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Accidental Spy: Scott Adkins

Agent U


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Hi all.

This weekend I've watched for the first time the long cut of Jackie Chan's movie Accidental Spy.

Query: Which character does Scott Adkins play exactly? He was supposed to be in the movie, but I didn't see him anywhere.

In this timeline video, which seems to have been put together by Scott or his team, there's a short clip from Accidental Spy:

The thing is he's definitely not the guy in white, and I don't think the guy in black looks like him either.

Watching the movie, I wondered if he was the soldier that enters the warehouse and has a brief fight with Jackie Chan. It kinda looks like him:


Or maybe one of the soldiers outside. The guy in the back also looks like him:


All soliders keep their masks throughout, so we never actually see their faces, but these BTS shots would suggest Scott is indeed one of them:



In the credits, there's a Scott Edward Atkins (yes, with a 't') credited as one of the 6 or 7 'Lee's Bodyguards', but the soldiers don't seem to have a separate credit.

So, does anyone know for sure?


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Unfortunately you really get a better look at him, that clip is it pretty much. But I'm happy with my first assessment: He's the guy in black in the film clip and the middle guy in the second pic above. I took some screen shot too for anyone who wants to look into it further.





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Can't say for sure, but from what is shown here, I think you might be right about him playing that particular soldier and that he's not the bodyguard in white, but I think he  is probably the bodyguard in black, as he's the only one there it could be.

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I'm just skimming through the film to get a look and noticed that Raven Choi is also one of those soldiers. So the soldiers might just some of the villains henchmen in camo gear, including Raven and Scott.

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I was going to clarify that I meant the white soldier in the middle, but then I also noticed he's holding the same gun as in the bts photo, so seems that's Scott. Haven't found that scene that the clip is from yet though.

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Thanks for trying to help.

That particular scene is towards the finale, right after the villain's plane is stopped, but apparently it is only in the extended cut.

I guess he could be playing various bit roles in the movie, although I still don't think the bodyguard in black looks like him at all.

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LOL, yeah it's a trick one, especially since there's so little to work with, but when it comes down to it, it's gotta be one of those two guys, because, as you said the vid is put together by himself or someone working for him, and to me I think the guy in white looks more NOT like him than the guy in black, lol.

As for playing more than one minor role, this is not uncommon, especially for the stuntmen and gwailos.

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