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The Very Dark Side of Tae Kwon Do....


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Note, I have a black belt in TKD myself and have studied both the old school TKD as well as the newer WTF slap kick style. But none of what is in this article surprises me. Going to have to get the book as well. Suffice to say that there is no connection to freedom fighters or anything of the sort, unlike what the movies would have you believe. I bought into it, hook, line and sinker.....................



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It seems this article uses Alex Gillis' A Killing Art. It's a really good book that some Taekwondo enthusiasts look down upon- for the sheer fact that it's not some old ancient style created from mysticism. I really recommend it if you want a great book to read. It shows how political influences during Syngmann Rhee's time created the style. They just wanted something to be different from karate- like a lot of these other Korean styles. Yudo is simply just Judo, Kumdo is Kendo, Tang Soo Do is Karate with pieces of Kwon Bup and some Kung Fu in it.

Another thing I really liked about the book was seeing different modern perception is from the actual history. The fact alone that it was named in a Geisha house just shows how tough the times were.

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The more I read this book, the more disgusted I become. Basically they were a network of fascist spies here to soak the US for aid and torment the Koreans that did not share their creepy, corrupt worldview. Meanwhile they presented themselves in films as freedom fighters using their "indigenous" art of Tae Kwon Do to fight for justice and "freedom". Why is it the people that want to take away people's freedom always talk about giving them freedom? 

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