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Guest sevenhooks

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Guest 5th Yang
haha You two a mental for this flick, eh?

Yeah it's a passion. I'm only 30 y/o but for the past 12 years I've anticipated seeing this film in perfection.

Definately a top 3 fave.

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Is this a remake of the 1962 film adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize winning Harper Lee novel about race relations in depression era South starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch?


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Guest sevenhooks
Is this a remake of the 1962 film adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize winning Harper Lee novel about race relations in depression era South starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch?


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Guest sevenhooks

Okay, perhaps I should change the name of this post to:


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Guest iron flag

Nice pics! I dont think you're crazy 7, I kinda feel the same way.Almost all the movies I was looking forward to have been or will be released this year or were last year. I wonder if we go back and look at the release schedules from day 1 we'll see if it was front loaded with weaker titles. Oh yeah, another one not getting released is Tiger Boy right? Should've saw that coming.

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Guest sevenhooks
If this movie could come out onto dvd I would gladly match 7's 2,500.

That's what, $6,000. right there?

Not too bad for just 2 hours of fundraising off of one internet forum post, huh?

I'm sure I could raise another $4,000. on my own, not counting what we could further raise right here.

So do you really think Celestial wouldn't give us the time of day if we came to them ready to deal with over $10,000., cash in hand for one film that would otherwise sit in a vault collecting more dust?

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Guest Chemical Lemon

I have a thousand I'd be willing to donate. I wonder what other movies are too damaged to be remastered, also just HOW damaged TKAM is.

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Guest daTOAD

id argue TKAM is the greatest martial arts movie ever made[the best ive seen anyway and ive seen a lot]. on every level it scores a 10. like many this IS the title i was looking forward to the most. if there is any real way to purchase this film from Celestial i too will offer a donation.

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Guest Markgway

I've never seen TKAM but all this talk over the last few years has made me really want to - even though I'm not a Sun Chung fan. Don't flame me!

So what's the best boot of this title currently available? By best I mean uncut, subbed, letterbox. As long as it's not a camcorder job I'd put up with a rough DVD-R copy just to see it.

Can someone not suggest to Celestial that they put the entire film on (subtitled) with another martial arts title as an extra? That way they won't be tarnashing their "image" by selling a poorer quality title on its own terms and fans would be grateful. Or perhaps put out a box set of "lost classics" at a budget price explaining how rare proper prints are? If someone has Celestial's ear it can't hurt to relate how acceptable this would be. Dismissing the films altogether is simply not the answer to imperfection. It's like throwing the Mona Lisa in a vault because it has a couple of scratches.

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Guest sevenhooks
Can someone not suggest to Celestial that they put the entire film on (subtitled) with another martial arts title as an extra? That way they won't be tarnashing their "image" by selling a poorer quality title on its own terms and fans would be grateful. Or perhaps put out a box set of "lost classics" at a budget price explaining how rare proper prints are? If someone has Celestial's ear it can't hurt to relate how acceptable this would be. Dismissing the films altogether is simply not the answer to imperfection. It's like throwing the Mona Lisa in a vault because it has a couple of scratches.

Very well put Mark.

I've never seen TKAM but all this talk over the last few years has made me really want to - even though I'm not a Sun Chung fan. Don't flame me!

It's a great film and you should not be disappointed.

Although I know how hard on films you can be too!

So what's the best boot of this title currently available? By best I mean uncut, subbed, letterbox. As long as it's not a camcorder job I'd put up with a rough DVD-R copy just to see it.

The ONLY (and I mean ONLY) copy that is available - at least to my knowledge, originated from my pal, Victor Lim back in the early 80's.

Each and EVERY copy of TKAM that I've ever seen can be traced back to him.

From what I can remember, Victor got HIS copy from a Beta rental in San Francisco Chinatown, which either originated from there or in Chicago.

Now, for the bad news.

It's horrible looking.

One of the worst.

Even when looking at a 2nd generation copy direct from Victor.

It IS a camcorder.

It's zoomed in to the point where the subtitles are almost non-existant.

Most copies out there now have been duped over so many times that you're lucky if there's any color left.

However, if it weren't for Victor, I'd doubt that very many people in our small little word of kung fu movie fandom (with the exception of those of us fortunate enough to have seen it theatrically) would be singing the praises of this flick.

If it weren't for Victor, this film would never have been circulated, period.

It is the only known copy.

And, I have to imagine, that no matter how bad a condition the 35mm film print is in over at the Shaw vaults, it HAS to be better than what we have now.

It HAS to.

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Guest 5th Yang

Oh crap! I left home for a few hours and come back to check the forum and I see the $$ pool has gone up from the original $3,500. I gotta say it's great to see regardless if nothing comes about it.

Sevenhooks, we may be on to something here if this keeps up.

I'd like to thank Victor Lim too for his work.

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Guest 5th Yang

If we were somehow able to purchase this film, it'd be amazing.

I'm sure some members of this forum have the connections to having films cleaned, remastered and transfered to dvd. Many of the things I have no clue about that go behind it all. Maybe even have a screening for those who want to attend and get together to see it on a big screen for the first time.

I really wonder if Celestial/Shaw Bros. would even go for it. There might be a slim chance.

This film is top-notch, a genuine 10 and worth every penny to save from being trashed.

Count me in all the way if this issue becomes legit.

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Guest sevenhooks

Someone feel free.

But I am so over any attempts at correspondence with those fools.

Such a dead issue.


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Guest kermit

I'm not like tight with Celestial but I have pretty regular correspondence with a couple of people there.

I'll email them and try and convey to them how much people want this film to be released...whatever condition it is in.

It can't hurt.

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Guest Markgway

As much as I want to see these rare Shaws I couldn't sit thru a camcorder job. For one thing it would ruin the movie for me and there's no point (trying) to watch something that's sure to disappoint. VHS or LD copies are acceptable.

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Guest sevenhooks

Well understood.

It's not hard for me to forget that there was a time for me and others where this was the ONLY way to see many of these films.

To Kill a Mastermind? Kid From Kwangtung? Deadly Breaking Sword? Gangmaster? My Young Auntie?

For YEARS, there was simply no other way to see these movies other than on sh#tty looking camcorder jobs.

For years, folks.

That was all we had.

For years...

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Guest dndcollect

wow, for me it was Masked Avengers and Return of the Bastard Swordsman. .

i cant imagine how brutal this must be for you.

i got to find a copy, sounds like a great one.

hopefully someone can get this done.

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Brigadier Chow

And we were happy to get it too. I shelled out dough for some of my crappy VHS boots. Good point seven

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Guest BKarza

Well, there was no dvd then and no Shaw catalog sold. There was nothing to complain about. I still don't. My House of Traps was very viewable and better than most from what I've heard. For TKaM to be a cam job, with the projector speed too fast and the subs below the screen, I love it and have no complaints. I prefer it in all of it's "limited" glory to most of the remastered dvds that I have. Once again, I am honestly glad to have grown up in the time that I did to have an appreciation for just being able to see some things in whatever format or shape that they may have been presented in. I don't look back with a thumbed nose at 5th gen vhs copies of a flick.

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