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Guest Shaolindogma

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Guest Shaolindogma

Ok, I finally got around to watching this. Everyone at work was saying that it was the best movie ever made and most of them went back 7 times to watch it again in the theatre.

I loved the Transformers when i was a kid so i thought the movie would be awesome... given that everyone i talked to loved it and the Transformers just kick ass anyways. How wrong I was.

From beginning to end it was a stupid movie. No plot really, absolutely no character development (this was the most disturbing part... it was like, "Howdy y'all, im Optimus Prime... and thats about it."), not to mention the horrible horrible acting. I hated that kid in suburbia. There was also way too much commercialism in the movie, Burger King, Ford... etc.

I thought that all of the transformers basically looked the same, i was not impressed with the CGI. Come on, Optimus Prime didn't really look like Optimus Prime. And to top it off Bumble Bee, my favorite, went from a kick ass classic Camero to a prissy looking stupid new camero. On a scale of 1 to 10 i'd give this movie a 3.

Am I the only person who hated this movie?

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Guest Morgoth

I didn't like the stupid humor and a lot of other things in the movie, but I didn't hate the movie. Maybe you had to see it on the big screen to like it more. The robots fighting was amazing and that one girl is so freaking hot. I was thinking of buying the DVD just for her.

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Guest Drunken Monk

I'm a little disappointed, not in the film itself, but in those expecting anything more than a giant-fighting-robot yarn. I went in expecting to see a truck turn into a talking robot who then kicked the shit out of other robots. That's exactly what I got.

I wasn't promised plot so didn't expect it. It was all cool special effects and Meagan Fox looking like the little sauce pot she is. No complaints from me at all. Ok, so the "piss" scene was dumb but I think all the actors were competent and the thrills and spills were to be enjoyed.

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Guest Shaolindogma

I just read the older thread about the movie and there was a link to someones critique (alex) of the movie. He pretty much said everything i wanted to say. I didn't think the girl was hot at all, i find intelligence attractive and to me she just seemed like the typical dumb American youth, nothing special there. I absolutely hated it because it was typical Hollywood garbage. I think John Woo would have made it 20x better. (IMHO).

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Guest Shaolindogma

Haha. I don't think they would have made it rated R, due to the fact that it would mean they wouldn't make as much money. But i think Woo would have upped the ante. More fight scenes, more grit, less stupid romantic comedy, more character development, etc.

However, he would just be the director and would not have complete control. Im just saying, Michael Bay did a horrible job, Woo would have spiced it up and given the fans what they deserved... more Transformers less boy meets girl story.

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Guest Milkyway

I thought it was great and provided alot of entertainment (like always in Michael Bay movies). but I was a bit disappointed at the villains' screentime, could've been alot more interesting with more background on them. it's still great despite this though.

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Guest froffeecoffee

Had low expectations and even lower knowing Michael Bay was directing. Imagine my surprise that is was actually pretty good. Not a classic, just a good time at the movies with a popcorn and soda.

I sympathize with Transformer fans. The changes in the robot designs were unecessary. Humor was stupid, but kept at a minimum. Robot action was spectacular. Those who thought it was a classic, must have low standards for classics.

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I'm a little disappointed, not in the film itself, but in those expecting anything more than a giant-fighting-robot yarn. I went in expecting to see a truck turn into a talking robot who then kicked the shit out of other robots. That's exactly what I got.

I wasn't promised plot so didn't expect it. It was all cool special effects and Meagan Fox looking like the little sauce pot she is. No complaints from me at all. Ok, so the "piss" scene was dumb but I think all the actors were competent and the thrills and spills were to be enjoyed.

exactly, i don't know what the hell people were expecting from this

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Guest Daigoro

:) shaolindogma said he didnt even think the girl was hot? someone hit the red-alert

button this "mofo" not one of us! Aooogaaa Aooogaaa beep beep beep. Lol,


this movie rocked hard. Was the most advanced most complex CGI to date. It was taken over by

dreamworks which is steven speilbergs ''visual effects'' company. Micheal bay directed it. Was a

smash. This movie had hot girls, crazy robots galore, tons of fights, lots of comedy and a great cast!

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Guest TheGrimReaper

I too was having low expectations about this one (or none to be honest), but it turned out a really entertaining movie, not a great one, but considering the fact it is based on a cartoon series, it could have been a lot worse (remember Mighty Rangers or the last of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)... It has laughs, decent CGI, and overall look and appeal towards younger audience...

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Guest Shaolindogma

hey man... I am one of you. You proved my point with that picture. That chick looks dumb, and you can see the pok marks on her face. Heres what true beauty looks like my friend:


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Guest tarim69

I thought it was really a disaster.

The most annoying character since Jar Jar first came on the scene. I wanted to smack that kid, and take his girl and car.

The ending is completely dumb.

They want to give the kid a cube and have him run down a crowded street filled with destroyer robots, climb to the top of a building and hand off the cube to a helicopter. Nevermind that most of the enemy robots are jets and military vehicles that can blow the copter out fo the sky and take the cube in 5 seconds.

Just a dumb movie.

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Guest CrazyFrog

If it had stuck with the jist of the first initial scenes (whats-his-face and his pet scorpion destroying the air force base) it could have been the giant robot movie most people were looking for. And honestly, the scenes with Shia LeBouf weren't that bad. But the action in the end was set up too fast and wasn't dramatic enough. I mean, these robots should have been leveling cities and they barely wrecked some cars and a building in what appeared to be a major urban area. WTF?!??!? Megatron was barely menacing at all and the cube thing was just not thought out at all. And yes, the robot humor was lame.

But I liked John Turturro's underwear- that was funny.

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Guest Drunken Monk

I hate the fact Megatron was an "alien jet." If all the other Transformers can turn into human associated vehicles why can't he?

Still, it is what Michael Bay does best. John Woo would have done an awful job in my opinion and Bay was the man to do if the audience wanted big explosions and superb CGI.

As for Megan Fox not being hot? Negative sir. She is a certified scorcher...





I'd give my right arm.

In fact, I'd give my "Kid With the Golden Arm..."

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Guest Shaolindogma

Oh thats right, i forgot... nowadays, beautiful = big tits, fake tan, slutty. Thats how the producers get horny little boys to watch their movies. I forgot that American culture had degenerated greatly, sorry. My bad.

Oh, and one more thing. Just throwing this out there... Honestly answer this question. Do you think the movie would have made as much money if black kids played the lead roles? Open your eyes people.

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Guest Drunken Monk
Oh thats right, i forgot... nowadays, beautiful = big tits, fake tan, slutty. Thats how the producers get horny little boys to watch their movies. I forgot that American culture had degenerated greatly, sorry. My bad.

Oh, and one more thing. Just throwing this out there... Honestly answer this question. Do you think the movie would have made as much money if black kids played the lead roles? Open your eyes people.

It wouldn't have a made as much money but ask yourself that about every movie. Black people are relegated to what are considered "black films" and it's very, very sad. You can't say that it's just in Transformers where black people get a bad deal.

Big tits, slutty ans fake tan doesn't necessarily equate to beauty but, for me, there is no denying that Miss Fox is stunning.

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Guest Shaolindogma

I couldn't agree with you more DM. I'm just tired of seeing strong black actors taking the backseat when it comes to main stream movies. They are always cast as the sidekick or supporting actor. Its rare to see a black actor in the lead role of a major motion picture. This can also be said about many "minority" actors. White Hollywood has been white for a long time and I can only hope that one day we will see minority actors in lead roles.

There is a great video on youtube that touches upon this crisis, not directly, but still. Rich white guys own this country, its time for a revolution. Now, im not trying to demonize white people. Were not all bad. If your offended by foul language please do not watch this video:

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Guest silver hermit

reviewed by silver hermit

transformers sucked!!!

that kid sucked! i hated him i wish he got stepped on i would of enjoyed that more

megan fox is hot in an average kind of way:D

the director sucked the robots looked like shit

not sure if this made alot but it sucked!!!!!

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Guest ironfistedmonk

This film was a let down, no plot and bad acting, not enough screen time for the decepticons, no fleshing out of any of the characters etc etc blah blah blah

Yes Megan Fox is hot, since when has having big tits and being slutty not been hot? Captain Caveman was knocking birds like this over the head with his club and dragging them back to his cave back in the day, how is this degeneration lol

And another thing, WTF has being black got to do with this film? Where in the hell did that comment come from? I would have still watched this if they had cast a green quadriplegic in the lead role lol One of my favourite actors is Denzel Washington and I remember him being black and having had quite a few big movie roles, why does the evil white man keeping all the mans down bullshit constantly have to crop up in random threads?

Sorry if I have stepped on a few toes but I'm slightly drunk again and in a bad mood :D

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Guest Shaolindogma

lol at your comments IFM. Yes, the media has been selling sex for a very long time, i just feel that we have reached an all time low.

Hey man, just voicing my opinion. Thats all it is, take it or leave it. I have strong feelings about current race relations in this country. I applaud you for your opinion as well. If we all had the same views life would get boring real quick.

Silver Hermit, long time no see. How you doing buddy? I feel the same way you do, haha. Ok, sure... the chick is visually appealing, i'll give her that. I was trying to say that i personally don't find her beautiful because she looks like all the other pretty people in hollywood.

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Guest silver hermit
And another thing, WTF has being black got to do with this film?

i was thinking the same thing but i didn't want to bring it up as i might seem like a trouble maker :D

yes long time SDP hows it going? what have you been up to?

back to transformers i think they should have used the origonal plot and robot designs.they would have looked wicked with the cgi they used. thats my main beef

that kid was so not for that movie. even that dude from dukes of hazzard would have been better. then they would have to recast the chick. any suggestions?

what was spikes pops name? we need to cast him, i think that dude from rosanne he hasn't done anything in a while and he is funnier than that kid.

what robots were you guys expecting or not done justice?

honestly i wanted grimlock and the dinobots to tear shit up LOL

sound wave just sucked he wasn't even close to what he was supposed to be

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Guest Shaolindogma

Yeah, the black thing was a random tangent. I was having a bad day. I live in an area full of racist red necks. Anyways, silver hermit, i was recalled and had to go serve some time overseas then i got injured and had an extended hospital stay. Now im back, catching up on movies and stuff.

Totally agree with you on the transformers. Everyone should watch the animated transformers movie that came out a while ago, its 80's cheesy but very fun and true to the Transformers.


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Guest silver hermit

wow your in the army? cool.. did you kill people? glad you made it back in one piece though we need all the kung fu fans we can get.

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