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Venoms vs. Lau Kar Leung's crew?

Guest will91XingYu

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Guest will91XingYu

I was wondering if anyone could please help me. I heard a while ago that yhe venom crew had a real fight with Lau Kar Leung and his crew of Hsiao Ho, Gordon Lui, Yuen Tak ect, i read also that the venoms won! I was wondering if anyone could please shed some light on this or tell me anything more about it!

Thanks, will

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Guest teako170

The story is a bit one-sided since I'm only aware of Robert Tai's version.

Anyway, according to Tai, he was approached one night by Pops, Wilson Tong and Wong Yu. Allegedly they were upset by comments made by Run Run and Mona Fong in that the V-boys and CC were making multiple pictures to Pop's one. A fight never actually happened. They had words but thats all.

This was all detailed in a Toby Russell interview (who is good friends w/ Tai) back in the 90s in an Eastern Heroes zine.

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Guest will91XingYu

Thanks! Thats cool to hear, that'd of been cool to see Wilson Tong vs Philip Kwok! Who do you think would of won if they had had a fight?

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5 Element Boxer

Wilson Tong would've wooped that ass! :cool:

I once heard that the all of the venoms were Chinese Operah and not martial artists in real life. So, if that's correct then it's pretty obvious who would've won. Or that's what I'd like to believe anyway.

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Guest Mr. Vampire

That is incorrect, actually. Not all... Only some. And who knows what else those opera background Venoms might have picked up along the way? Anyone? Lo Meng for sure had some Mantis style (can't remember which) in his background.

Also I'd consider anyone doing that stuff they do in Chinese Opera, at least at performance level, Gong-Fu, it's just not meant as a can of whupass, eh? You could say the same for Tai Chi, but if you need to get down with that, you sure can!

I can see why the criticism between the two camps was made, but IMO pop's films are slightly better for a number of reasons. However, that's not to say I don't enjoy Chang Cheh's output from that era any less. Apples and Oranges, man!

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Guest will91XingYu

I see what you mean, i'm tied i love both they're movies, but i think at the moment Lau Kar Leung's team does because i just watched legendary weapons of china.

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5 Element Boxer

I'm really biased towards Lau Kar Leung's films. I guess because most of them were the very first kung fu movies I saw. But I do like alot of Chang Cheh's films as well.

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as far as i remember it, Philip Kwok/Kuo Chui, practiced Black Tiger Style Gung Fu. while Lo Meng did Southern Style Mantis. they both showcase their REAL styles in Avenging Warriors of ShaoLin, (which is ShaoLin Rescuers, i believe.) or maybe it's Killer Army, one of the two, or maybe it's in both. in either case, there's also Sun Chien doing the "Mui Fa Chong"/Plum Blossom Poles & Chiang Sheng horsing around, as usual.

IMHO, Kuo Chui would take out Wilson Tong, without breaking a sweat!!

word. ;)

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Guest FrankyLau

The Lau family has a strong kung fu background..Lau Kar Leung s father was a student of Lam Sai Wing,I have a chinese article written by the same guy who wrote the 3 Lam Sai Wing books,in this article it says that Lau Jaam was the most active fighter under Lam Sai Wing..

Lau Kar Leung already taught grown ups when he was 13...

What Im trying to say is that all those Venoms learned their fair bits of this and that but cant compared with the Laus..dont get film kung fu mixed up with reality..none of the venoms is known for their kung fu outside the movie world..now check the Lau family...:D:cool:

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Guest shaolinblade

Lau Kar Leung is beyond awesome, to me he is a living legend. He`s a great example of why I`m so passionate about kung fu movies. He brings his experience and knowledge of shaolin kung fu and puts it in film. His movies are all master pieces, each and every one. Not only does he bring great action but he also draws on his knowledge of martial history.

I also love Chang Cheh`s films. They always have a certain feel, not always the same but they have that Chang Cheh vibe about them. The Venoms are incredible athletes and martial artists, each with their own characteristics.

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5 Element Boxer
The Lau family has a strong kung fu background..Lau Kar Leung s father was a student of Lam Sai Wing,I have a chinese article written by the same guy who wrote the 3 Lam Sai Wing books,in this article it says that Lau Jaam was the most active fighter under Lam Sai Wing..

Lau Kar Leung already taught grown ups when he was 13...

What Im trying to say is that all those Venoms learned their fair bits of this and that but cant compared with the Laus..dont get film kung fu mixed up with reality..none of the venoms is known for their kung fu outside the movie world..now check the Lau family...:D:cool:

You are correct.

By the way, you posted some of the coolest vids on youtube man. I especially like that old demo vid with the Lau Bros. showing their skills.


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Guest will91XingYu

Cool i didn't know Kuo Chi did black tiger! He also new northern shaolin, also did Wong Yu know any kung fu or was he just tauigh on set by Lau Kar Leung?

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"What Im trying to say is that all those Venoms learned their fair bits of this and that but cant compared with the Laus..dont get film kung fu mixed up with reality..none of the venoms is known for their kung fu outside the movie world." - FrankyLau.

--- well, as it turns out, both Kuo Chui & Lo Meng practiced REAL MARTIAL ART styles. & the scene i was referring to, is from ShaoLin Rescuers. the old guy, with Kuo, is his REAL BLACK TIGER GUNG FU TEACHER!! one of Black Tiger's specialties, is "being able to use ANYTHING AS A WEAPON"!! i'm not making this up. this info comes to me by way of people that were connected, thru the "Martial World", to the Black Tiger Clan, back in the day, on the East Coast.

& Lo Meng's style is Chu Ga Tong Long. i'm pretty sure this info is also in one of those Hong Kong Movie magazines, from back in the day, as well.

while, i would agree that there's a lot of "movie" gung fu going on, in ALL of these movies, that doesn't mean that the actors themselves didn't practice!! i'm sure you can find lots of the "old school" actors, that Chang Cheh used @ least, had some previous martial skill, outside of "Opera" training. not all, but some.

plus, i would just like to add, i don't remember there being a comparison of Lau vs Venoms. just a "who do you think would win, between Kuo Chui & Wilson Tong?". the Lau's ARE BAD ASS, without question!! but Tong Wai Sing/Wilson ain't no Lau brother!!! even if you just look @ the choreography, 'tween Philip & Wilson, there's NO QUESTION of who's got MORE SKILLFUL MOVES!!! Wilson's OK, when he's in a Lau Ga Leung flick! but outside of that, his style get kinda monotonous, IMHO. whereas Philip is ALWAYS A JOY to watch!!!


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Guest will91XingYu

Thanks for the info, also Lam Ching Ying learnt Wing Chun, and Yuen Biao did taekwondo (although i think that was for a movie), but also i think Wilson Tong is a real badass, but yeh i think Philip Kwok just shades it for me. Also film wise you can't give all the credit to Lau Kar Leung for his coreography, Wilson Tong helped in his early films, and later he had Hsiao Ho and Ching Chu who helped him from Mad Monkey Kung fu through to The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter. Just like for the venoms it wasn't just Chiang Sheng, it was Philip Kwok and Lu Feng and also Robert Tai until Daredevils i think. My point is that while theyre both great and i love them so much lol, you have to look at the other people that helped them.

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While I think it is comparing apples to oranges I think it's unfair to lump opera trained actors into some fake kung fu guys, many of these guys probably trained in some form of kung fu before they even went to school and probably during it, and with that being said just because someone is Martial arts trained doesn't mean they couldn't get their ass kicked by someone who never took any form of martial arts in their life. Kuo Choi is the man, after all it was Lau Kar Leung that pointed him out to Chang Cheh in the first place, he knew talent and skill when he saw it, to bad some of the Venoms couldn't of got a few roles in LKL's movies.

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that would've been something to see: Pops & Kuo Chui working together!!! or Pops & ALL the Venoms!! Dang!!! that would've been some BAD ASS SHEEIT!!


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Guest Chinatown Kid

It's pretty obvious Sun Chien practices the Korean Martial Art of Taekwondo, he's my favorite Venom because that's the style I practice myself. Lo Mang practices Southern Praying Mantis and his movements look pretty powerful. The other guys were Opera trained but no doubt have practiced real styles as well. Chiang Sheng is an incredible acrobat and good with traditional weapons, Lu Feng seems to really excel at weapons use. Philip Kwok seems to be the best all-around Venom, he can do it all from hand techniques, kicks, acrobatics to weapons. I love Liu Chia Liang's films too because they showcase such great authentic traditional styles and weapons and stress the importance of Martial virtue. I'm just glad we have both crews because they have provided us with some great action and entertainment over the years. :)

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Guest Markgway

Sammo would have kicked all of their arses!! lol

Seriously, isn't Tai prone to, erm, exaggeration?

Can't imagine Lau and co throwing down in the middle of a street.

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Guest clfnole

Some might argue that Kuo Chui (Kwok Choy) was as good an acrobat if not better than Chiang Sheng.

Hsaio Ho (Siu Hau) is quite good but can be annoying in many movie.

Yuen Biao and Yuen Wah were also very good acrobats.

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i agree he annoyed me in some movies and i prefer chiang sheng over him.. i think chiang was a better acrobat then phillip kwok but i dunno about hsaio ho and chiang sheng... hsaio annoyed the hell out of me in some movies

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Guest will91XingYu

I like them both but Hsiao Ho for me, i though he'd be annoying in My Young Auntie but i though he was really funny. Philip Kwok is an amazing acrobat as well! Yuen Biao is great to, also Peter Cheng, check out this guy in Method Man and Fight Among the Supers!

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Yeah chances are if they went to a Chinese Opera school when they were a kid there going to be good at acrobatics. Even Sammo with his big size could do some pretty good backflips....

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