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RZA>Andy Klein 36th Chamber Commentary

Guest gfanikf

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Guest The Running Man

I like the fact they brought in different people for better or worse.

Always using Bey Logan gets old, especially since I don't fancy hearing him with his defenses of Harvey Weinstein's practices. Plus Bey puts too much of himself in the commentaries giving his opinions on movies that really don't belong in a commentary track that is there to inform the viewer. And sometimes, he makes wild guesses that end up being proved false when you hear people actually involved in the productions say otherwise.

And he certainly has an ego. In his commentaries with Tsui hark, he actually talks over him and dominates the track, even interrupting him when he is going to say something just so Bey can give his opinion on whatever. I don't know what makes Bey think that we rather hear his take on something rather than the people directly involved with the production.

What makes people think Bey is this masterful commentator is that he never stops talking, even though the actual substance of his tracks is not as much as people think. If you hear enough tracks with him, you always hear the same stories along with the same lines over and over again.

So yeah, I want to hear different people.

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Guest The Running Man
So are you giving big props to Andy Klein now?

You know he isn't the only one doing the commentaries on these discs.

And I am just telling it like it is gfanikf. Not blindly kissing Bey Logan's ass like a lot of people out there.

guess ur invitation to the bey logan fanclub got lost in the mail..

Yeah, turns out you can't join if you are already a member of the "I am not sheep" club.

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Guest morgoth

I agree Bey should have let Tsui tlk more, but it was still an enjoyable commentary. I would like to hear Bey instead of Andy Klein and the other guy on the My Young Auntie DVD. Those guys are completely clueless. They should have never released that commentary.

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Guest Chen Zhen
Yeah, turns out you can't join if you are already a member of the "I am not sheep" club.

so bey logan fans are all sheep huh? interesting.

FOH with that

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Guest ironfistedmonk2003

I think Bey is pretty good, his commentaries flow nicely and he is a wealth of information. When you have done as many commentaries as he has (mostly on the same studios work, GH) you are gonna end up repeating yourself. If my opinion of Bey Logan is shared by many others then I can't help that, I'm not gonna say different just to be "individual"


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a couple of times. He's a nice guy. While I agree that he makes mistakes, who doesn't, he's FAR less prone to it than the people they are currently using on these discs.

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Guest morgoth

Not only would he be less prone to make mistakes, he actually knows who a lot of the actors are, whereas Andly Klein seems like the kung fu genre is brand new to him. I enjoyed Bey's commentary for killer Clans. I would have liked to hear that kind of info on the My Young Auntie release.

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Guest Mantis FIST

And he at least admits that he does not know as much about Shaws as others. However, what he does know is still ALOT! Plus he, I assume, does a little research.

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Guest Chen Zhen

yo bender whats good my dude? havent found u on this site for a minute now....yo ima hit up ur myspace message box sometime soon

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Guest Markgway

Bey may not be perfect - but then who is? I know you're all thinking "Markgway is, of course!", but yes, even I make blunders. It's been many years since Bey did his first com for HKL and he still the best commentator I've ever heard.

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Guest The Running Man
so bey logan fans are all sheep huh? interesting.

Don't twist my words around Chen Zhen.

While I agree that he makes mistakes, who doesn't, he's FAR less prone to it than the people they are currently using on these discs.

I just think that the mistakes he makes are far less obvious than the ones that others would make that would invlove basic facts, which is why many won't notice them.

Take for instance his commentary track for Game of Death 2 where he was corrected quite a few times by Roy Horan or Bullet in the Head where almost every major piece of info he said was debunked by the interviews on the second disc by the actors and film makers themselves.

Bey may not be perfect - but then who is? I know you're all thinking "Markgway is, of course!", but yes, even I make blunders.

I don't believe you've made blunders at the level where you make big rants about how Harvey Weinstien is right for what he does and people who think otherwise don't really know what they are talking about and are just simple fanboys.

I find it funny how quickly to the defense people would go to Logan despite how blatent he was in defending what Weinstein does. The fact that when he made these comments over and over again yet got very little noise does say to me that most people who praise Logan aren't actually listening to his tracks. If they did, they wouldn't hold him in such high esteem as they do.

It's been many years since Bey did his first com for HKL and he still the best commentator I've ever heard.

Logan is far from the best I heard.

Aside from many commentary tracks from film makers and actors I have heard, tons of other tracks for other discs ranging from experts like on those Criterion discs or even those Artsmagic releases from Tom Mes and Jaspar Sharp. I care about tracks from people that are obviously prepared and are not there to spread an agenda, but to spread some sort of knowledge into the film at hand away from personal bias.

Again, people take the fact that Logan talks non-stop as a sign that he knows a lot and many times he just doesn't really say a lot. I lost count how many times he makes guesses at something or why something is, which is annoying because that isn't his place to do it. Like on his SPL track where a couple of times he says that a certain shot "doesn't mean anything". How does he know? He didn't direct the film and shouldn't be sitting making comments like that.

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Guest Chen Zhen
Yeah, turns out you can't join if you are already a member of the "I am not sheep" club.

u were clearly implying that (most) bey logan fans were sheep. otherwise, u would not have used the pharse "i am not sheep". there was no twisting involved, u were crystal clear there...something which ppl could take offense to.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
What makes people think Bey is this masterful commentator is that he never stops talking, even though the actual substance of his tracks is not as much as people think.

I always thought is was because of his smart british accent.

Just because most of the people on the forum enjoy Bey's commentary doesnt make us sheep. We're just not as well informed as you RM. But thankfully we have you to guide us past his smoke and mirrors. You need a hug.

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Guest The Running Man
u were clearly implying that (most) bey logan fans were sheep. otherwise, u would not have used the pharse "i am not sheep". there was no twisting involved, u were crystal clear there...something which ppl could take offense to.

No, it wasn't.

I'm not gonna sit here and break down a joke I made and argue with you about what I meant. If wanted to say that everyone who likes him is sheep, I wouldn't have any fear to do so. I would have made that very clear without the need of beating around the bush.

Notice I made a comment to Markgway about something he wrote and I didn't call him anything other than just comment. Plus, he didn't get offended cause what I wrote wasn't meant to be.

Don't twist my words around.

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Guest Chen Zhen
If wanted to say that everyone who likes him is sheep, I wouldn't have any fear to do so. I would have made that very clear without the need of beating around the bush.

it was pretty clear to myself and other forum members of ur implications. otherwise we wouldnt be having this discussion.

once again, its no word-twisting. anyone reading that wouldve made the same assumption that i did. and some members have, so im not delusional.

so like KM state, use an emoticon nexttime :)


now back to our regular scheduled program...

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