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Flash Point (2007)

Guest Beat TG

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I just watched this movie and I have to agree with GwaiLoMoFo. To me, the action was very refreshing. It was nice to see all the MMA choreography. The story was so so but not terrible and the acting was ok too. I really enjoyed this one. Good stuff.

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Guest Beat TG
Just to be clear, I meant the story was worse than Twins Mission, not the action.

wow... what a way to undermine Wilson Yip's directing abilities. this isn't exactly dry filmmaking, we're talking about a director who can make anything entertaining through just the direction (even the so-so DTG was stylishly executed and interesting).

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Guest DragonMa55

Saying it's worse than twins mission is ridiculous, that just sounds like fanboy whining, the story won't win any points for originality but it was a decent story executed with style by Wilson Yip. We came to see Donnie kick ass, we got it in spades, I don't see why you guys are complaining.

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Simple story based more on situation than say, script and dialogue.

Cops try to get Viet. triad group. 1 is undercover. They get the goods and some witnesses to testify. Catch head of the group. End of "part 1".

"Part 2" entails group getting head back. Getting rid of witnesses in order to get head out clean. Situations arise as a result.

It's more "Traffic" in it's execution. Meaning, it's more situation/unfolding of events based, as opposed to being more heavily scripted.

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Guest peringaten

Plot of this film was fluff - an excuse for the grown folks to play tough pretending cops and robbers - I got more off the incidental happenings... 'Xing Yu did what to that kid?? Oh @#%$, you gonna pay now', etc..

Speaking of fluff scripting, I rewatched the ending on youtube the other day - after they fell off the roof they got up after a mo and continued fighting. Version I watched had the old lady interlude. Did the youtube guy remove it, or was this a different cut of the film? (Better without). I see what they were doing with bits like that, but nah...

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Most of the films we loved in the 80's with Sammo, Jackie, Donnie never had any real genius scripts. I mean c'mon, everybody loves Wheels on Meals, Dragons Forever, In The Line of Duty 4.. because they had awesome scripts? Psst... Because the films were fun and had amazing choreography. Why can't people understand in today's age of cinema that a movie such as Flash Point containing such a high caliber of choreography is a blessing? Us as martial arts movie fans know the number 1 reason we watch these films are the choreography.

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Guest Beat TG

the thing I'm pointing out here is not specifically the story nor the action but the direction itself. Flash Point was not only headed towards the groundbreaking ways of shooting fight scenes but also the interesting aspects of telling stories/plots as well (yeah it's straight-forward and lighter than SPL, which was headed towards the same path, but it was intentional).

the big difference between SPL/Flash Point/the new trend and the past is that Wilson/Donnie/other crews are trying to break out from the limitations and get something out of both story and action scenes, that may result the movies being more interesting (some here are obviously after action only which is understandable, but there are others that want more than that too).

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Guest luckystars

You can't say Wheels on Meals was a weak story because it was a silly action comedy, and a good one at that. Whether in fights, stunts, comedy, it was good. Entertaining and good.

Can anyone here say 100% with honesty they enjoyed the very serious exploding Chicken scene in Flash Point? And that was a credible bit of plot expertly directed?

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Guest will91XingYu

I personally loved this film, i prefered it to SPL, i though the last 20 minutes was the most intense ending i'd seen in an action film for a very long time. I loved everything about it, the only slight problem i had was that Xing Yu didn't get a longer fight, butr thats just a small silly gripe with an awsome movie!

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Guest Beat TG
Can anyone here say 100% with honesty they enjoyed the very serious exploding Chicken scene in Flash Point? And that was a credible bit of plot expertly directed?

that scene was cheesy I agree, but only ruined itself, not the whole movie.

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Guest will91XingYu

Yhe i suppose so, i'm not saying that he should of had loads of screentime cos i though his charecter was awsome, i loved the whole film espeacilly Donnie vs Colin Chou.

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Guest Morgoth

Xing Yu was really good. I love that part at the start of the movie where he breaks the toilet to retrieve his phone. But I was disappointed that he didn't really get to show his fighting skills.

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Guest will91XingYu

I totally agree with you Morgoth the bit with the toilet was really funny. And the bit wherre he jumps over the barrier and slices up Ben Lam!

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Guest Beat TG
And the bit wherre he jumps over the barrier and slices up Ben Lam!

that was Xing's highlight in the whole movie to me. he pulled the scene off perfectly! it may be short but it surpasses the slash scene in SPL imo.

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Guest Morgoth

My problem with that scene was that I didn't think it was very well directed. Shouldn't you be able to kill someone with like a single slash to the neck? Xing yu slashed up Ben Lam about 50 times and still didn't kill him. Maybe the director was trying to tell us that Xing Yu is not very skilled with a knife:confused:

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Guest Aeksis8742

Hmmm, I don't remember seeing him get slashed across the neck but I guess i'll have to watch it again to know for sure. Also, just because you get slashed across the neck doesn't mean your automatically going to die, depends on how deep the wound is.

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Guest Morgoth

No I didn't say he slashed him in the neck, I am just saying that I thought he had enough time to kill Ben Lam since he had time to cut him up so many times. I thought the scene went on for too long. You would think with that much time Xing Yu could have made a fatal blow.

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Guest luckystars

Well it could be taken as 'well done for pointing out how terrible that scene was', or well done for making such a laughable scene.

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Guest Beat TG
No I didn't say he slashed him in the neck, I am just saying that I thought he had enough time to kill Ben Lam since he had time to cut him up so many times. I thought the scene went on for too long. You would think with that much time Xing Yu could have made a fatal blow.

same thing goes on in SPL when Wu Jing cut the cop so many times but still survived the attack.

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Guest Beat TG
Yeah that scene was yet more style-over-content from Flash Point

what a lame excuse. this has been done in many classic kung fu movies and modern day actioners.

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