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Shaolin Martial Arts..blah!

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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>>>Doesn't he want the viewing public to gain from his insightful information that he was so Adamant about correcting Me about?

I'm sure the public gained a lot from those posts, but it's YOU, who (obviously) haven't Learned anything.

(Especially, when it comes to dealing me).

I guess You were thinking (or were you thinking) - "You Correct a Man's WORDS, you correct the MAN"

-- Well, I stand "CORRECTED" !!!

Contrary to what you believe, it wasn't "All about YOU", it's about what you Said/Posted...

and had NOTHING to do with you the person. Are you Sooooo Insecure that you think that every time I talk to you --- I'm talking ABOUT you???

"Grow up or don't Show up" (in posts).

If you can't take some "Corrective Criticism", then you better do every thing RIGHT or you'll be Wrong (again).

Without the the information up there, you can gloat or at least SEEM to know what you're talking about.

(even though everyone NOW knows that you don't)

(To Me) When forum posts stop being Insightful and Informative, they've become OLD NEWS. And even though we're talking about "Old News" (things that happened in the '70's), YOUR focus was not on being glad that someone stepped in and gave you an ACCURATE account on a subject, that you had INACCURATE information on.

You keep "Harping" on th fact, that you were (as you put it) - CORRECTED.

So, pay Attention: I "Corrected" the INFORMATION that you had posted, that was "Incorrect"

-- I didn't "Correct" you. I CAN'T Correct you -- you'll have to call on a "Higher" power to correct YOU

(the person).

*** Remember : IF IT'S NOT "RIGHT", IT'S WRONG (no matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise) ***

You seem to be one of those people who don't care if something is Wrong, as long as YoU are (perceived) Right.

And you seem to hate the fact that someone else, could "possibly" be right (again) making you Wrong.

Wouldn't you rather have accurate info, instead of Inaccurate info?? Apparently Not. Because, even when I posted Article Clippings "SHOWING" you, that you were Wrong, your "biggest" concern was being seen (by the people on this board that Questioned your information in the 1st place) - as Wrong.

Did it make you feel INADEQUATE? STUPID? EMBARRASED? Like commiting Suicide?

If not, then MOVE ON (I had).

I wasn't trying to "Show-you-up", I was trying to help you (and anyone else, who could appreciate it).

I used to get "Whippings" as a kid for things that I did Wrong - which, in turn, Helped me know NOT to do it again.

But, you don't need someone to "Spank you on the Fat part of your Ass", to let you see that you were wrong

(Yet, you're STILL worrying about it).

Some people don't want help, they want to be RIGHT, even when they are WRONG. At some point, you'll have to swallow that LOAD (of Pride) and realize - that your information was wrong (and there's NO getting around that).

But, hey, if you need the SPOTLIGHT, that bad............go for it. (Shine on, brother, Shine on..)

I perfer to stay in the Shadows. That way, when I see the "mistakes" You've made (hopefully) I can "Correct" them before I take the Stage. Then, you won't think someone (anyone) is trying to steal (what you perceived as) Your moment to Shine.

If you find something to correct me on, let me know and I'll "THANK YOU" for it, I won't take the road you took.

As the saying goes, "There's more than (1) way up a Mountain".

As long as All paths lead to the "Truth" - that's all I'm concerned with...

I think "VonHumboldtFleischer" said it best: (though I know what he meant)

>>>Eccentric formatting aside, I think bjv's contributions have been really helpful. If they've been long, it's only because he had a lot of stuff to CORRECT.

I know that I've used the word WRONG a lot of times, when I could have just used it Twice.

But, again, (in my world) - TWO Wrongs (still) wouldn't make YOU - RIGHT.

Now, if you can get over yourself long enough, to have ANOTHER interesting conversation

(like the one that was Initially started),

then I'd be GLAD to participate (as long as you can take my INPUT).;)


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good to see you posting here Ralph. While you're posting style is...unique, I hope everyone will be a little more forgiving here. Ralph does know his stuff and has certainly added to the conversation. That said, could we all just tone down the feeling of oneupmanship on this? We love these films certainly, we all care about putting our thoughts and info out there, but can we all agree on sharing with eachother instead of verbally bludgeoning one another over who's right or wrong?

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Guest Austin Jones

Nah, I don't feel bad seeing the worst of the bootleggers getting ripped a new one. IMO, Ralph and his "crew" have done more than their fair share of harm to the Shaw Brothers by scalping illegal, barely watchable, and incomplete films for years.

BTW, "Ralph", how is my old buddy A. Awadallah doing these days? 5-10 in Rikers?:lol

Austin Jones

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns
Nah, I don't feel bad seeing the worst of the bootleggers getting ripped a new one. IMO, Ralph and his "crew" have done more than their fair share of harm to the Shaw Brothers by scalping illegal, barely watchable, and incomplete films for years.

Just curious, are inferring bjv is aka for Ralf of Bejing Video?

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Guest venomchamber

This is what I meant by adamant. You just keep pushing it until things turn into an arguement. All that nonsense you just posted has nothing to do with the film in question and it is you who have now turned this into something else.

Now you're making me stoop to the level, so to speak.

So, pay Attention: I "Corrected" the INFORMATION that you had posted, that was "Incorrect"

-- I didn't "Correct" you. I CAN'T Correct you -- you'll have to call on a "Higher" power to correct YOU

What are you...anal retentive? You're a bit too literal here with the word 'me', don'tcha think? My persona on the internet is not me, but an extension of my spur-of-the-moment thoughts. I am not a tiny human being trapped inside the computer that needs correcting by 'higher power'! You are extremely arrogant in thinking that I thought you have the power to correct me (as a man) when clearly I implied my posts, which you did, but seem to want credit and/or kudos for it.

I'm sure the public gained a lot from those posts, but it's YOU, who (obviously) haven't Learned anything.

How dare you presume I haven't learned anything? The public can't gain much from 'em if you delete them! What was I supposed to learn? I had already posted that your information was useful, what else do you want? Sorry, I ain't kowtowin'.

I guess You were thinking (or were you thinking) - "You Correct a Man's WORDS, you correct the MAN"

You guessed wrong! Where did this idea come from? What's more, I never thought that, nor did I think that. By the way, your subtle attempts at sarcasm have been noted.

Contrary to what you believe, it wasn't "All about YOU", it's about what you Said/Posted...

and had NOTHING to do with you the person. Are you Sooooo Insecure that you think that every time I talk to you --- I'm talking ABOUT you???

Whoa...Look here, now you're starting to tick me off with these completely unnecessary personal attacks on my character. Where do you come off asking or implying if I'm insecure? What have I got to be insecure about? I never said you were talking about me. I seems to me that you're the one who is insecure as you have decided to start this waste of time. Is this an attempt to have me barred from the board? Maybe you are trying to discourage me into not returning to it? At this rate, you may succeed as I don't wish to waste any more of my time, nor of the other posters on this board.

Now, I never said it was about me. (*Incidentally, what are you implying was supposedly 'about me' anyways?) I am a humble collector and longtime fan, nothing more. I never professed to be America's foremost authority on the subject.

So, noooooo I'm not insecure, just tired of listening to you lecture me over and over about the same thing. Stick to correcting my posts, not guessing about me or my motives whatever they are.

Without the the information up there, you can gloat or at least SEEM to know what you're talking about.

Why would I want to gloat? What would I (or anybody for that matter) gain from that? I am not here to gloat buddy, just shoot the breeze about my favorite movies. I should not have to defend myself or my actions here, nor do I need to capitalize on your information.

(even though everyone NOW knows that you don't)

See, now you're making me stoop to the level again, for reasons beyond me. You're putting me in a position where I feel I have to defend myself as you are now putting me down and everyone here can see it. I guess this is what you want...to embarrass me further before my fellow fans?

You don't know me! Just where do you come off telling me I don't know what I'm talking about? I know a great deal about a great many things. What gives?

You seem to be one of those people who don't care if something is Wrong, as long as YoU are (perceived) Right.

B*llsh*t! Entirely untrue! I 'seem' nothing. Again, you imply you know my personality. It doesn't matter if I am perceived right. If I am mistaken, anybody here has been free to correct me all along at any time.

And you seem to hate the fact that someone else, could "possibly" be right (again) making you Wrong.

Not true again...I don't 'seem to hate' (strong phrase you chose I might add) anything.

And You are the one who is wrong here. You are the one who is gravely mistaken. I do not 'hate' anything, especially if someone else could be right. That's how we learn.

Now,let me tell you this: You don't know me, so stop pretending that you do and stop trying to figure me out 'cause you've got me figured wrong. If you actually knew me, you'd understand. (When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. (And you're assuming waaaaaay too much!)

(To Me) When forum posts stop being Insightful and Informative, they've become OLD NEWS. And even though we're talking about "Old News" (things that happened in the '70's), YOUR focus was not on being glad that someone stepped in and gave you an ACCURATE account on a subject, that you had INACCURATE information on.

Again, you assume to much, especially about my 'focus'.

The 'focus' of my last post asked why you removed your info. If your info is accurate, why'd you take it down? It was a simple question that you jumped to all kinds of conclusions in fear of your ego being bruised, not mine. I wasn't the one who deleted his posts in attempt to make the opposition look ridiculous.

Wouldn't you rather have accurate info, instead of Inaccurate info??
Yes, of course I would!

Apparently Not. Because, even when I posted Article Clippings "SHOWING" you, that you were Wrong, your "biggest" concern was being seen (by the people on this board that Questioned your information in the 1st place) - as Wrong.

Wrong again. (I'm telling you to stop trying to figure me out!) Your articles were very useful. I stated that. And again, you play psychologist and try to read my mind and assume (once again) that my "biggest" concern was being seen as wrong. I could care less about that! Petty. I wish you had just politely corrected/revised my post and supplied your information without all the jabs and pokes. Its your arrogant, pompous and ridiculing attitude that irritates me, not your info!Understand? And I think you already know that which may be why you are now rousing me.

You keep "Harping" on th fact, that you were (as you put it) - CORRECTED.

I wouldn't be 'harping' if you weren't giving me something to harp about. Once was sufficient.

Did it make you feel INADEQUATE? STUPID? EMBARRASED? Like commiting Suicide?

nothing can be that serious.

If not, then MOVE ON (I had).

So did I! I was done here days ago! You were the one that rekindled this thread! I guess you just felt you had to get the last word! I'm just replying to your further berating.

I wasn't trying to "Show-you-up", I was trying to help you (and anyone else, who could appreciate it).

...and that's great! Only:

1) why couldn't you just leave it at that, and 2) why delete the info that you yourself just said was also for anyone else who could appreciate it? You wanna see if I plagiarize it, don't you?

I used to get "Whippings" as a kid for things that I did Wrong - which, in turn, Helped me know NOT to do it again.
I'm starting to think it was more like child abuse from the way you feel you need to go on and on and on berating me!

(Yet, you're STILL worrying about it).

I don't worry about anything. I'm just a little annoyed at your 'attack' on my character from the get go. One can't tell sarcasm from straightforwardness with you. I don't know you, so how am I supposed to know when you're 'joking' or being an assh*le?

Some people don't want help, they want to be RIGHT, even when they are WRONG. At some point, you'll have to swallow that LOAD (of Pride) and realize - that your information was wrong (and there's NO getting around that).
Not me brother, I assure you. I don't swallow any LOADs, (hmmm...Why the capitals? More of your sarcasm?) However, you seem to like pointing out how wrong I was every chance you get. I'm not trying to get around being wrong, but you feel I am. Enough is enough already!

I perfer to stay in the Shadows. That way, when I see the "mistakes" You've made (hopefully) I can "Correct" them before I take the Stage. Then, you won't think someone (anyone) is trying to steal (what you perceived as) Your moment to Shine.

For someone who prefers staying in the shadows, I'm reading an awful lot of your repititious use of the word wrong!

What's more, I have no moment to steal nor do I perceive any 'moment to shine' as I have none, especially on here.

You want the Stage, by all means take it. Don't let me get in your way.

If you find something to correct me on, let me know and I'll "THANK YOU" for it, I won't take the road you took.

Start by checking your own website. There's a couple of things there you could fix.

What "road" did I take that you speak of?

As long as All paths lead to the "Truth" - that's all I'm concerned with...
So, the truth comes out...you seek to be a glory hound! Perhaps that's why you feel you need to police my posts time and time again! You want your BJV to be the #1 kung-fu site. Fear not, I have absolutely no intentions of competing with you whatsoever, I assure you.

But, again, (in my world) - TWO Wrongs (still) wouldn't make YOU - RIGHT.

And again you feel you need to tell me again?

Exactly how many errors did I make? Other than the earlier Shaolin cycle not being shot in Taiwan but in HK, I made no claims. Anything else was true, merely incomplete. Unless you are saying Chang's didn't exist at all? He never set foot in Taiwan?

Now, if you can get over yourself long enough, to have ANOTHER interesting conversation

Get over myself...? I'm not the one dishing out tongue lashings here!

then I'd be GLAD to participate (as long as you can take my INPUT).

You were always welcome to do so. Nobody including myself, ever said otherwise. What's more, it is not my decision to make anyways.

I shall make every effort to limit my posts and restrict anything that could be mis-interpreted as gospel.

Sorry for all this nonsense guys. I won't be wasting anymore of your time and space. :\

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Guest venomchamber

oh, in my opinion, Chang Cheh's SHAOLIN MARTIAL-ARTS

is a great film that should not be missed, whatever its background origins may be! ;)

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

Getting back to the original topic, I find it really odd that anyone could find SHAOLIN TEMPLE boring. I'm not nearly as big a Chang Cheh fan as some board members, and I disagree thoroughly with that asinine crack about "crappy indie movies", but the man really knew how to put together an entertaining movie. I'm all for reassessing presumptions and questioning assumed greatness, but as far as I'm concerned Chang Cheh deserves all the fulsome praise he gets, and if there's an SB director whose accomplishments are grossly exaggerated, it's not Chang Cheh - it's Sun Chung.

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