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Rank the Venoms and their styles from Invincible Shaolin

Guest falkor

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Guest falkor

Here's my choice:

1) Lo Mang's Mantis

2) Lu Feng's Palm

3) Wei Pai's Wing Chun

4) Sun Chien's Kicking

5) Kuo Chui and Chiang Sheng's Lightskill & Pole

Just to recap from 5 Venoms:

1) Lu Feng's Centipede

2) Sun Chien's Scorpion

3) Wei Pai's Snake

4) Lo Mang's Toad

5) Kuo Chui and Chiang Sheng's Lizard

What I'm noticing is that Kuo Chui and Chiang Sheng appear to be the weakest links when it comes to on-screen fighting, even though they are two of the most accomplished character actors (more so than any other Venoms; even slightly above cocky Lo Mang!). Chiang Sheng, whose slightly more flexible than Kui Chui, just doesn't appear entertaining enough for my liking. His jumps seem slowed down too much with his acrobatics not directed towards the fight at hand; I would have expected fast cartwheels, somersaults, backflips and more variation of fancy manoeuvres aimed around the opponent if that makes sense?* Chiang is definitely more flexible than your average martial artist, but his skill doesn't appear to be utilised on-screen properly.

*Just check out Alan Hsu and Alexander Lo Rei in Shaolin Temple Against Lama to know what I mean.

It will be interesting to analyse Chiang Sheng and Kui Chui's fight scenes in later venoms films; It's these 2 actors that appear to shy away from using proper styles etc. I've had people tell me time and time again that Kui Chui is their favourite Venom. I've even had people tell me that Chiang Sheng is their favourite actor! Could there be something else going on here? Perhaps Chiang Sheng is a good actor and gymnast, and that's all? Maybe Kui Chui's charm is too overwhelming for us? What about the real reason why we watch martial arts films? I shall be keeping a close watch on these two in the future...

I expect my opinions will anger many of you, which is what I want, so we can get some healthy feedback and discussion going on here.

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Guest falkor

I just watched Cripped Avengers (not seen in a couple of years), and Kuo Chui actually steals the show in this one!!! :eek What a comeback! :D His use of the pole and hoop is exceptional! Why didn't he fight like this in Invincible Shaolin!? :rollin I've still not seen anything too impressive coming from Chiang Sheng, except during his training scene with Kui Chui; both were using much more fancier acrobatic fighting compared to their previous outings. This is more like it! In fact, I noticed Kuo Chui used an even greater repetoire of acrobatic movements compared to Chiang Sheng; Chui even runs up the wall--Gecko style--to defeat Chen Kuan Tai during the finale! :lol Unfortunately, Lu Feng and Lo Mang performed below average in my opinion. Chen Kuan Tai put on the 2nd best shapes performance, but Lo Mang did the best acting I reckon. But, wow, Kui Chui really gets to show his stuff this time...

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Kuo Chui, Chiang Sheng, and Lu Feng are no doubt exceptional acrobats and can do amazing things with their body and with weapons that Lo Mang, Sun Chien and Wei Pei couldn't, it's really not surprising though since all 3 were classmates and attended the Taiwanese traditional Opera School just like Jackie, Sammo and Biao attended the HK Opera School. Lu Feng seemed to be the best in using weapons and excelled with them. Lo Mang was ripped to shreads and looked very powerful in his techniques on screen portraying his Southern Mantis style. Sun Chien was the top kicker, his kicks looked powerful with great form although he didn't seem to be as versatile as other superkickers from the genre such as HJL and Cassanova especially as far as the jumping/flying kicks. He and Lo Mang seemed to be the best empty-handed fighters of the bunch imo. I never was much impressed with Wei Pei's skills with the exception of the Snake style he did in 5 Venoms which looked pretty cool. I like him better in films like Last Hurriah For Chivelry where he is playing a Swordsman type as he seems to be more suited to the Wuxias.

As far as the way the styles were portrayed in Invincible Shaolin, this is how I would rank them from most powerful to least powerful:

Lu Feng- he seemed to be the best/most powerful because in the finale he was about to strike Lo Mang with his death palm but hesitated when he had a flashback thinking of Lo Mang as a friend, that's when Lo took the opportunity to rip his belly apart.

Lo Mang-Lo always looked powerful in his techniques on screen and his Mantis style along with razor sharp physique was in top form in Invincible Shaolin.

Wei Pei-the only reason he is 3rd is because in the film he defeated Sun Chien's kicking style so his style of Wing Chun was made to look more powerful/best (like being able to finger jab slap through a stomach!). IMO Wei Pei did not look that impressive though performing Wing Chun as Yuen Biao, Sammo and Beardy have made it look a whole lot better.

Sun Chien- was portrayed as having kicks powerful enough to crack peoples heads open and kick wooden dummies heads off not to mention being able to do alot of internal damage with them. Throwing flashy kicks, his style looked alot more exciting on screen compared to Wei Pei's performance of Wing Chun. Now if it was Biao, Sammo or someone else more proficient it might have been different.

Chaing Sheng-the best light skill stylist because he had a chance to land a killing strike to Kuo with his weapon in the finale but gave him a play tap instead because he refused to take it seriously. Thats the moment Kuo took advantage. Chaing looks like he is so light on his feet and litterly floats in his movements.

Kuo Chui-I actually think he is more powerful in his movements and acrobatics than Chiang is and is probably the best skilled overall of the Venoms because he can do acrobatics, weapons, empty hand and even hung in with kicks of his own with Sun Chien in KWTGA. I placed him below Chiang because Chiang seemed to have the upperhand in their fight but refused to take advantage of it.

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but his skill doesn't appear to be utilised on-screen properly.

Yeah, I guess it was Cheh's style, but it seemed on the flips he always went for the close up or slowmo shot, which would seem they were faking it with use of wires, but we know damn well these guys could do front and back flips, as seen in Crippled Avengers and Shaolin Rescuers.

It's been a long time since I've seen Invincible Shaolin, a must rewatch here soon. I think out of all of them Kuo Chui had the best charisma, and best all around talent, and would be why he always had the choice parts, I always thought Sun Chien was underused, especially in the nonvenom films, Lo Meng was the muscle (I read somewhere online he must be the most ripped man in the universe:lol ), KWTGA being his best part, I don't think you can call Chiang the weak link, he usually got the back seat, but him and Chui together never failed to impress, and Lu Feng was the ultimate badass, he was born to play the villain, only HJL did it better, after rewatching Shaolin Temple when him and Chui go at it, you know it was the start of something beautiful, I could sit and watch those two go at it for hours, shame they didn't make a hundred movies.

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