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just watched Snake Prince...

Guest sevenhooks

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Guest sevenhooks

I recall someone on here praising this film as a classic.


I mean, I wasn't expecting action or kung fu or anything like that.

But no matter how you slice it, this was pure drivel al the way.


I thought it would, at the very least, be fun.

Avoid at all costs.



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Guest sevenhooks

No trailer. Not even a new one.

Which is weird since I'm pretty sure there's a trailer for it on the Rebel Intruders disc.

Yeah, this is a long lost movie that should have stayed lost.

There ARE some MST3000 moments to be sure, like the bizarro opening musical numbers (the 70's wah-wah funk and the completely off-beat hand clapping are hilarious), but not enough to sustain the duration of the flick.

Or - I take that back - I think they're too many.

...where the hell are those electric guitars coming from all the way in the middle of the jungle anyway??

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Guest sevenhooks

By the way, speaking of the "musical" numbers...

that easily has to be THE worst music I have EVER heard.

Particularly that horrible, horn-infused, chinese polka number.

:x :x :x

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Guest sevenhooks
now I HAVE to see it!!!

Actually, this is about as close as I've seen a HK flick come to a Bollywood musical.

Take that for what you will.

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Guest jmungus
Actually, this is about as close as I've seen a HK flick come to a Bollywood musical.

:eek why didnt u say so in the beginning ??

now it all makes much more sense to me :D

despite being turned off completely now, i`d still like to hear some sort of synopsis, a little bit about the "action" elements in the movie (action=not restricted to m.a. or other forms of fighting/use of force) ... if there happens to be any kinda action :( , about the sets and atmo of the flick & maybe some other movies/movie sequences SP can be compared with.

is this magic crane/ACGS/picture of a nymph kind of fantasy cinema ?

some "holy flame...."-taoism-voodoo mumbo jumbo in a dragon swamp setting ??

how would i have to imagine this flick ? thx.

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Guest sevenhooks
Wasn't Helen Ko Ti Hua good? She normally bares everything for a role.


Not sure who she was.

I'm assuming she was one of Lin Chen-chi's two evil sisters.

Both of whom scheme to steal Ti Lung from their sister and are about as slutty as can be.

But it's probably the one who makes the second attempt - since, as you suggested, she had no problem getting nekkid with the quickness.


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Guest sevenhooks
despite being turned off completely now, i`d still like to hear some sort of synopsis, a little bit about the "action" elements in the movie (action=not restricted to m.a. or other forms of fighting/use of force) ... if there happens to be any kinda action , about the sets and atmo of the flick & maybe some other movies/movie sequences SP can be compared with.

is this magic crane/ACGS/picture of a nymph kind of fantasy cinema ?

some "holy flame...."-taoism-voodoo mumbo jumbo in a dragon swamp setting ??

how would i have to imagine this flick ? thx.


Basically there's a group of remote villagers who are going through a bad drought.

They pray to the Gods for rain.

The Gods are probably not feeling their cornball song-and-dance because nothing happens.

Ti Lung is the Snake Prince who can transform into humanoid form and falls in love with one of the village elder's three daughters (Lin Chen-chi).

He promises to alleviate their drought if Lin Chen-chi will marry him.

The village men want nothing to do with this however and renig on the deal after they get their water.

They don't bother to tell Lin either.

So the snakes attack and Lin, after realizing what happened agrees to go off with Ti Lung.

They fall in love anyway and have snakey-human sex.

All good, right? Wrong.

Lin Chen-chi's two wicked sisters are tired of being poor ass peasants and want in on the Snake Prince's treasures.

So they scheme and well... you can guess the rest.

There's some fight action. Not much. Nothing great.

But it's servicable for the time it was made.

There's WAY more musical numbers than fights. That is for certain.

To me, the best thing about the flick were the sets and costumes.

The Snake lair was great. Very psychotronic.

And the outfits were very colorful and dated - very different from your average Shaw period pic yet somehow right at home in a fantasy setting.

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Guest Kwok Choi

Well there was a mid - late 70s movie called The Snake Man or Boy which had a sacred talking snake have sex with a woman who became pregnant.when she got pregnant her husband who was away at the time became very angry when he returned.The wife couldn't explain so late at night in the middle of a heavy storm the husband took a panga and chased his wife into the forest.He chopped her up in anger.Lot of snakes crawled out of her belly and the story of the movie is about one of those special snakes of the title.

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Guest Sleepman

buy it anyways dont listen to them! Lin Chen Chi, Ti Lung!

The Snake Prince

DirectorŒ§ÑãºÃ_ÕéLo Chen

CastÖ÷Ñà £ºµÒýˆTi Lung¡¢ÃÖÕäÆæLin Chen-chi¡¢ÃôÓíWang Yu¡¢ÃÖ‚¥ˆDLin Wei-tu

¡¾Classî„e£ºHorror¿Ö²ÀƬ¡¿                        YearÄê·Ã£º1976

Running TimeƬéL£º90 Mins·ÖçŠ Classification¼‰â€ÂµÂ£ÂºNot Suitable For Childrenļï²»ÒË

Synopsis & Production NotesëŠÓ°º†½é¼°Ùuüc

±¾Æ¬ÅÄì¶1976Ä꣬ÓÉÃ_ÕéˆÌŒ§¡¢Ä߿ホ„¡£¬„¡Çé³äÂMÆæ»ÃÉ«²Ê£¬ÂKÓÉÓ°µÛµÒýˆîIã•Ö÷Ñ᣹ÊÊÂÃèÊöÂVÎ÷ÉßɽÖÃÓÃÈý—l¾ÞÉß©¤©¤ÉßÃõ×Ó(µÒýˆ ï—)¡¢ºÚÉß(…Ǻ¼Éú ï—)¼°üSÉß(ÃôÓí ï—)£»Ò»Ò¹ÈýÉß»¯³ÉÈËÃÃŽÃ…cÃçÕ¯ÄÃÅ®Ãd¸èÃdÎ裬ÉßÃõ×Ó¸üÒò´ËÂÛÉÃÃçկŮ×ÓºÚÇÙ(ÃÖÕäÆæ ï—)¡£ááÃçÕ¯ºµžÄ£¬ÉßÃõ×Ó´ð‘ªÂÊÉß×÷·¨£¬ÒýË®ÈëÕ¯£¬µ«—l¼þÊÇҪȢºÚÇÙžéÆÞ¡*¡*

In the 1993, international audiences were fascinated by director Tsui Hark¡¯s Green Snake, which told of two serpents who turn into beautiful women. But seventeen years prior, versatile director Lo Chen and majestic star Ti Lung teamed to make the male variation in this remarkable fantasy/horror epic. Attracted by the sensual rain dance performed by three glorious tribeswomen, the Snake Prince and his brothers set into motion an extraordinary tale of romance, greed, insanity, envy, lust, murder, and tragedy.

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Guest sevenhooks
Synopsis & Production NotesëŠÓ°º†½é¼°Ùuüc

±¾Æ¬ÅÄì¶1976Ä꣬ÓÉÃ_ÕéˆÌŒ§¡¢Ä߿ホ„¡£¬„¡Çé³ä?MÆæ»ÃÉ«²Ê£¬?KÓÉÓ°µÛµÒýˆîIã•Ö÷Ñ᣹ÊÊÂÃèÊö?VÎ÷ÉßɽÖÃÓÃÈý—l¾ÞÉß©¤©¤ÉßÃõ×Ó(µÒýˆ ï—)¡¢ºÚÉß(…Ǻ¼Éú ï—)¼°üSÉß(ÃôÓí ï—)£»Ò»Ò¹ÈýÉß»¯³ÉÈËÃÃŽÃ…cÃçÕ¯ÄÃÅ®Ãd¸èÃdÎ裬ÉßÃõ×Ó¸üÒò´Ë?ÛÉÃÃçկŮ×ÓºÚÇÙ(ÃÖÕäÆæ ï—)¡£ááÃçÕ¯ºµžÄ£¬ÉßÃõ×Ó´ð‘ªÂÊÉß×÷·¨£¬ÒýË®ÈëÕ¯£¬µ«—l¼þÊÇҪȢºÚÇÙžéÆÞ¡ ¡

Couldn't have said it better.

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Guest Sleepman

Sorry this forum does not support Chinese Font, here I still say buy the movie dont listen to them! Tommy Lung, Lin Chen Chi Yesssssssss!


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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns
...where the hell are those electric guitars coming from all the way in the middle of the jungle anyway??

That sounds kinda trippy? :eek :smokin

The best thing about hearing sevenhooks' decimate any possible value to viewing The Snake Prince would have to be he really leaves no room for this film to be any more disappointing than you could imagine. So really... it already looks better.

Now that I'm prepared for what this film has to offer I'll be judging it from an appropriate perspective. It's not a blood and guts kill ya mutha kill ya brutha kinda flick. It sounds along the lines of The Monkey Goes West type of fantasy entertainment but more slimey and sinister. Which I prefer. It'll probably be a once every two years, something different to see kinda flick. I'll know quite soon.

Thanks for the heads up sevenhooks!

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Guest Ivy Ling Po

Well, I have watched it. Ti Lung looks remarkably fresh in this 1976 outing and Wong Yue looks like he has just stepped out of the set of THIRTEEN.

There are too many song-and-dance scenes especially at the beginning of the movie. It is as if the director Lo Chen was testing our endurance of them. Despite the traditional costumes, the songs are in a pop vein!

When the story gets going, it is not bad. Great to see Norman Tsui and Lin Wei Tu as the villagers.

The 3 virgin maidens played their respective roles well. It is hilarious to see Helen Ko sing a pop song while bathing nude in the palace pond.

The special effects of the finale may not be up to today's standards. Ultimately, not too bad and refreshingly different.

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The only thing missing in this movie, but found in most Bollywood films, are several dance sequences where the dancers all clap their hands at the same time and then magically mysteriously they all have on different clothes.

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Guest peringaten

Seven months, and numerous attempts later I finally managed to finish my pre-ordered copy of The Snake Prince.

Do I get a medal or something?

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Guest peringaten

Complete rubbish mate. We're talking Ed Wood standards of filmmaking - night carelessly changes to day depending on whether the scene is cutting to an indoors set or location shot. The dance routines are uninspired happy clappy pre-school dance numbers - pre-school kids probably choreoed them. The music has a little funk in its execution (fender rhodes, wha'd guitars, etc.) but the songs are rubbish.

At a couple of points Ti Lung looks a little embarrased to be in it even - like he's thinking please don't let this type of thing take off as a genre.

Pantomime. The story is silly and its execution unbalanced - people are good happy clappy, then evil - the characters are all completey 2-d - oh, Ti Lung, he's a goody - sooo misunderstood as a snake, except by his 2-d lover, just 2-d again, the only one who understands, blah, blah (incidentally getting to look at Li Chen Chi was one of the film's saving graces)... oh yeah, incidentally - the snake/Li Chen Chi love scene was stupid, and hilarious...

There's no balance of serious themes (they try and inject heavy scenes dealing with the most glaringly obvious non-enlightening morals) with happy clappy rubbish. Seriously, who was this movie made for? Kids - well, the brief nudity knocks that one on the head.

As an artistic experiment? No, just no...

Some sort of marketing experiment to see if this sort of thing would take off?

This movie was made in the name of stupidity perhaps...

This movie is an oddity... A rubbish oddity... not so bad it's great, but so bad it's odd and curiously amusing.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it and find it entertaining here and there, but good lord it was cheap and trying... And I have the patience of a saint.

Seriously - Haz - f'ck this stupid flick - get yourself some inspired lunacy like Holy Flame Of The Martial World or one of the numerous other gems out there.

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