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Lo Mang coming to Philly?

Guest teako170

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Guest VenomsFan

I told you guys be patient. $120 isn't your only option. Check out the info at the Fansite. Hope this helps. You may want to reserve early. Just giving you all the heads up.

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Guest gfanikf
# Emcee - Ric Myers, Inside Kung Fu Magazine for the award banquet.

Dude thats not cool at all. I mean its not like Linn lives in Antartica or something lol

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Guest VenomsFan
I mean its not like Linn lives in Antartica or something lol

That wasn't my decision. I believe this can be petitioned? Richard is just aware of his who is in his circle. Drop him an email on what you think.

The good things about forum posts is you can get direct feedback from us fans. Any other suggestions?

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Guest teako170

Thanks for the release, VFan.

I can understand the reasoning behind choosing Ric Myers -- as it's the same reason why he's the so-called "voice" for these films. That being, he's a safe bet; his name is known. Unfortunately, that's why there's so much garbage in the cinema and on TV. People don't like risks and stick with what they know.

I think Linn would be a great choice. A breath of fresh air. A man of the people, the fans. Ric is more, a man of the media. (No disrespect to Ric.)

The KFF forum is one of the best places on the net to get the perspective of the true fans of this genre. I just hope Richard is listening. The last thing I want to see at this venue is some air-headed news journalist from KYW-3 interviewing Lo Mang on the six o'clock news asking questions like... "So are you like the new Jackie Chan?" or "Didn't I see you in Crouching Tiger?"

I hope all can continue to offer positive feedback and that this event will be a true success - for all.

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Guest gfanikf


First off I don't want you to think that I blame you in any way. I really appreciate all the info you have been giving to us and I really love your doc. Honestly I think I will drop a line. I think honestly getting the RZA or one of the main Wu-Tang guys would be a better chocie as an emcee because even as wrong headed as it may seem (Wu Tang did lead to a rise in bad DVDs), Wu-Tang has a special connection with FDV and it would make a perfect choice and bring extra media attention. Just make sure to give him notes on Lo Mang and I think he could do a great job. Though first pic would be Linn :) .

Still I just want to be clear I apprecaite your work VF!

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Guest VenomsFan
First off I don't want you to think that I blame you in any way.

No offense taken. Give the feedback, even if it's not what people want to hear. Your input is appreciated as well, too bad most people just read and don't post. Feedback is a powerful thing especially when it comes from those supporting a Fandom for, as teako pointed out, for 10-20-30 years! It's gotta matter.

I think Linn would be a great choice. A breath of fresh air. A man of the people, the fans. Ric is more, a man of the media. (No disrespect to Ric.)

I'm with you on that.

think honestly getting the RZA or one of the main Wu-Tang guys would be a better chocie as an emcee because even as wrong headed as it may seem... Wu-Tang has a special connection with FDV and it would make a perfect choice and bring extra media attention.

You are right about that. Didn't the rZa host a Tony Jaa appearance for Ong Bak in NYC? Defnitely some connections can be made if you know what I mean.

Just make sure to give him notes on Lo Mang and I think he could do a great job.

What did you have in mind?

With the right people and right planning, this could be a great sign of things to come for Kung Fu Fandom.

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Guest gfanikf
No offense taken. Give the feedback, even if it's not what people want to hear. Your input is appreciated as well, too bad most people just read and don't post. Feedback is a powerful thing especially when it comes from those supporting a Fandom for, as teako pointed out, for 10-20-30 years! It's gotta matter.

I hope more people would register there opinions as feedback is a great way to guage ideas for an event.

You are right about that. Didn't the rZa host a Tony Jaa appearance for Ong Bak in NYC? Defnitely some connections can be made if you know what I mean.

Yep he was involved in the promotion of Ong Bak in TV ads and appearnces and did the score for the Protector. Some great connections could result from that.

What did you have in mind?

Basic facts and career info. Just make sure the info is fact checked and I bet Rza could work fine with that in mcing an event. For Ric Meyers its to make sure he is up to date and doesn't make stuff up like the time he told people that Lar Kar Leung had died of cancer in the 90s.

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I mean how often do we have an opportunity to meet a Shaw Brothers movie star?

I was able to meet Cheng Pei Pei at UCLA during the first Heroic grace Series. After I asked her, she said yes, she is friends w/ Jimmy Wang Yu. I took a picture w/ her also. A "particular" director, who's worked w/ Uma Thurman before, was there who spoke w/ CPP near the aisle. This was during a double feature of "Come Drink with Me" and "Golden Swallow". "GS" seems to be a little bit better than "CDwM", IMO.

This might sound a little bit embarrassing, but Phoenix Chinese Satellite TV decided to interview me there at that first Heroic G Series. One of the things that I said was that I didn't really like Ang Lee's "CTHD". I hope that doesn't bother you if your opinion about "CTHD" is different than mine.

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Guest VenomsFan
I hope more people would register there opinions as feedback is a great way to guage ideas for an event.

Point in case, spoke with Richard and he will be touching base with Linn1! Keep the feedback coming.

Basic facts and career info. Just make sure the info is fact checked and I bet Rza could work fine with that in mcing an event.

I can assure you it will. This guy is a private STUDENT of Lo Meng. If you could only imagine what he knows of Venom Lo Meng, or the people in his circle, you'd slap yourself for not reserving an advance ticket.

All you have to do is email for RSVP. Prices and dates will be released later this year.

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I'm in philly so I'm down but I would need a better idea regarding the schedule/itinerary before I drop some cash. Hope more news are forthcoming.

btw, I also support Linn too

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Guest silver hermit

the more people with information the better IMO

maybe different guest speakers could have different times to speak if you are showing documentaries or different films. maybe a different guest speaker to introduce different films

if you are using names to bring in a crowd try to bring in as much people as your budget allows.

each speaker will bring a different crowd so dont paint yourself in a corner by limiting yourself to one guest speaker if the RZA or QT are down for doing it free why not? alot of celebs are into kung fu even samuel jackson has a large collection.

my point is explore as much options as you can and yeah linn is a must

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Guest Shaolin Patriot

I'd be curious to know if Richard Hopkins intends to book Lo for a U.S. tour afterwards. Possibly for my city, Los Angeles. At least there's a chance to get John Woo as emcee ;)

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Guest VenomsFan

Wow awesome job teako on your release info about Lo Meng! Top notch! Also, I wanted you guys to know there are now official dates and locations set. Read through to the site - HERE

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Guest VenomsFan

Yes teako, it's never a question of IF just a question of WHEN. This has been a long time coming my friend.. indeed!

Quick question from Rick (who's busy doing alot of legwork in his neck of the woods). Maybe the gang here at KungFuFandom can answer this one...

"Hello Gang,

Does anyone know any martial arts video stores in New York City? I use to go to NYC years ago to find videos but don't know if they are still in the same locations. I wanted to drop off posters to them of the event coming up with Lo Mang. Anyone out there that knows of some please let me know."

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Guest Lei Kung

There's one I know of in Chinatown. Don't remember the name exactly, it was something like digital discs or media or something. It's on one of the main strips, Canal St. maybe. They have a lot of the Celestials and new releases from China. Hope this isn't too vague, I haven't been there in a couple years.

By the way, is anybody from the midwest driving out there. I'm in Kansas City and am looking to hitch a ride.

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Guest sevenhooks

Well, in chinatown NY, one of the main spots is Lai Ying Music which is on Bowery between Canal and Hester.

It's right next door to where the Music Palace Theater USED to be.

Anyway, he should ask for Michelle or Paul at the video counter and they should be able to assist him.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

teako170, I'm trying to find where I contact to make reservations on this thread. I thought I saw an email for Richard Hopkins or something of the like earlier, but can't seem to locate it now. Would you be so kind as to infgorm me where to go to reserve a seat for the $75 clinic?

Sorry to bother ya with this.



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