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Media Blasters Strikes Back: Red Sun and YY

Guest gfanikf

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Guest gfanikf

Go to hkflix.com and enter in any SB film MB has and then check out the YY or RS version of them :)

EDIT: It appears that enforced against all versions (IVL, Thai, UK). They seem to have missed a title here and there though (like 3 Evil Masters).

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Guest SadShawFan

What do you mean???...hkflix still carries all the titles be it bootlegs or legit IVL/Thai etc. versions??? In fact there are more versions (with sometimes new cover) from f*****g Red Sun/YY...

...so what has changed, where is the might of Media Blasters, DD etc.

They are all "paper tigers" so far...nothing new and no action...US-fans are really something...lol

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Guest Morgoth

Gfanikf is talking about the movies that Media Blasters have- http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.530989/qx/details.htm

"URGENT NOTE: Due to Media Blasters copyrights, we are unable to ship this DVD to U.S.A. shipping addresses. If you live there and order this DVD, it will be automatically cancelled without further notice."

Does this mean if you live anywhere but the US they will ship it to you?:confused:

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Guest oldeschool17
Does this mean if you live anywhere but the US they will ship it to you

Yeah good point, i mean its a start but that seems to be half ass enforcing the law. I sent an email to bey logan earlier this week so maybe he or dd can address these bootleg issues as well.

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Guest Senor Quack

I agree, it's a start, but not all of the Media Blasters titles have been "banned" in their Red Sun versions yet. I saw that The Master (aka Three Evil Masters) was still up in the RS version, as was the Chen Kuan Tai boxed set from YY that contains the film.

Also, of course it's selective enforcement...given their track record does anyone expect HKFlix to STOP selling boots until they are forced to do so by the rights holders? It's pure profit for them.

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Guest gfanikf
Yeah good point, i mean its a start but that seems to be half ass enforcing the law. I sent an email to bey logan earlier this week so maybe he or dd can address these bootleg issues as well.

Well keep in mind MB has only US rights so they can't force a company to stop selling it in say Europe. Still its a start, hopefully TWC can start doing it to.

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Guest D_Davis

So they are also limiting the import of the legit DVDs? And people think this is a good thing? This is exactly what Mirashit did with Hero. I guess I now have to add Media Blasters to my "Do Not Buy" list. What a shame.

I'm all for a company stopping the sell of pirated DVDs, but when they start limiting the sell of legitimate imports, that is where I draw the line. Anytime a consumer is limited as to how and from where to buy something that is totally legal is a bad thing.

And they will probably charge $5-10 more for their DVD than the legit HK release. Oh joy! Another win for US Copyright laws, and another loss for the consumer.

And from what I can tell, the MB version of 5 Elemental Ninjas isn't even out yet, but there is a legit import available, but we in the US can't buy it. So what is someone going to do when they go to hkflix to purchase import and they can't? Well, historically, what happens is that when people cannot buy something legitimately, they then turn to downloading it. Limiting the sell of something legal actually increases piracy, oh the irony!

This is terrible, and as a supporter of the import market, it makes me furious.

Thank God for Chinatown, I can still get the legit Celestial/IVL DVDs there.

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Guest dndcollect

you know what, im all for a company trying to enforce its rights, but this is total 100% BS, I cant buy super ninjas now from celestial!

are you serious?

look, you anti bootlegs guys have a point on some stuff, but you are hyprocrites, you ripped merimax for doing this with hero, but now you are praising media blasters for doing the same thing.

what a joke. i finally got up some scratch to get a bunch of celestials, and now half of them hk flix wont sell to me because of this bs.

im boycotting media blasters and all their SB's unless they change this.

you want to protect your copyright? i respect that, but not letting me by a legit celestial is pure greed. you want everyone to just buy your version? AND ITS NOT EVEN OUT YET! you think i am going to wait even longer while there is a legit version out there? you are smoking the pipe. i dont even want english dub.

guys, this is not about right and wrong, its about money. you can be anti bootleg all you want, but the bottom line is media blasters, celestial, jack stiller and all the rest have 1 thing in common. GREED.

guess i'll be paying $19 each at yesasia now. instead of a deal at hk.

i had respect for you guys, but now you have taken it too far. now you have messed it up for all of us who dont even usually buy bootlegs.

now me not buying boots is hurting my wallet, its not fair. i think i may look into getting boots of these celestials that i want because this is all about money now, and why should i pay extra because media blasters wants me to only buy their version?

man, i am so pissed. wow.

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Guest D_Davis

^ I totally agree, as I stated right before you! :)

And it has been proven time and time again, that when a company limits the sale of legit merchandise there is a rise in piracy.

As fans of import cinema, we should all be pissed at Media Blasters for doing this.

I remember the outrage when Mirashit did this to Hero, but now, somehow, it is a good thing?

Wow, the hypocrisy is deafening.

Media Blasters is now on the same list as Miramax. They are dead to me. :lol:

And remember, you can be anti-bootleg all you want, but HK fandom around the world owes its continued longevity to tape traders and bootlegs. Even LKL and Gordon Liu had to buy some of there films as bootlegs just to see them in the original English language. The irony keeps pouring on!

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Guest dndcollect

seems like these guys are more interested in letter of the law and making sure everyone abides by their opinion. why not go join focus on the family?

im going to stop posting because i am very pissed and i dont want to type something i regret later.

i know some of these guys thought that they had good intentions. i always thought they just didnt realize it was all about money and not messing up weather or not legit shaws got released. but hey, it was a difference in opinion, but now its affecting me and my rights as a consumer.

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Guest D_Davis
seems like these guys are more interested in letter of the law and making sure everyone abides by their opinion. why not go join focus on the family?

im going to stop posting because i am very pissed and i dont want to type something i regret later.

i know some of these guys thought that they had good intentions. i always thought they just didnt realize it was all about money and not messing up weather or not legit shaws got released. but hey, it was a difference in opinion, but now its affecting me and my rights as a consumer.

Yeah - this kind of thing has always boggled my mind when it comes to HK fandom. Most people outside of HK wouldn't have even been turned on to the scene had it not been for bootlegs and tape traders. And now it is even worse! There are legitimate, legal DVDs for sale that we can't buy because of out dated Copyright law. Oh joy!

Did posters here have something to do with this? Trying to stop bootlegs and they wound up also stopping the sell of legit DVDs?

I can't imagine Mark Pollard being behind this after what happened with him and Mirashit.

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Guest dndcollect

Yes, there has been a bunch of anti bootleg people on this forum and made it their goal to stop all bootlegs because of their various opinions on the matter.

this thread will tell you how it happened and who they were:


like i said, it can be argued that they had good intentions, i doubt they could have predicted that this would have happened. at least i hope not.

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Guest Markgway
I'm all for a company stopping the sell of pirated DVDs, but when they start limiting the sell of legitimate imports, that is where I draw the line. Anytime a consumer is limited as to how and from where to buy something that is totally legal is a bad thing.

Couldn't have said it better myself.........

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Guest oldeschool17

oh wow, i misread this thread from earlier. I thought there was a small victory against redsun/panmedia/yin yang, but didnt realize it applied to the IVL releases until reading the rest of this thread and confirming it on hkflix site. How can they limit the sales of a legit import? gfanikf, dont you visit a media blaster forum? Can you get more info as to why is he cockblocking ivl releases to the states? Just for the record, im all for redsun/panmedia/yin yang getting fucked but to block IVL releases to the States is plain absurd.

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Guest gfanikf

Yep its all my fault.

Small Violin Playing Guys. Just go buy it from DDDhouse, CD Wow, Yesasia, Buyoyo. Jeez for people being really really cheap HK Flix always charged more for Celestials anyway.

I suspect MB sent a general cease and desist and HK FLIX applied it very generally, possibly to get people pissed at MB and make getting rid of bootlegs look bad as is happening here.

Plus the MB versions are going to rape the Celestial ones so preventing others from buying those shitty PAL to NTSC, cut, ass raping of a cat audio remixes version is a public service. I don't see why you don't just go to the asian dvd torrent site.

Plus MB has every legal right to do so just as Miramax and Tai Seng (well sometimes for the latter) did. I would love to see someone actually try and argue as company they can reverse import non US copies, now can people buy them individually from abroad from a NON US company, yes.

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Guest dndcollect

small violin? dude, you know what? forget it, im not going to insult you or be disrespectful.

but i will say this, i dont care for your attitude and i also dont care for people like you that think everyone else should follow what you think is right.

im unbook marking your blog. you think you are helping, but you are not, and what makes it worse is your attitude.

im disgusted.

oh, and you know what the bigger joke is? you have a thread on here asking if you should should be a hkflix affiliate because no one else would take you. that is total hypocrisy.

whats the real motive here man? to "save the US shaws for the good of the community" or to get your blog traffic?

keep it real, son.

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Guest gfanikf
small violin? dude, you know what? forget it, im not going to insult you or be disrespectful.

but i will say this, i dont care for your attitude and i also dont care for people like you that think everyone else should follow what you think is right.

im unbook marking your blog. you think you are helping, but you are not, and what makes it worse is your attitude.

im disgusted.

Look I'm sorry you don't like the law in this country or as governed by various international trade and legal agreements, but thats how it is.

PLUS HK FLIX was never cheap for Celestials. I just don't get how people don't understand this.

oh, and you know what the bigger joke is? you have a thread on here asking if you should should be a hkflix affiliate because no one else would take you. that is total hypocrisy.

Nope, I could have gotten ones with a couple of different ones. Heck I have a deep discount DVD one, but its through a crappy third party just like yesasia. Yet I get criticized for supporting boots in that thread and look at this. Sorry, don't care.

whats the real motive here man? to "save the US shaws for the good of the community" or to get your blog traffic?

Notice any links in this thread. LOL

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All this crying over bootlegs. Shit, nothing in China is authentic. Bootleg clothing, purses, dvd's, sunglassess. One day, someone is gonna announce that half the billion Chinese people in the world are clones or some schitt. Bootlegging is a reality. Downloading is a bigger boogieman, if you need one.

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Guest gfanikf
All this crying over bootlegs. Shit, nothing in China is authentic. Bootleg clothing, purses, dvd's, sunglassess. One day, someone is gonna announce that half the billion Chinese people in the world are clones or some schitt. Bootlegging is a reality. Downloading is a bigger boogieman, if you need one.

LOL. Thats so true. They make everything from fake golf clubs to car parts. I wouldn't even pretend to go after China based piracy, nothing short of some nukes will stop that. I'm just going after one that targets niche goods and specifically targets English language fans, (not direct boots of Celestial discs) and is a US based company.

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Guest gfanikf
I am lost here. Why are they banning the sales to the US of the legit DVDs?

I think HK flix may have overly generalized a cease and desist order. That and since they only the exclusive US rights, it doesn't matter if Cheng Cheh's ghost made a special edition with deleted scenes or commentary, they can ensure that no other version is allowed besides theres. I mean otherwise why should companies pay for exclusive distribution rights, (save 500K and only pay for non-exclusive rights). Keep in mind a lot of this dates back to Miramax preventing reverse imports and NOT putting anything out or only a dubbed and cut copy. MB's situation is totally different.

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Guest D_Davis
All this crying over bootlegs. Shit, nothing in China is authentic. Bootleg clothing, purses, dvd's, sunglassess. One day, someone is gonna announce that half the billion Chinese people in the world are clones or some schitt. Bootlegging is a reality. Downloading is a bigger boogieman, if you need one.

It has nothing to do with bootlegs, but everything to do with limiting the sell of legit, legal DVDs in the US. The Celestial/IVL discs are authentic, legit, and totally legal.

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Look, you guys want movies? Screw this HKflix, DDDwhatever, yescaca. Get over your fears of Asian people & go to a little place called Chinatown. Chinese people are very nice & they don't bite. For 2 dollars Canadian you can get Chinese Super Ninjas or whatever it is you're looking for. Trust me. Tell them HAZ sent you. Then go have some bubble tea.

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Guest gfanikf
It has nothing to do with bootlegs, but everything to do with limiting the sell of legit, legal DVDs in the US. The Celestial/IVL discs are authentic, legit, and totally legal.

For sale in Hong Kong SAR and Macau, check the back of the Celestials or any HK DVD. Look the discs are legit and all, just not authorized to be sold in the US or by a US company. I would honestly recommend just getting them from other sources, since its actually cheaper. I really have nothing against people buying R3s from abroad sources or such.

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It has nothing to do with bootlegs, but everything to do with limiting the sell of legit, legal DVDs in the US. The Celestial/IVL discs are authentic, legit, and totally legal.

I think you have a legit gripe, sir. People who are trying to bring down that evil multinational, Hkflix are screwing up the game.

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