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Yuen Biao

Guest will91XingYu

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Yeah, a Brigitte Lin fan should be satisfied with Deadful Melody. To be honest I didn't think Yuen Biao fit in that well in this movie, as it is a completely different style from what he usually does, which is a more realistic kind of kickboxing instead of wire fu. He isn't all bad though, but you shouldn't watch Deadful Melody solely for Yuen Biao.

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Morgoth Bauglir

The action isn't anything special, but I really liked Biao in Deadful Melody.

I do have to say that his wig bugged the crap out of me. Biao had to feel like a complete idiot wearing that.

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-"On the Run"

Dramatic, darker kind of role with some great fighting in it

-"Wheels on Meals"

One of his best comedic roles

-"Iceman Cometh"

This has a enjoyable semi-sci-fi/fantasy storyline, with some comedy as well and nice action with Yuen Wah

-"The Hunted Hunter"

A dramatic role similar to "On the Run". The fighting is sufficient but you have to watch it more for his character role

-"The Prodigal Son"

Great Kung fu classic

-"Project A"

With Sammo and Jackie, a fun film which covers all bases

-"Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain"

I've never been one for wuxia/fantasy based films but this film increased my appreciation for the genre.

-"A kid from Tibet"

His own production, again an enjoyable film with humor and great fight scenes, and a creative storyline.


Typical kung fu period storyline but great fighting scenes and of course the presence of the one and only Kwan Tak Hing

Edited by ben
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Righteous Master

I liked The Prodigal Son. Still has the best fight scenes I have seen yet. The only thing that bugged me about this film was the gay stuff. Kind of threw me off I guess.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
The only thing that bugged me about this film was the gay stuff

If you are refering to Lam ching ying playing a women in the opera troup, you should know that in early days of Peking Opera, all woman roles were played by men as women were forbiden to play in the opera...

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I also liked Circus Kid, where Yuen teamed up with Donnie Yen and Ken Low as a bad guy. Ken gets to do some nice kicking in that film.

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Knockabout is definitely one of Yuen Bao's best. Yuen Bao and Sammo Hung's great chemistry lights up the film. The jokes were partly funny but their on screen charismas together were at best.

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Prodigal Son was Yuen Biao's best film to me. His acting, charisma, and fighting in this film are all parts equal.

Btw, his small part in Once Upon A Time In China was a scene stealing performance...

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I love most of the movies that have been mentioned, especially Knockabout and Prodigal Son. An honourable mention should go to Those merry Souls, which marries comedy, action and ghostly goings on. A bit of a mess of a movie, but very fun, with some nice choreography

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I love License to Steal. I mean the cast wasn't wasted one bit. Joyce Mina Godenzi-HUng was great as was Yuen Biao. Collin Chou had a nice small fight against Yuen as did Yeung Jing-Jing. Plus Richard Ng's comic relief was welcome. It took a while to find out who played the superkicker henchman in the garage fight and I learned his name was Billy Tsui Jing-Yat.

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I just saw The Hero of Swallow and found it to be a rather charming movie... Definitely worth seeing, in my opinion... Perhaps not his best - but it's got some fine moments and the ending is great.

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One Armed Boxer

Agreed...Prodigal Son is easily Biao's best movie.

There have been a few movies where there was the potential for some dream fight match-up's but for whatever reason just didn't come off.

I would have loved to have seen Biao versus Lam Ching Ying in a modern day setting at the end of My Lucky Stars, but it was more of a brief scuffle. Also I was greatly looking forward to seeing Biao against the legendary Gordon Liu in the Peacock King, but something about the fight just didn't do it for me.

Does he actually go toe to toe with Donnie Yen in Circus Kids? Surely that would be worth a viewing...

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Don't get your hopes up One Amred Boxer....Yuen Biao has a small very small fight with Donnie Yen...but it's not enough to even care about. I hate to say that but it's true.

Anyone know where you can find a DVD version of License to Steal? I've seen clips of this on youtube and it looks fantastic.

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Well, I taped License to Steal from the International Channel when I lived in New York. This was about hmmm...7 years ago. Every Saturday night before I'd go out, I'd watch Chinese movies at 7pm and I still have my License to Steal tape. Loved it.

I'd love to see this film on DVD also.

I got an interesting question...I've heard he used to have two English names: Jimmy Yuen and Billy Yuen.

Which of these two, or if you have another one...if Yuen wanted an English name, what would you suggest??? I like Billy Yuen...has a nice ring to it, plus it is close to "Biao".

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I agree with Billy Yuen...plus it doesn't start with "J" like Jackie or Jet.

www.taiseng.com has a License to Steal on VHS, hopefully it will be out on sooner or later. That being said I may just have to purchase it to have it for sure!! :D Now I just have to talk my wife into it.....:rolleyes:

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I got an interesting question...I've heard he used to have two English names: Jimmy Yuen and Billy Yuen.

Which of these two, or if you have another one...if Yuen wanted an English name, what would you suggest??? I like Billy Yuen...has a nice ring to it, plus it is close to "Biao".

Bit of a story behind this, Biao wanted his English name to be Bill (I hadn't heard it was specifically 'Billy') Yuen because as you said 'Bill' is close to 'Biao'. Golden Harvest however named him 'Jimmy Yuen Biao' to play on similarities to Jackie, and to cash in on his success. Both were later dropped.

I'd have stuck with Bill.

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is there any great movie where is he is lead instead of supporting actor(do not mention iceman cometh&prodigal son)?

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