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Blood Brothers is Oath Of Death's bitch.

Guest peringaten

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Hey Shawbro, sorry to hear of your struggles man... A few of us here have had our trials, and the one thing I've realized is this Forum has a hell of a lot of caring people out here. I wish a strong recovery for your relative, and come here to replenish yourself. :)

Btw, what I want to know is Oath of Death worth an immediate purchase, seriously?

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After reading all y'all post on which is a better film. Oath of Death is on my to buy list asap :D Here is hoping it lives up to its reputation.:P

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Oath of Death is a good fun movie, don't let my posts earlier in the thread put anyone off getting this, it's just not as well made, well scripted, well acted, well everything as Blood Brothers! BB is Chang Cheh's finest movie IMO, not his best in terms of entertainment IMO but his best made if that makes sense?

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Guest Markgway

Watched 'Oath of Death' last night and I now I can wade in with my opinion by saying that 'The Blood Brothers' is vastly superior. Better script, better acting, better direction. Oath is very gory - to the point of being so silly it's funny - but I guess some fans may be amused by that.

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Hey Tino, good to see you about, yeah you were always up on your Shaw releases, sorry to hear about your trials of late, hope things work out better in future... who knows what happened to Kara; that poopy hat insult... weird.

On thread; Oath. Come on... the leg thing. Now that was some good tactic!

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I have a question down below below. Highlight to reveal(might contain a spoiler)

Why did Lo Lieh drop a bird(i think that was a bird) into a pot of liquid, some sort of fabric into the liquid, and then scar his face to enact revenge?

I only saw a clip of this which is why i'm asking

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Lo Lieh was hellbent on killing Tien Feng's character for things he did earlier in the movie. He does more than what you mentioned, olde. There's even a bit of a precursor to KING BOXER during that scene you're asking about. I'll just say Lo Lieh puts himself through some serious hell to do what he does at the end. The violence and gore level is extremely high in this one. One scene even mixes sex and death with a lot of blood done in slow motion. For sheer exploitation value, it's better than BLOOD BROTHERS but the CC classic is easily the better made film. The ending of OATH OF DEATH is, IMO, worth the dvd alone.

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... The violence and gore level is extremely high in this one. One scene even mixes sex and death with a lot of blood done in slow motion. For sheer exploitation value, it's better than BLOOD BROTHERS but the CC classic is easily the better made film. The ending of OATH OF DEATH is, IMO, worth the dvd alone.

Blood, Gore, Sex, Sheer Exploitation, and Violence... That settles it for me, I'm buying it.


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Guest Markgway

To Oldschool: Because he's a sick ****er. That was obviously a REAL Bird boiled alive for NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. Even if it had a story purpose it would be wrong. I LOL'd when Lo burnt off half his face as a disguise. How can anyone take this film seriously or claim it's better then Chang Cheh's classic is beyond me.

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Mark- Yeah i guess his Shaw Brothers "Create a Disguise Face" kit didn't come into the post on time. Surface Mail is a beeotch. If that was filmed today, PETA would have a field day if they saw what he did to that ol twitty bird

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Lo Lieh's character was going to great lengths to make sure he got close to his target after several failed attempts during the film. Considering the OTT violence and sadism in the film, not to mention the unbelievably gruesome final moments, which are shot in such a way you can't help but laugh.

However, there are some very well done scenes in the film but not enough to take the film seriously. I would assume somebody ate the bird afterwards. There were no animal rights laws in foreign territories back then as this sort of thing was very commonplace in (especially) Asian and Italian exploitation films. Other European filmmakers such as Paul Naschy (who actually allowed rats to bite him for real in one movie) and even Herzog have employed the use of animal violence for geek show realism. Not saying it's right (I don't like seeing such scenes myself) but it's really not much different than regular people getting all decked out to hunt innocent creatures of the forest either.

It may be painful to watch but then you don't have to watch. If you are not a vegetarian, it's a double standard to levy insults at the people behind the making of movies from a time period that was obviously a much different climate than what we have now in regards to such scenes as the one described above.

I can't see where calling Lo Lieh a "sick fu**er" is going to rectify a situation that occurred in a film over three decades ago. And I'm sure Lo Lieh didn't write the script either. I didn't hear anyone cry out when that chicken was killed in HOUSE OF TRAPS (or any number of other HK films) or even the monkey smashed into the tree in MAD MONKEY KUNG FU (hope that one was fake).

And I never said OATH OF DEATH was better than BB, just that its exploitation value was much higher and that would be more "attractive" to someone seeking that sort of thing because you won't find it in CC's classic.

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Guest Markgway
Lo Lieh's character was going to great lengths to make sure he got close to his target after several failed attempts during the film.

But the direction is so bad he then wears a hat covering his burnt face so you don't even see the burn until he reveals himself to the villain. Surely the hat worked alone? He burnt his mug for nothing. Lol. Whatever happened to fake beards? :quiet:

I would assume somebody ate the bird afterwards.

Probably - but it was murdered in such a cruel way. Boiled alive. And for the sake of entertainment. That HAS to be wrong.

There were no animal rights laws in foreign territories back then as this sort of thing was very commonplace in (especially) Asian and Italian exploitation films.

Yeah, it's much better now. Animal cruelty is much less common place. It's unecesssary and immoral. I've never in my life seen a film that either needed animal cruelty or was better for its inclusion. There's nothing that can't be faked for a few dollars.

Not saying it's right (I don't like seeing such scenes myself) but it's really not much different than regular people getting all decked out to hunt innocent creatures of the forest either.

Yeah, but trophy hunters are pathetic losers with (sexual) inadequacy issues.

It may be painful to watch but then you don't have to watch.

I didn't know it was going to happen. Should I avoid the entire movie in case?

If you are not a vegetarian

I'm not - and actually I do feel bad about it. But no animal I've ever eaten has A. died specifically for me or B. been killed on camera for entertainment. At least that's something I can feel better about.

I can't see where calling Lo Lieh a "sick fu**er" is going to rectify a situation that occurred in a film over three decades ago. And I'm sure Lo Lieh didn't write the script either.

It makes me angry. I realise he's not alone but I do think it's sick to needlessly kill an animal. Lo didn't write the script but he committed the act. No actor is above condemnation for a wrong.

I didn't hear anyone cry out when that chicken was killed in HOUSE OF TRAPS (or any number of other HK films) or even the monkey smashed into the tree in MAD MONKEY KUNG FU (hope that one was fake).

I don't remember that bit in TRAPS (my memory is fuzzy) and I saw the UK version of MONKEY from which that bit was cut. But I would condemn both just the same.

And I never said OATH OF DEATH was better than BB, just that its exploitation value was much higher and that would be more "attractive" to someone seeking that sort of thing because you won't find it in CC's classic.

Fair enough. I agree with that. Someone in an earlier post said 'BB' was 'Oath's' "bitch" which is patently nonsense. Apart from exploitation value BB owns this movie in every possible way.

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I realize this derails this thread somewhat but the way in which animals are killed for human consumption is not very humane either. When people sit down to enjoy a cheeseburger or indulge in some fried chicken (or even lamb) they don't realize, or probably don't know the manner in which those animals suffered to be presented as the main course for someone's dinner.

At the end of HOT a chicken is sacrificed on a piece of wood lined with hundreds of nails just before a man is thrust upon it as a means of torture in order to see if his story changes in the slightest before the judge Sun Chien can arrest the villain. I assume the death of the chicken is to test the potency of the nails just as Lo Lieh tests the potency of the water to make sure it is deathly hot before disfiguring himself. If I remember right, a guard makes mention of the disfigured man trying to get in to see Tien Feng's character and the water wasn't the only thing he did to himself. The self mutilation was more extensive than that.

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Finally saw this and honestly I cant rule out which film is superior than the other. Enter spoiler territory ahead:

Each film has its merits and faults. I was never a fan of Blood Brothers like most seem to be. I liked Blood Brothers because the tone and action was alot more serious and believable than Oath of Death. However, I did not like how Ching Li was able to "get away" with her infidelity and David Chiang's ending(im a sucker for good endings i guess). Lo Lieh's character was a lot more cynical than David Chiang's character, which i liked but his out of the blue "training" to over come Tien Feng's whip technique was pretty ridiculous and the burnt tounge/face thing was laughable(despite the fact that I knew he did it to overcome Tien Feng.. it just wasnt believable). Speaking of whip, Tien Feng's whip technique was campy as hell. I liked that Oath of Death was a darker film too. The plus side with Oath of Death was to see Ling Ling's thing things(o)(o). My what a nice pair and glad she got hers near the end. I think i was overall, more entertained with Oath of Death(up until the point where Lo Lieh undergoes his revenge training) but Blood Brothers was a better directed movie.

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OATH OF DEATH, while essentially the same story as BLOOD BROTHERS isn't as well made nor the better film but it is definitely more fun and wildly gruesome in the tradition that Chang Cheh was known for despite it being helmed by a different director. The ending is one of the absolute craziest, goriest and simultaneously hilarious finishes I have ever seen. Those that enjoy the more violent side of Shaw Brothers films will most likely enjoy OATH far more than the more professionally made and solid BLOOD BROTHERS, a film I don't really consider a kung fu picture in the first place.

Okay, I bought this film because of this thread, and I finally watched it yesterday. Before I posted what I thought of it, I decided to re-read the thread. I definitely agree with Venoms5 100%, and doubt I could say it any better.

Oath of Death is a good fun movie, don't let my posts earlier in the thread put anyone off getting this, it's just not as well made, well scripted, well acted, well everything as Blood Brothers! BB is Chang Cheh's finest movie IMO, not his best in terms of entertainment IMO but his best made if that makes sense?

Same with Ironfistedmonk's post.

OOD isn't as classy, nor as accomplished technicaly as BB. But I still enjoyed OOD more. Also, I like to see people that suck pay the price for their BS, and that pushy, lying little harpy needed to pay in OOD and I wasn't disappointed.

I made the missus watch the last two minutes. She didn't appreciate it as much as I did! XD She asked "Is this supposed to be silly, or is it serious?" and after a certain "head strike" she laughed and said "And now they're going to continue fighting I suppose?"


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"I liked Blood Brothers because the tone and action was alot more serious and believable than Oath of Death"

Oath Of Death is a fun, campy, Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes/Blood Sucking Freaks kinda flick, while Blood Brothers is more like, The Thing or Alien. One is just over the top silly and can't be taken seriously, the other hits home with a bit more realism. Both are cool flicks, though Blood Brothers is an extremely thought out film and well done.

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OATH OF DEATH isn't without its reputable merits. Few as they are, but merits nonetheless. The sequence between Frankie Wei and Lo Lieh in front of the grave stone is excellent. The somberness and anger on Lo Lieh's face is priceless. Also, Tien Feng really knew how to play a sadistic SOB.

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