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Photos from the Lo Meng Weekend


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Guest Agent Orange

I know it will take probably months but when is the video pre-advertised on those two sites coming out.

I would be willing to buy that one for sure Lo Mang is the man! www.teako170.com i think it was and

the other i cannot completely recall. By the way im glad to see Lo Mang was smiling and looked

confortable at the lion dance. After all he is in a foreign country and around almost nobody he knows.

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first off, I just want to say props to all the people who showed up for this. We all enjoyed a once in a life-time event I think. This was Lo Meng's first trip to the US (T is right about the video shoot, it was in the UK), and he truly seemed to enjoy himself. For those that weren't there, here's a rundown of our teams particulars:

Magicpoe-Just wanted to say publicly that this man saved the day. And not just by driving a poor country boy around the big city. :) I asked him to bring a few pictures to jog Lo Meng's memory, and he brought a nice collection of lobbies and the like. The night before, I asked if it was cool to give Sifu Lo the pics during the interview, knowing that it's often a great idea to have a gift for interviews. Anyhoo, the magic one said yes, and it was good to go. The next day, there was a point where Lo Meng may have left without doing my interview. He stayed for two reasons, he was taken aback when all of you guys showed up a second time (when I shoved you guys back in there after T's interview) to get some autographs, and having those photos. By the time he got over to my interview, he was all smiles.

BTW, for the fellas that were there, after we left, Lo Meng completely changed his mind, and stayed around in the lobby for about thirty minutes hanging out, then wanted to go to dinner with everyone!! Carl told me all this after I got back to my hotel. :)

Jessie Smooth:Talk about a kid in a candy store, this guy could not stop smiling! Great meeting you and talking shop. I wish we had had more time actually. I'll look for some of those Korean posters we were talking about.This guy wants to get into production and I've got an idea, I'll contact you soon.

Teako170: I saw this man up in the fourth floor of the International House setting in a five by five cell on a cement stoop interviewing Lo Meng. Grace under pressure for sure. At the time, they were all kinds of rumors going around that Sifu Lo was going to leave early, that we wouldn't get our interviews, etc. In true guerrilla fashion, T wasn't taking no for an answer and made it happen. And in an area where most people wouldn't even think of it, he was willing to share questions with me after his interview for mine. Pure class.

Buddhawake: I got to the International house after walking two and a half miles (lol, great directions from the hotel!) and realized I had left my prize Thai poster of Five Deadly Venoms back in the room! This guy was cool enough to walk us to the subway, pay for our ride, and take us to the hotel from the subway. When we got back, it turned out the hotel had decided to renovate all the rooms on our floor and we had to move down a floor. This guy helped us move all our stuff, then paid for the damn cab ride back to the con. I owe you a ton man and I'll find someway to pay it back. Thanks for all of the help.

Tops for me of the weekend:

-Meeting all the guys I've talked to for all these years and having them be even better than I imagined. I honestly wish we could have all went out every night we were there, as it was a really good time. For the people on this board that missed the event, if there's another of this type, you're cheating yourself not going. While there's some true nuts in cyberspace, we've got the most diverse group of folks on this board, and most are really good people to boot.

-Finding the Ving Tsun school in Chinatown with Magic Poe. It was like a miracle! He knows what I mean. :)

-Eating lunch with everyone (yes, Ian too) at Ming's. It was great to get a chance to talk to Carl Morano from Media Blasters face to face and talk about kung fu films. As everyone can attest, he's a fan of these movies and I don't think the titles could be in better hands. What's funny is, I was enjoying myself so much, I forgot to mention the things that people didn't know about the releases. The MB releases will be from Hi-Def masters, so they will be the best looking of these titles yet released, no NTSC problems, etc. Magicpoe briefly saw the list of things (cut scenes, correct languages, etc) I asked them for for each title, and they are getting them slowly but surely. The plans are still being worked out, but I've floated the idea of doing ten 15-20 minute docs on the Shaw Brothers covering every era and major subject, with interviews, rare footage, stills, etc. The docs would be like chapters so each one flows into the other, meaning, you'll have to buy all the discs to see the whole thing. ;) This is in addition to interviews and the like. Also, MB is going to try and get all the US release stuff like TV promos, lobbies, etc. They'd like full size photo galleries, with a much as possible on each film. I've even got some hand painted African posters for a couple of the titles. I hope this all will get the ball rolling on a thread here. :)

-Finally meeting Rick Hopkins and getting to talk with him briefly. While he was clearly under a lot of pressure the whole weekend, he took the time to thank us all for being there and for supporting the expo. Considering how these things have backfired in the past, the fact that he got the gig done, AND none of us was really disappointed about the overall experience we had, is a tribute to perseverance if anything. And when the next one happens, the lessons learned from this one will make that one even better.

-Going into a bootleg shop with everyone in Philly off of Chinatown and it being full of old VIDEOTAPE bootlegs. I didn't know those shops still existed. And out of dozens of bootleg titles, finding one legit release to spend my money on. For the record, it was Jimmy Wang Yu's The Criminal.

-Having Lo Meng's translator REALLY shake my hand (two hands, and he for sure practices kung fu BTW) and thanking me for the interview, and saying “you did excellent with the names.†I had been doing extra work on my pronunciations for weeks and that bit almost made me tear up.

-Meeting master Kim Jin Pal and having him nearly cry when I gave him a stack of his movies. The guy is truly an important kung fu actor that is largely forgotten because most of his films are hard to find. It was an honor to meet him and have him treat me so warmly. I did not get the interview with him I wanted, which I wouldn't have had hour I wanted anyway, but I hope to do so soon. For a change, he really seemed to know his films and I'm sure it will be an excellent interview when I get it.

-Meeting Lo Meng of course. He was in excellent spirits nearly every time I saw him and I think by the end of the whole weekend he realized that this weekend was certainly special for him. Don't know if anyone caught this, but I made a point of showing him Magicpoe's scan of the Southern Screen article introducing the Venoms. He went “WAH!†and was hiding his face about how young he looked. I wish I had brought a camcorder for that. BTW, the interview was nowhere near as long as I'd have liked (there's a SLIM chance of him doing one for Media Blasters in New York to add to it before heading home), but that said, it was a joy to get a few answers. He had a great thing to say about his fans at the end of it that I'm looking forward to everyone seeing on the Media Blasters release of Super Ninjas.

-Having Bobby Samuels run up to me and hug me like I'm his brother, usher me over to his table to look at his AMAZING book of photos (one of THREE), give me all his contact info for an interview, and we've never met prior to this weekend. He surely lived up to the hype as one of the nicest guys in the business.

-Having Lo Meng be so impressed by my Thai Five Venoms poster, HE had to take a picture of himself holding it! That was with my friend Cody, who was so dumbfounded by what was going on, he had no clue what to say. :) BTW, thanks to Magicpoe for pushing Cody to get that signed. I was all prepared to not have anything signed and everyone else get there's, but it's nice to have some a good story of the moment. BTW, who took the photo of Lo Mang taking a photo? I need that bad!

Again, thanks to everyone that showed up and everyone that wanted to. It was a BLAST.

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I'm just glad you were able to get back to the hotel and not have to walk 2 miles in the sun. but all kidding aside I'm glad that you were able to at least do the interview, especially after it looked like it might not happen. Those moments of not knowing what will happen next is what makes it even more memorable. I'm also glad that Lo Mang was of better spirit in the afternoon. I don't know what was going on behinds the scenes or anything, but for a moment it seemed like Lo Mang might leave and it didn't look good for any of us. Now I'm a little upset that we could have all eaten dinner with the man on a laid back and relax atmosphere. that would have been tops.

I haven't commented much on the day (I was only there on sunday) but its because I was expecting more concrete information on everything so by the time I realized the date it was literally the day before the expo. I'm in the city so it wasn't much of a gamble. just get on the El and be there but I looked at the city paper and the philadelphia weekly but didn't see any information regarding it. I didn't know about the welcome ceremony in chinatown but I definately would have gone overthere since its not far from me. The international house is a big place so in the pictures (even though they are from early in the morning when people were still setting up) even a couple of hundred people might not seem like a lot in the place. the crowd could have been bigger though we could all agree on that.

Meeting Kim Jin Pal was real cool too and he was so moved by the films you gave him. things like these is what makes it worth it.

So any chance there will be another one next year?

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Guest gfanikf
Eating lunch with everyone (yes, Ian too) at Ming's

Wei Pai sneaks in :)

Going into a bootleg shop with everyone in Philly off of Chinatown and it being full of old VIDEOTAPE bootlegs. I didn't know those shops still existed. And out of dozens of bootleg titles, finding one legit release to spend my money on. For the record, it was Jimmy Wang Yu's The Criminal.

I figured people would get a kick out of it when I showed it to people. Also tons of kung fu situated right in front of a huge porn section. Some much weird stuff there heck I think I saw a Tai Seng Game of Death VHS lol. The boots they had were crazy. One said it was the Pirate on the front and then said House of Traps on the back lol.

Meeting master Kim Jin Pal and having him nearly cry when I gave him a stack of his movies. The guy is truly an important kung fu actor that is largely forgotten because most of his films are hard to find. It was an honor to meet him and have him treat me so warmly.

I have to say that meeting Master Kim was an honor and the look on his face as he got nearly six movies of his was wonderful. Very nice guy and a man of immense talent It was great of a certain UK rare shop to help in getting these copies to Master Kim. Actually, Master Kim's translator (well more assistant I think) actually thought I was Linn at one point. I'm honored.

Having Bobby Samuels run up to me and hug me like I'm his brother, usher me over to his table to look at his AMAZING book of photos (one of THREE), give me all his contact info for an interview, and we've never met prior to this weekend. He surely lived up to the hype as one of the nicest guys in the business.

He was such a wonderful and down to earth man. Kind enough to even consent to doing an interview for the website. That book was amazing!!!

I just wanted to say it was great meeting everyone and I only regret not begin able to stay longer. Actually, I really regret not being able to lol. That and being to broke to get anything signed lol

Jesse drop me an email as I owe you a copy of something I gave to everyone else.

Also I'll upload the pictures to my website later tonight. You'll get to behold the power of Scavengers!

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It was great of a certain UK rare shop to help in getting these copies to Master Kim.

Pete, of Flashlegs UK was one of the first people to step up to help me out when I put feelers out among the collectors for films for Master Kim. I made sure to let him know who sent the films, told him and his son about how much their family loves his films, and got a photo signed to Pete that I'll be sending back soon. If I could only find some of his other ones, Black Guide especially, I'd love for him to have copies of everything. I'm also glad that fans got to meet such an excellent man, whose nearly accomplished everything you could imagine. I think all of us being there around his table made him very happy.

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Guest gfanikf


Pete Jr. did a great job answering the call of finding these rares complete with those great FLK covers. I love the reaction of Master Kim to the photo you got him to sign for Pete Jr. I think he was very young in the picture and it put a nice smile on his face. It was just so awesome I got to shake his hand and thank him for his contributions to martial arts and KF movies. I swear unlike others cons where you always here about some guest being a dick I can assure you this was a rare time where everyone was so nice and happy to be there and see their fans. Heck, Linn really loved the Scavengers and got totally into them :)

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Guest teako170
in a five by five cell on a cement stoop
I think Linn is exaggerating a bit here guys. Was the room that BIG?! :rollin

I have to tip my hat to Linn as well for making me think clearer after a moment of anxiety. The Sifu pulled me over and said to me: "Grasshopper remember. The glass is half-full, not half-empty."

(okay he didn't actually say "grasshopper")

Lo Meng completely changed his mind, and stayed around in the lobby for about thirty minutes hanging out, then wanted to go to dinner with everyone!! Carl told me all this after I got back to my hotel.
Aw crap! Man, I should've gave Carl my cell and told him to call if something like this happened. They were all eating in the lobby so I didn't think they planned to go anywhere.

Well, all in all, our dinner together on Sunday evening was a blast in itself. We talked kung fu, gobbled down pizza and brew, plus we were educated on the inner workings of the telecommunication system of the Deep South. Quite enlightening. :)

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Guest chen lung

I'm in the UK, so I couldn't have gone, but I'm glad you guys had a great time!

Thanks for the input on the event and hopefully, I can get my hands on some footage (I'll look out for the DVD).

Didn't he change his name to Lo Wang (according to Celestial's biography)?

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Guest dndcollect

"I know of several folks on this board from the tri-state area that said they would come but didn't show. That's disappointing. I realize sevenhooks was over in Europe but I had hope some other KFF members would have shown."

Im one of them, I was away on a buisness trip and got back on Saturday. I really planned on going Sunday but I was wiped out.

Im down for the next one, unless something like that comes up again. I love stuff like that, but there is no way my wife is going to be cool with it if it gets in the way of paying bills, lol.

Its a shame there isnt a way to organize an event where we can all chip in and rent a movie theatre and watch Shaws all day and hang out. Just not a practical idea I guess.

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Guest chen lung

DDUK had a film festival early this year. Despite being a reviewer (also based in the UK), I couldn't make it as it was a lot of money and I also was worried of being the only one to turn up. I was also hoping to meet the others in the team and various friends on the forums, but only 2/8 (including the main man Mike) made it.

Unfortunately, another problem is the people that turn up and the money invested into it. You're pretty much taking a chance.

KFF is a US-based forum, so I couldn't possibly attend any of these events :( . Bit of a bitch really.

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Guest Jesse Smooth

This weekend was awesome. Linn, it was awesome to meet you and everyone else. Again, Thanks Magicpoe for the ride. Teako, check your email. I sent you pics ome me with Lo Meng, Grandmaster Kim, Bobby and Taimak.

I told Bobby Samuels about what I want to do and He's all for it. In fact, he started out in the same position that I'm in now. A real first class guy.

I can only imagine what could happen next year or who would show up????

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Guest teako170
Teako, check your email. I sent you pics ome me with Lo Meng, Grandmaster Kim, Bobby and Taimak.
Yes, got them. Sent you back some URLs if you want to use them.

BTW, did Lo Mang mention any new projects / movies he is working on? What was his opnion on the Venoms remake with Andy Lau?
One of several questions that I was unable to ask in my interview due to time restrictions.
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What was his opnion on the Venoms remake with Andy Lau?

I remember I did hear an answer to this. He said the movie wasn't a done deal yet, and he had been asked to do a cameo.

Its a shame there isnt a way to organize an event where we can all chip in and rent a movie theatre and watch Shaws all day and hang out. Just not a practical idea I guess.

Actually, there's a couple of places where I live that this would work. I could look into it if you guys would be interested.

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Linn, you can count me in on that.

If we could get 35MM prints and a theater I'd make the trip from Arkansas and hang out in Atlanta. What would a rough price estimate on that be?

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I had actually planned on mentioning this, but I've talked to a local theater/pizza/bar about sponsoring an Asian film festival during the Cherry Blossom festival held here in Macon, Ga every year. This is something where people come from around the world, mainly Japan and China, to do all kinds of events around the city. The city has longtime ties with Japan. Yes, in Georgia. Don't ask me. :) Anyhoo, this place I THINK can play prints. I know they usually play films via dvd and pay a fee for the ability to show second run features. This might be something that I can set up where the theater cuts most of their rates and it would be of little cost.

That said, there's a second venue, which can certainly play prints and anything else we'd want. It does have popcorn and drinks, but no real food. It's $1500 to rent the place for a full day. Both of these places are renovated old theaters dating back to the 1800s with great sound and seating. The screens are not the biggest, but certainly larger than anything you'd have outside of a theater.

If the board is really serious about this, start another thread and we'll talk about it.

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you know what's funny. The international House (where the expo was held) does this all year long. The guys from diabolikdvd show films there every so often. About 3 months ago they had a triple header of kung fu movies but I didn't go cause the Ihouse is too much to sit in for 6 hours.

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Guest Kwok Choi

Thanks very much guys for sharing this unique event with us.Numbers shouldn't matter too much if the organisers didn't lose money.This event must be seen as a tremendous success for all who attended because Lo Mang seemed very pleased and welcomed plus KFF members had an opportunity to meet and have a good time.New aquaintances were also made and above all how many people can proudly say they have met,have had their memorabilia signed and taken photos with Lo Mang,Grandmaster Kim Jin Pal and Bobby Samuels? Well done guys.God Bless.

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Guest teako170

Here's my article on last weekend's events:


(If you spot any typos, LMK. I finished this up late last night).

I don't have any specifics yet on the DVD (so please don't ask) All I can say is it should be out before year's end. If not me, somebody, will certainly post more info as it becomes available. Thanks, T.

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It is evident from the smiles on your faces that i have much to envy. I'm so proud of all you guys did on behalf of the legions of fans that couldn't be there for the joyous occasion. I think Lo had to have felt the love and appreciation that was shared for all the enjoyment his legacy has given us over the years. I didn't see the girls represented like I would have hoped but I know you let him know that he has more than male fans in the US. It was also very nice to put a face with the names of many fandom regulars and some new that I have seen and read about over the years on the site. I think it was rude to call people fat or not in shape. I'm a big girl too and its never stopped me from being successful and most of all respected. True martial artists already know this. Are there any plans of him or any other shaw greats coming back to the US because this worked out so well? That would be nice. Again, thanks for sharing with us, the pics and commentary made me feel like I was there.


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Guest SlothStyleKungFu

Thanks for sharing the photos and tales. Keep em' coming.

Ugh, wish I could've gone, of course, but it was too much of a commute. A get together/screening in the Atlanta/GA area someday? Unforeseen circumstances aside, that I could easily manage. :D

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Yep, as others have said... Thanks a lot for sharing the photos and the reports. It's good to hear those who've been there had such a great time.

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Since you asked...

All tolled, I was quite pleased with what I was able to accomplish and hope this footage will provide many with new insights into the man we affectionately know as "The Toad."

... the expression is "all told."

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