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Celestial audio/video - the good, the bad & the ugly

Guest TheManInWhite

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Guest Tangowind

I may be extremely ignorant when it comes to the issue of audio tampering, but IMO, these DVDs' audio suck:




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Guest Chen Zhen

even tho i havent seen the "original" chinese boxer, its very easy to see, or i guess "hear" that theyve been tampered with greatly.

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Guest killer meteor

I have the French Chinese Boxer with the original audio - the foley work is excellent and so intense you'd wonder why anyone felt the need to remix

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Guest tarim69

You know I can even handle some of the audio problems but some of the edits kill me

The Avenging Eagle - Missing a coupel minute sin the final fight

Chinatown Kid - The Celestial version is absolute abortion.Its a favorite of mine and I felt like crying when I saw it.

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Guest Stylez Extremist

hmm, what are some GOOD releases that celestial has out? which movies are more true to the original?

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Guest HungKuen
Chinatown Kid - The Celestial version is absolute abortion.

Hmm.. I believe the word you're looking for is 'abomination' :lol

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Guest killer meteor

"what are some GOOD releases that celestial has out? which movies are more true to the original?"

AFAIK, the following are mono and uncut

Dead End

Man Of Iron

Intimate Confessions Of A Chinese Coutesan

The Delinquent

Black Magic

The New Shaolin Boxers

The Naval Commandos

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Guest Isfahani

Just watched Angel with the Iron Fists last night,

audio is f***** up with the new added foley being 100%

louder than the original, and also 100% louder than the dialogue.


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Guest kenichiku

I know this is an earlier release but I don't recall anyone bitchin' about the R3 remaster for my favorite Chu Yuan Ku Lung adaptation "Death Duel" before. Just re-ran it after several years on teh shelf & noticed more 5.1 audio intervention of the Casio keyboard variety. It's particularly annoying as they tried to blend in more "atmosphere" especially during heightened moments of elevated tension and intrigue. I recall the original score being capably atmospheric by itself...just plain painful. Should of known after the mild intervention in "Killer Clans" & the garrish bombardment in "Clan of Amazons". I guess the consolation is that they left "Magic Blade" and "Clans of Intrigue" alone in mono.

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Guest DaFallen

Has anyone seen the Red Sun versions? The video quality is similar to Celestial's and the audio are the original English dubs we all remember...and yes the sound effects have also been retained. I've confirmed this from the Legendary Weapons of China version. The one problem I noticed is it seems Red Sun had trouble "syncing" the English audio/sound effects tracks for a proper mix that sometimes the sound effects are slightly off the action. Especially noticable in Legendary Weapons of China when Hsiao Hou fights Gordon Liu at Lau Kar Leung's home. Half the original sound effects are there. What I mean is, the weapons clashes are there but the grunts, exhalations, etc. are missing. Weird and kind of annoying if you know they should be there. Also, there was one point in Executions From Shaolin where Pak Mei says something in Mandarin (or Cantonese) rather than English. It is the scene where Hung See Kuan has his first fight with with Pak Mei and does the first tiger claws his groin. Pak Mei is supposed to say in English, "Can't find it?" but instead it is spoken in the native tongue. I only know this because I also had the god-awful Ground Zero version that had that line.

Anyway I wonder what others think of them and if they notice any other oddities. However, they are a lot cheaper.

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Guest kenichiku
I guess the consolation is that they left "Magic Blade" and "Clans of Intrigue" alone in mono

Just rewatched the region 3 "Magic Blade" and compared it with my memory with watching an original 35mm viewing during Heroic Grace II over at UCLA last winter. Although they left the cutlery effects alone (unlike 'Clan of Amazons') , there IS additional electronic keyboard in the background soundtracks. Not as obvious as for "Death Duel" but nevertheless present. These were done about the same time therefore by same staff so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I have to take back my statement. Region 1, here I come.

I guess the consolation is that they left "Magic Blade" and "Clans of Intrigue" alone in mono.

So I guess there's NO consolation. BOTH the "Magic Blade" & "Clans of Intrigue" outta Region 3 is flawed.

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Guest spannick

MAGIC BLADE : just listen to the Opening Credits Music on the RC3. it's horrible Synth Crap - the original Mono Theme is on the Foreign DVDs though (the HK VCD is a downmix!).

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Guest sevenhooks

Re: Magic Blade, Region 3 DVD...

What's crazy is you can hear the beautiful, untouched mono sdtk underneath Bey Logan's commentary track!!

Talk about frustratingly f#cked up.

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So regarding IVLS audio flubs I remember seeing on another forum members were complaining about IVL bad audios and they listed some that weren't that bad, some that were bad and some that were horrible. Now me I don't mind crickets and cloth sounds but some of the IVLs have some weird key board music on top of the film that is straight annoying. Can anyone list the worst IVL audio releases.

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So regarding IVLS audio flubs I remember seeing on another forum members were complaining about IVL bad audios and they listed some that weren't that bad, some that were bad and some that were horrible. Now me I don't mind crickets and cloth sounds but some of the IVLs have some weird key board music on top of the film that is straight annoying. Can anyone list the worst IVL audio releases.

Chinese Boxer was awful - German dvd is the one to get.

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Anything with 5.1 Dolby Digital on the packaging is a risk.

Mono is safe.

Five Shaolin Masters and Crippled Avengers were 5.1 tracks that were basically the original mono, but they have been improved on anyway by the US discs.

Bruce Lee And I was a bit iffy, as was Rivals Of Kung FU. I generally didn't bother with the 5.1 discs.

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Thanks for the heads up, meteor.... just ordered the german versions of Chinese Boxer and Shaolin Temple on amazon.de and they were dirt cheap too:bigsmile:

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As a poster mentioned early on in this thread, a fairly comprehensive list was compiled using different sources. Unfortunately ADG is no more and the list is lost.

Well, not exactly lost. I had saved the list to my hard drive and re-posting it here. Thanks to Mr. Both and all those who contributed.


Note (May 2006) The vast majority of titles from the recent batches have been original mono (possibly all?).

Some comments taken from HKDigital and the KFCC board (excerpted without permission).


Spannick annoying chaos of new and old Sound Effects during the Action Scenes. not so much Synth Music added to the Surrounds as usual (there still is of course).

NetDragon I agree on this one, the mixing of the old and new music tracks are so annoying that it nearly ruins the movie. But it's such a cool movie that even this problem can't stop ppl from enjoying this piece of adventure, big thumb up! But I'm really glad they didn't ruined the original soundtrack at the opening credits.

MrBooth Maybe I'm getting deaf in my old age or my standards have slipped, but this remix didn't seem bad. I didn't notice many added sound effects (some crowd cheering seemed very out of place though, like it was culled from a football match), and the music augmentation actually seemed... kind of ok... mostly unsure.gif. It was at least in time with the original score anyway!


fusheng007 French DVD contains birds and crickets but radically reduced when compared to original Celestial DVD.


Spannick: unwatchable Mess with horrible Synth Music and New Effects mixed with the Original Mono still clearly audible.


Mr.Booth One title that was absolutely ruined by the fx & music was ANGEL WITH IRON FISTS.


Spannick New Synth added to the Surrounds, horrible new F/X during the whole Movie, all Originals can be heard underneath - unbearable.


spannick01 Newly added Music. Someone over there thought that mixing a completely new Cue under every Action Scene (always the same Cue!), no matter if there is music already in existance, was a good idea. it was not. the Original Music can be heard underneath the Audio Commentary or on the Malaysian VCD. The HK VCD has the same annoying Remix included! No new F/X Added, save for crickets and birds as usual.


Markgway "There are new, obvious sound effects, but the REALLY annoying thing is the new AND VERY LOUD synth music dubbed on top of the mono. "


Mr Booth (Thai disc, Mandarin track) - horrible new fx + synths. Yuck. Subtitles seem slightly out of sync too...


harlem shaw Audio: 5.1 DD. There were a couple of sounds here and there which is to be expected from all Celestial releases unless they specifically say MONO. By and large though, the audio was untouched. No new musical score, and no new over-dubbed sound FX during the fight scenes.


MrBooth Someone *please* tell me that the tinkling bell sounds every time the main character moves were part of the original soundtrack to the film? Surely even Celestial couldn't have come up with that? But, the film definitely features a lot of added ambient sound effects, and the bell sound is much too loud in the mix... and almost continuous when the main guy is on screen! It's very annoying, but I think it's part of the original sound mix - though celestial may have boosted it. If they *did* add it though, it may be their worst abuse yet!


Markgway: Mandarin Mono.


Spannick Music added, totally distracting, as the Original can be heard underneath. Birds added. French DVD is Original Mono.


dleedlee: Bird Virus


Markgway Don't think that anyone has mentioned this so I will...Mandarin 5.1 remix. Opening theme has been entirely redone with synth music. Fight foley remains untouched. Minor augmentation of incidentals like the sound of wind blowing, crowd chatter. Most obvious addition is that during machine gun fire. But it's not overly distracting. Largely mono-based. Not perfect then - but it could have been a lot worse. I say buy it!


Isfahani "Just got my VCD of Brave Archer but haven't had time to compare the DVD to it yet. Main problem I have with the fight fx is that you can still hear the old ones UNDERNEATH them, which as I said before, would be easy to at least get rid of. BUT NOOOOOO. Besides that, I wouldn't mind the fx so much if they were mixed a little lower, or had some room reverb to place it in the mix better, but this in your face crap, well... "

Markgway 5.1 remix in Mandarin New foley and synth throughout. Original audio can be heard underneath. At one point even the dialogue is out of sync. Poor effort. Not in the absolute worst category. But the film is worth suffering for.


Sevenhooks at KFC "Brave Archer 1-3 have remixed sound in terms of fighting sound fx and music… Oh, well.Chalk up another loss. + all 3 Brave Archer films seem to be tainted now."


dleedlee: Bird Virus.


Spannick: totally idiotic 5.1 Mix: the first half hour is near-Mono, then for the remainder it's the same mess as JUDGEMENT, all new F/X everywhere with the Original ones underneath...


Spannick: added footsteps, totally out of place and too loud in all Fight Scenes.

Markgway: 5.1 Mandarin Remix. Not a lot to remix here really... but the few fights scenes have been tampered with. New foley effects overdubbed. Not terribly distracting but noticeable. Would be worst in an all-action film. I don't recall any new synth music, but the opening logo is the remixed one.


Markgway The sound for 'Cat Vs Rat' has not been left untouched I'm afraid. But I will say the tampering is less evident than some of the more severe recent cases. The synth logo is present and correct and some cues have been replaced. The fight foley is mostly original, but appears to have been augmented with sharper effects. Tolerable certainly, but I felt it should be noted for purists.


Markgway: Mandarin Mono.


harlem shaw The killer is the piss-poor audio. It seems as if the entire original soundtrack has been removed and replaced by something made by a 5 year old with a casio keyboard and one arm. Add to that the usual newly added sound FX (which aren't as bad as "Deadly Duo") and what you're left with is the current standard for Celestials Shaw Brother DVD treatment. Too bad.


HKD (http://www.dighkmovies.com) "the blockheads at Celestial have once again seen fit to undermine their restoration efforts by including a terrible, overly aggressive re-mix. New music and sound FX are ineptly layered on top of the originals and sound far too prominent for comfort. The effect is bothersome and constantly takes one out of the movie. It would take up hardly any space at all to also include a 2.0 mono track – so why does the company continue this practice when other releases, like Intercontinental’s own line of Fortune Star titles, extend this courtesy to the true fans of these films? Alas, one can only hope that the more ham-fisted of these re-mixes does not occur on titles you have been waiting ages to see. "


MrBooth The R3/IVL release of this film is an absolute atrocity! There are new foley effects *everywhere*, fight scenes or not. Mostly you have those f**king footsteps throughout, that mean you end up watching people's feet in most scenes since that's where your attention is drawn... which means you can't help notice that the new footstep sounds aren't even synced with people's feet hitting the ground X( Fight scenes are full of crap sounds for cloth moving and punch impacts and swords clanging etc. Basically every scene has something added to it, and it's all incompetently done. I couldn't watch the film through my hi-fi at all because the new sfx were so distracting, and it was barely tolerable through my TV. Utter abomination... I hope they're building a special level in hell for the people that did this.


dleedlee: Bird Virus.


MrBooth The now standard footsteps and rustles have been added, but mostly in the fight scenes, and mostly in the first 20 minutes of the film. After this they're still occasionally present, but mixed a lot lower and not too distracting. Still worse than nothing, but one of the least bad audio tracks from recent batches.

Markgway: Remixed in 5.1 Mandarin. New synth music and foley throughout. Very noticeable too (just listen to that thunderclap after the opening credits or the charms exploding) so I would have to consider this a below average example. The sword clangs are original, thankfully. I cut the surround out by listening in mono and not playing the audio too loud which helps a bit.



5.1 remixes in Cantonese and Mandarin. Original language is Mandarin, and that's the track I listened to. The remix on the Mandarin track contains the now standard synth logo, some new synth music, nothing too distracting. Also new foley, mainly of the incidental variety (chatter, footsteps, etc). The fight impacts are mostly original, but have been augmented in places with new foley (the clanging of metal weapons, etc).

The remix on the Cantonese track appears on first hearing to be different, but I think that's because the volume is louder and the foley clearer. The Mandarin sounds more muffled with its dialogue for example (as if it's played at 2/3 the volume). Note how Jenny Tseng's theme song sounds much tinnier and open on the Cantonese track. The Mandarin is far from Mono, but to me is marginally closer to it. But both are remixed - along the lines of Legendary Weapons of China, perhaps? - and at any rate purists won't be happy.


Mr.Booth "One title that was absolutely ruined by the fx & music was DEADLY DUO"


MrBooth Some new ambient sounds like rain, chains rattling (like little bells) and water splashing. Incompetently done as usual, but only occasional and not too distracting. Original audio has had too much noise-reduction or compression applied and sounds muffled. Not great, but acceptable. Some very minor augmentation of one piece of music with a synth. wtf?


spannick01 5.1 DVD: pointless new music added for short moments, crickets at Night, new SB Logo, some new Birds. Nothing serious.


from harlem shaw: Presented in 5.1 Dolby Digital. This sound is thankfully left untouched by Celestial hands. There was one incedent of "Cicada" sound effects, but it was barely noticeable so more than likely part of the original soundtrack.


Mr Booth (IVL, Cantonese): 90% mono, with some augmentation of just a few scenes - mostly of the music. Not too bad.


MrBooth: This one's tricky - the DVD contains both Mandarin and Cantonese audio, and the audio mix is not the same on both - it's definitely more 'beefed' up on the Cantonese track. I don't think there are any added sound effects though, just a meatier mix, so it's quite possible that's how it was originally and Celestial have done no damage. The film *must* be watched in Cantonese anyway, because the voice acting on the Mandarin dub is shrill and doesn't fit the tone of the film

Markgway: Mandarin 5.1 remix. Not bad overall. Only really noticed new foley on the occasional explosions. Most other sound appears to be original. I'd file this under the watchable category.


Spannick: New Synth added to the Surrounds, horrible new F/X during the whole Movie, all Originals can be heard underneath - unbearable.


Spannick: Birds added. Applauding Crowds have been added to the Boxing Matches.


Markgway: Mono, original. No new music or effects.


Markgway: 5.1 remix in Cantonese. Contains some new synth music, but it's used sparingly and in a rather low key fashion. No obvious new foley to my ears. If you can switch to a central speaker (I have a MONO button on my ancient stereo) this seems to render the film without any surround and is as close to an authentic experience as you can hope for from a remixed DVD. Much less offensive than usual.


Mr Booth Rife with new sound effects, mostly at the start of the film (lazy engineers!)


harlem shaw While it is 5.1 DD, it is left relatively untouched. There is one scene in a forest where there is an annoying looped effect that's supposed to sound like cicadas, but its hard to say whether Celestial added it or it's actually part of the original track. Other than this i could find no new sound FX or music to speak of.


Spannick Birds, Fire Effects added for Scene where Wang Yu burns down the Castle after a Massacre.


from Markgway Remixed 5.1, New synth music and foley. Much of the original foley has been left, unlike certain titles, but is often augmented with new sounds. This is not as distracting for the most part as, say, The Spiritual Boxer, but will disappoint purists nonetheless. See when Yuka Mizuko kicks down a garden wall for example: it now sounds like she did it with dynamite. But weapons effects are not too bad.


Spannick extensive Addition of new Synth Music, often replacing the whole Original Sound area. Birds, Crickets, Winds blowing, annoying new Fight F/X, out of synch Sound.

HK VCD and Australian DVD have Original Mono.

fusheng007 Heroic Ones Spanish DVD has original MONO. FRENCH DVD original MONO.


dleedlee: Bird virus.


MrBooth Some added ambients, rustles & birds etc. Fight foley mixed too low in early scenes but improves before long. Not too bad as these mixes go... just enough to be slightly annoying to those that are troubled by these things (like me)


fusheng007: FRENCH DVD... The audio hasn't been remixed, but excesss amounts of birds have been added on.


Spannick bad Example: new F/X all over the place, all originals can be heard underneath, often with different synching. avoid.


MrBooth: Pretty severe. All the usual ambient noises like footsteps and beads have been added, too loud as always, and there are lots of new fight sounds (out of sync with the old sounds & on screen actions of course). The main menu features modern techno music, but thankfully they don't seem to have changed or added the music in the actual film.


MrBooth there do seem to be new sound effects added to this film, along with a souped-up Shaw Brothers theme (why?). However, it's been done much more competently than most, and to be honest was barely distracting. Still worse than *not adding anything at all*, but not reason enough to avoid this disc.


Spannick Birds, Crickets added. annoying new F/X Added to Fight Scenes, as always the Originals can be heard underneath with different synching. HK VCD is Original Mono.


Dleedlee: Suffering from 5.1 Bird Virus.


Markgway 5.1 remix crap.


Markgway 5.1 remix in both Mandarin and Cantonese (original language)

New foley and synth throughout. Opening credits theme has been tampered with as have lots of music cues. Fight foley has been augmented resulting in new clangs of metal weapons and body blow impacts. The usual added sounds (ie. footsteps) are omnipresent. Overall: a very poor effort.

MrBooth: Wow, so many new sound effects and music cues in this one that it's practically a new soundtrack! In some ways that actually turns out to be better than the half-hearted efforts we usually get, because at least everything is equally crap, so individual pieces of crapness don't leap out and smack you in the teeth so much. Still not as good as *adding absolutely nothing at all*, obviously.


Mr.Booth This was the first DVD I watched on my new tv, so my ears aren't quite calibrated to the sound yet... but I think I can still safely say that the SFX butchery on this DVD falls into the 'severe' category... very obvious, with the original audio track often getting muted to almost silence to make room for the added tracks. For some reason it sounded like the stars were being followed by a swarm of bees for the last 20 minutes of the film too...

Spannick: i could not really believe it, but now i checked: LADY HERMIT has Cheng Pei Pei getting on the Horse (at approx 79 mins). the Horse moans loudly, sounding weirdly artificial....i was wondering if this was original and dug out my old VHS. the horse makes no sound at all. the absolutely hilarious fake-sound has been man-made in the celestial Studios....i STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT. somebody PLEASE wake me up?


Mr.Booth one of the worst remix jobs Celestial have inflicted on us, it seems like the engineer tried to recreate an entirely new sound effects track from about 3 basic sounds, all layered on top of the original audio track as if by a deaf monkey. Almost ruins the film completely


MrBooth Absolutely rife with new sound effects of every type, and some stupid stereo panning of the original soundtrack on occasion. I don't know if it's just because I'm getting used to it or they are actually improving, but the remixing didn't distract me *too* badly from the film. I watched the Thai disc, btw, but I'm sure it's the same as the HK release.


Spannick Birds, Crickets added. Some new Fight F/X Added, as well as Explosion F/X in the Finale. Australian DVD has Original Mono.


dleedlee: Bird virus. (not too bad but worse than the Cosmo disc)


Spannick Title Theme Music replaced with generic Synth Music. Crickets and Birds added. HK VCD is remixed too. Australian DVD and Malaysian VCD are Original Mono.


Spannick: unwatchable Mess with horrible Synth Music and New Effects mixed with the Original Mono still clearly audible.


Markgway 5.1 remix in Mandarin. Sadly, new foley and synth to be found throughout. More competent that before, perhaps, but just as obvious and intrusive. Even fight scenes - which sometimes escape the worst excesses - are tampered with here.


Mr.Booth "I *think* MARTIAL ARTS OF SHAOLIN had been tampered with too, but if so then it was much less obtrusive than others. Just some sound effects sounded out of place, but that might have been true of the original sound mix."


Simon Wyndham "I finally received Martial Club today. Fantastic to see it in 2.35:1 at last with a superb picture! I have one MAJOR gripe however. This time Celestial really have outdone themselves in completely bollocksing up the sound!! WTF are the fighting sound effects doing in the surround channels?! I'm not talking about background fighting here, I'm talking about the sound effects of the main fighters on the screen! The bass is WAAAAY overblow too. There is NO WAY that Dolby approved this, absoluely no way. For the Dolby logo to be used they need to approve each sound mix and have a copy of the final product. With these new sound effects added I cannot for the life of me see how on earth Dolby gave them permission to use their trademark. The resultant effect is absolutely bizarre! I had to turn all surround functions off on my DVD player to get any semblence of bearable sound. They had better get these issues sorted bloody fast because it's completely ruining the films. "


Markgway Mono.


Spannick: seemed to be a "Center Channel Mono remix, some added Music & F/X in the surround channels annoyed me, but i switched it off.


from spannick01 FRENCH DVD for first Movie in the Series has NEW ADDED Fight F/X both Mandarin and French! i was quite horrified to hear this crap, as the IVL DVD has NO added F/X! what the F*CK is going on here? is everybody getting insane? and they even lie to us when writing "Mono d'origine" on the Cover.


Spannick: NOAS is very audible and non-intrusive, RETURN OF AS has only some birds added, acceptable.


Spannick: Center Channel seems to be Original Mono, sourrounds have the most annoyingly cheap Synth-Music Celestial has unearthed yet.


5.1 remix in Mandarin. New synth music and occasional foley. Noticeable, but not among the worst examples.


Markgway: Mandarin Mono.


Mr Booth This time the music is untouched, but there are a ton of new sound effects (fight sounds, footsteps etc)! Not too bad though - especially if you can turn the surround channels down or off.


Spannick FRENCH DVD... in unscathed and has a charming Mono-Hiss Sound-Quality, NEW ONE ARMED seems original Mono also on the Mandarin Track. (do not EVER listen to the French track for the latter one - beats CHINESE BOXER in terms of synth Music!).


Markgway 5.1 remix. I listened to the Mandarin audio. New foley and synth score. HOWEVER, as these things go it's not that badly done. At worst I would consider this a MODERATE remix. If you fancy the film it's worth checking out the DVD.

MrBooth The usual new foley effects, worse at the start than the end (lazy engineers?). Not ruinous.


Mr.Booth: ROVING SWORDSMAN suffers from added sound effects, mostly during fight scenes but occasionally elsewhere - metal clangs, cloth whooshes etc that are too loud and out of place, and detract from the viewing experience. Not one of the worse jobs, but enough to be a definite nuisance.


Spannick: Thunderstorm Effects, Birds. nothing serious.


Markgway: The track is labeled on the packaging as 5.1 Mandarin but it sounded like Mono to me the whole way through (a tiny exception being feint chatter in a hospital which seemed separated).


Markgway 5.1 remix in Cantonese. Skimmed thru this one as I saw it in full quite recently. Pretty good as remixes go. Some synth on the stereo, but the audio is mostly original mono. Not major complaints from me.

MrBooth Some rustles and footsteps, mildly-moderately distracting but worse in some scenes than others (some escape tampering altogether). Not too bad.


harlem shaw: While the remixed audio does come in to play here, never to the point of distraction like so many other Celestial releases. You can expect the redone SB intro, a couple quick instances of new music,and some added FX during fight scenes (again, which there aren't many of).


Spannick: Birds added, nothing serious. The German DVD is in Mono and has English Subs.


from Markgway Remixed 5.1 with new foley (not awful) and new synth music (pretty awful). The biggest shock is in one comedy fight sequence the music goes -- wait for it -- TECHNO!! In a Shaw Bros Period movie!!! My jaw dropped.


Spannick: Music added, horrible new Sound F/X during Fights added. HK VCD is the same remixed Version, complete with Synth SB Logo. only old VHS seems to be intact Mono at the Moment.


dleedlee: Bird Virus.


MrBooth New ambients (fire, birds, water wheels) liberally added, but no footsteps or fight foleys (not much fighting anyway) - distracting in places, but not enough to get very upset by (considering how much worse it could have been anyway)


dleedlee: Bird Virus


Spannick: Thunderstorm Effects, Birds. nothing serious. The German DVD is in Mono and has English Subs.


Spannick: unwatchable Mess with horrible Synth Music and New Effects mixed with the Original Mono still clearly audible.


Markgway: Cantonese Mono.

Examples of the pain (from shawscope.com)

If you wonder why people are annoyed or even want to see what the problem is then you need look no futher.

VCD Version


DVD Version


Some really detailed information from mwalkow

"I've spent some time looking through the last few batches of IVL DVDs I've bought and here's what I've found out:

They seem to have begun their 6.1 remixes with the Sept. 2nd batch. The ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN set (released 8/5) has the standard 5.1 remixes. GHOST EYES and DUEL OF THE CENTURY (the only two of the 8/19 batch I purchased) are both mono. SPIRITUAL BOXER (released 9/2) has the 6.1 remix, as do ANGEL WITH THE IRON FISTS, CRAZY SHAOLIN DISCIPLES, DEADLY DUO (all released 9/24) and CHINESE BOXER (released 10/7).

The slightly less bad news is that there's a wide variation in the quality of these remixes. So far, I think I can divide them into three categories.

1) Relatively subtle 6.1 mixes, which sound similar to their standard 5.1 remixes. CRAZY SHAOLIN DISCIPLES is an example of this. On a 7-channel surround setup, most of the music, dialogue and f/x still comes from the center-channel speaker, closely resembling the original mono track. Only in the fight scenes do some of the sound f/x get diverted to the front left and front right speakers. There's the usual ambient teahouse noises and bird chirps coming from the surround speakers.

2) Obvious but not-too-offensive 6.1 remixes. CHINESE BOXER and SPIRITUAL BOXER are examples of this, though SPIRITUAL has the edge over CHINESE, which has some additional music monkeying happening in it. On these two DVDs, it's clear that something gimmicky is going on, but the added music and f/x are closely matched to the original soundtrack. You get a lot more f/x and audio coming from the front left, front right and surround speakers, but it's difficult to separate the "new soundtrack" from the original one.

3) Poorly-done, hack-sounding 6.1 remixes. ANGEL WITH THE IRON FISTS and THE DEADLY DUO are examples of this. I found these two DVDs nearly unwatchable. It sounds as if you're watching two separate DVDs - one with the original audio coming from the center-channel speaker, and another with the audio coming from the remaining five speakers. New sound f/x are poorly timed and do not cover the original f/x, added music is obtrusive and completely out of place with the original film, and dialogue is muddy and buried due to the audio remixing. I've decided I'm not even going to hold onto these DVDs after a first viewing, the audio is so bad.

This post has been edited by Mr Booth: May 17 2006, 04:37 AM

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Many thanks for re-posting that list Teako.

Any chance someone can add if the USA releases of some of these titles have original mono as i would like to upgrade if possible.

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