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Invisible Target (2007)

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Some of the fight scenes in Gen X Cops look like shot for shot takes of Dragons Forever. Anyone notice that?

I liked Invisible Target, agree it's a bit overlong and could do without some of the overly serious ganster life musings. I think Benny Chans got this particulary bland directing stye for his dramatic scenes. They just seem to drag on, anyone remember the finale of Heroic Duo?

Saying that I think he's done some good films. Connected was good fun, I like his work with Jackie and that includes Rob B Hood haha. Still never seen A Moment of Romance or Big Bullet. Need to sort that out.

Really looking forward to Shaolin.

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Some of the fight scenes in Gen X Cops look like shot for shot takes of Dragons Forever. Anyone notice that?

I liked Invisible Target, agree it's a bit overlong and could do without some of the overly serious ganster life musings. I think Benny Chans got this particulary bland directing stye for his dramatic scenes. They just seem to drag on, anyone remember the finale of Heroic Duo?

Saying that I think he's done some good films. Connected was good fun, I like his work with Jackie and that includes Rob B Hood haha. Still never seen A Moment of Romance or Big Bullet. Need to sort that out.

Really looking forward to Shaolin.

I'm not sure if it's down to his directing style but I would probably say it needs to be edited down or use better scriptwriters. Sometimes there's just too much pointless information or dramatic scenes for the sake of it and instead need to push the plot forward without dragging the film down in banality. Films don't need to be two hours long sometimes it's better to pair a film down to 1hr30 - 1hr40

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I'm not sure if it's down to his directing style

It has everything to do with his directing style. Benny Chan has never been a great director and doesn't hold a great track record. I can only think of Big Bullet and A Moment Of Romance as decent movies in his whole filmography. Everything else have too much overfocus on the scripts and performances that just end up like what you usually see in average blockbusters where mindlessness and cheesiness takes over everything.

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I'm not sure if it's down to his directing style but I would probably say it needs to be edited down or use better scriptwriters.

I'd imagine Benny Chan usually has control over the edit? Interesting if not. I remember there being NO script at the end of Heroic Duo.

I agree that a film like Invisible Target doesn't need to be 2hrs long. Looking at the run time it was actually 130 mins. Too long.

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Drunken Monk

Ok, so last night I got halfway through "Invisible Target." I've owned it for over a year but decided to leave it unwatched due the criticism it's received.

You know, I'm somewhat enjoying it. The melodrama is a little ridiculous in places but I really don't understand where all the hatred comes from.

What is your reason for disliking "Invisible Target?" Am I going to be utterly let down in the last hour of the film?

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I've still got my copy of it though I've only watched it once. I don't know that I hated it......I was very disappointed in it.

I mean, it has its moments. I think part of my disappointment lies in that it's promoted as having JC's son, Jaycee, but he really doesn't do anything. I think he throws like 1 kick and does a stunt at the end. I like Nicholas Tse, and Wu Jing is good as the villain but he just dominates his fights. The humor was meh. It got a little boring.

I don't know. Maybe I need to suffer through it again.:tongue:

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I like it. Popcorn action HK style, nothing wrong with that. And the last half hour is the best part.

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I bought the Dragon Dynasty version of this back in 2008 or 2009 and still haven't seen it, thanks to this thread, maybe I'll finally watch it tonight

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I didn't hate it...far from it. I really enjoyed it for what it was.

Much like TibetanWhiteCrane said it's a great popcorn flick. Wu Jing was the ultimate bad ass.

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I watched it once purely for Nicholas Tse. It's been sitting on my shelf ever since. The ridiculous wire-work put me off. Not something I care to revisit.

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Fun film. I own the DD blu-ray. Will definitely watch it again. I consider it an over-the-top action film more than a martial arts film, though.

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I like the movie a lot, good modern day actioner, as for the hate...everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

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I mean, it has its moments. I think part of my disappointment lies in that it's promoted as having JC's son, Jaycee, but he really doesn't do anything. I think he throws like 1 kick and does a stunt at the end.

I think Jaycee gets to show more stuff in his new flick Double Trouble. It really looks like (an admittedly watered down) throwback to his fathers action comedy heyday in the 80's. Though im not totally sold, based on the trailer.... trailers are so deceptive these days.

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If my life depended on it and I had to choose between watching Street Fighter Chun Li or Invisible Target, I'd choose Invisible Target...

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Action scenes is pretty much what stand outs in most of Benny Chan's films. He's the Michael Bay of Hong Kong: making entertaining films but fails in making films with great story, acting, storytelling etc.

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I wouldn't go that far. Bay's movies are soulless, corporate products, at least Chan made A Moment of Romance:bigsmile:

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I wouldn't go that far. Bay's movies are soulless, corporate products, at least Chan made A Moment of Romance:bigsmile:

And Shaolin! That had some heart.

I liked Invisible Target. If they'd cut it down to 90 minutes and kept the pacing up it would have been better though.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I still haven't seen a worse movie since seeing Invisible Target. Usually when a movie is this bad, I can laugh at it, but this movie just pissed me off.

There is a lot of action, which is usually what I'm looking for, but I only got brief flashes of things I enjoyed, and then it was quickly ruined by bad wirework, glass that looks like it would break if you breathed on it, bad script, etc... Then the final fight seemed like it was gonna be good, but I ended up getting bored with it. It was way too one sided. I just didn't like the movie any way. The only things that I found tolerable was Shawn Yue and Jaycee Chan. They are good actors but their efforts were wasted.

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I liked it. The horrible looking fake glass kinda ruined the action for me, but overall it was not as bad as many modern HK actioners. Bey's commentary with Shawn, Jaycee and Andy was good. I was VERY surprised that the guys didn't know who Nick Tse's father was(!) - hard to believe, but Bey actually had to explain, then he told them about Yukari and Mark Cheng - and again, they had no idea what he was talking about

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If my life depended on it and I had to choose between watching Street Fighter Chun Li or Invisible Target, I'd choose Invisible Target...

See, I'd sooner watch Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li. (And I've sat through it 3x's compared to only 1 viewing of Invisible Target.) And it's got a good bit of wire-work in it, too. I don't get why it gets so much hate.:tongue:

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I thought it was a good effort but in the end I just didn't really care about the characters. The story wasn't well developed and action - without a strong story - really falls flat. More than anything I was plain bored. Now Nick Tse in Time and Tide (Tsui Hark) was another film entirely - that's how you make a good action film.....


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