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Help. I need help finding a Film / Movie Title. THANKS.

Temporarily Guest John Doe


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Temporarily Guest John Doe
Posted (edited)


First of all: I am new to this Forum. And English is unfortunatley not my mother language.

And secondly: I need help. Please, PLEASE, please. I am kinda, sorta looking for a "request" or "support" Thread, where I can ask a Movie related Question. If I am posting this in the wrong Section then please move it to the right Section. Thanks. And thanks beforhand for answering this Question. And sorry if my English is not that good.

Anyway, long, long time ago, a very long time ago, I was watching a Movie with a Friend of mine. And my friend likes Classic Asia Kung Fu Movies. And on occassions, like Birthday, Christmas and so on I would buy my friend a Movie DVD or BluRay as a present for him. And I know that he, my friend, was kinda, sorta, fond of one particular Movie. He especially liked one Movie. He had an old Tape of this Movie. And I wachted it with him, long, long time ago. But since then, he has moved serveral times... Anyway one time, when he chanced his living place, one time when he moved from one place to another... he moved out of his appartment to a new one, and on one occasion he lost this VHS Tape. I guess he threw it away, by mistake, by accident. And he has no Copy or DVD of the Movie. Now I was thinking, that I can maybe buy him a replacement. Either a DVD, BluRay or even a VHS Tape. To my knowlege he, my friend, still has a Tape Player.

But the Problem is that I do not know, the Title of that Movie. Either in Tradtiotional or Simplyflied Chinese or Pinyin or even English. Or the some of the Actors Names. If I would know some names, I could google it myself. Now I could ask my friend about the Title of that Movie. But If I would, I would also ruin and spoil, the suprise for him. Because I plan to suprise him with my Present, with my Gift. So because of that I cannot ask him what the Name of the Movie was.

Then I was thinking, well there are millions and millions of Forums in the Internet, and some of them hopefully are about Asian kung fu movies. So I joined the Forum only to ask one qusetion. And yes, I know, I know...

First, I am not a fan of these movies, I do not - again NOT - dislike them. I just not really care for them. Let Live and let people be themself, as I say. Let everybody do what they like. And I confess, that I am not there to be on the board often, in fact I am only here to ask this Question. If by the way, I made something wrong, or if I break some Forum Rules I am sorry. I know other Forums, like it or even has the rule, that the Member has to post at least once a month or whatever. And I confess, I do not plan to do that. So sorry, if I may break some rules. Sorry. But the Friend of mine, he is a very dear and near friend, and I want to help him and suprise him with a special present, aka. the movie itself. He has helped me a lot. A Lot!!!! And I know for a Fact, that he liked that classic Movie, but unfortunately lost it. Because of that, because he helped me in the past, now it's my turn to repay it, now it's my turn to help, and thank him, by suprising him with this Gift, the Movie itself. That's why I am going all these lenghts for my friend. Because he is almost like a Family Member. So I plan on buy that Movie, if it is somehow avaliable. But for that I need to know the Movies Name. And so I thought, maybe I can sing up on some of this Forums, and post a Question here and someone might or can help me. I cannot do anything in return, sorry, except or saying: THANKS BEFORHAND. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THOUSAND TIME THANKS. And tousand times PLEASE.

Anyway, I was thinking that I can maybe post some kind of a synopsis of what I can remeber of that movie and maybe someone knows the Titel of it. THANKS again.

By the way this is not a joke or a prank, this is serious, to me. I am not trying to prank aynone here. Maybe someone can name this Movie either in English, or Chinsese Characters, either in Tradtional ones or in Simplyfied ones. Maybe with a Year, when it was produced. So I can look for it.

Or... OR (!!!!) someone can help me otherswise, by saying: "Hey, you can post this Question on this Forum here.... they have this and that over there, and they can surely help you." Or maybe someone might say, " Hey, you can post this Question on this Sub..." or sometging similar, of whatever, Quora, Reddit or wherever... Maybe someone does also not know the Movie Name but can help me spread the Question by saying, where else can I maybe, perhaps post this Question, hm? Where can I post some kind of a synposis and get help, hm?

Anyawy, as far as I can remeber, here is a Synopsis:

A crime lord in ancient China, nicknamed "Big Brother" is imprisoned or captured or whatever. And then there is a group of People, I remeber a Woman dressed in Black Clothing and she could wield a ancient sword.  And another one has no hair, despite him not being a Monk, if I am not mistaken. There are 8 - 10 Fighters. Female and Males mixed up. And other People form a Town or something... they have to go ayway... as far as I remeber. The seek refuge in a Shaolin Temple, for whatever reason. Theres is a old Shaolin Master Monk and some younger Students. One of them whitness one of the Refugess kill a Chicken, and... grill it, and prepare it. Firstly he is shocked by the Killing of an Animal. And Secondly he is shoked that they, the refugees, eat meat. He tells the Master Monk about the Killing, but the Master is chilled, he says the others, are not Monks, so they do not have to follow the orders of the Temple and secondly there are Children among them, and they need, good nutrition food. Futhermore they are gust, and they can to whatver they like. Something like that. Sometime later,  the Crime Boss Lord, who as bad raggedy hair, and a beard, is transfer to another prison or place or whatver. On a desert country road, he, the "Big Brother" is sitting in a Cage. With no Clothes, he only has something on that looks like a diaper. Some Ancient Guards with words and staffs, guard him and walk alongside the Cage. Suddenly some Bad Guys shows up. One of them, I remeber, do not has clothing in Top but rather a big chest, looking like He-Man but with black Hair instead of Bloned one. Looking like a Wrestler. Almost. Anyway, they fight, and while the Fight, one of them approches the Cage, and says to the Man in the Cage to be pacient, he will soon be freed. And of course the bad Guys wín. They break out the Leader. We see them taking the Cage apart. The Camera pans down as the Man exits the "Stagecoage", where the Cage was paced, and suddenly the Crime Lord has clothing on and furhtermore the Beard has miraculously dissapeard and the hair is also not raggedy anymore. How can he shaved in less then 5 Seconds? Also in less then 5 Seconds he can put on some clothes. Aha. And he now also holds some Qigong balls, in his Hands to train his Hands. Then they attack a village or whatever... I cannot really remeber... the other refugess train or whatever and then face the gansters group. At the End the Crime Lord himself shows up and it takes all 8 - 10 People to kill him. They fight on the Ground and around them on the Hills are some Poeple standing, and they sing a Song, while the Fight emerges. It takes all 10 or whatever People to kill the Bad Guy, while some others stands around them and sing a song, and then everything ends, kinda, sorta, and then the End Credtis rolls.

I know, I know. That's not much. Sorry. But I hope someone there knows the Movie. Unlikely, but I still hope he does.

Again, this is not a joke or a prank, or whatever. This is serious, well to me it is. I am surely not trying to prank aynone here. I am only trying to get my dead friend a special Gift. So maybe someone can name this Movie either in English, or Chinsese Characters, either in Tradtional ones or in Simplyfied ones. Maybe with a Year, when it was produced. So I can look for it. Or help me otherwise: Where else can I post that Question?

Again Thanks beforhand.

Greetings: Temporarily Guest John Doe. THANKS AGAIN.




Edited by Temporarily Guest John Doe
Correcting spelling mistakes
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Super Ninja
13 hours ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:

A crime lord in ancient China, nicknamed "Big Brother" is imprisoned or captured or whatever. And then there is a group of People, I remeber a Woman dressed in Black Clothing and she could wield a ancient sword.  And another one has no hair, despite him not being a Monk, if I am not mistaken. There are 8 - 10 Fighters. Female and Males mixed up. And other People form a Town or something... they have to go ayway... as far as I remeber. The seek refuge in a Shaolin Temple, for whatever reason. Theres is a old Shaolin Master Monk and some younger Students. One of them whitness one of the Refugess kill a Chicken, and... grill it, and prepare it. Firstly he is shocked by the Killing of an Animal. And Secondly he is shoked that they, the refugees, eat meat. He tells the Master Monk about the Killing, but the Master is chilled, he says the others, are not Monks, so they do not have to follow the orders of the Temple and secondly there are Children among them, and they need, good nutrition food. Futhermore they are gust, and they can to whatver they like. Something like that. Sometime later,  the Crime Boss Lord, who as bad raggedy hair, and a beard, is transfer to another prison or place or whatver. On a desert country road, he, the "Big Brother" is sitting in a Cage. With no Clothes, he only has something on that looks like a diaper. Some Ancient Guards with words and staffs, guard him and walk alongside the Cage. Suddenly some Bad Guys shows up. One of them, I remeber, do not has clothing in Top but rather a big chest, looking like He-Man but with black Hair instead of Bloned one. Looking like a Wrestler. Almost. Anyway, they fight, and while the Fight, one of them approches the Cage, and says to the Man in the Cage to be pacient, he will soon be freed. And of course the bad Guys wín. They break out the Leader. We see them taking the Cage apart. The Camera pans down as the Man exits the "Stagecoage", where the Cage was paced, and suddenly the Crime Lord has clothing on and furhtermore the Beard has miraculously dissapeard and the hair is also not raggedy anymore. How can he shaved in less then 5 Seconds? Also in less then 5 Seconds he can put on some clothes. Aha. And he now also holds some Qigong balls, in his Hands to train his Hands. Then they attack a village or whatever... I cannot really remeber... the other refugess train or whatever and then face the gansters group. At the End the Crime Lord himself shows up and it takes all 8 - 10 People to kill him. They fight on the Ground and around them on the Hills are some Poeple standing, and they sing a Song, while the Fight emerges. It takes all 10 or whatever People to kill the Bad Guy, while some others stands around them and sing a song, and then everything ends, kinda, sorta, and then the End Credtis rolls.

Sounds a lot like Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1983).

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J.J. Hayden


You said you don't know the title in various languages, but do you know it in your own language?

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Temporarily Guest John Doe

Thanks J. J. Hayden, for the fast reply. I think I "mispoke", I miswrote. I said, that I do not know the Title at all, or at least that's what my intention was. And  also said the English is not my mother language.

I was trying to say this: I do not know the Title at all. Not in English or Chinese or whatever. But I would like to know, or I would like to find out, with a help from someone here, should someone can find out or know it. I do not care if someone gives me / tells me the English Title or the Original One as long as I can use it to search for it on the Internet. That's what I was trying to say. Hope that clears it out, hope that clears the missunderstanding. Thanks Again.


John Doe.

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J.J. Hayden

It's fine. I did think you meant you didn't know any title at all. I wanted to double check, just in case.

A title doesn't come to mind, but what you've described does seem familiar. I'm thinking it might be a Shaw Brothers production, rather than Golden Harvest. I'll have a look through my collection and see if I can spot anything. But someone whose expertise is Shaws films will probably do a better job than me. Fortunately there's plenty of Shaws experts on here that will probably know, and you've gave good details, so it looks hopeful.


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21 minutes ago, J.J. Hayden said:

It's fine. I did think you meant you didn't know any title at all. I wanted to double check, just in case.

A title doesn't come to mind, but what you've described does seem familiar. I'm thinking it might be a Shaw Brothers production, rather than Golden Harvest. I'll have a look through my collection and see if I can spot anything. But someone whose expertise is Shaws films will probably do a better job than me. Fortunately there's plenty of Shaws experts on here that will probably know, and you've gave good details, so it looks hopeful.


Well, the scene of the young student asking the monk why the refugees are allowed to eat chicken rings a bell, and the guy in the cage being saved by his men too, but I can't think of a title, yet, and I wonder if it's really a Shaws' movie... At first, the scene with the chicken reminded me of Shaolin Temple with Jet Li and Yu Hai playing the monk who helped him, but I don't remember any refugees in the movie, and there aren't 10 fighters to defeat the villain there...

If it's a Shaws' movie as you think, @J.J. Hayden, it should be in the shaolin movies, and I don't remember such a scene either...

This is a difficult question!

Maybe a Mainland movie?

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12 hours ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:


First of all: I am new to this Forum. And English is unfortunatley not my mother language.

And secondly: I need help. Please, PLEASE, please. I am kinda, sorta looking for a "request" or "support" Thread, where I can ask a Movie related Question. If I am posting this in the wrong Section then please move it to the right Section. Thanks. And thanks beforhand for answering this Question. And sorry if my English is not that good.

Anyway, long, long time ago, a very long time ago, I was watching a Movie with a Friend of mine. And my friend likes Classic Asia Kung Fu Movies. And on occassions, like Birthday, Christmas and so on I would buy my friend a Movie DVD or BluRay as a present for him. And I know that he, my friend, was kinda, sorta, fond of one particular Movie. He especially liked one Movie. He had an old Tape of this Movie. And I wachted it with him, long, long time ago. But since then, he has moved serveral times... Anyway one time, when he chanced his living place, one time when he moved from one place to another... he moved out of his appartment to a new one, and on one occasion he lost this VHS Tape. I guess he threw it away, by mistake, by accident. And he has no Copy or DVD of the Movie. Now I was thinking, that I can maybe buy him a replacement. Either a DVD, BluRay or even a VHS Tape. To my knowlege he, my friend, still has a Tape Player.

But the Problem is that I do not know, the Title of that Movie. Either in Tradtiotional or Simplyflied Chinese or Pinyin or even English. Or the some of the Actors Names. If I would know some names, I could google it myself. Now I could ask my friend about the Title of that Movie. But If I would, I would also ruin and spoil, the suprise for him. Because I plan to suprise him with my Present, with my Gift. So because of that I cannot ask him what the Name of the Movie was.

Then I was thinking, well there are millions and millions of Forums in the Internet, and some of them hopefully are about Asian kung fu movies. So I joined the Forum only to ask one qusetion. And yes, I know, I know...

First, I am not a fan of these movies, I do not - again NOT - dislike them. I just not really care for them. Let Live and let people be themself, as I say. Let everybody do what they like. And I confess, that I am not there to be on the board often, in fact I am only here to ask this Question. If by the way, I made something wrong, or if I break some Forum Rules I am sorry. I know other Forums, like it or even has the rule, that the Member has to post at least once a month or whatever. And I confess, I do not plan to do that. So sorry, if I may break some rules. Sorry. But the Friend of mine, he is a very dear and near friend, and I want to help him and suprise him with a special present, aka. the movie itself. He has helped me a lot. A Lot!!!! And I know for a Fact, that he liked that classic Movie, but unfortunately lost it. Because of that, because he helped me in the past, now it's my turn to repay it, now it's my turn to help, and thank him, by suprising him with this Gift, the Movie itself. That's why I am going all these lenghts for my friend. Because he is almost like a Family Member. So I plan on buy that Movie, if it is somehow avaliable. But for that I need to know the Movies Name. And so I thought, maybe I can sing up on some of this Forums, and post a Question here and someone might or can help me. I cannot do anything in return, sorry, except or saying: THANKS BEFORHAND. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THOUSAND TIME THANKS. And tousand times PLEASE.

Anyway, I was thinking that I can maybe post some kind of a synopsis of what I can remeber of that movie and maybe someone knows the Titel of it. THANKS again.

By the way this is not a joke or a prank, this is serious, to me. I am not trying to prank aynone here. Maybe someone can name this Movie either in English, or Chinsese Characters, either in Tradtional ones or in Simplyfied ones. Maybe with a Year, when it was produced. So I can look for it.

Or... OR (!!!!) someone can help me otherswise, by saying: "Hey, you can post this Question on this Forum here.... they have this and that over there, and they can surely help you." Or maybe someone might say, " Hey, you can post this Question on this Sub..." or sometging similar, of whatever, Quora, Reddit or wherever... Maybe someone does also not know the Movie Name but can help me spread the Question by saying, where else can I maybe, perhaps post this Question, hm? Where can I post some kind of a synposis and get help, hm?

Anyawy, as far as I can remeber, here is a Synopsis:

A crime lord in ancient China, nicknamed "Big Brother" is imprisoned or captured or whatever. And then there is a group of People, I remeber a Woman dressed in Black Clothing and she could wield a ancient sword.  And another one has no hair, despite him not being a Monk, if I am not mistaken. There are 8 - 10 Fighters. Female and Males mixed up. And other People form a Town or something... they have to go ayway... as far as I remeber. The seek refuge in a Shaolin Temple, for whatever reason. Theres is a old Shaolin Master Monk and some younger Students. One of them whitness one of the Refugess kill a Chicken, and... grill it, and prepare it. Firstly he is shocked by the Killing of an Animal. And Secondly he is shoked that they, the refugees, eat meat. He tells the Master Monk about the Killing, but the Master is chilled, he says the others, are not Monks, so they do not have to follow the orders of the Temple and secondly there are Children among them, and they need, good nutrition food. Futhermore they are gust, and they can to whatver they like. Something like that. Sometime later,  the Crime Boss Lord, who as bad raggedy hair, and a beard, is transfer to another prison or place or whatver. On a desert country road, he, the "Big Brother" is sitting in a Cage. With no Clothes, he only has something on that looks like a diaper. Some Ancient Guards with words and staffs, guard him and walk alongside the Cage. Suddenly some Bad Guys shows up. One of them, I remeber, do not has clothing in Top but rather a big chest, looking like He-Man but with black Hair instead of Bloned one. Looking like a Wrestler. Almost. Anyway, they fight, and while the Fight, one of them approches the Cage, and says to the Man in the Cage to be pacient, he will soon be freed. And of course the bad Guys wín. They break out the Leader. We see them taking the Cage apart. The Camera pans down as the Man exits the "Stagecoage", where the Cage was paced, and suddenly the Crime Lord has clothing on and furhtermore the Beard has miraculously dissapeard and the hair is also not raggedy anymore. How can he shaved in less then 5 Seconds? Also in less then 5 Seconds he can put on some clothes. Aha. And he now also holds some Qigong balls, in his Hands to train his Hands. Then they attack a village or whatever... I cannot really remeber... the other refugess train or whatever and then face the gansters group. At the End the Crime Lord himself shows up and it takes all 8 - 10 People to kill him. They fight on the Ground and around them on the Hills are some Poeple standing, and they sing a Song, while the Fight emerges. It takes all 10 or whatever People to kill the Bad Guy, while some others stands around them and sing a song, and then everything ends, kinda, sorta, and then the End Credtis rolls.

I know, I know. That's not much. Sorry. But I hope someone there knows the Movie. Unlikely, but I still hope he does.

Again, this is not a joke or a prank, or whatever. This is serious, well to me it is. I am surely not trying to prank aynone here. I am only trying to get my dead friend a special Gift. So maybe someone can name this Movie either in English, or Chinsese Characters, either in Tradtional ones or in Simplyfied ones. Maybe with a Year, when it was produced. So I can look for it. Or help me otherwise: Where else can I post that Question?

Again Thanks beforhand.

Greetings: Temporarily Guest John Doe. THANKS AGAIN.




Was this movie in color or in black and white? The guy using the Qi Gong balls also rings a bell...

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J.J. Hayden
9 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

If it's a Shaws' movie as you think, @J.J. Hayden, it should be in the shaolin movies, and I don't remember such a scene either...

:P I was thinking the exact same thing about Shaolin Temple, and dismissed it for the same reasons as you. Great minds think alike :D 

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@John doe, do you remember if the monks take part in the fights?

Also, the song at the end while the heroes fight makes me think of a Mainland movie, I don't know why.

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Temporarily Guest John Doe
Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot for the help. I am so, so gratefull. Very gratefull, believe me. You cannot image what this means to me. By the Way, if there would be more helpfull People, the World might be even a more better Place.

Anway, I am not an expert at this special matter, but I know one or two things. I cannot explain why, I just know it. I do not know where it came from, nor what I can do with it, but I have a one superpower... only one. Not two or even three, but only one. I do not know what this Superpower I posses, can bring me any advantage... but okay, Iˋll take it anyway.

My Superpower is: I can indetify some languages. I know more or less what the Japanese Language sounds like. I do not understand ONE single word, but I can somehow indetifiy it. Because of some Godzilla Movie Clips, or Kill Bill or things like that. And I know how Vietnamese sounds like, because I have whatched a lot of War Movies, about the Vietnam War. And I somhow can indetify Korean, becaue some some Songs, like Gangnam Style or the Series Lost, where 2 Characters were speaking constantly Korean. And I know that there are hundertes (!) of Chinese Dialets. Well I only can only indetify two. I know there are thouands mores, but I can only indetify two. I cannot undertand any word, or even know what they are saying, but I sorta, kinda, know when People speak Hong Kong Cantonese or the Main Language called Mandarin. I can only indetify the language not what has been said. And I only can indetify these 2 Chinese Dilaects. Thatˋs my only Superpower.

Anway:The Movie was in Mandarin Chinese. I am pretty sure about that. Becaue I remeber that my Friend told me "Da Ge" means Big Brother". And I remebering asking why the Guys are yelling ths Words when they approced the Cage with the Prisoner in it. So my friend had to explain to me that they are yelling his Name or better his Nickname. Because he is the Boss, he is called Big Borther. So when the Bad Guys cones to rescure his fellow Boss from that Cage and they see him in the Cage, they immediately cheer up and beginn to yel, "Da Ge". They yell Big brother all over again as a greeting and yeling, "We have come to save you".

And I was impressed, that there were also Girls in the Group, who can fight. Not only men but alo Girls. I was impressed that there were Woman who can fight amoung the Group and that they can even join the Fights. Wow. And the Movie was in Colour. I remeber that.

And I remeber that some of them, eacht fighter had a skill, she, the Woman, could handle a sword, other ones, aka. another Charaacter could handle a chain with something at the End. I remeber that the Movie looked old, maybe from the 1960 or 1970... maybe even 1980 but surely not from the 1990. Because it was still a VHS Tape and becaause it was colour it had to be after 1960. I guess. I believe, well because befiore that Colored Movies were not that many, before that time period. So fater 1960 sound plaussible.  And it looked too old, to classic, to be from after 1990. Maybe even to old be be from 1980... but maybe not. But surlrey not after 1990.

And as far as I can remeber ther Monks does not play a part, as long as I can remeber, but I could be wrong on this. I only know that they give some People a shelter, I guess, because the Bad Guys have been destroying the Villiage the People lived in. So the Villiage People have to move away, and the Temple have become theire shelter Place. But to my knowledge the Monks do not interfere...  but I do not really remember this.

And maybe 10 Fighters are too much. Itˋs roundabout 5 maybe 8 or even 10. But I cleary remeber that there were definately more than 3 or 4. I remeber that at the End each fought each. I mean you have 5 or 8 Good Guys and 5 or 8 Bad Guys and the Main Henchmans are fighting the Good Guys but after all are defeated the Big Brother Remains. But he is soo, soooo strong that I takes a comminuty effort to stop them. And then there are bystandders, the Village People who are standing on a Tophill sourrounding them and sing to help the heros. Almost like in a soccer Game, where they withniss the Game and Sing, or almost like in a Boxing Ring Situration where you have a large cowrd, singing and chanting  for them. But definaltely more singing, It was clearly a Song.

And it was in Mandarin. (So maybe, it was indeed from the Mainlaind, or maybe they filmed it in Cantonese, and then they later  would dubb it into Mandarin for the Mainlaind release?!?! I do not know a single Thing about those Movies.So I do not know if this was possoible. Would they back then dubb movies for a Chinese Mainland release????)

And the Movie was in colour.

And perhaps from 1960 - 1980. Maybe.

Sorry that I do not know more. If I remeber more, I will post it here.

For now: THANKS FOR THE HELP to anyone. Especially to J.J. Hayden and Shaw Angela. But also to anyhone who might help and reply in the Future. THANKS.

John Doe.

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8 minutes ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:

Thanks a lot for the help. I am so, so gratefull. Very gratefull, believe me. You cannot image what this means to me. By the Way, if there would be more helpfull People, the World might be even a more better Place.

Anway, I am not an expert at this special matter, but I know one or two things. I cannot explain why, I just know it. I do not know where it came from, nor what I can do with it, but I have a one superpower... only one. Not two or even three, but only one. I do not know what this Superpower I posses, can bring me any advantage... but okay, Iˋll take it anyway.

My Superpower is: I can indetify some languages. I know more or less what the Japanese Language sounds like. I do not understand ONE single word, but I can somehow indetifiy it. Because of some Godzilla Movie Clips, or Kill Bill or things like that. And I know how Vietnamese sounds like, because I have whatched a lot of War Movies, about the Vietnam War. And I somhow can indetify Korean, becaue some some Songs, like Gangnam Style or the Series Lost, where 2 Characters were speaking constantly Korean. And I know that there are hundertes (!) of Chinese Dialets. Well I only can only indetify two. I know there are thouands mores, but I can only indetify two. I cannot undertand any word, or even know what they are saying, but I sorta, kinda, know when People speak Hong Kong Cantonese or the Main Language called Mandarin. I can only indetify the language not what has been said. And I only can indetify these 2 Chinese Dilaects. Thatˋs my only Superpower.

Anway:The Movie was in Mandarin Chinese. I am pretty sure about that. Becaue I remeber that my Friend told me "Da Ge" means Big Brother". And I remebering asking why the Guys are yelling ths Words when they approced the Cage with the Prisoner in it. So my friend had to explain to me that they are yelling his Name or better his Nickname. Because he is the Boss, he is called Big Borther. So when the Bad Guys cones to rescure his fellow Boss from that Cage and they see him in the Cage, they immediately cheer up and beginn to yel, "Da Ge". They yell Big brother all over again as a greeting and yeling, "We have come to save you".

And I was impressed, that there were also Girls in the Group, who can fight. Not only men but alo Girls. I was impressed that there were Woman who can fight amoung the Group and that they can even join the Fights. Wow. And the Movie was in Colour. I remeber that.

And I remeber that some of them, eacht fighter had a skill, she, the Woman, could handle a sword, other ones, aka. another Charaacter could handle a chain with something at the End. I remeber that the Movie looked old, maybe from the 1960 or 1970... maybe even 1980 but surely not from the 1990. Because it was still a VHS Tape and becaause it was colour it had to be after 1960. I guess. I believe, well because befiore that Colored Movies were not that many, before that time period. So fater 1960 sound plaussible.  And it looked too old, to classic, to be from after 1990. Maybe even to old be be from 1980... but maybe not. But surlrey not after 1990. Sorry that I do not know more. If I remeber more, I will post it here.

For now: THANKS FOR THE HELP to anyone. Especially to J.J. Hayden and Shaw Angela. But also to anyhone who might help and reply in the Future. THANKS.

John Doe.

Well, I thought of several movies with a large band of heroes fighting the bad guy, but maybe there aren't all the elements you mentioned because I watched them long ago : Fearless fighters ; Ten tigers from Shaolin ; Shaolin chastity kung fu; Kids from Shaolin. There are fighting girls in each of them.

Would you be able to recognize the actors/actresses faces if shown to you?

Here are some of the most famous female fighters in cinema, you can see their photos on the site hkmdb :

Connie Chan

Fung Bo Bo

Siao Fong Fong

Suet Nei

Lily Li

Sun Chia Lin

Chang Ching Ching

Michelle Yim

Cheng Pei Pei

Shu Pei Pei

Angela Mao

Chia Ling

Hsu Feng

Hsia Kwan Li

Shih Szu

Shan Kuan Ling Feng (or Fung or Polly Shan Kwan)


I must forget a lot of them, but these are the most famous. The four first ones were very active in the 60's, in black and white and also color movies. The rest are either in Shaws' movies, or other companies movies. Chang Ching Ching is mainly in Taiwanese movies.

I hope that this will help.

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2 minutes ago, Super Ninja said:

Sounds a lot like Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1983).

As @J.J. Haydensaid, great minds think alike. I thought of this one too, and mentioned it in my list while you were writing your comment.:bs_smile:

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Temporarily Guest John Doe
Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Super Ninja said:

Sounds a lot like Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1983).

Hey I have google it immediately and it seems too be right. Wow.THANKS for the help. .Bingo.

Now all I have to do, is to see, if this is avaliable on DVD or Bluray or VHS Tape or maybe... you know... also avaliable via Torrent or maybe posted on Youtube for whatever.

BUT THIS NOW is my work. Your Work has ended. THANKS I really, really cannot thank you enough. Wow. I am truly obliged to you forever. THANKS. You are so, so, so great. Thousand time Thanks. Thank you, thanks, Super Ninja, thanks and also to all the others. THANKS.... thanks... PITTY I can never repay you only give you heart here.

Again, now its my turn. I will immediatley try to find the Movie. But I have plenty of time. Christmas is far, far away, and were here in Europe do not really celebrate Thanksgiving. Or other Holidays. But maybe I can give it to my friend with no Holiday Day in mind, with no "special Day" in mind. I just give it to him as a presend, becuase he is my friend. I do not have to wait until Christmas, to give it to him. I could give it to hin earlier. But that means, I have to find it first. Wheater its on DVD, BluRay or online or whatever. Again THANKS.

Live long and Prosper and I am grate fulll forever and ever and ever. THANKS. Thank you very much. All of you. Now I have to go and look it up and try to find it. THANKS.



UPDATE: Found it already on Youtube. Maybe I can download it and save it on a Disk and give it to my friend later. Or I will keep looking foi a DVD kina Thing. Or I do not download it, but just give my friend the Link. But I think I will download it from YouTube, because there is always the chance that it might get deleted someday. But I am glad that I found it at all. AGAIN:Bye.

Edited by Temporarily Guest John Doe
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J.J. Hayden

It's been a while since I've seen this one. I said that some smartie would get it :P Great work @Super Ninja, thanks to @ShawAngela.

There's a lot of good people here that are always happy to help. Hope your friend is happy, if it has sentimental value too, that's great. I have a rip from a DVD (not the best quality though) that you can have, until you find a better version. Message me if you're interested.


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11 minutes ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:

Wheater its on DVD, BluRay or online or whateve

There are dvds of it on ebay, if you want an original release.

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And by the way, even if you aren't much interested in kung fu movies, you are always welcome on this forum, there are also discussions about anything else on the various boards. I would suggest to not leave the forum too quickly, in case you need again some help finding a movie... :bs_smile:

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Temporarily Guest John Doe
2 minutes ago, J.J. Hayden said:

It's been a while since I've seen this one. I said that some smartie would get it :P Great work @Super Ninja, thanks to @ShawAngela.

There's a lot of good people here that are always happy to help. Hope your friend is happy, if it has sentimental value too, that's great. I have a rip from a DVD (not the best quality though) that you can have, until you find a better version. Message me if you're interested.


Thank you for that offer, but not only did I find it on youtuiube, see my last post. I have made an update there. I have re edited my last post to include a update. But I now also have found it on Amazon. So thanks. There is only one thing I do not know, and that is why my friend is so fond of this movie in particular. When I give this to him as a presemI Iwill aks him too. But I guess maybe he like the Action. Perhaps he like one of the Actors /Actress. Who knows. Well thanks again.

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Temporarily Guest John Doe
4 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

And by the way, even if you aren't much interested in kung fu movies, you are always welcome on this forum, there are also discussions about anything else on the various boards. I would suggest to not leave the forum too quickly, in case you need again some help finding a movie... :bs_smile:

True. I do not know the future, maybe I will need help one day again. And also true, there are other sections on this board, where I can talk about other stuff, so yeah, I will say. Good point. THANKS AGAIN:

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J.J. Hayden
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:

But I now also have found it on Amazon.

It'd be free, but you probably are better off buying your own copy as there's bound to be a better version. My DVD is from one of the cheap box sets from years ago so the quality is poor.

As for why your friend likes it so much, it could be because it's from Taiwan. The Taiwanese stuntmen usually come from Taiwanese opera which focuses even more on gymnastics than Peking opera. So many of the fight scenes feature long sequences of great acrobatics. Maybe that reason?

Edited by J.J. Hayden
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Super Ninja
59 minutes ago, Temporarily Guest John Doe said:

Hey I have google it immediately and it seems too be right. Wow.THANKS for the help. .Bingo.

Now all I have to do, is to see, if this is avaliable on DVD or Bluray or VHS Tape or maybe... you know... also avaliable via Torrent or maybe posted on Youtube for whatever.

BUT THIS NOW is my work. Your Work has ended. THANKS I really, really cannot thank you enough. Wow. I am truly obliged to you forever. THANKS. You are so, so, so great. Thousand time Thanks. Thank you, thanks, Super Ninja, thanks and also to all the others. THANKS.... thanks... PITTY I can never repay you only give you heart here.

Again, now its my turn. I will immediatley try to find the Movie. But I have plenty of time. Christmas is far, far away, and were here in Europe do not really celebrate Thanksgiving. Or other Holidays. But maybe I can give it to my friend with no Holiday Day in mind, with no "special Day" in mind. I just give it to him as a presend, becuase he is my friend. I do not have to wait until Christmas, to give it to him. I could give it to hin earlier. But that means, I have to find it first. Wheater its on DVD, BluRay or online or whatever. Again THANKS.

Live long and Prosper and I am grate fulll forever and ever and ever. THANKS. Thank you very much. All of you. Now I have to go and look it up and try to find it. THANKS.



UPDATE: Found it already on Youtube. Maybe I can download it and save it on a Disk and give it to my friend later. Or I will keep looking foi a DVD kina Thing. Or I do not download it, but just give my friend the Link. But I think I will download it from YouTube, because there is always the chance that it might get deleted someday. But I am glad that I found it at all. AGAIN:Bye.

Glad to be of help buddy. Welcome to the forum.

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