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Which of Bruce Lee's fully completed films was the best?


Which of Bruce's fully completed films was the best?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of Bruce's fully completed films was the best?

    • The Big Boss (1971)
    • Fist of Fury (1972)
    • Way of the Dragon (1972)
    • Enter the Dragon (1973)

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Morgoth Bauglir
Find these facts. That's all I have to say, otherwise you're an idiot for passing these as fact without solid proof.

So Fabhui, Milkyway, Dragon, Chinatown Kid and me are idiots huh? :rolleyes: Its pretty clear who the idiot is, and it ain't us. Do some fact checking yourself before calling people idiots.

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Find these facts. That's all I have to say, otherwise you're an idiot for passing these as fact without solid proof.

Don't get out your pram!!! The facts are out there, it's common knowledge. If you're gonna act like such an arsehole do your own research and find them yourself you arrogant twat!!

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...The facts are out there, it's common knowledge. If you're gonna act like such an arsehole do your own research and find them yourself you arrogant twat!!



....It's pretty clear who the idiot is, and it ain't us.


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Righteous Master

Bruce was the most ferocious in Fists of Fury. Man, did he kick some butt in that film. Way Of The Dragon was good also. Just imagine if Bruce was around long enough to do a period piece. Now that would have been the ultimate classic kung fu film.

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Dragon, this is how you quote!

....It's pretty clear who the idiot is, and it ain't us.

And don't go back and edit it to make it look like you never screwed it up, you did. But of course! I'm the idiot :D

So Fabhui, Milkyway, Dragon, Chinatown Kid and me are idiots huh? :rolleyes: Its pretty clear who the idiot is, and it ain't us.

I could've sworn idiot is singular, you see this is how grammar works. You add an "s" to make it plural. But of course, I'm the idiot.

Let's get on another subject. Please don't continue this with another smart-ass rebuttal. Whatever, I'll act like I'm sayin it to shut you all up, he did cannabis! WOO HOO :eek:

Bruce was the most ferocious in Fists of Fury. Man, did he kick some butt in that film. Way Of The Dragon was good also. Just imagine if Bruce was around long enough to do a period piece. Now that would have been the ultimate classic kung fu film.

I know, I always wished he'd done more. Game of Death itself probably would've been amazing had he finished it himself :(

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Chinatown Kid

Well nobody can force you to believe something you don't want to Sifu, regardless if it's true or not. You are offending people though because your making out like we are lying and have no proof. There is proof in Bruce's autopsy report, well researched info in biographies about him as well as documented statements by his close friends . Believe me the people who have made statements in this thread are just as big a fan if not more so then you of Lee and no one is trying to slander him or disgrace his image. He was an incredible Martial Artist and star and the faults he did have just make him all the more human. No one is perfect or unflawed. Sometimes "hero" worship can cloud the truth and make people forget this.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Let's get on another subject. Please don't continue this with another smart-ass rebuttal.

You are the only one being a smartass here. People have brought up facts and you have chosen to ignore them. Fact!:D

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You are the only one being a smartass here. People have brought up facts and you have chosen to ignore them. Fact!:D

Your an idiot, you won't stop! Shut up already, you won't shut up! *Fact!:D* I just wanna stop this, honestly, honestly.

And now your gonna respond this again, I wanna get off this subject. Please! On to the movies. Please! Honestly.

Back to this.

Bruce was the most ferocious in Fists of Fury. Man, did he kick some butt in that film. Way Of The Dragon was good also. Just imagine if Bruce was around long enough to do a period piece. Now that would have been the ultimate classic kung fu film.

I know, I always wished he'd done more. Game of Death itself probably would've been amazing had he finished it himself :(

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... and i'm new at this posting on this particular forum and haven't quite learned how to properly navigate the message board. THAT does not make ME an idiot, you F@#&*#@ MORON!!! At least i'm here trying and learning, YOU, onthe other hand, have posted nothing but B.S. your past nearly 200 friggin' idiot comments!!:mad:

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Morgoth Bauglir
Your an idiot, you won't stop! Shut up already, you won't shut up! *Fact!:D*

And now your gonna respond this again, I wanna get off this subject. Please! On to the movies. Please!

Like I said, people have brought up facts and you have chosen to ignore them. You can keep calling me and Fabhui and everybody else an idiot, but you are the only idiot that has participated in this thread.

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You can go %$&* yourself you stupid little mindless prick. Like I said, people have brought up facts and you have chosen to ignore them. You can keep calling me and Fabhui and everybody else an idiot, but you are the only idiot that has participated in this thread.

That's it, you pushed it too far. If they don't ban you for that, that's ridiculous. I've seen people removed from forums for much dumber reasons. I never have to resort to cursing like that. Yet you do. That's the difference between us. I know where the line is.

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That's it, you pushed it too far. If they don't ban you for that, that's ridiculous. I've seen people removed from forums for much dumber reasons. I never have to resort to cursing like that. Yet you do. That's the difference between us. I know where the line is.

Your line begins in the toilet A@##*@&!, ... and ends wherever the crap we flush goes! You started this, and we ain't afraid to finish it!

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Your line begins in the toilet A@##*@&!, ... and ends wherever the crap we flush goes! You started this, and we ain't afraid to finish it!

I'm not responding to any of this mindless language.

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Morgoth Bauglir
I'm not responding to any of this mindless language.

Don't call people idiots. Its that simple. Don't act like you don't know that calling someone an idiot won't piss them off. Maybe you really are that stupid, I dunno.

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Good thing this profanity is being removed. It's an embarassment that this would be seen to all who wish to join the KF Cinema forums. On to the movies, away from the animosity please!

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Guys, as fans we often worked up and upset over topics we care about. If you have to cuss, do it before you type. You can disagree, you can be mad, just don't cuss on this forum. Please go back to talking about the subject at hand.

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Fist Of Fury is a MA film that upon an initial viewing, does provide the audience with excitement, and gives viewers a sense of feeling for the main characters. Heroes, villians, all have you either cheering or jeering.:)

This is Lee's best film. His choreography here is innovative, and refreshing, for it's time.

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Fist Of Fury is a MA film that upon an initial viewing, does provide the audience with excitement, and gives viewers a sense of feeling for the main characters. Heroes, villians, all have you either cheering or jeering.:)

This is Lee's best film. His choreography here is innovative, and refreshing, for it's time.

Thank you for going on to something else, I agree, you can't help but cheer for Bruce. He had alot of heart in that movie.

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Big Boss..I like all Lee movies but that`s because Bruces ability only.Average scripts,so-so supportive actors and about fights,too often Bruce was kicking inferior fighters just like football.

Had he lived and continued in movies fighting someones like hwang jang lee,kao fei,kwon young moon etc..:(

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In many ways "Enter The Dragon" was the best of his movies. Not the best for fighting scenes And the unanswered questions like how the hell was a bunch of old drunk men imprisoned in Han's dungeon able to defeat Han's hand picked well trained army of martial arts experts? Or how exactly did Roper defeat Bolo after he kicked him in the nuts? The camera cuts away and we hear a slap noise and cut back to see the guy dead. And which one of those lowlifes killed Han's defenseless girlfriend? But as a silly A-Z action adventure it worked better than his other movies.

However, technically ( going by fight sequences only ) his best was "The Big Boss" followed by "Fist of Fury", then "Enter the Dragon" in third and "Way of the Dragon" fourth. ( I guess we are not going to include "Marlowe" here or any of his pre-martial arts movies he did as a teen? )

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There's so many factors that make ETD a bad film, it's ridiculous. The story, which is straight out of James Bond lore, is where one need but start. No MA film can keep up with the pace set for this genre.

*The rebel Shaolin Monk Han, should have been taken down by older Monks.

*The racist script, making the Black man an over-sexed, loudmouth, cockey, hasty, fugitive... Plus, once again, he dies first...

*The Caucasian man a gambling, untrustworthy, indecisive, eccentric...

*The Chinese man non-sexual(LOL), single-minded, and lackey for "The Establishment: (...I guess I won't need anything... If there's any trouble, you "The Establishment" make a phone call...?)...

*The Hero dispatches the villian's main bad guy in the middle of the film, leading to an anti-climatic battle between an old geiser, and a young stallion...

*O'hara seemed to mean less to Han than Bolo, who was 'the executioner'...

*Not enough tournament action, nothing to make you feel these main characters were cream of the crop...

*Where were Han's "most personal guard"?, his daughters, while daddy was getting smoked?...

How did they get the ropes on Lee's wrists after he had whupped everyone in the dungeon? There were no guns, and he would let them tie his hands behind his back?...


insert more comments here...

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