never find out if she got a 20 year stretch for picking up wad of cash .

From there the plot involves a scientist who can make food from petroleum, he gets kidnapped by gangsters.Bruce Li is Agent Carter who's feats include outrunning a speeding car in a rickshaw. A Hippie also turns up as the Green Hornet though he's dressed in a moth eaten red suit. Lung Fei appears in a dodgy black outfit and a white cape, he looks angry, possibly wondering how his career has gone from Beach Of The War Gods to this.

hopefully Arrow will restore both cuts of this movie in 4K, until then the german DVD will have to do, taken from VHS but at least it's wide.

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Fists Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Li is a narcotic agent here.Lo Lieh is a baddie but he's not in it much at all. Paul Wei is here and Robert Kerver gets a role that isn't just a punching bag one. it's ok but forgettable.

Image Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Li is a cop on the trail of a money counterfieting gang run by Han Ying Chieh and his son John Cheung. Dana is the eye candy and Bolo is the disposable villain. Movie starts off with Bruce trying to save a suicidal businessman from a rooftop, dressed in a Game type tracksuit.

Some decent action here with a good climax, Han Ying Chieh looks fed up though, likely thinking he's gone from being the Big Boss to being kicked in the nuts by Dana.

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1 hour ago, saltysam said:

Fists Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Li is a narcotic agent here.Lo Lieh is a baddie but he's not in it much at all. Paul Wei is here and Robert Kerver gets a role that isn't just a punching bag one. it's ok but forgettable.

Image Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Li is a cop on the trail of a money counterfieting gang run by Han Ying Chieh and his son John Cheung. Dana is the eye candy and Bolo is the disposable villain. Movie starts off with Bruce trying to save a suicidal businessman from a rooftop, dressed in a Game type tracksuit.

Some decent action here with a good climax, Han Ying Chieh looks fed up though, likely thinking he's gone from being the Big Boss to being kicked in the nuts by Dana.

I love these reviews Salty!

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Bruce Lee The Invincible

Chan Wai Man misbehaves in the opening sequence and his master (Bolo in just about the only film i haven't seen him thrashed in) banishes him to Malaysia, where he promises to repent. Fellow student Cheung Nik later heads off to Malaysia and promises to report back to Chen Sing and Bruce Li on how Chan is doing.

Turns out he's not repented, he's bullying the whole town, carrying on with shameless wives. One of his allies is Fung Hark-On, dressed in a bandana and tight colourful shorts.

Chen Sing and Bruce Li follow out to sort Chan out, Chen goes undercover wearing a disguise in the shape of a Mars Mask, i believe this is the plot point that inspired Tom Cruise in his M:I movies.

The gorilla from New Guinea returns, here showing his acting versatility in two roles and playing baddies as against his heroic turn in New Guinea.

It's all crazy enjoyable fun and Kuenfist did a great job on his custom, this classic can be appreciated in widescreen.

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Just now, saltysam said:

(Bolo in just about the only film i haven't seen him thrashed in)


For the rare times when trope was flipped, he doenst get thrashed in Shootfighter 1 & 2, TC-2000, Fearless Tiger, Tiger Claws 2, Blizhny Boy, Bolo, Snake Deadly Act, The Clones of Bruce Lee, My Lucky Stars, Millionaires Express, these films might be ?included, with the exception of the end fights, Bloodsport, Double Impact & Bloodfight. In many of his 80's cameos, he played non fighting roles such as Seven Angels, One Husband Too Many, Lucky Stars Go Places.

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Killer Meteor
14 hours ago, saltysam said:

Bruce Lee The Invincible

Chan Wai Man misbehaves in the opening sequence and his master (Bolo in just about the only film i haven't seen him thrashed in) banishes him to Malaysia, where he promises to repent.

Chen Sing was the master, Bolo isn't in Bruce Lee The Invincible...unless he's one of the gorillas?

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4 minutes ago, Killer Meteor said:

Chen Sing was the master, Bolo isn't in Bruce Lee The Invincible...unless he's one of the gorillas?

He's in it the opening few minutes as Chen Sings master wearing a dodgy beard ,unless it's a bolo double?

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Killer Meteor
10 minutes ago, saltysam said:

He's in it the opening few minutes as Chen Sings master wearing a dodgy beard ,unless it's a bolo double?


Oh yes, that guy! Dopey me!


I'm surprised, given how Chen Sing is playing Huo Yuan-chia, that Bruce Li ISN'T playing Chen Zhen.

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Dragon Dies Hard

Not sure if that's the proper title, i get confused with the early Bruce Li movies but that was the title on the old UK Pre-cert. Bruce plays Stone, who in the opening segement hears from his pupils about Bruce Lee's death. This turns him to drink, and scenes of a pissed up Bruce Li led me to think maybe we were in for a study of Alcoholism. He quickly shrugs that off and visits the shaolin temple, were he sees the Spirit of Bruce Lee. He leaves the temple on a mission to investigate his death, getting familiar with Betty Ting and dodgy Raymond Chow knockoffs. From then on it's mainly lacklustre fights, the most entertaining thing is the 70's fashion they are all wearing. It ends with a scrap against who else but Lung Fei.

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One Armed Boxer
On 4/22/2020 at 7:19 AM, Drunken Monk said:

The Lama Avenger - I can’t believe I’ve been a fan of kung fu cinema for over twenty years and have missed out on gems like this because I thought Bruce Li was “silly.”

I'm in the same boat as you DM (although only on the twenty years part, who in their right mind would ever think Bruce Li was "silly"!? :tongueout)! Full review treatment over at COF - 


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Posted (edited)
On 4/2/2024 at 2:22 PM, saltysam said:

Fists Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Li is a narcotic agent here.Lo Lieh is a baddie but he's not in it much at all. Paul Wei is here and Robert Kerver gets a role that isn't just a punching bag one. it's ok but forgettable.

This one actually has sentimental value to me because it was actually my 1st Bruceploitation film. I remember it was going to be on at 2am on an early Saturday morning on one of the local channels and at first, I figured, I'll record it on VHS in case I fall asleep but ended up watching the whole movie. The version I have now (on DVD) uses Average White Band's "Pick Up the Pieces" (opening credits) and Van McCoy's "Hey Girl, Come and Get It" (the band playing in the hotel), but the version I saw on TV that night had completely different music. It should also be mentioned Bruce Li also directed the film. 

Edited by AlbertV
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