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Well, I guess it's really done.


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I got a call saying there was an eight pound package at my house from Image. I came home thinking maybe it was some new plans for the left over titles, some promo titles, or something. I got home, saw the box, and knew exactly what it was. They sent back all the stuff I sent them to help with their Shaw discs. And all in the original box I sent it in. No letter, no nothing. Pretty sad actually, as it's clear they used none of it. Oh well, keep on trying I suppose.

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Guest TambaChibaYama  IchiFune

Freaking weak! Sorry to hear that Linn. I am sure u put some hard work into trying to help out Image. Keep up your good work and i am sure something will come good out of it! So, does this mean we should just give up on Image. This doesnt seem to help Image's image:o

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Guest Agent Orange

You mean to tell me that these people ''Image entertainment'' who's sales are pre-determined

by the Quality of discs they sell over other competitors TURNED DOWN help to make a DVD

release more thorough when you supplied rare material and english dubbs and more to them?

As a fan i can say that is one of the weakest moves ive ever heard EVER from a DVD company.

It's absurd because the very DVDS they are trying to market COULD have been the version

everyone was looking for in the end and not everyone elses.

Red flag on Image.

Boooooo.... Very bad and sloppy handwork in the end.

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Guest froffeecoffee

What material did you send just to refresh some of our memory? It's criminal that a company is being offered so much help in making their product complete and not accepting it. Just shows they have no love, no idea, and no comprehension for what they have!>:

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

Image has just dragged it's ass without any serious consideration for this genre, FU Image. I was hopin for a decent version of The Magic Blade purportedly to be released a while back, but apparently that's Image for ya.

They did improve Have Sword Will Travel I'll give them that, but there's just no good reason to have treated Linn like that. Just no consideration for others efforts. At least, I guess, they didn't throw his hard work away and actually took the time to mail it back.

Too bad about Image. :|

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What material did you send just to refresh some of our memory?

English dubs for most of their titles that had them. A cd of Shaw soundtracks, most from Sevenhooks. The long version of The Water Margin theme I found via a collector in Brazil that didn't make it onto the DVD. Some liner notes, breakdowns of cuts for the films, longer versions of a few films to use as guides, poster art for the movies, etc. It was quite a bit of stuff.

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Guest oldeschool17
how do you know they didn't use it?

call me crazy but logic would dictate that if you picked up the Image DVDs that Linn has supplied material for and dont see any of the materials he supplied with on the dvd, chances are Image didnt use them. I mean, is there another way to look at this question that im missing?8o

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call me crazy but logic would dictate that if you picked up the Image DVDs that Linn has supplied material for and dont see any of the materials he supplied with on the dvd, chances are Image didnt use them.

That's pretty much spot on.

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Guest silver hermit

i did not pick up the image shaws as i had the IVLs and the constant crying about quality put me off on them.

linn did not list what movies he supplied stuff for but if a snarky answer is good enough for linn its good enough for me. :b

fu fans are fickle last year some were talking like image was the 2nd coming of christ now its open season on them. whatever :x

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but that's what happened. The only things used were liner notes for the first few releases, and stills for the Black Magic and Super Inframan. That leaves out a lot of material. Not the least of which were dubs for Heaven and Hell and Bells of Death, posters and stills for nearly all of their releases, etc. I don't honestly see the point of going and listing every piece film by film, it's not worth the time really. Image DID have a chance to do really well with these releases. I'd love to see them make a comeback honestly. The thing that killed them was their contract with Celestial, which didn't allow them to do a lot of things with the material.

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Guest kow pad moo

Just wondering, since I'm not at all familiar with the process involved here: what exactly do companies like Image (or Media Blasters with their upcoming Shaws stuff) go through to take these titles from the initial planning stages to the finished product that we see on store shelves? Beyond acquiring the rights and such, what all goes on to shape that product? How do they go about selecting which bells and whistles to include with the movie itself, like multiple language tracks, subs, dubs, interviews, trailers, and the like? And by the same token, how do they go about gathering up the stuff once they've made their selections?

You mention artwork and dubs and other soundtrack stuff that was contributed but not used by Image. I'm a little unclear, so forgive the foolish question, but -- do companies usually solicit outside help with rounding out their products? Or were you on the payroll? I'm out of the fu-loop here, so I might've missed the back story, beyond the fact that Image didn't take advantage of the golden opportunities that presented themselves with the Shaws films.

Hope the questions aren't too intrusive, and thanks for whatever insight you can provide into the industry-insider side of things.

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