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Disciples of the 36 Chambers

Guest HAZ

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Its funny, but you don't really see "Disciples of the 36 Chambers" mentioned among the great Shaw films, but I think this movie deserves a higher profile. I just saw it recently & I was really impressed. Hsiao Ho delivers a pretty solid performance. I generally like him & the role of Fong Sai Yuk fit him well. Hsiao Ho has got the comedic schtick down, but he holds his own in action scenes & has a unique charisma. Liu Chia Liang has some good scenes as a hard as nails Manchu fighting instructor. Gordon Liu plays San Te again, a role he was born to play. The end fight is off the chain. Sai Yuk sometimes seems a bit too invunerable, but his child like navite off sets that pretty well. I gotta give a shout out to Lily Li who has some nice scenes as Sai Yuk's mom. She plays the role with a little more gravitas than Josephine Siao, coming off just a tad more serious. Her role wasn't that big, but she still has some memorable scenes. Basically, this was a really well balanced film. If you've never seen it before, check it out & if you have seen it, revisit it. I'll say I found it more memorable than "Return To The 36..." Thumbs up.


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Guest Morgoth

Dude I agree with everything you said! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. for some reason I see a lot of people rip this movie. I didn't like it as much as 36th Chamber or Return to the 36th chamber, but I still thought it was a GREAT movie. I think Hsiao Hou should have won like a best acting award for his physical and comedic performance. He was so good in this movie. He is my favorite Fong Sai Yuk. Too bad he only played the role once.

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Guest ironfistedmonk

This one does get ripped on a lot, probably because Hsiao Hou can be a bit annoyingly over the top in his performance. The end fight makes up for any amount of annoying comedy, there is so much going on in the scene it's amazing how tight the choreography is, the only other scene I can compare it to is the fight at the Chinese Opera show in Martial Club. Both of these scenes get overlooked for the one on one scenes such as the alleyway fight in Martial Club but these 2 scenes impress the hell out of me.

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Guest Morgoth

Well personally the comedy is a big reason why I loved the movie so much. The opening scene where Hsiao Hou is in the same classroom as the little kids had me crackign up so hard I had to keep restarting the movie to wipe away the tears from my eyes. Then when he showed his kung fu skills I was even more impressed. Hsiao Hou is a beast in this movie.

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Guest will91XingYu

I totally agree with you, great fights and also in my opinion great comedy! Hsiao Ho rocks whenever he gets a chance to shine on screen. I love his fight at the end of Mad Monkey Kung Fu when him and Lau Kar Leung take on Lo Lieh.

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I've pretty much liked Hsiao Ho in everything I've seen him in. I also like That dude from Spiritual Boxer, though. The comedy didn't get in my way of enjoying the film. I don't know if this is my favorite portrail of Fong Sai Yuk (Jet Li also did a hell of a job), but I can say I found it better than any time Fu Sheng played the role. Hsiao Ho is easily the best Shaw Bros. Fong Sai Yuk I've seen. I hadn't bothered checking this one out mainly because it came out at the tail end of the Shaw studios run. I figured the sets would look bad & that production values/acting/story would be be crappy (Maybe I've seen too many late 70's Chang Cheh films). Nothing could be further from the truth. I'd watch this again. A worthy sequel. This was the 2nd time I've seen Lily Li play a mom. She's waaaaay to hot to be cast in this role. And I'm sure she was the same age as everyone else in the movie. Craziness.

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I found it to be dated and annoying. I can't sit through the movie. >> only.

I find the most interesting thing aboot it to be the action design. It's done in more of a set piece fashion, as opposed to LKL's usual straight up fighting style. An interesting use of wires was well done imo as well. Different type action, bad movie.

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Guest teako170

Only watched the IVL disc once but yeah I did enjoy this one. It does seem to be the bastard child of the Chamber Trilogy. Not even mentioned in JC's book (but then neither was "Return...")

Will have to give this one another look in the upcoming months.

On another note....

will91XingYu, no disrespect here but would you consider resizing your sig image? Something that big detracts from your posts.

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Guest oldeschool17

What did you guys liked more? Shaolin Vs Wu Tang or Disciples of 36th Chamber. I know, 2 different movies, but what the hell, i havent asked for a comparision in a long time.

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Guest Morgoth

Personally I liked Disciples more, mainly because of the cast and the comedy. Tough choice though, the fights in Shaolin vs Wutang gave me goosebumps. Action wise I go with Shaolin vs Wutang, but as an overall movie I go with Disciples.

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Guest sammofan

The fight scenes were ok but I hated Fong Sai Yuk in this movie. He was an annoying hypocrite. He has a go a San Te for collaborating with the Manchurians when he was trying to save his stupid ass from getting into trouble. But then the stupid git does just that and helps the baddies! All the problems were caused by dumbass Fong Sai Yuk. I really wanted him to die at the end!

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I'm always amazed that Disciples... gets ripped when the (for me, anyways) much less enjoyable Return... seems invulnerable to criticism.

The end fight is one of THE best I've ever seen - Gordon's skills are a sight to behold and the always great Hsiou Hou (hereby now known as "Mr Underrated"!!) backs him up incredibly.

Love this film!!!


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I don't ever remember seeing it on Black Belt Theater. As much as I love Hsiao Hou, I was a bit disapointed with this one, especially stacked up to the other two 36th Chambers, though that end fight comes through.

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Guest Morgoth

I would also recommend it to fans of Lau Kar Leung's comedy.

And Lily Li fans will probably enjoy it.

and Ironboat when you say you didn't like it "at all", are you saying you didn't enjoy any of the fight scenes?

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I'd say this movie was about 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times better than ANY Venoms film I've seen. In regards to acting, The Venoms make Hsiao Ho look like Al Pacino. I think people don't like this movie because there's not as much nostalgia attached to it.

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