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Samo Hung is a better comedian than Jackie Chan.


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For me Sammo's comedy isn't much better or worse than Jackie's, but his handling of tone is really uneven. He'll go from slapstick and farts to rape to brutal death back to slapstick and farts in 10 minutes. It's no big deal once you acclimate to it, but there's this initial "huh?" factor in seeing Sammo's stuff for the first time

Edited by SDJ
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Sammo's infused humor is varying. Some stuff are memorable, others leave a bad taste in your mouth. Good examples: Winners & Sinners, Dragons Forever. Bad examples: His early/mid 90s modern potboilers.

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I think JC is better but Sammo is good doing the silly hapless funny stuff. His size makes it funnier.

But Sammo disagrees and thinks he's way better than JC...........


Shut it Sammo. This is my post.

Edited by PandaPawPaw
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Personally I find Sammo funnier and I prefer his work over Jackie's overall. That being said there is some Sammo stuff that I simply won't engage with ( Don't Give A Damn) and other stuff that was blatantly unfunny to me ( Pantyhose Hero).

The ending of Spooky Encounters and The ending of The Victim gets me every damn time, hilarious.  Also, every person that I introduce The Prodigal Son to finds the calligraphy scene and the fake training rather amusing. I rewatched Warriors Two recently and it still gets laughs all these years later. etc etc

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Just watched episode 1 of martial law for the first time. Samo Hung’s introduction to America in tv format? Yes please, oh and by the way, he can still move boy holy shit!! I also love the cameos and characters on this show I haven’t seen since this aired. 

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Colonel Mortimer

Not even close, the "Comedy" in the Lucky Stars movies is insufferable.  Sammo can be very good, Encounters of the Spooky Kind is hilarious and awesome, but I don't think I've had a visceral negative reaction to the comedy in a Jackie movie like I did the Lucky Stars movies.  (I realize Jackie is in the Lucky Stars movies, but he's a small part and those movies are clearly Sammo movies)

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Jackie's comedy is more accessible to western audiences. Sammo has always had that classic Hong Kong comedy sentiment which doesn't always work for us Brits, Yanks etc.
Which one is actually funnier is a difficult question since comedy is as subjective as, say, scary moments in horror films. If you can handle goofier, quirkier comedy, I imagine Sammo might be a preference. But if you prefer comedy that plays it safe and is more "for everyone," you might prefer Jackie's slapstick.
I love Sammo but I think I've laughed more at Jackie Chan films. I think Jackie's physical humour is just more my cup of tea.

Question is: does anyone prefer the Yuen Clan's brand of comedy?

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13 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

Question is: does anyone prefer the Yuen Clan's brand of comedy?

Yuen Clan can work for me, it's Chu Yen Ping that is a struggle for me in terms of comedy.

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