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Liu Chia Liang's finest film?

Guest Chinatown Kid

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Liu has made so many classic films over his career and he has reserved his place in Kung Fu film history. I was wondering what people consider his finest film? I'm inclined to say 36th Chamber of Shaolin which is definately one of his best, but I'm going to have to say Heroes of the East which is my personal fave and consider his finest. I know it all comes down to personal opinion, so what is his finest in your opinion? :)

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Guest lastweaponmaster

LCL's best:

1. Heroes of the East - great comparison of Chinese and Japanese martial arts and culture. First martial arts film that I remember that no one died.

2. 36th Chamber of Shaolin - epic Shaolin training film

3. Legendary Weapons of China - great display of various weaponry on film and the clash of real versus mystical kung fu

4. Dirty Ho - made Lo Lieh looks like an expert martial artist in the climactic fight

5. Shaolin Mantis - one of David Chiang's best, along with 'The Blood Brothers'

LCL's worst:

Cat versus Rat (at least while at Shaw Brothers).

Would think with such intricately planned martial arts battles, that they must had taken a number of takes to complete a scene. Would had been great to see some of these on dvds. However I would think nothing but the final take would have been kept or survived.

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Guest stormybman

Heroes of The East. A Chinese vs. Japanese conflict film in which no one dies. Top notch choreography, nice display of differences between the arts and cultures. Liu kept his fims with the idealism of the traditions of "The Martial Way" in mind, always. All of his films stand out, and his years of experience under the tutalage of Chang Cheh gave him inspiration to bring forth newer elements to the genre. I believe Spiritual Boxer very well may have been the "first" Kung Fu comedy. :D

"Will you tell me what Teacher died of...?"

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Guest PaulyOne

"Executioners from Shaolin" is my favorite film directed by Liu Chia Liang,

but I think that his best film all around (artistically, action, pace and story wise) is "Eight Diagram Pole Fighter"

I am not sure about his involvement in Drunken Master II, but if it is truly a Liu Chia Liang film, then it must be considered one of his finest, if not his best ever (albiet a non shaw production)

and while cat vs. rat might be his worst, that is not saying a whole lot because it's not a terrible film by any means.... Liu Chia Liang just happens to be one of Shaw's most consistent directors

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Guest Karlos

I must agree - 8 Diagram Pole Fighter has to be the one for me: not only LCL's best but one of THE best.

The film would have been great, no doubt, but the tragedy of Fu Sheng's early death changed it.

Undeniably the grief he was feeling fuelled this film into the haunting masterwork it is - the atmosphere of it is truly eerie and the final fade out gives me goosebumps just thinking about it...

As for LCL's involvement with Drunken Master 2, this was brief as, by all accounts, him & Jackie Chan did not see eye to eye at all, with the crunch being when LCL showed JC some moves which he was having trouble replicating.

LCL's words to the effect of, come on, I'm almost twice your age was the final straw and he was fired.

At least, this was the story I was told... :D

Whatever the exact facts, he was summararily dismissed and there are, still, many in HK that have not forgiven JC for his disrepect to a much loved Sifu.

All LCL's work on the film can be found in the first 20 or so mins, apparently, which was untouched by JC so as to give LCL "face".

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Guest Egocentrik1

in addition to DM 2,the fight with the bamboo pole was also lau Kar Leungs creation..inspired from a fight his father Lau Jaam had once in Hongkong where he shattered the end of a bamboo pole to fight off multiple opponents ..

Anyway,Lau Sigungs best in my opinion is challenge of the masters followd by martial club...this from a martzial artist point of view..Im practising and teaching hung gar myself..actually Lau Sigung is my grandmaster in real life...

anyway,just for entertaining value i have 36th chamber and 8 diagram pole fighter as my favies..

btw in the lady is the boss Lau Sigung almost portrays himself...if u ever wondered how he is in real life watch lady is the boss...

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Guest ironfistedmonk2003

I'm struggling to pick one as he has made so many great movies. I'm gonna have to go with Heroes of the East, no blood and no death but still a great film

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Guest Shaolin Patriot

I would even say Challenge of the Masters. It includes some of the best choreography between the two Liu brothers during the woods sequence. Also, a story of morality and ethics.

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Guest jmungus
Undeniably the grief he was feeling fuelled this film into the haunting masterwork it is - the atmosphere of it is truly eerie and the final fade out gives me goosebumps just thinking about it...

word. just look into wang lung wei`s face during about any of his brief appearances throughout the movie. its so full of grief, sadness and anger; the man is seriously pissed at the world; its a rare, unique performance coming from another master of stoicism, reflecting what everyone on set must have felt like.

LKL`s best movie is.....

heroes of the east - when i want sheer LKL kf-prowess

8DPF - when i want grand oldskool m.a. drama LKL style

my young auntie - when i wanna party hard with the loony LKL

ps: poor cat vs rat.... always gets its ass beaten on these occassions :\ :b .

i kinda like cat vs rat. the gung is fresh (well its LKL at his prime we re talking about here |I ) and on point, some set pieces are fun, the cartoonish vibe is s/t i dig in movies (with a cartoonish vibe) anyway, some of the non-fighting sequences do manage to amuse.

overall a diverting affair that does indeed have some characteristics that may irritate and alienate viewers caught off guard (or in the wrong mood for some of the silly antics displayed in a sloppily scripted movie).

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Guest Elvis Mantis

It's a good question. I love 8 Diagram Pole Figher, 36th Chamber, Heroes of the East, and definitely Challenge of the Masters. Come to think of it, he makes Chang Cheh look like an amateur, no comparison IMO. Even his "lesser" movies like Return to the 36th Chamber is great. Interesting story Karlos, I believe it. Remember that LKL is a traditional martial arts master, it is much different from the training Jackie Chan had at opera school. Not necessarily harder/easier or better/worse, but completely a horse of a different color.

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8 Diagram Pole Fighter, my favorite movie behind Seppuku all time, the death of Sheng had such an emotional impact on the actors and LKL to the point were the ending almost felt real, and that fckn wooden sparing wolf is just genius, unique to say the least.

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"I would even say Challenge of the Masters. It includes some of the best choreography between the two Liu brothers during the woods sequence. Also, a story of morality and ethics."

Yep, the brothers facing off, spear against saber--that scene is kung fu movie nirvana for me! I wasn't that crazy about the 'game' framing scenes in that movie, but yeah, it really does a great job with the martial ethics.

Shaolin Mantis---the story is a bit jarring, what with fate of the main girl and her mother---but I think it's DC's finest kung fu performance, and the weapons choreography is as good as anything to ever come out of Shaw Brothers, IMO.

8 Diagram---also a bit off-kilter with Fu Sheng's character not factoring into the last half of the movie. And, I have to knock it down a notch for the silliness of the "defanging" of the villains. But there's a dark, almost suffocating intensity and emotional angst to this whole movie---very unique. Man, that scene where Fu Sheng tells the family that their father was killed, and everyone in the palace immediately drops to their knees gives me chills every time I watch it. Not perfect, but a dark masterpiece, IMO.

My Young Auntie---I had always avoided this one, as I'm not a big fan of KF comedy, and I saw the stills of the guy in the WWII uniform. But I recently picked up the DD release, and LOVED this movie. The comedy actually worked for me, GREAT performance from Hui Ying Hung--simultaneously sexy, akward, graceful, confident, self-conscious---and KICK ASS! :lol This movie just felt like it was brimming with creative energy.

Dirty Ho---not bad, just not that memorable for me, except for the incredible final 3 on 2 fight.

The Spiritual Boxer---again, OK--not that memorable for me.

Legendary Weapons---a little too odd and silly in the first half, but great story, and an absolutely incredible second half.

Martial Club---have it, but haven't seen it yet.

Cat Vs. Rat---haven't seen it.

Executioners from Shaolin---the first Shaw movie I ever saw, and I still say it's a masterpiece. Epic hostorical story, martial arts history, and touching romance and family themes worked in, and the greatest villain in Shaw history. I could watch this one a million times.

36th Chamber---The final fight against Lo Lieh is perhaps not as spectacular as the rest of the movie, but this is still probably my favorite. Really captures the spirit of Chinese martial arts, in regards to the attitude and learning process, from my experience. The fight sequence between Gordon and the senior monk, where he has to invent the 3-sectional staff, is still, IMO, the greatest martial arts sequence ever.

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Oh, I forgot Heroes of the East. Probably in my top 3---great take on Chinese vs. Japanese, with a very respectful and honorable approach. Great weapons fights.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

Shaolin Mantis and Challenge Of The Masters. legendary Weapons of China at the end is pretty damn cool too.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Nice to see so many varied opinions, guess everyone's got their particular favorites. ;)

And thank you Sifu Lau for so many great classics!

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Without a doubt "8 Diagram Pole Fighter" is what I feel is LKL's finest. Just think how much better it could have been if Fu Sheng woulda been around through the whole production.

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Yeah, this is one not to be overlooked for sure, probably tied for second with LWoC for me, I think a lot of people have a problem with the monkey bashing scene, Hsiao Ho's finest performence, that crazy flip he does before he goes off on that tree is just unbelievable everytime I watch it.

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Is one of the of my favorites, from the way the comedy works, to the pacing, to some nifty fights at the end. When else are you going to see Liu Chia Hui do some northern style (?) eagle claw kung fu?

And the Corpse Herder concept was followed through - really well thought out. I love the idea of roadside inns/corpse herders' (instead of truckers') stop.

I'm interested to see Cat vs. Rat since it seems to get the same amount of love that Spiritual Boxer 2 does.

Other than that ... so hard to choose from the ones people mentioned already. Mad Monkey Kung Fu, 8 Diagram, 36th Chamber, My Young Auntie. Let's just say LCL is my favorite kung fu director by far. Even Drunken Master III was an entertaining watch. It's trash, but it's great trash.

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