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Tom Yum Goong / The Protector (US) / Warrior King (UK) (2005)

Guest m burlock

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Guest The Running Man

Hey Yi Long,

That second quote you replied to (to make the sh!t work) was Harvey Weinstien who said it. Not Bey Logan. :)

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Guest Johnnie freeze
Raymond Chow was spineless. The man was so desperate for success in the West that anything that seemed possible for that success he would do. For proof, know that he approved Robert Clouse's Game of Death '78 and all it's tasteless glory (gotta love that footage of Bruce's real funeral to act as a fake funeral in the film).

I totally agree. G.O.D. '78' was disgusting, but you said it yourself "Raymond Chow -was so desperate for success in the West that anything that seemed possible for that success he would do". What he did [as tasteless as it is] was to

Well, narrow mindedness is on the same track for lack of respect.

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Well, narrow mindedness is on the same track for lack of respect. Anyone that describes these films as "sh!t" and that they need to be made to work is saying something on how they view these films. I remember someone passing along an interview with Harvey where he said that Jackie Chan's films for him are "guilty pleasures". That's not a com

<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->

I agree, to a point...calling someone esle's work

"sh!t" is very disrespectful, but I dont agree that narrow mindedness is necessarily disrespect. It is mainly ignorance, which can lead to disrespect, but doesnt have to be.

Then there is the new Jet Li/ jackie Chan project....are they being disrespectful for making a movie thats geared towards westerners rather than the eastern audiance? Maybe the right thing would be to make a movie that appeals to both.

Whether its making a new flick or editing an old one, It's all about the money.;)

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Guest Yi Long
Hey Yi Long,

That second quote you replied to (to make the sh!t work) was Harvey Weinstien who said it. Not Bey Logan.

Ow oki... I stand corrected. (Slaps head in shame...:o )

Anyway, it seems like Bey feels the same way about it, as in that these movies need changing so they would better suit the western market, so I stand by my earlier statement that Bey shouldnt even go near a movie if he thinks he can improve it by editing/cutting/altering it.

He should just keep doing good commentaries and maybe write a new book or something. Although if he would write a new book, he'd have to adress the post 94 slump HK cinema is in, and he and people like him, are part of the reason that slump is there...

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Guest Gwailos Forever

Running Man, Yi Long,

I honestly respect your opinions, and I understand where you're coming from. I really do.

The ONLY thing I have issue with is the very persoanl nasty remarks aimed at them such as "Bey is a c**t, I wish Bey would die" etc etc

I just find that distasteful and inappropiate. Venting frustrations and what you think they are doing wrong I have no problem with, wishing them to die etc because of it, I do find too much

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
because certain white men in power don't like them

I too blame the "white men in power" for all the wrongs of the world (At least thats what Homey The Clown taught us). Down wit da man!! :lol

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Guest killer meteor

"For proof, know that he approved Robert Clouse's Game of Death '78 and all it's tasteless glory (gotta love that footage of Bruce's real funeral to act as a fake funeral in the film)."

You know, I watched GOD because I heard of its tastelessness and subsequently became a HK movie fan. And that scene is awful, what with Gig Young grinning like a loon and promising us "a very believeable funeral", and is it me or does the crowd scream when they open the coffin. At least in Bruce Lee The Man The Myth and Exit The Dragon, Enter The Tiger it was the real funeral and given a modicum of dignity - a very small modicum, mind you.

I don't see why Chow didn't make a bio-pic of his own, perhaps casting an up and coming like Yuen Biao, than including the GOD sequence as the finale, like what they did with Warrior's Journey.

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Guest chen lung

How about the retarded war-cries? Got about 20 of them on my HD for fun;) !

Indeed James, it'll be "VERY believable"0] .:rollin (no disrespect or anything).

What's the Thai equivilent for a 'Gwailo'? Think theres a few in that film 'TYG', and bad ones too! All those muscle men are brawn and no brain:lol !

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Guest jfinesse2000

Well, this was my first Tony Jaa experience. I have been watching Kung Fu movies for many years, I have been posting on this forum for a few. I haven't seen Ong Bak or the original version of The Protector.

I went to the matinee on Friday and I wanted to walk out after the first 20 minutes or so, but I stuck it out. From the point around when that scene in the restaurant where it's all done in one shot/take, my opinion of the movie changed a little.

Jaa is a maniac. He seems a little like Jackie. In fact, parts of the movie reminded me of Rumble in the Bronx for some reason. And I know it's not kung fu, but I could have done with a little less arm-breaking. That got kind of tedious. Like how many ways can he break someones arm?

As for the soundtrack/score. Anyone worrying about the hip-hop in it. I think there were 2 or 3 hip-hop tracks in it. None of them had anything to do with the RZA. He along with another guy whose name I don't remember did an orchestral score.

And Venomsfan, there is no female RZA. If you look at the credits for Unleashed, that song Baby Boy was produced by the RZA with vocals by Thea.

Oh well, my 2 cents.

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I think the title "The Protector" come from the fact that Tony Jaa's family in the movie comes from a long line of soldiers who's job it is to protect the elephant's legs from attack when the king is riding it.



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I have to say that I agree with everyone about the bizzare edits and weird films prints. However, I really didnt feels the fights were cut much (weird pans aside though) at least enought to bother me (I think the leg break maybe because of the MPAA I know why did all the other stuff get left in but hey its the MPAA). So many weird plot cuts and stuff made the film feel like it was on Meth (which in a way was a nice plus) but I never liked the Thai Directors cut of the human drama (besides the action with the elephent) so it didn't bother me as much but I can see how it can easily bother people.

HOWEVER that said, I saw the second coming of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan tonight. I was at a 75% full showing at 10:45 in Downtown Philadelphia and people were in love with the both cheering for Tony, groaning at a bone crunch, going OMFG when TK first appeared and his three henchman and also during stunts and going nuts during certain moves during the orgy of the broken . I have a feeling that Tony Jaa is going to start getting over very big in this country (Ong Bak laid the groundwork). I happy it was able to get in to theatres (alot more than Ong Bak ever could) even in this format as it exposed a lot of people to TJ and its only going to help in the future. Say what you will about TWC but they have the clout to get stuff in to a lot of theatres when they want to. That said Dragon Dynasty should definatly put both cuts of the film on the DVD because I have a feeling both will have there fans and it just makes sense in this day and age and there is no reason why not too.

So trust me go out and see the flick you may laugh at the edits and such but man will the action ensure you dont feel jipped at all. Don't miss this great expereince and bring some friends too.

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Guest tigerstyles

pity they did'nt edit the Capero fight better and have him getting up from his beating then going over to Nathan Jones to ask for a hand as he does in the deleted scenes..

a choppy film chopped more.. no loss just another version to watch..

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Nice way to sum it up. However where are these deleted scenes on (Thai or Korean disc?). Actually I disagree with you as I think the sudden appearance of TK works much better and people where really going nuts when they first saw him appear.

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As a result of a good practice LSAT score. Jess agreed to go see it again with me (she's such a doll) and I can't wait to see it again.

From Boxoffice mojo


4 N The Protector Wein. $5,032,000 - 1,541 - $3,265 $5,032,000 - 1

Not as bad as it seems as it has the high per theatre average plus it seems to be getting good word of mouth coupled with the fact it is only in half the theatres as the no1 (plus I doubt this cost TWC a lot of money to put out). Hell it as already suprassed Ong Bak's ENTIRE Release in the US.

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Guest tigerstyles


Korean DVD had a hour making of on it which was worth the price of the DVD itself never seen it before and it contains ALOT of missing fight footage from the Thai release... inc all the extra before his first fight in the offices

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Guest Iron_Jinon

does anyone else (L) this movie?I tried to watch it two times earlier this year but gave up coz it starts "a bit" boring(landscapes are nice though),but made it to end week ago...when action starts it`s IMO best made these days....scenes where tony jaa confronts capoeira man,wu shu swordmaster and white giant@burning temple are unreal...and action overall top notch...tony is at least as agile as jackie chan or jet li and in fighting department this movie owns anything made after shaws closed down.

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Guest Endsang

The fights were really impressive, even for an old school kung fu enthusiast as myself.

Everything else was pretty bad. The "subtle" anti-bootleg message part was stupid.

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Guest will91XingYu

The fights and Tony Jaa are amazing! Yhe the rest of the film like plot and acting is really lame, but well worth buying for the many great fights.

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Guest will91XingYu

I don't think so but he needs a new coreographer to prove he is one of the best and bring out new things in him, no one can doubt he is a superb martial artist and gymnast, but yeh get Donnie Yen to coreograph and star with Tony Jaa in a movie and it'll be awesome!

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Guest Milkyway
I can't help but think Tony Jaa's a one trick pony (ok, maybe a few trick pony). His wow factor gets repetitive after a while.

couldn't agree more. but we're talking about 2 movies overall. no more. Jaa has alot more to show as well as time to create interesting stuff, which he has yet to do though. hopefully Ong Bak 2 might be different from those movies.

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Guest froffeecoffee

Tom Yum Goong was a great action film that suffers because of the drama scenes, but who's watching for the drama and plot. Action is what it's all about.

What Tony Jaa needs, is to work with a real budget, script, and director. Thailand's system isn't up to those standards that can make Jaa a bigger star. He's not suceeding because of Thailand's system, but despite it.

There's a lot of talent there, he just needs to start working with directors and choreographers, who'll expand his talents. To work with Donnie Yen, that would be explosive. Keep him away from Hollywood though. They'll have no idea what to do with him, like Jet Li.

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