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X-Men ‘97 Animted Series (2024) (Disney+)


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Drunken Monk

I'm all in on this series. Loved the old X-Men show and this definitely looks like it captures that old school magic. Can't wait.

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I'm late to the party.  But if anyone is still on the fence - anyone who had any amount of enjoyment for the original series hasn't seen this yet.  Watch it immediately.  Avoid all spoilers and watch it yesterday!


It's a damn miracle, this show.  It's got the highest quality fanservice, yet has an anti-nostalgia message.  It retains the series's social commentary, supercharges it, yet respects the audience enough to not try explain the analogies and metaphor.  It's got kick-ass action scenes, but the best parts are the character interactions.  It's a 2020s superhero work wherein the characters mostly speak like human beings - no MCU style forced humor here.  There is comedy, but it feels natural to the characters and situations.  But when things get serious (and they do, frequently) - it hits.  Hard.  Risks were taken, and they pay off.  This show has stakes.  It's written with a sense of maturity the live action Marvel movies have abandoned over the past decade or more.  The main storyline is powerful and so fast-moving that even the legendary opening sequence must alter itself frequently to adjust to the shifting status quo!  Arcs left unresolved from the original series are resurrected and accelerated.  One character in particular, long neglected in the original is elevated to the status of regular and does so as though they had been there all along.  Indeed, all the regulars get to shine, even some new characters, too.  And this show did two things I thought were simply impossible for this IP:  It made Cyclops likable, and managed to not overuse Wolverine. 


I don't think I've enjoyed a comic book adaptation this much since the Daredevil series.  This is the anomaly, the exception, the once in a lifetime impossibility:  A classic show didn't just come back right - it came back better than it was to begin with!


Note:  If you've raised a new generation on the original, maybe preview this one on your own before sharing.  Ostensibly meant for children, there's much more violence (some blood), profanity, a little alcohol, adult themes - at full blast, it ranges from a hard PG-13 to a soft R for some of its most intense and shocking (and believe me, they are shocking) moments. 

Edited by starschwar
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