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Derek Yee vs David Chaing

Guest daTOAD

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Guest daTOAD

i gotta go with Dave. though Chu Yuan gave Derek a lot of work , he was usally the same guy in every film IMO...actually so was Dave,but for some reason i like his personality better.plus dude got wicked with the sword around 1980. on the other hand Battle for Shaolin is one of my favorite flicks[but is it because of Derek...probably not]. besides Death Dual have they appeared in a film together? i know they got along because they wrote and produced for each other.

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Guest Ching li

i'll go with derek yee because derek yee had more of a hero presence than david chiang. I mean david chiang just didn't fit the unbeatable hero bill for me no matter how much chang cheh tried to convince us by giving him roles like such. Derek yee on the other hand was tall, dashing and very handy with a sword.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

With all due respect to Derek Yee who's starred in a few classic Shaws films, David Chiang will always be considered a much more competent lead than Derek Yee in my book. David was a stunt man for Shaws before becoming an actor for one. So he would do many of his own stunts ie. Heroic Ones, Have Sword Will Travel, etc. Also he comes from a family of actors and had been versed in acting from a very early age. He learned his hand to hand skills from his teacher Liu Chia Yung who he studied with long after his Chang Cheh career. David Chiang also commanded a lead role in some of THE most classic and enduring films Shaw Brothers have ever released. His filmography far surpasses Derek Yee's without question. David Chiang was working non-stop almost a decade before Derek Yee even joined the Shaws crew.

No contest. David Chiang. One would never have missed Derek Yee if he never entered the Shaws retinue, but if David Chiang never entered Shaws studios... THAT would certaintly had been a loss. The same can be said for Ti Lung, Ku Feng Chen Kuan Tai, Lo Lieh, Yeuh Hua, Wang Jung, Fan Mei Sheng, Meng Fei, Kao Fei, Beardy, the Five (or actually seven Venoms in my book)Venoms, etc. Now these stars would have been missed, but Derek Yee?

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Guest CLFNole

Derek Yee has turned out to be a real good director, but I also prefer David Chiang when it came to Shaw films.

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Guest daTOAD

One would never have missed Derek Yee if he never entered the Shaws retinue, but if David Chiang never entered Shaws studios... THAT would certaintly had been a loss.

well said.dont get me wrong, i like Derek ,but anybody could have been cast in his parts. he was a "face",a "pretty boy". Dave though, could actually use a sword[Murder Plot-his only Chu Yuan flick,Night of the Assassin] plus did most of his own stunts[saw him do some acrobatic stuff-never knew he was capable].even hand to hand[Deadly Mantis-thanks Liu, The Loot]. too bad his best choreo stuff was not with the Shaws[except DM].

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Guest Iron Boat

I prefer David by a mile and a 1/2, I mean Derek was Ok and I'm not going to put down little brother, but outside of Death Duel I really dont find any of his Shaw work outstanding. His character in Sentimental Swordsman was nothing special...David Chiang on the other hand, with classic Films like Have Sword, New One Armed Swordsman, Five Masters, etc... and his hand to hand films like the Loot, Challenger, and Blooded Treasury Fight gives him a huge advantage over Derek Yee. And David is a pretty good actor in between the action sequences.

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Guest venomchamber

I think both brothers are great! David was a headliner for Shaws, and his younger brother Erh Tung-Sheng simply picked-up where he left off. He worked primarily with Chu Yuan because Chang Cheh had his hands full o' venoms!

You could almost say David "passed the torch" so to speak during Death Duel which had cameos by both David and Ti Lung as well. Even Lo Lieh reprised his Killer Clans role for that one.


What's more, David wasn't crowned 'King Of Action' and awarded a big honkin' award at the 16th Asian Film Festival in 1970 for nothin'!


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Guest Knetan


yet, David has made a handful of pretty good films as director (Mother Of A Different Kind chief among them) but in that regard, Derek still comes out on top.

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Guest Feng Gang

I'm gonna say Derek is better for action and David is better for acting. I really loved Derek as "Tang Yu" in "The Jade Tiger" for his acting skills. And I do believe that's the only time I've ever seen him as a villain.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

One of Derek's best villian roles is the blind mastermind behind the Legend Of The Bat.

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Guest monk sante

David Chiang hands down, Derek had some good films but David Chiang made all the top classics in the golden era of Shaw Brothers. :hat

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Guest BleuVenom

David Chiang's cool and all but I like Derek Yee because he was more of the heroic lead with a strong presence whereas David seemed to step back a little whenever he shared the screen with Ti Lung or was lost within an ensemble cast. It seemed to me that Ti Lung, Chen Kuan Tai or Norman Tsui Siu Keung can distract attention away from David whenever they shared the screen.

Derek on the other hand, was able to carry the film in a lead role and still be able to stand out against Norman Tsui, Pai Piao & Ti Lung being able to hold his own in an ensemble. I'm not necessarily saying that he was better skilled every time but he held your attention and kept you watching. So what Derek doesn't wear a cap or grin sometimes at inappropriate times or wink like he's got an inside joke or stare longingly at Ti Lung or keep his shirt/robe/gown buttoned up to the top when the others are shirtless in 90 degrees weather. But Derek's got a style all his own.

The guy is awesome with a sword. His acting is good too like when he gets all serious or emotional or wicked & evil and underhanded and cunning with his trickery. He brings to mind my favorite venom Lu Feng (although not as treacherous) but fun to watch. He certainly can carry on the regalness of princes or quite often be one of the top swordsmen in the Martial World. He captivates you on screen because he's doing what he does best in being him and not like his brother. Certainly David has his own thing locked up too.

Yeah at times, you'd think Derek's typecast in playing the same role on similar sets with similar direction but the same can be said for David, Ti Lung, Jimmy Wang Yu etc., as the as the cap-wearer or lone swordsman or one-armed swordsman. As with any other person we've seen in a dozen or more movies. Brothers in the same biz probably purposely try to do polar opposite roles or styles to lessen comparisons. Take Wang Chung - good guy most of the time VS Wang Ching - bad guy most of the time. Lau Kar Leung VS Lau Kar Wing with hand to hand action or weapons action. Nevertheless both of these guys are awesome in their own ways.

Derek's movies and I've seen around 18 so far (mostly directed by Chu Yuan) had displayed more action, colorful characters and set designs with made it more exciting to watch. Of David's movies, I've seen around 30 but may have only liked a little over half of them for varying reasons. With the exception of The Duel and One Armed Swordsman, I didn't care for David's work until later. Like the Savage Five, Five Shaolin Masters, Blooded Treasury Fight, Shaolin Mantis, etc. To me he hit his stride around the late 70s but especially the early 80s with Shanghai 13 coming a bit later. Weird as it may (or may not) sound, most of David's roles I like was when he had his natural hair (short style) and he'd put on a little weight. It made him more believable in his fighting, his acting got even better and his comic timing with Norman Tsui in Deadly Challenger and The Loot were very spot on.

David's a very good actor but I could never believe him as a villian whereas Derek is more interchangable and versatile. And we all know that without an outstanding villan (hey Wang Lung Wei, Lu Feng, Yasuaki Karata!) there's no true hero. With that said: Derek Yee is the (swords)Man!


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Guest pressureworld

David Chiang by a very long shot, remember the movie vengeance nothing Derek Yee has done can touch that

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Guest peringaten

Like 'em both, but so far as preference goes... DC for me. Plus The Condemned is one of my favourite Shaw flicks. Great film from DC there.

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Guest daTOAD

i respect everyones opinion because of course there is no clear answer its all a matter of personal preference, but to compare Derek Yee with venom Lu Feng.......NO. thats just wrong. and he is NOT a skilled swordsman[hes great at hack and slash-Chu Yuans forte']. put his scenes up against Adam Chang or Norman Chu. Dave on the other hand has scenes that can hang with these skilled swordsman. Lu Feng? you couldnt have been talking martial skill so maybe you can clearify:D

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Guest daTOAD

re-read post, dont think your comparing Dereks martial skills with Lu Fengs. But I still say hes not "awesome" with a sword.

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Guest BleuVenom

No no no. I am in no way saying that Derek Yee is as good as Lu Feng! I was simply saying how I enjoy it when Lu comes across as a noble scholar and befriends his "targets" when in actuality he's there to get rid of them. Now I've noticed that Derek comes across that way too when he's playing the bad guy in some of his roles like Legend of the Bat and Hero Sheds no tears. Cunning and underhandedly trying to trap his "prey". There aren't too many who are as sinister as Lu Feng in the wolf in sheep's clothing department. Wang Lung Wei Is a great nemsis but lots of times he's just up front with it.

Yeah, rereading my own one again, I did get a little carried away with the word awesome but he is pretty good nonetheless. I agree he's no Norman Tsui- another one of my favorites, who is awesome with a sword!:D But the comparison was really between him and his brother.


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