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Sound of Freedom (2023) - America's No. 1 movie?


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Not much to add... Thoughts? And yes I'm well aware of all the "controversy" surrounding the movie. Anybody actually watch it?



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Not seen it as I'm in the UK but will fully support if it makes it to UK Cinemas....anyone who has a problem with a movie shining light on child trafficking or making statements its a conspiracy and doesn't happen, needs their heads examining..

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17 minutes ago, clanarchy said:

Not seen it as I'm in the UK but will fully support if it makes it to UK Cinemas....anyone who has a problem with a movie shining light on child trafficking or making statements its a conspiracy and doesn't happen, needs their heads examining..

True BUT I'd take this whole "controversy" with a grain of salt. It sure as hell helped the movie A LOT! Wouldn't be the first time that a studio weaponized a controversy to push their own agenda.

If it's entertaining or captivating I'll watch it but I'll steer clear of any of the BS surrounding it. Even writing this already pisses me off! Why does everything have to divide, having a distinguished opinion on something especially in entertainment is legitimate.

However turning it into politics is just plain annoying anymore and god knows we got enough leeches on social media who literally just wait for this kind of shit to happen?!

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Yeah I generally steer clear of anything political or agenda pushing, though in this case I do feel it’s about time this topic was taken seriously… to be honest the only people that are likely to be offended by it are Pedo's and traffickers.... hence the mainstream crying. 

At the end of the day that’s why I like nothing better then sitting back with some Kung Fu classics and switching off from the world for a couple of hours a day.

Edited by clanarchy
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Drunken Monk

I'm unaware of the controversy surrounding this film but good god, that trailer is heavy handed. I rolled my eyes at the mention of "God's children" and the "patriotism" is a bit over the top. Wit that said, if this wasn't so blatant, it could be a solid film. I like the premise, I suppose.

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I somehow missed the end of the trailer :laugh Which I feel is total garbage and utterly manipulative. That whole "god's children" bit, I mean literally WTF James?!

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I had come across the title 'Sound of Freedom' (assumed it was a musical) and read several references to a movie on pedophiles and child traffickers that some are allegedly trying to bury, but didn't realise it was the same movie until now.

I don't get it.

The movie is supposed to open your eyes to what exactly?

Everyone is aware of child trafficking and even knows some specifics, like certain 'source countries' and 'destination countries', or even that children looking a certain way are more 'valuable' in certain regions.

So, unless this movie actually identifies some of these criminals, individually or their organisations and networks, how is it actually making any material difference?

Do some of the proceeds from the movie at least go to the organisations leading the fight for real?

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33 minutes ago, Agent U said:

Do some of the proceeds from the movie at least go to the organisations leading the fight for real?

This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

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Paul Schrader enjoyed it and talks about it on his Facebook page.  I've heard from one friend who has seen it that it is a solid suspense film regardless of whatever controversies surround it. 

I'll probably see it because it looks better than BARBIE or whatever vapid slop the normies are eating up these days.  And I'm sure if SOUND OF FREEDOM was about some typical Hollywood commie cause, its mainstream press coverage would be glowing.



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A friend of mine watched it recently in the US and she thought it was a good movie.

And for what it's worth she definitely doesn't fit the type of average viewer this movie seems to attract.

So be it as it may without all the politics and rhetoric (again from both sides) it might actually be a decent flick!

Edited by laagi
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