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Media Blasters Strikes Back: Red Sun and YY

Guest gfanikf

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Guest D_Davis
Yep, MGM/Fox sent me the DVD for free to review and post screencaps of.

Look I refuted you on four separate points. I won, you lost. Have a nice night.

You still didn't address the pimping of the Celestial/IVL 5 Elemental Ninjas and the use of Youtube videos.

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Guest gfanikf
And your subtitle:

"Remember buy Legit! Cheaper isn't always better!"

What you and MB did limited the sell of legit and legal product through HKFLIX.

Jeez, you just can't admit, I out argued you. I have a suggestion people who make statements about the law, should actually know the law first.

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Guest gfanikf
You still didn't address the pimping of the Celestial/IVL 5 Elemental Ninjas and the use of Youtube videos.

Umm click back a page. You lost.

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Guest D_Davis
Umm click back a page. You lost.

AH didn't see that.

Nice one.

Hopefully I will be able to encourage enough people not to buy Media Blasters now to offset this little victory of yours.

I got quite a few people on the anti-Mirashit bandwagon, and I feel the need for a new cause!

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Guest D_Davis

This is hilarious, I missed this:

"Remember every purchase you make allows us to get my DVDs and review them."

You encourage people to buy the 5EN DVD from hkflix so you can get more DVDs, but the link to the product says it is no longer available in the US because of you and Media Blasters.

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Guest gfanikf
This is hilarious, I missed this:

"Remember every purchase you make allows us to get my DVDs and review them."

You encourage people to buy the 5EN DVD from hkflix so you can get more DVDs, but the link to the product says it is no longer available in the US because of you and Media Blasters.

Actually, it was always backordered (which I knew when I posted it) same with 10 Tigers), so nothing came from it anyway :).

Seriously, get over it man. I've carried the day on what you've thrown at me and now your scouring my website trying to find the smallest thing to argue about (which I can refute). What does that say about you?

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Guest gfanikf
AH didn't see that.

Nice one.

Hopefully I will be able to encourage enough people not to buy Media Blasters now to offset this little victory of yours.

I got quite a few people on the anti-Mirashit bandwagon, and I feel the need for a new cause!

Good luck. You have every right too. It won't do crap when superior versions come out. The MB discs aren't going to be Image 2: Electric Boogeloo. What are you going to do when Heroes Two comes out an craps on every version and even the French one? You'll just claim to get a DVD-R and not give them any money. That won't prove anything and just show you couldn't keep your promise lol.

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Guest D_Davis
Good luck. You have every right too. It won't do crap when superior versions come out. The MB discs aren't going to be Image 2: Electric Boogeloo. What are you going to do when Heroes Two comes out an craps on every version and even the French one? You'll just claim to get a DVD-R and not give them any money. That won't prove anything and just show you couldn't keep your promise lol.

I already have the Celestial/IVL version. I don't double dip.

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Guest gfanikf
I already have the Celestial/IVL version. I don't double dip.

Enjoy getting your products from IVL via DDDHouse, CD Wow, Yes Asia, Play Asia, and Buyoyo. I'm sure any reasonable person can also do that too :) Makes the past 4 pages you've been arguing about irrelevant.

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How can they limit the sales of a legit import?
Well, presumably it's because they've purchased the exclusive right to distribute these titles in the States. Whether it's legal or not would be a matter for the courts to decide, but it sounds like HKFLIX doesn't want to risk it.

And as others have said, this is really a non-issue. They're available from plenty of other sources, and at better prices.

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Guest D_Davis
Nope, those come from Lobby Cards, which along with trailers and other advertising material are in the public domain.

Just a quick Google search yielded this article:

In a significant victory for movie studios, a federal judge has ruled that movie "trailers" are an art form unto themselves and protected by copyright law and therefore cannot be streamed on the Internet without permission.


I did not know this.

Man, there are probably a lot of blogs and websites out there that are violating Copyright law!

Not saying yours is because as you said, you clearly have permission for everything on your site, just saying. Forums too. We should probably remove the trailers we've posted here unless the poster has permission.

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Guest gfanikf
Well, presumably it's because they've purchased the exclusive right to distribute these titles in the States. Whether it's legal or not would be a matter for the courts to decide, but it sounds like HKFLIX doesn't want to risk it.

And as others have said, this is really a non-issue. They're available from plenty of other sources, and at better prices.

Thank you! :) Thats really it and you summed it up perfectly.

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Guest gfanikf
Just a quick Google search yielded this article:


I did not know this.

Man, there are probably a lot of blogs and websites out there that are violating Copyright law!

Not saying yours is because as you said, you clearly have permission for everything on your site, just saying. Forums too. We should probably remove the trailers we've posted here unless the poster has permission.

Last I check, one Federal District Judge does not, make something the law of the land. It goes to the Circuit Court of Appeals and then possibly to the supreme court.Shall I explain anything else about Federal Civil Procedure?

Plus that was about the COMMERCIAL USE OF TRAILERS!!! I just distinguished the case from you argument, which in law school is how you proof your point. You distinguish the cases cited by the opposition as being different from your case.

Damn, you just suck tonight. Look I challenged all of your points ands refuted them with logic and facts. This is silly at this point. Look your argument is moot on the fact you can get the discs directly from HK legally sent to you and you don't even care about non-HK releases. Its a dead issue.

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Guest gfanikf

To further add

Each clip preview created by Video Pipeline is about two minutes long and consists of an opening display of the Disney or Miramax trademark, the title of the motion picture being distributed by Buena Vista, and then two or more scenes from the motion picture, followed by another display of the title.

Unlike the studios' trailers, the clip previews have no voice over, no editing, no use of additional music and no use of narration.

Ultimately, Video Pipeline created 62 clip previews for movies, such as "Fantasia," "Beauty and the Beast" and "Pretty Woman."

Simandle found that courts weighing a fair use defense must consider four factors:

# The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes.

# The nature of the copyrighted work.

# The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.

# The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

They made there own "trailers" which were just clips of the film. Thats totally different.

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Wow. Guys, I can understand being this upset if Media Blasters had closed down the US to any import of IVL releases or even if they blocked a few dozen recent IVL releases from US shores, but they did nothing like that. They stopped one online company from selling ten titles in the US, eight of which you most likely bought long ago as they've been out two years or longer. Of the two remaining films, one hasn't even been released by IVL yet. All but Black Magic 2 (the title not yet released) are available (unless they're out of print) from dozens of online sources, most selling them cheaper than HKflix. Pure and simple, Media Blasters sent a cease and desist order to stop the sell of bootlegs of these titles from that site. This process does not allow them to say, "stop selling these titles except legit import versions" for legal reasons, it was all or nothing.

And this is nothing like Merryaxe. In that case, you had a company buying up films just so no one else could release them (and bragging about that fact). And if they did release them, they cut and altered them. This is a very different deal. Media Blasters did this to prevent a site that's made large amounts of money off of stealing from Celestial and other rights holders, from continuing to do so from them. They have no intention of sitting on the films or cutting them. You can buy those starting in March '08, or you can easily get the HK releases still in print elsewhere.

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Guest ironfistedmonk

Linn is right, why are we arguing over this, the law is an ass and thats the bottom line. I seem to remember the UK government siding with the big film companies to stop CD Wow selling cheap legit import versions to us Brits and smacking them with a HUGE fine in the millions.

It's the big companies who you should be angry at, they decide region encoding and what versions are legal for sale in which regions, it's this collusion which means we are forced to pay higher prices in the UK/US. If you want cheaper IVL Shaws just go to DDDHouse, YesAsia etc, it's not rocket science.

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Guest spannick

Thanks, Media Blasters. finally someone stepped in together with Tai Seng. selling R3 in the US is actually illegal, and whoever is unable the get those otherwise is dumb in my Book. if this helps sell more of the legit DVDs, i am all for it. and i will get all MB DVDs which have the English Dub on them, or which are HD-sourced like the DD DVDs (which i am getting as well for the Engdubs). finally lots of the horrendous stiller shite isn't sold on the Bootleg-Peddler No.1. a small, but a good step. too bad the sheep won't understand the concept, but that's why they are sheep.

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Guest D_Davis

God, I can't believe I got sucked back into this argument last night. My apologize guys. I swore after the Mirashit thing that I would never get involved in another piracy/legit/import argument again - guess I was just in a bad mood last night or something.

All I care about with movies is exploring their artistic merits.

Can't believe I wasted so much type typing in this thread last night! I could have been writing a critique or something, or playing Assassins Creed, or reading A Case of Conscience, or pounding my head against a wall!


I'm still not buying anymore new MB products though.


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Guest Drunken Monk

I agree with the general consensus but there are basically two options. We could see Red Sun/YY continue to sell their bootlegs on HKflix, much to the chagrin of many a member or we can see their sales to the US stopped but we'd have to see Celestial imports stopped as well. We can't have our cake and eat it.

I'm as pissed with it as the next man. I admit I own a fair few Red Sun releases anyway so I need a bit of a wrist slap for that.

Chicago China Town is shit. There is one old guy that cells DVD's but he always has eight hundred copies of "Lion Vs. Lion."

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Guest silver hermit

hmm buy bootlegs and boycott legit releases?? why didn't we think of this before?? :eek:

it seems since we moved to this board it has changed to a pro bootleg forum what happened to the voice of reason... whatever :rolleyes:

R.I.P. 2007 kung fu fandom

this bootleg argument is getting dumb

miramax was boycotted because of re-edits and cuts not because hkflix couldn't make a buck.

if there is a R1 release with the dub what the fook are you guys arguing about??

the sale of dvds from other regions undercuts sales from legit rights holders it sucks we can't get ivls off HK fliks its really a shame :D if you have a problem with it go support the mom and pop shops in your local chinatown hey they are illegal imports but hell at least an asian makes the money off them :P j/k

bravo media blasters now go after best buy and these big chains :cool:

eh yo gfanikf your a law student right?? you should write some cease orders for these bootlegs

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Guest gfanikf

eh yo gfanikf your a law student right?? you should write some cease orders for these bootlegs

Actually interestingly enough I am going to take a concentration in Intellectual Property Law.

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Guest silver hermit
Actually interestingly enough I am going to take a concentration in Intellectual Property Law.

get an early start on some assignments :D

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