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Best superkicker

Guest will91XingYu

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On 11/2/2019 at 6:29 PM, sym8 said:

For the victim he was doubled for the more complicated techniques by Yuen Biao but besides that he was great in that movie

I was always impressed by that fight and the intricate and stylish low kicking in that scene. Never knew that was Yuen Biao performing those kicks when it just showed the movements from the waist down. But the fight as a whole was still one of Wilson Tong's finest moments and Beardy's best film, he was awesome!

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I'm a little bit lazy to read this whole thread, so, if what I'm going to write just now has already been mentioned, I apologize in advance.

From the two Kim Jin Pal's movies I recently watched Tiger and The Mandarin, I think that he should also be mentioned in this thread, because he is a real great kicker in both movies, and he is as efficient with his kicks as with his hands there.

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Josh Baker

I think Yukari Oshima's kicking ability is absolutely amazing and unfairly underrated. I saw a compilation of her fight scenes  on YouTube and got inspired to kick as clean as she does. I was so impressed by how clean and precise and powerful they are; she even spinning kicks the barrel off of a gun at one point! What amazing accuracy!

Plus she looks really cool and hot at the same time when she fights, especially her outfit in Outlaw Brothers!😊

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Tan Tao Liang

Casanova Wong

Ken Lo

Bruce Lee

Jet Li

Yuen Biao -Yuen's kicking improved greatly from his early films.  Take a look at Knockabout and Millionaire's Express; huge difference.

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3 hours ago, morpheus said:

Tan Tao Liang

Casanova Wong

Ken Lo

Bruce Lee

Jet Li

Yuen Biao -Yuen's kicking improved greatly from his early films.  Take a look at Knockabout and Millionaire's Express; huge difference.

I always felt Tan Tao Liang was like his student John Liu in that they always did the same stuff(some great films though).Casanova is one of the best,even with both legs.Not sure about Jet Li though,he was doubled extensively during the new wave era of the 90s and although he had that bounce in his early films he just became to reliant on wires and stunt doubles(again great films though)Agree with Yuen Biao there was a big change after the great Knockabout and although Prodigal Son was about the Wing Chun style he did some great kicks.🙏

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23 minutes ago, sym8 said:

Not sure about Jet Li

Same here, wouldn't really call Jet Li a great kicker.

Raymond Lui was good, his kicks in The Tiger Jump (1973) are some of the best I've seen in any basher.

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Praying Snake
On 10/31/2020 at 1:07 PM, Secret Executioner said:

Yeah, Jet Li doesn't strike me as much of a great kicker either.

Here is a kicking tribute I made some time ago


Maye not the best kicker, but not a bad one either.

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On 10/31/2020 at 1:27 AM, sym8 said:

I always felt Tan Tao Liang was like his student John Liu in that they always did the same stuff(some great films though).Casanova is one of the best,even with both legs.Not sure about Jet Li though,he was doubled extensively during the new wave era of the 90s and although he had that bounce in his early films he just became to reliant on wires and stunt doubles(again great films though)Agree with Yuen Biao there was a big change after the great Knockabout and although Prodigal Son was about the Wing Chun style he did some great kicks.🙏

I've read somewhere that Yuen Biao studied a bit under Tan Tao Liang at one point.  I don't know how much truth this holds and cannot verify the information.  However, if this is a reason for his change in kicking, I can understand.  It appears Yuen had much more leg extension in his later films.  Credit to kingofkungfu2002 for the video below.


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Don't quote men on this but I think Bey Logan may have said it on an audio commentary. I believe he said that Tan Tao Liang trained some of the stuntmen (Yuen Biao in particular) in some Taekwondo to improve their kicks skills.

Edited by Dredderick_Tatum
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19 minutes ago, Dredderick_Tatum said:

Don't quote men on this but I think Bey Logan may have said it on an audio commentary. I believe he said that Tan Tao Liang trained some of the stuntmen (Yuen Biao in particular) in some TKD to improve their kicks skills.

Knockabout had Yuen do some Tan-style kicking in one particular fight so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Another one of Tan's students, Goonies star Jonathan Ke Quan, did some nice kicks in Breathing Fire (which Tan executive produced and came up with the story, loosely based on his Shaolin Deadly Kicks aka Flash Legs).

Some of my favorite millennial kickers:

Of course, Scott Adkins

Tiger Shroff

Chaney Lin Qiunan

Zoe Zhang Lanxin

Andreas "Andy Long" Nguyen

Tim Man

Mike Moller

Edited by AlbertV
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10 minutes ago, AlbertV said:

Knockabout had Yuen do some Tan-style kicking in one particular fight so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Another one of Tan's students, Goonies star Jonathan Ke Quan, did some nice kicks in Breathing Fire (which Tan executive produced and came up with the story, loosely based on his Shaolin Deadly Kicks aka Flash Legs).

Some of my favorite millennial kickers:

Of course, Scott Adkins

Tiger Shroff

Chaney Lin Qiunan

Zoe Zhang Lanxin

Andreas "Andy Long" Nguyen

Tim Man

Mike Moller

I agree about Knockabout kicking style, it's certanly his kind of thing, love that movie btw. I thought I heard about Liang training Quan, do you know if it was before or after Temple Of Doom, I remember him throwing some kicks there, he was my fav character as a kid, now not so much, lol. I was very impressed when I saw him in Breathing Fire, it's a shame he didn't do more action movies.

Also, Tim Man is the king, I discovered him quite early in his action career, he's a worthy successor to Won Jin, he's had some okay chances to show his stuff, but I've never been as impressed by his film fights as his youtube vids.


Edited by Dredderick_Tatum
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I am going to go with Tan for several reasons. 1. He gets good extension in his kicks. 2. He is a good instructor- not only has he trained a bunch of stars, he can get the same results from his LA students- I did Wu Shu as a hobby and one of the girls that was a more serious practitioner threw some kicks and I was blown away. I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I've been around good kickers, and she was top notch! I asked Phillip Wong and he said "she studied with Master Tan in LA". Damn, I was going to UCLA and spent a summer training with a dirt bag TKD instructor when I could have trained with Tan Tao Liang! Anyway she had the trade mark kicks that Tan had. 3. He can fight. According to Toby Russell he has no problem rumbling with people, unlike say a Van Damme who got knocked out be one of his stuntmen. Jim Kelly could not handle him, according to Robert Tai. 

Now, my understanding is Tan is a bit of a prick as well, and not always easy to deal with, so I am not holding him up as a role model, just as a tough kicker who enjoys the contact.

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5 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

I am going to go with Tan for several reasons. 1. He gets good extension in his kicks. 2. He is a good instructor- not only has he trained a bunch of stars, he can get the same results from his LA students- I did Wu Shu as a hobby and one of the girls that was a more serious practitioner threw some kicks and I was blown away. I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I've been around good kickers, and she was top notch! I asked Phillip Wong and he said "she studied with Master Tan in LA". Damn, I was going to UCLA and spent a summer training with a dirt bag TKD instructor when I could have trained with Tan Tao Liang! Anyway she had the trade mark kicks that Tan had. 3. He can fight. According to Toby Russell he has no problem rumbling with people, unlike say a Van Damme who got knocked out be one of his stuntmen. Jim Kelly could not handle him, according to Robert Tai. 

Now, my understanding is Tan is a bit of a prick as well, and not always easy to deal with, so I am not holding him up as a role model, just as a tough kicker who enjoys the contact.

Apparently Hwang Jang Lee killed at least 3 people with his kicks, can Tan do tha? :P

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1 hour ago, Dredderick_Tatum said:

Apparently Hwang Jang Lee killed at least 3 people with his kicks, can Tan do tha? :P

I read only one. And I am skeptical about it. Also, if you kick someone in the head and knock them out, if they freeze up and fall back onto the concrete floor and crack their head, people have died. Happens a lot, actually. That's why they have mats on boxing rings. Also, killing someone usually involves a manslaughter charge. One guy I can see, but three? GTFO. There is a photo of Tan being lead away by the police for beating up several waiters at once if you look for it.

Edited by NoKUNGFUforYU
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On 11/1/2020 at 6:50 PM, Praying Snake said:

Here is a kicking tribute I made some time ago


Maye not the best kicker, but not a bad one either.

Great ! Thanks for sharing ! Jet Li is another one of my favorite stars !!

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PS, The arrest record lawsuit thing is a legit criticism with these legendary "fighters" like Bruce Lee. If Bruce had gotten into many vicious knockdown drawn out brawls someone would have sued, been put in the hospital or arrested. After the legendary much discussed fight with Wong Jack Man, Master James Wing Woo (a former boxer in the navy as well) remarked "I saw both of them a within a week of the fight, and not a scratch on either of them". So how awe inspiring the fight was in reality leaves me skeptical of this as well. If you really want to fight, you will either find a sport that gives you that opportunity and participate every chance you get with qualified opponents, not students, or you could join the military.

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33 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

I read only one. And I am skeptical about it. Also, if you kick someone in the head and knock them out, if they freeze up and fall back onto the concrete floor and crack their head, people have died. Happens a lot, actually. That's why they have mats on boxing rings. Also, killing someone usually involves a manslaughter charge. One guy I can see, but three? GTFO. There is a photo of Tan being lead away by the police for beating up several waiters at once if you look for it.

Yeah that's one thing I hated about many martial artists was all the BS around them and lackies would parrot it. Unfortunately a lot of martial arts i very cult-like.

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37 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:


Like I said, a bit of an asshole. I was a waiter once, and it wasn't my job to fight off drunken asshole martial arts masters and their kids.

Surely you've seen enough kung fu movies to know that a martial artist can't walk into a restaurant without there being a fight scene. Lol. :P

But seriously, I don't know the ins and outs of the case, but regardless, putting 4 in hospital, Flash Legs is the real deal.

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1 hour ago, Dredderick_Tatum said:

Yeah that's one thing I hated about many martial artists was all the BS around them and lackies would parrot it. Unfortunately a lot of martial arts i very cult-like.

Speaking of cults in martial arts, there are many. I met a lady FBI agent in the late 80s (actually at one of my jobs waiting tables back in college) and she had said that they were always investigating Tae Kwon Do schools. Seems like the Koreans were into this a lot. I remember having to say Yong Do (The master's name was Byong Yong Yu, of the Association"fame") when greeting each other. He would make grandiose claims about his acting ability and did some very unsavory things that would get me sued if anyone cared. Reverend Moon even had some martial arts schools and there was a lady who wore a big wig and elaborate makeup and her students would chant Ommmm or something at the ring when you fought one of their members. Also, I was asked "don't you know your instructors birthday!?" by some young punk Tae Kwon Do black belt. I was incredulous. Why would I fucking know that? He's not my dad. I pay him to teach me. We aren't doing chores in exchange for learning the secrets of Tiger Crane at his hut in the forest. And don't get me started on people coming in on their days off to paint the school. Been there, done that. These are businesses and many take advantage of their students while not even providing decent self defense concepts (Self Defense is a legal term, and spatial awareness, not a system of self protection or exercise) and have little knowledge beyond simply providing some movements and letting their students have at it while pulling their punches and kicks.


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9 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Speaking of cults in martial arts, there are many. I met a lady FBI agent in the late 80s (actually at one of my jobs waiting tables back in college) and she had said that they were always investigating Tae Kwon Do schools. Seems like the Koreans were into this a lot. I remember having to say Yong Do (The master's name was Byong Yong Yu, of the Association"fame") when greeting each other. He would make grandiose claims about his acting ability and did some very unsavory things that would get me sued if anyone cared. Reverend Moon even had some martial arts schools and there was a lady who wore a big wig and elaborate makeup and her students would chant Ommmm or something at the ring when you fought one of their members. Also, I was asked "don't you know your instructors birthday!?" by some young punk Tae Kwon Do black belt. I was incredulous. Why would I fucking know that? He's not my dad. I pay him to teach me. We aren't doing chores in exchange for learning the secrets of Tiger Crane at his hut in the forest. And don't get me started on people coming in on their days off to paint the school. Been there, done that. These are businesses and many take advantage of their students while not even providing decent self defense concepts (Self Defense is a legal term, and spatial awareness, not a system of self protection or exercise) and have little knowledge beyond simply providing some movements and letting their students have at it while pulling their punches and kicks.


Very true, we've all seen it, except the true believers of course.

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Benny Lai. I was very impressed with his kicking ability in Police Story 2.

Edited by venom10463
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