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Death Proof

Guest venomsfreak

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Guest venomsfreak

I just saw this this weekend. I thought it was ok, supposedly it's longer than the theatrical version. To be honest I think it might have been better with less dialogue, but that's QT's fetish, that and women's feet.

The car chases were good, but I kept wondering why they didn't stop at some point and let Zoe Bell at least climb into the car, they had several opportunities.

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Guest Von Humboldt Fleischer

I think there's a good reason that nobody before now has had the idea of making a film in which at least 40% of the running time is taken up by a bunch of broads with about nine acting lessons between them sitting in a bar talking to Kurt Russel's dad.

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Guest Morgoth

I saw this in the theater and I actually yelled at the screen for those girls to shut up. I didn't mean to yell it outloud, but I couldn't help it.

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Any time Kurt is not on the screen the film suffers, the dialog between the second set of girls is to much, I know he was going for a 70's movie feel but he should of just left the second set of girls out of it all together, what was the lap dance scene they cut out of the movie like?

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Guest venomsfreak
Any time Kurt is not on the screen the film suffers, the dialog between the second set of girls is to much, I know he was going for a 70's movie feel but he should of just left the second set of girls out of it all together, what was the lap dance scene they cut out of the movie like?

Nothing to write home about, but I'm a woman so maybe a guy would have found it more erotic.

Also like you said QT was going for a 70s feel, but movies from the 70s never had that much endless dialogue, and I know because I spent all the time I could at the drive-in watching the same movies QT is trying to emulate.

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Nothing to write home about, but I'm a woman so maybe a guy would have found it more erotic.

Also like you said QT was going for a 70s feel, but movies from the 70s never had that much endless dialogue, and I know because I spent all the time I could at the drive-in watching the same movies QT is trying to emulate.

Sorry Venomsfreak not to be a pervert about it:D Don't particulary find anything erotic from a movie lapdance just wondering if there was anything else to it since they cut that part out.

And your right, I certianly don't remember so much dialogue in those older movies(spent a good amount of time at the drive in myself back then;)).

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Guest Stuntman Jules

The lap dance is probably the most erotic thing Tarantino's ever lensed, but then again that's not saying much.

Overall, I really liked Death Proof. The Grindhouse movies are close to equal quality for me. Planet Terror is more fun and entertaining, but Death Proof is better made and feels way more authentically 70s. I loved it.

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Guest Morgoth

I enjoyed Planet Terror a lot more. I love how the techno music starts playing to let you know when an action scene is coming. That movie is so much fun.

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5 Element Boxer

I haven't seen Planet Terror yet. But I really enjoyed Death Proof alot. Quentin clearly gave his props to the old filmmaking mostly seen in the early revenge/horror films of the 70-early 80's. Just the way it was put together was awesome. And I love how it ended; just like an old skool kung fu flik, with it ending right after they "defeated the baddie". Great filmmaking, in my humble opinion. Kurt Russel was excellent. And that black chick from the first half was fine as hell! :D

5 out of 5 stars

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didn't like this one at all. what grindhouse movies was he watching that contain 10 minutes of action and close to 2 hours of forced and unnatural girl talk? It wouldn't have been that bad if he had the same spark for words he had when he was writing Reservoir Dogs, but unfortunately that was just not the case

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Guest The Running Man

You know, I felt quite strongly about the movie when I first saw it in theaters. But after seeing it again, I have to say that I didn't like it as much as I did. The longer running time doesn't have anything to do with it either because I actually think it helps the movie. I don't know, it just didn't do anything for me the second time around.

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Guest kungfusamurai

I saw it in the theatres and thought that overall, Planet Terror was a more entertaining movie. But Death Proof had stuntman Mike! I really liked his character, and how things evolved in the film, but the excessive talking was too much. That's what ruined Kill Bill Vol. 2 for me. Perhaps people shouldn't have gushed over Vol. 2, saying the long dialogue was okay. Maybe QT heard that positive feedback, and since he probably likes the sound of his own voice, he figured we started to like it too, hence Death Proof. Personally, I think Death Proof would have worked better had there been one more chase/killing scene, and the talking cut short. It would made it even more believable that Mike was some psycho vehicular serial killer.


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I agree KFS, more chases or even a longer version of the end chase would've improved the movie significantly. Another instance of Mike doing his thing would've been great too. That's actually a common pitfall for these car movies, lots of talking and not enough actuall driving. Of all their positive traits to emulate QT picked the worst one. That's why the og Gone In 60 Seconds is such a gem - there's only one car chase but it lasts 45 minutes and it's mindblowing. T

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5 Element Boxer
Death Proof had stuntman Mike! I really liked his character

Me too. Another great character in Tarantino's line up.

What do you guys think happened to their friend who they left behind with that one red neck dude who was selling the car? I'm suprised they didn't show what happened to her. I'm assuming she sucked and fucked that dude, but who knows.

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Guest kungfood

I enjoyed the parts of Death Proof that had Kurt Russell's character. And once the movie actually gets started, of course, with the car chases.

Endless, meaningless babble amongst mostly unlikable characters is what QT is all about. He features it in every movie, perhaps thinking the conversations he directs are some great revelation. True, in some of his movies it works, but often it's just tiresome.

I suppose QT really 'enjoyed' directing/watching the part where one girl uses her cowboy-booted foot to smash in Kurt's face.

BTW, about the girl they left behind with the redneck: I think her exclamation of "Gulp!" probably said it all. :)

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I enjoyed Death Proof alot. I found the girls really annoying at times but the chase scene at the end and the crash scenes were great!

I find QT paricularlly full of himself too which kind of turns me off. In the special features he keeps talking about himself a little too much and how he wants to make Death Proof better than all the older films he is inspired by. hahahaha. keep trying QT!

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Here are my thoughts on this movie I posted on another site...

FINALLY finished this near two hour female MY DINNER WITH ANDRE married to DUEL and other car crash/bang'em up flicks. Far more conceited than the other movie, you get damn near 50 minutes of unlikeable drunken women having useless conversation in a bar only to be given (near) 50 more minutes of Rittilin deprived women having more useless conversation before the big car chase finale. Hell, you forget Kurt Russell is even in the damn movie.

Some of it's great, but not enough to recommend this to anybody. What the hell kind of exploitation movie was this supposed to be? No wonder people were walking out of the theaters for this one.

And why the hell does QT have to write two paragraphs of dialog for something that can be said in a few words? This one is brimming with far too many "My name is QT in case you don't remember and my writing is so fu**ing cool that I'm gonna shove it down your fu**ing throat in such a way that you'll fu**ing remember next time in case you fu**ing forgot!" diatribes that this wasted glob of funds would have been best suited as one of the faux trailers with one of THOSE being the FEATURE PRESENTATION.

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doug maverick

i actually liked the the scene in the diner between the second set of girls. but thats about all i liked out of the film. the rest bored me to tears. and i wanted to stab sidney portiers daughter in the neck(the black chick from the first group) she annoyed the hell out of me.

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After the failure of this movie QT said in an interview he wanted to make a movie about slavery(???) So I guess this means he wants to do a new MANDINGO or DRUM and considering those movies will, in all probability, never come out on DVD here, I can only imagine what his "vision" of this topic would be like.

DEATH PROOF was the antithesis of what he set out to make. You got 2 hours of pompous jargon with one really nice car chase scene and two brief bursts of "exploitation". And the title GRINDHOUSE was the biggest misnomer of the year for the most part. The full feature with the faux trailers and a boatload of features is either out now or coming out in Japan.

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doug maverick

well actually the slavery one is what he wanted to make in instead of death proof but he opted out of that one as being to controversial. think about what happened to spike lee when he did bamboozled just because it had scenes with black face. imagine what they'll do to quinten if he attempt to do that. harvey weinstein is real good friends with oprah winfrey, and they do alot of business togather so i know he wouldn't sign off on it even if the script is gold.

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venom5 a reg0 copy of Drum is sitting on my table unopened right now, i've seen mandingo around as well. can't attest to the legitemacy or the quality, but they're definitely out there

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doug maverick

yea i saw mandigo as well. it was a crazy film that you just can;t help but crack up at,all the way through i don't know if it was meant as a comedy. it was actually in grindhouse theatres in ny i am told. by people who saw it weather they did or didn;t is another thing.

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