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Tom Yum Goong / The Protector (US) / Warrior King (UK) (2005)

Guest m burlock

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i've never actually managed to sit through this or ong bak or born to fight without fastforwarding to the fights. Aside from the action they are unbearable. At the same time i would gladly spend my money on anything else these guys make as long as people keep getting elbowed in the forehead

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Guest Yi-Long

I dont get the people who call Tony Jaa a one-trick pony. He has more moves than Jackie, or Donnie, or even Bruce.

Also, the fights in TYG were already a vast improvement in many ways over the fights in Ong-Bak. TYG was way more ambitious when it comes to choreography, cinematography and different styles.

TYG was a bad movie, dont get me wrong. But the action scenes are pretty much all Grade-A stuff.

Compare Jackie Chans and Donnie Yen's first starring movies with Tony's. Hell... action-wise, Tony has already outperformed both these guys.

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Guest Milkyway
Compare Jackie Chans and Donnie Yen's first starring movies with Tony's. Hell... action-wise, Tony has already outperformed both these guys.

why you even compared different ideas for different eras is beyond me, LOL. if you look at what Jaa does, you can see alot of flips and such are inspired by Chan and other HK movies so it's just what he learned, not made up himself. that's how things improve but you can't take any of that away from your inspirations. Jaa is great but he isn't superior as you put it, just different.

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Guest will91XingYu

I'd say Jaa is different to people like Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen and Jet Li, but the films and action when he first put out Ong Bak was superior to anything the others were making at that time. It's good now of course that Donnie Yen is making in my opinion equally good martial arts films and hopefully Jackie's and Jet's film will be good as well.

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I'd say Jaa up'd the level when it comes to the flips with Ong Bak, but see him and Yen on the same level as far as martial arts abilities go, now if the Thais can figure out they need to give the villain better screen time and fights they'll be better for it. I think Ong Bak is by far a superior movie to TYG, I really don't see the fights being better, it wasn't enough to have one steriod monster in there they had to bring out 3 more:rolleyes:? They should of stuck with Johnny Nguyen, John Foo and Lateef Crowder, and find someone that can edit for crying out loud, TYG was a mess.

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Guest will91XingYu

I agree i really enjoyed Ong Bak a lot more than Warrior King. I really love Tony Jaa i think he's incredible i'd love to see him and Xing Yu in a film.

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Guest CrazyFrog

I actually liked the bit about the elephants and Tony Jaa is obviously comfortable around them. They should make a eco-warrior kind of movie with TJ as a Tarzan-like protector of the jungle; that'd be cool-ish. The animation in this movie made me disappointed (in addition to the non-existent plot, the necessity of the same comic sidekick, acting that angries up the blood, etc) because it seemed like a desperate attempt to show audiences how far along Thai cinema has come, or something to that effect, I'm guessing.

His naivete and straightforwardness are good qualities that could be used to better advantage by other directors. Of course, I'd have to agree with above posters that Hollywood still can't figure out what to do with Asian film stars of any sort, unless Quentin Tarantino presents them or something blatantly pandering like that. "Hey guys, more chop-socky gibberish but it's cool, see, cuz Quentin likey!!" yet if he sticks to Thai cinema it'll be a couple of more movies that will be notable only for highlight reels and drinking games, then he'll be done careerwise.

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Guest The Amazing Psycho Per

The Tony Jaa movies bashing that's going on this board is beyond me... Bad editing? Bad story? Bad acting? WTF??? Since when does all the kung fu classics fill does criteria? Kung fu classics are classics because of the fights. Does Drunken master have a good script or good edtiting or good acting? Give me a break. Tony Jaa has brought a breath of fresh air much needed in an age of popstars gone kung fu actors... I'd rather watch any Tony Jaa or Pana Rittikrai movies before crap like Invisible Target... Come on, am I in bizarro world? Those movies provide what they promise, good fights, not without flaws but they still deliver. Bad editing? Bad story? Bad acting? You guys should go back and recheck your lists of all-time favorites, a lot, if not most of the movies you list have those flaws big time. I'm not saying they're bad, most of them are terrefic, just seems like a weird thing to pick on in a kung fu movie...

-The Amazing Psycho Per

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not gonna say this is best movie ever..but after shaw era this is finest piece of asskickaction I have seen.not only tony is amazing talent,action scenes are dramatic also..storyline is bit lame but fightmovies are not famous coz of plot-

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bump!watched ong bak today(I had 2 different editions it for over a year but sometimes I am slow at watching stuff,still have almost 50 shaws unwatched) and it does not equal to Tom Yum,but very close....it is maybe those scenes in burning temple@tom yum which makes it top film of 2000+..I know many here does not like tony jaa but seems there is lack of martial arts actors these days(you can say jackie chan and jet lee are not making movies quality like in past),tony jaa`s kicks are more than welcomed...if in asian produced movie,hopefully he does not go into holywood.

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bump!watched ong bak today(I had 2 different editions it for over a year but sometimes I am slow at watching stuff,still have almost 50 shaws unwatched) and it does not equal to Tom Yum,but very close....it is maybe those scenes in burning temple@tom yum which makes it top film of 2000+..I know many here does not like tony jaa but seems there is lack of martial arts actors these days(you can say jackie chan and jet lee are not making movies quality like in past),tony jaa`s kicks are more than welcomed...if in asian produced movie,hopefully he does not go into holywood.

He will not, Chan tried to bring him over for the dreaded Rush Hour crap, Jaa turned them down because he's making his own movies and wants to further Thai cinema.He's got one coming out soon, Ong Bak 2 or something that has nothing to do with the first one, I hope he blows it out the water.

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What if there were MartialArt+Horror film.. Something like Tony Jaa kicking head off zombies, ripping off their arms and stuffs like that. That wouldn't require much story.

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Chocolate is a new Action Thai movie will feature a new girl actress trained by Panna Rittikrai for 4 years. Not much information has been released but looks like Jaa great competitor is this new girl because I've seen the trailer in Thai movie theater and she was something I've never seen before.

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I remember watching a behind the scenes promo for Chocolate a while back, and thinking, "DAMN, that girl can move!". So, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it! I just hope Prinkaew doesn't fuck it up...

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anyone know what was cut from the Hong Kong Edko dvd? dvdcompare says 6 seconds of Tom-Yum-Goong were trimmed to avoid a CAT III rating, but I had only heard about the theatrical version of Ong Bak being cut in HK. anyone know what the 6 sec cut was?

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saw this on one of the docs i have and it seems that they filmed the first two fighters giving way to Nathan Jones instead of being beat as we see in the final abruptly edited print.

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/nJNk2xpYytQ&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/nJNk2xpYytQ&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

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Ok, bought the DD of this to give it another try, I really want to like this movie but it's so incoherent, it looks like a 5 year old with add edited it, not to take away from some of the amazing stuff Jaa puts on screen but most of the fights are lame - lightbulbs?:neutral: Johnny Nguyen's part is wasted, a real missed opportunity between two great martial artists . I had a hard time sitting through 80% of this .

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Tosh: I really enjoyed this movie I thought the end fights were awesome! Jaa was Kicking total Ass! Yes some of the fights were a little dumb, and I have to agree the fight scene between him and Johnny Nguyen should've been a lot better.

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I have thairelease of this with no english subs.But sometimes actors speaks english and storyline so easy even me can follow it:tongue: so lack of subs does not bother...

It`s great movie maybe best martial arts movie made after closing of SB studios.I am not so interested of those mainland china movies like hidden dragon crouching tiger,curse of golden,house of...they appear beautiful,very big budget and wellmade with quality actors but at least I feel they lack some punches...

Fight between tony and capoeira is kick ass scene.Ong Bak 1 is terrific too,part 2 I have not seen yet.

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